The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1304: Warfare and new life


At this moment, Varina's encrypted communicator rang, and the bright face of President Luis appeared on the screen with a dissatisfied expression.

The three heads of civilization are also watching the live broadcast of the battlefield monitoring, and they are quite dissatisfied with the results just now.

"What are you doing? I let you support you in the past, but I'm not going to be beaten!"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to test, but the difference between Black Star's strength and intelligence is too big, something unexpected..." Varina had to walk aside and lower her voice to explain.

"...Don't care any more. Oulu loses so easily. It's not good for the glorious reputation. I don't want a similar situation to happen again." Lewis remained silent for a few seconds, suppressing his inner anger, Shen Sheng asked.

"it is good."

Vagina hung up the communication, her expression a little helpless.

It was only a moment of loss, and accountability came from the top. Generally speaking, high-level officials would not be so impatient. It must have been taken aback by the war situation just now.

She is very clear about the intention of the high-level recruiting all the members of the heirs. She thinks that there are so many herdsmen teaming up under her hands, not to mention the death of Black Star, at least relying on the advantage of the number of people, the Black Star is the first bird to fight back, kill a killing prestige. At first, Varina was full of confidence, but now she is a bit empty.

The senior executives had such an idea, which was based on intelligence records of Black Star's strength. However, Black Star's most recent public record was still a few decades ago when he played against Manison, when the two played indissoluble and incomparable. It took Black Star a lot of effort to defeat the Doppelganger.

From the perspective of the three major civilizations, Black Star and Pinnacle Manison are in the same gear, and their strength is slightly superior, but there is no essential gap. Therefore, the three major civilizations feel that as long as all the descendants are pulled out, it is enough to teach Black Star a lesson. After all, they have three peaks at the top of the class, among which the **** chooser is the most recognized. Even the Armor Kingdom will be overthrown, and there is no reason to fail.

However, the strength of Black Star's appropriate performance has refreshed the recognition of the three major civilizations. Oulu, who is also in the first echelon, has lost such a shame. The Black Star is obviously useless and even the signboard ability has not been forced out.

Although it is known that Black Star has developed in low profile for decades and the information is outdated, the gap is too big!

"...What next?"

Everyone suppressed their inner emotions and looked at each other.

Shocked by shock, the task explained above still had to be performed...

Vagina pondered for a while, and said: "The target strength exceeds expectations, and the heads-up is to give nothing. It seems that you can only fight more and less. Let's discuss how to deal with him."

A group of people talked with each other, and looked like an enemy.

They were all calmed down by Han Xiao's fighting strength, and even if they wanted to siege, they did not dare to hurriedly discuss until a reliable solution was discussed.

Urnos stood at the edge of the crowd, did not participate in the discussion, looked up at the porthole, staring at the distant Han Xiao, staring at the starry sky in the distance, his eyes changed and his heart muttered to himself:

"The energy level is estimated to be more than 110,000. At least one divine transformation route has been completed...It is worth valuing."


On the other side, many crew members were cheered by this crushing battle in the main armor of the Armor Race.

In front of the porthole, Manison looked at the back of Han Xiao in front of him silently. Although the avatar had no expression, his heart stirred.

"This guy is already so powerful?!"

Manison was also shocked. His impression of Han Xiao remained the same as before, and he hadn't seen Black Star in a long time.

Although I know that most of them are no longer Black Star’s opponents, I never thought that the gap would be so wide. Even if he came to deal with Oulu, he would not be able to do so easily and freely. .

"Black Star is getting deeper and deeper, how did he practice..."

It was found that Black Star threw himself behind him after riding a dust, and he could not understand Han Xiao's limits. McNison couldn't help but feel complex and a bit pantothenic.

But after struggling for a few seconds, Manison was relieved, and he sighed softly.

Perhaps only such a person has the ability to lead the super-a class to a higher level... such a leading character is the gospel of the super-a class in this era.

The black star is poor, maybe only the inside...

Manison's eyes moved, and he made up his mind.

He is not a stingy person, if Black Star is in need now, he does not mind lending his own mechanical creation to Black Star for use.

"Black Star's ability, coupled with my heritage, is estimated to be difficult to find an enemy in the universe."

Manison's thoughts flew.


"I'll just say that the three major civilizations are entrusted to the world. How could they just come up with a guy comparable to the Black Star."

Joey and other four old otaku men looked at the broadcast screen and all showed relief expressions.

They only fought against Black Star more than a year ago. They are the group of people who know the Black Star's combat power most in the universe. They were beaten with confidence and collapsed until now. .

It was only after seeing that the three civilizations sent only one Oulu to play. Joey and others only felt very surprised. They thought that the three civilizations hid dragons and crouching tigers and had masters on a par with Black Star. This made several people feel uneasy.

However, seeing the one-sided result, Joey and other talents knew that they thought too much and false alarm.

I thought it was a big brother who turned out to be a stupid brother.

