The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1305: Fierce battle

Just in the blink of an eye, the dark mechanical **** changed. Numerous flesh and blood grew out of the gaps in the mechanical structure. Like the root hair of the plant, it quickly took root in the huge body, intertwined, and the original mechanical body seemed to become a skeleton. The flesh and blood tissue covered on the top, from a mechanical giant to a biochemical giant.

In the process of transformation, the energy fluctuations released by Han Xiao seemed to be amplified synchronously, showing individual energy readings on the radar screen of each battleship.

At the same time, the bright red blood energy and the golden mechanical arc are intertwined, as if the escaping steam, continuously radiating from the surface of the mechanical gods, is very eye-catching. The surrounding mechanical corps reflect the battlefield against the golden red.

Crotti and his colleagues looked at this scene in amazement, only to feel that a faint coercion had struck, and heart palpitations spontaneously awakened, awakening the long-held memories...

This feeling is like the coercion of life level they experienced when they were young. It has been a long time since they entered Super A level!

"What the hell? I've never seen this type of mechanical god!" Oulu's look changed dramatically.

"I haven't seen it used by other mechanics yet. Bacheng is a technology created by Black Star. It seems to be a shadow of extreme flow. It should be some kind of explosive means... It is not easy to look at, be cautious!"

Clotty looked extremely dignified.

On the other side, Manison also opened his eyes and was surprised.

"What's the trick..."

As a veteran mechanic, he didn't understand it for a while, and he was extremely puzzled.

This is not like what a mechanic should do!

What does Black Star usually research?

But if you look closely, Manison suddenly produced a little detail.

"It seems that there are traces of the prisoner's technology...Is it possible that Black Star is a counter-trainer?"

Manison was a little dazed.

When everyone was surprised, I saw a shock in the space, where the mechanical deity suddenly blasted a circle of energy. Looking again, the huge body of the mechanical deity suddenly disappeared from the place, dragging a series of electro-optic traces, and it was killed. In front of Crotty and others, the sprint was like a teleportation, and his size did not drag down the speed at all.

The halberd rolled up the blue magical energy like a wave of water, as if it had broken through the dark universe curtain, and immediately poked in front of Clotty!

Gaita Wave Punch · Vortex Blade!

On the occasion of a sudden attack, Clotty took a deep breath and drew the dark energy that spread throughout the universe, which rolled up like a tide and collided with the halberd blade.

Boom! !

At the next moment, the ring shock wave suddenly burst away from the collision point!

Clotty's figure was shot backwards like a shell, just like a fleeting light, which instantly penetrated a battleship hull, leaving a series of transparent gaps.

Only one face to face, the Dark Emperor, the pillar of the town of the Red Empire, was shot out!

Many super-A-level super class A responded in an instant, not to be surprised, immediately applied various means to cooperate with each other, launched a siege towards Han Xiao, and the battle started instantly!

At the same time, Croti's solemn voice sounded on the team channel.

"Don't fight him hard!"

I saw that Crotty finally stopped flying backwards, and ran to the battlefield again, covered in a crystal yellow prismatic shield, and at this time there were cracks.

This shield is not his skill, but inspired a body-protected cosmic treasure with a strong defense. Since the three major civilizations sent them these lineages to fight against the Black Star, they would naturally not be stingy with the cosmic treasures at hand, and distributed several pieces to each lineage.

Although he was not injured, the power of Han Xiao's thrusts still made Clotty stunned.

The defensive cosmic treasure he used, although not as defensive as the metamorphic space-time amber, is also extremely outstanding. If the peak damage does not reach the standard, almost all attacks can be exempted, even if he himself, he has to charge It will take a while to break it, but I almost broke it by Han Xiao.

Hearing Klotti’s prompt, more than a dozen of his super-A-class descended one after another, wandering the siege, and the mechanics among them called out the troops, and the magician also pulled out the army of summons, covering the sky and covering the sky, containing Han Xiao. At the same time, Han Xiao's mechanical corps also followed up and participated in the battle.

Both sides have hordes of tactics, which immediately turned into a big dogfight.

Han Xiao turned into a mechanical god, a weapon emperor three holy halberds opened and closed, chopping waves in the sea of ​​humans, basically wounded and knocked to death, wiped the halberd blade, smashed a large piece of the enemy, a pair Unparalleled posture.