"The intelligence of the three major civilizations is too far behind, just one peak is over a level, it is estimated that the black star is not enough." Joey shook his head.

"They want to take advantage, they can only play more and less, just like we did..."

Joey was a little embarrassed. "Black Star dealt with the four of us. It seemed very easy, and I didn't know where his limit was."

"Hidden said, would he expect this day long ago, so he hasn't been exposed to the outside world for decades?"

"Who knows."

Several people whispered.


The weapon family territory, in the middle of the battlefield.

After running off Oulu, the three major civilizations seemed to be shocked. They did not immediately send a newcomer to the challenge. Han Xiao sat on the throne of machinery, and for a while, it was calm again.

"It seems that the three civilizations do not have high expectations for my strength."

Looking at the three civilized fleets without movement, Han Xiao secretly pouted.

He has been developing in a low-key manner for decades. During this period, he silently accumulated strength. Only the covenant, the world evader and Ke Suye have seen his combat power, and the outside world knows nothing about it.

There is really no chance to open hands, the super-a circle is still very narrow, and only a few can play.

When beating Joey and others more than a year ago, Han Xiao had a rough judgment on his own strength. Without eleven or two high-level super-A levels, it is difficult to threaten himself.

And now not only the effects of various growth specialties are steadily improving, but also the [old man] and the first exclusive expertise. At the same time, some strange techniques have been derived from swy-001. The previous strength judgment is not Yes, the number of Super A-levels that can be dealt with will rise.

Making an Oulu is just an appetizer for him. His wave came with a "big kill" mentality, let the outside world see what kind of strength is worthy of a super a-level leader Identity, by the way, try to rub his expertise in such a big scene, in his own name, he does not believe that there is no opportunity for battle.

Seeing that the three major civilizations have temporarily disappeared, Han Xiao is not idle, open the panel, the challenge task triggered by Oulu has been shown to be completed.

Can't walk away right now, no chance to rub luck, Han Xiao directly chose to settle, and carried out the plan to support the war through the end.

[[Super a-level challenge mission-"Golden Ring" Oulu] has been completed! ]

[You have completed all mission requirements and you have gained 860e experience! ]

[You get [Character Advent Card-"Golden Ring" Oulu]! ]

[Character Arrival Card-"Golden Ring" Oulu: [Golden Treasure Ship · Collision Angle]-Condenses the energy of the Golden Treasure Ship in the body to carry out long-range charge impact, the charge process is in a domineering state, exempting any control skills, resulting in High amount of melee damage, maximum use times: 0/3]

"Oh, face-lifting skills, good stuff."

Han Xiao's eyes lit up and he smiled directly.

It's a pity that Oulu didn't use this charge just now, otherwise he can move his muscles and give the other party a Euler Euler.

"I have a chance in the future to see if I can get ridicule skills. I feel that my functional system is short of this functional shortcoming..."

Han Xiao thoughtfully.

If you shout, "Come here," you can make the enemy take the initiative to hug you, and you will feel energetic when you think about it.

Shaking his head, he put away his distracted thoughts and looked to the subsequent ability extraction tips.

[You get a reward: draw an ability of Oulu (skills/expertise)]

[Hint: Oulu is a power player, some extractable abilities have been automatically adjusted according to your occupation]

[Sampling at random... The sampling is finished! ]

[Please choose one of the following five abilities as a reward]

[1. [Fine Energy Control]-Expertise: Significantly strengthen energy control and increase energy resistance by 10%]

[2. [Secondary Dimensional Affinity]-Expertise: Improve your chances of establishing contact with certain secondary dimensions, and when you borrow the power of the secondary dimension, the effect is comprehensively improved]

[3. [Activity Jump]-Skills: Stimulate cells, temporarily increase cell activity, upper limit of health value, vitality value, physical strength value +10%~20%, basic recovery rate +50%~100%, last 15 minutes]

[4. [Exquisite taste]-Expertise: Charisma +15%, you are more likely to get the favor of certain characters]

[5. [Phase Blink]-Skill: Use the secondary dimension to move the phase, you can briefly avoid most attacks, cool for 6 minutes]

"Don't touch it, I'm so lucky."

Han Xiao sucked his lips.

After all, the profession is different, most of the core abilities of the abilities cannot be drawn, and the surprises like Gao De are not every time.

After a glance, Han Xiao quickly made a choice.

[You gain new expertise [Secondary Dimensional Affinity]! ]

He now has links to the void dimension and the nether dimension, and his racial talent is also related to the void dimension. Choosing this feat can also indirectly strengthen a wave of talents. As for the other options, either too general, or there are alternatives, the general dwarf.

In contrast, this time the character card's ability is better, after all, it is the domineering state of exemption control, and it has a wonderful effect when used well.

After the award was settled, Han Xiao saw that the three civilizations still had no movement, and he simply brushed up the forum.

This is the first half of the day, and when the ultimatum is only eight and a half days left, the three major civilizations have finally shot for the second time.

Thirteen thrones came out of the super A class. Before coming to the battle, Han Xiao turned off the forum and looked at it. I saw that Clotty and Oulu were also among them, obviously leading.

This lineup is quite exaggerated. If it is a frontal battle, no one in the universe can cope with it except the god-selectors who are not clear about the details, and unlike the actor rampage like the defense of Hella, this team has the same goal and will not have any The act of releasing water.

"Yo, don't single out?"

Han Xiao ridiculed.

Oulu's expression was embarrassing. He was beaten up just now, and now he has adjusted it. He was panicked in his heart, only to feel embarrassed and thrown into grandma's house.

If I knew it, I wouldn’t be so full of words, I couldn’t hold my face...

At this time, Clotty took the lead and slowly said: "Black Star, your strength is indeed outstanding, but since you are in the first place, should you mind playing more and less?"

"Anyway, no matter how many Super A-levels you come, as long as you can repel me, the previous agreement will count." Han Xiao didn't care.

Clotty nodded and suddenly turned around, saying: "My Excellency, the head of state asked me to ask you a question...Gold, actually you killed it?"

The voice fell, and other lineages were on the sidelines, and even many spectators were stunned.

The Gaode incident was once full of buzz, and many people were left with an impression. Now the old things are revisited, and many people think about it again.

"Oh? I can warn you, we are hostile to hostile, but if we splash dirty water, I will not admit it." Han Xiao didn't change his face.

Clotty was not reluctant, he said in a deep voice: "You were originally an ally of the empire, we didn't doubt you, but there were too many doubts in the beginning. In recent years, you have become more and more excessive, and the suspicions have become bigger and bigger. , There are plenty of reasons to take action against Gao De... Sorokin may not be the murderer, but the target of being blamed!"

Han Xiao waved his hand, interrupted him, and said at random: "Speaking to prove the evidence, I never thought of killing Gao De."

"Do you think you can clear the suspicion?"

"Hey, I have no doubts."

Han Xiao didn't take it seriously.

Of course I didn't have the idea of ​​killing Gao De, just the seal was up, and it was not a lie to keep him alive.

Moreover, Gao De is a matter of alien gods. I am afraid that no one knows it except himself. He never regrets arresting this guy, but unfortunately no one knows his contribution.

With that said, Han Xiao stood up from the constellation, and the gates of the secondary dimension barracks spread out on both sides of him.

In the face of such a situation, Han Xiao did not dare to be too big. These thirteen sister-in-laws are not simple. It is estimated that the three civilizations have equipped everyone with a treasure of the universe. Maybe there is no killer, and they cooperate to exert their power. Nor is it a simple addition.

However, I value the opponent in my heart, and I will not show it.

"Thirteen super a-level... Okay, at least it will make me a little harder."

With that said, the black-pressed mechanical corps came back again, this time gathered around Han Xiao, quickly joined together, and used mechanical gods as soon as they got started.

Upon seeing this, Croti et al. spread out in a semi-encircled formation, emitting energy fluctuations, colliding with Han Xiao's momentum, the energy readings in the field soared rapidly, and the space-time stability rate began to fluctuate greatly .

Just as the two sides were on the verge of attack, a mechanical deity suddenly appeared in the Armored Fleet. It was Manison that immediately attracted everyone's attention.

At the next moment, Manison suddenly threw the Trident of the Emperor of Machinery at Han Xiao, and a bunch of cosmic treasure-level equipment on the body of the mechanical gods also disintegrated and flew towards Han Xiao.

Han Xiao stretched out his hand and caught the Triathlon of the Emperor who was entangled with an arc, and the special equipment of the mechanical gods of Manison was loaded onto his body of the mechanical gods. Yan Si completed the fit and the control was handed over to Han Xiao , The appearance is immediately gorgeous.

He glanced back in surprise, only to hear Manison speak in the channel.

"Since they fight more and less, my weapon will be borrowed from you."

"...I don't need it, but thanks."

Han Xiao weighed the Emperor Trident in a complicated mood.

Old Maitou always attaches great importance to technical secrecy, and treats these cosmic treasure-level equipment as his wife. Generally, I can only steal it quietly. Now people are willing to lend me voluntarily...... I am touched.

Han Xiao turned his head to look forward to the tightly waited Croti and others, and skillfully twisted the halberd rod, and a bit of ghostly energy could flow on the halberd blade, shaking and leaving a wave-like image on the spectator's retina.

"Old Maitou, you are so generous this time, then I will show you the new work of the mechanic."

When the words fell, a burst of blood energy exploded violently, quickly crawling over the body of the mechanical god, and the appearance changed subtly.

These endless blood energy, as if weaving flesh and blood on the mechanical god!

A singular energy wave spread out, bringing a lot of coercion to the super a class present.

Clotty and others and Manison were all in a sudden, staring at Han Xiao, who was changing rapidly.

"This guy's mechanical is it different from others?"

Thank you for the 10,000 rewards for short and weak leather armor

Thank you Qijiang for 10,000 rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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