The long-range weapons are not idle, pouring firepower constantly, chasing the super-A class of the sister-in-law, a random shot, the body surface is also covered with electromagnetic, space and other force fields. Once close, it will either be fixed in mid-air or crushed.

This form of mechanical deity is a product of Han Xiao's imitation of SWY-001, named [Mechanical Deity·Semi-living], with SWY-001 as the blueprint, and a special transformation technology that merged with multiple abilities to form finally, is The advanced version of the mechanical god, all performance has increased a lot compared to the conventional version.

The prerequisites are not only the "polar flow and **** rage", but also the death energy of Hella and the life energy of Aurora. In recent years, he has studied the characteristics of these two special energies through the "energy analysis" of the high moral character card. The principle and nature have achieved a little result, and it has been merged in to allow the blood gas energy to be reversed into flesh and tissue, as if it is secondary growth. At the same time, it does use some of the principles of the prisoner technology, successfully reconciled the super energy cells and The symbiotic relationship of the mechanical structure, these flesh and blood tissues greatly increase the power output.

But the reason for the "semi-activation" is that the function of flesh and tissue is not complete. The ideal state is the model of SWY-001, that is, flesh and tissue not only increase the output but also supply the energy, balance and perfection, like an independent living body.

But Han Xiao failed to fully replicate this mechanism. After the reversal, the flesh and blood cells covering the mechanical gods only increased the output, but it was difficult to produce energy, which means that the consumption increased, but the blue cap remained unchanged, and the supply broke the balance. I don’t know if flesh and blood formed a kind of conservation for one person’s reason, and it has never been able to reach the form of SWY-001, which led to the exaggeration of the consumption of maintaining [mechanical deity·semi-living], even if the peak is super A level. The blue bar is also difficult to eat.

However, now that Han Xiao's evolutionary path has reached the culmination of the void system, he has already hooked up with the void dimension, borrowing the power of the void like Ke Suye, even if he is not beaten, he can draw an almost infinite amount of blue and is not afraid of consumption.

Han Xiao's instantaneous fighting power was so amazing that he played a super-A-class hoodie. But after the initial impact, Clottey and his team gradually adapted to this pressure, and the two sides were entangled fiercely, indiscernible.

Clotty and Oulu are both the top echelon of the first echelon. The energy level is properly over 9W, and they have received various enhancements. Although they are not Han Xiao’s opponents, they can join hands to play Force exponentially increased.

In particular, the abilities of the two are wide-open and wide-bombed firepower bombing types. They don’t care about the blue volume, and they are extremely suitable for this large-scale team battle. With the cosmic treasures of various shields, they have withstand more than 50% of Han Xiao’s firepower.

Moreover, Clottey and Oulu also have a group of teammates of great strength, and the more than two of them are A-levels who can pass the 7W threshold. Most of the bases guarding the secondary dimension are elites, and they generally do not show up.


Plasma arcs of striking sizes form a lightning chain that jumps and jumps in the mechanical regiment, causing huge damage. Guzar was wrapped in blue light, and a person rolled up a lightning storm, like a thunder **** coming. From time to time, he raised his hand and shot a dense electromagnetic cannon, bombarded on Han Xiao's bodyguard field, exploding the little sparks. .

He is a character who joined the army at the same time as Clotty. Although his potential is not as good as that of Clotty, he is also a powerful super A-level. Otherwise, he will not be sent by the empire to guard the secondary dimension outpost all year round.

On the other side, the "Saint" Monan dressed as an ascetic monk, with the help of a certain phase moving cosmic treasure, the figure flashed in a chain in the mechanical corps, and his fists and feet were hitting slowly, as if hitting a transparent barrier, a large piece The particles in the space are all resonating, causing sustained range shock damage to Han Xiao’s mechanical troops. Although he is a martial artist, a lot of cosmic treasures on his body make up for many shortcomings.

"Leader" Padro summoned endless summoning creatures and alchemy golems, fighting with Han Xiao's mechanical forces, including many BOSS-level units, regardless of casualties, crazy to contain Han Xiao's apostolic weapons, and "Military Flag" Iraq Nid continued to activate the ability to provide a wide range of encouraging growth for all friendly units present.

The 13 super-A-class super-classes not only have outstanding personal strength, but also cooperate with the same tacit understanding, plus the cosmic treasures, and stalemate with Han Xiao for a time, they also carried the pressure of dozens of apostolic weapons.

Han Xiao did not want to be outdone. The space treasure equipment he has built over the years has taken turns, even in the face of such a luxurious lineup, he has played an offensive and defensive, not passive.

Once again, the halberd flew Klotti, Han Xiao glanced at the battle, and his thoughts flew.

The stalemate on the field is stalemate, but his pressure is not big, mainly because the opponent's threat is limited. Although he will not be able to break the siege of this group of people in a moment and a half, the situation is not dangerous.

His own individual strength occupies an absolute advantage, as long as it is partially one-to-one, it can form a crush. Neither Cloti nor Oulu can stop his fierce offensive. But others will inevitably come up to contain and cooperate closely to resolve this kind of danger.

"Let's start with the weak link first, and then open a breakthrough."

The essence of group fighting is to catch a person and beat it. Han Xiao said nothing about changing the attack target. The halberd blade turned and rushed towards a weaker super-A class.

The other descendants saw the situation and hurried forward to set the fire. Han Xiao didn't care. Bathed in the gunfire, the Emperor of the Three Emperors, the Three Saint Halberds, flew up and down, slashing the opponent's back, and striking as if it could shatter the starry sky.


The huge halberd blade once again fell, and a blood flower suddenly burst in the air. This super-class A super class was smashed and flew out, and was hit hard.

Han Xiao was about to rush up to make up for the knife. The remaining dozen people ignored the injury and entangled him. On the other side, a beam of traction beam was shot from the three major civilization main ships, and the wounded were sucked away at once.

At the next moment, three more super-A-classes flew out of the main ship and joined the battle. The number of Han Xiao’s opponents suddenly increased to fifteen. The situation returned to stalemate and the pressure increased.

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao's eyes flashed.

"Filling tactics?"

He immediately understood his plans for the three major civilizations, leaving a group of heirs in the rear. As long as someone was seriously injured by him, he immediately pulled the wounded back for treatment, and at the same time sent more fresh troops to join the battle group. The fleet will not be attacked, and it will provide a chance for the super-A class to recover and recover.

This is equivalent to going up for a few rounds, then coming down to rest, replacing people to continue fighting, and taking advantage of the number. After all, Han Xiao has only one person and can’t rest, and there are dozens of descendants in the three civilizations. The idea of ​​using wheel warfare will cost him too much.

Not only want to win, but also do not want casualties.

"Oh, that's enough."

Han Xiao pouted, and said nothing. After all, he did not stipulate that the three major civilizations should not fight like this.

"Since you want to consume, then see who is more durable."

He shook his head, set aside his thoughts, and settled down to concentrate on fighting.

The two sides were tumbling and fighting, and in this fight, they played for six days and six nights.


The battlefield has moved many times, and the whole field is full of mechanical debris and summons. The size of the troops on both sides has shrunk a lot. Whether it is Han Xiao’s mechanical legion or all kinds of super A-level troops, they are all casualties. Severe, both sides hurt.

The mechanical gods transformed by Han Xiao are still fighting with Clotty and others, but in contrast, Han Xiao is still alive and well, and many people in the three civilized heirs have shown their fatigue.

At the same time, the number of Super A-levels who have played on the field has increased to 21. Six consecutive days of high-intensity combat at the same level, most people consume a lot, and their status continues to decline. Even if they have rotated more than ten times, they are still a bit unbearable. .

The news media did not fall for a second, and all were broadcast in real time.

Few interstellar citizens can always stay in front of the screen, but whenever they open the show, they still see the scene of the battle between the two sides.

I don’t know how many people prayed that the Black Star lost quickly day and night. However, the Black Star under siege by this luxury lineup was always as strong as ever, without showing the defeat. Many interstellar citizens gradually became desperate from the shock of the beginning, and finally turned into a desperation. Numb, staring blankly at the battle, the brain was blank.

Black Star, what kind of demon is this? Isn't he tired? !

Seeing that there was no hope of eliminating the war, more interstellar citizenship was quickly corrupted, and he racked his brains to attack Han Xiao, as if it was powerful but turned into a sin. All the anger, panic, and dissatisfaction found a vent, toward Han Xiao. The target vented as if incapable of anger.

The morale of the three major civilized soldiers present on the scene has been declining in the past few days, shocked by the power of Black Star.

His own high-level combat team has laid aside his siege for more than a few days. The wheel battle was shameful enough. Now not only can he not win the opponent, but he has also been killed by several people?

Isn't it still being beaten!

The Super A level watching from various channels is shocking and inexplicable. They know the difficulty more than others. As if they met Han Xiao for the first time, they were all shocked.

Although we have always known that our president is very powerful, but this is too great!

In the history of the superpowers, it seems that there has not been an epic record of this level, and many super A-levels are not as good.

In their view, the fighting power shown by the Black Star probably surpassed all the Super A-class records recorded in the history of the explored universe, and became the only existence.

"Lying trough, trough, is this still a person?!"

"I finally understand the meaning of the version name... this is the meaning of the Black Star era?"

"It's too much, I will ask who else!"

Compared with other people, the player group is the most excited, watching the action film for six days in a row, it has already been boiling.

Regardless of the reaction of the parties, the battle on the ground continues.

Dang Dang Dang——

The halberd blade danced for a while, chasing a sister-in-law Super A-level serial chop, shattered the opponent's shield, and let the blood explode in mid-air.

Just when Han Xiao wanted to make up his sword, Crotty and Oulu were once again in front of them, dark energy and gold energy blasted out and collided with the halberd blade!

boom! !

The dazzling explosion exploded, Clottey and Oulu spurted blood and retreated, and the injury was aggravated again.

At the same time, the scarred armoured Emperor San Shengji was finally overwhelmed. Kerala shattered the lysate and slammed it into pieces.

Han Xiao's hands were empty and he looked down and glanced around again. All his siblings who were besieging him were super A-class. Everyone was injured and exhausted.

"It seems that you won't be able to support it for long."

Han Xiao squeezed his fist and pulled out a melee mechanical weapon shaped like a spear. The body is black and gold, and the tip of the gun is a hexagonal pyramid. It looks like a rifle. It is also a cosmic treasure-grade equipment from the Jess technical treasure.

Clotty coughed twice, spit out a haze of blood, strenuously, unwilling to show weakness, and said in a deep voice: "There is not much left in your troops."

"Enough is enough, but you and Oulu don't seem to be able to. Others can rotate, but you can't withdraw, can you still hold it?"

Han Xiao didn't take it seriously.

Clotty was silent and could not refute.

Other descendants can take turns to rest, but once he or Oulu loses any one of the main backbone, the team can't stop the black star and will only be destroyed by destruction.

So after these six days, the two of them also did not rest, and they were all bruised. Although they did not lack strength, their injuries were not light, and they were almost the end of the crossbow.

It would be nice if the **** chooser was willing to take action, but unfortunately he has been on the sidelines for the past six days, and has never touched his hand. It seems that he is really just coming over.

There are only two days left in the ultimatum time. I am afraid that the task explained above may not be completed...

Just when Clotty decided to take the last stroke, a helpless sigh suddenly sounded on the team channel.

At this time, a figure flew out of the three main ships of civilization and entered the battlefield.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, their faces changed, and the comer was Ulnos who had been silent for several days.

Ignoring his teammates, Urnos looked up at Han Xiao, but shook his head helplessly and sighed:

"Black Star, although we have only seen one side, I actually admire you and do not want to deal with you. It is a pity... I am always an ancestor of the False Sect, and the order is hard to break."

After all, regardless of the reaction of everyone, Urnos reached out his finger and moved towards Han Xiao a little.

A shock of invisible energy, a white-gold ray suddenly flew out of the mechanical deity and instantly submerged into Urnos' body.

At this moment, the phantom of a giant mechanical **** suddenly came out of his back.

At the next moment, this mechanical **** detached from his body, quickly turned from reality to reality, with the face of Urnos, but the appearance was very similar to Han Xiao's mechanical god, as if twin brothers!

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