The Legendary Mechanic

: 877 player's mysterious follower

A month later.

While the Pioneer Party held back the offensives of the Gudi and Adventists, and launched a counterattack through the Black Star Corps, the three-party fleet invaded each other's territory from a single line of defense. The fleet's offensive direction showed a staggered shape on the tactical star map. The battle is glued.

At this moment, a colonial star in the outer star area of ​​the ancient Emperor Party is suffering from the attack of the Pioneer Party. The Sunshine Party Fleet and the Black Star Fleet are fighting fiercely with the Star Guard Fleet and facing the ground. The city launched an air raid, precisely bombing the city's protective cover, with the intention of blasting the gap and placing the airdrop.

The pale yellow semi-circular light curtain is like a bowl of inverted buckles, covering the entire capital of the colonial star, bearing the bombing of the sky, and the blue-black energy expansion group is blown up on the light curtain. The arc that sprinted was flowing on the surface of the shield, the durability was rapidly reduced, and the city shield was bright and dark, which was very unstable.

Taking into account the various factors of the civil war, the local army forcibly closed the underground shelters, did not allow the public to enter, countless citizens can only hide in the house and shiver, and the city's ground defenders gathered together, looking up at the sky, dazzling The blast of light filled the line of sight, and the deafening thunderous explosion sounded like a heavy hammer squatting at the tip of the heart. Everyone’s eyes revealed the desperate desperation.


The city's large protective cover finally couldn't stand the attack, and the cracks spread in the crowd. Then, the whole shroud, like the broken egg shell, cracked through the holes and collapsed as a whole.

The next moment, the dense black dots appeared from the sky, dragging the tail flames and falling rapidly, like a dense meteorite, coming to the capital.

The city’s airborne defensive artillery fired immediately, and a flare was fired at the array of airdrops, exploding a cluster of fireworks in midair.

Some of the shields of the airdrops were broken and broken into pieces by halfway. However, more airdrops slammed into different locations in the city, splashing a piece of smoke.

Overlooking the sky, the black-pressed Legion players sneak out from the airdrops and bloom in the city. This group of thousands of people form a small team to act quickly.

All staff are equipped with detectors to cover the whole process, marking all the threat targets carrying weapons, in order to distinguish between the enemy and the public, the descendants of the Legion players are familiar with the ground forces of the enemy.

The various positions in the city quickly broke out. The players exchanged fire with the ground forces. Although the number of players was absolutely inferior, these players were basically all b-level. The enemy also had most of the ordinary soldiers, and they had certain combat power by relying on armor.

The b-level is the backbone of the interstellar battle. Each one has the combat power of the comparable army. Like a building and playing, the players are not like normal b-level characters. They don't worry about being caught in the fire and playing without any scruples.

The ground defenders were horrified to find that these interstellar mercenaries were rushing to the ground with gunfire, and they were able to cut into their positions and open the unparalleled mode. As long as the encounter encounters, the player can quickly defeat the enemy, destroying and killing a batch of ground troops, and there is no life in the past.

In the tactical view, the small black spots representing the airdrop squads are moving rapidly in the city map, and the red spots representing the enemy all over the city are quickly eliminated and become more and more sparse.

In the center of the city, the government building has been attacked by seven teams of players, and the killings are completed on one level.

In a certain room, a B-class warrior of the Ancient Emperor’s Party squatted on the ground, wide-eyed, staring at the action of the person in front of him, and the person in front of him pulled out the slender blade running through his throat and brought out a Labeled with blood, sputtered on the wall.

The vitality passed from the body, and he fell down, and the blood spilled, forming a pool of blood.

"This guy is still quite high. I only have 37% of the blood." The knives held the high-frequency slash in one hand and licked the blood on it. The mechanism triggered the mechanism to retract the blade and then retract the handle. The handle is inserted into the long strip of the armored arm, and the magnetic link slams the handle and absorbs it tightly.

The silver-black armor he is wearing now is the equipment of the armed warrior, with the folded mechanical weapons hidden everywhere.

The body of the guard was lying in the room. The Jiangcheng Guild and the team’s companions were next to each other. They just solved the enemy in this house. At this time, the armor’s durability value was restored with automatic repair tools. By the way, the ground was searched. The equipment of the body.

In the direction of the door of the room, there was a fierce exchange of fire. The killed b-level officer seemed to be very important. The attraction was a large wave of enemy troops. Feng Yue was at the gate and arranged a lot of anti-personal mechanical traps with a compression ball. With the electromagnetic kinetic energy turret, the b-level mechanics kept the door, the ordinary army could not be seen, and it was suppressed in the corner of the corridor. Several rushes left only the body of the land.

Feng Yue usually likes to play with the Jiangcheng team. The knives are also willing to take action with the meticulous mechanical players. The relationship between the two has been good.

Since the 3.0 mechanical players have come into contact with the compression ball technology, they have become the most popular candidates for the team. They have become the scent of the eyes of the people. The mechanical players no longer need to slowly arrange the machinery, and the speed of the shop is improved. It will be enlarged at once. Now, whether it is a copy or a combat mission, each team must have a mechanic. It can cope with various situations. Of course, every mechanical player has different equipment and can adapt to the situation. same.

"I don't know how many b-level enemies there are in this city."

The deputy captain of the team, Xiao Xiaojian, gave himself a needle of cell-active catalyst to return blood and chat casually.

The knives looked at the real-time battlefield map. "It shouldn't be much. The defenders in this city were killed by other people. They were downstairs. They had already killed four b-level monsters."

"Good luck, plus this one, we only killed two along the way." Evil little sword looked envious.

Level b is an elite, will give a lot of experience to kill the enemy, and the b-level elite has a name, each has an extra killing task, in addition to experience can also receive the extra money of the pioneer party, this month, the player Are keen to deal with b-level enemies.

For the players of the first echelon, the ordinary player may not be the opponent of the b-class elite, but a five-person squad can basically defeat an ordinary b-class, even if the b-class enemy of the small boss is more difficult to entangle, but Most of them belong to the category that can be defeated. Once the b level is the strongest in the eyes of the players, for the current players, killing the b level has become a routine operation.

The catastrophe level of a galaxy-class civilization is more than a dozen or so, and can only be encountered in key battles. Therefore, in other colonial star battlefields, thousands of b-level players are basically invincible.

Not long after, the defenders of the city were completely annihilated. The players returned to the airdrop cabin, were taken away by the towing beam of the spacecraft, and dropped into other cities to enter a new round of fighting.


"The frontline reported that three more colonial stars were captured by the undead of the Black Star Corps."

The ruling star of the ancient emperor party, the high-ranking high-ranking party gathered together, staring at the strategic star map frowned.

"The undead of the Black Star Legion is terrible, and it is impossible to restrain." A military officer was slain: "So far, there have been eighteen... No, twenty-one colonial stars have been taken away by them."

If the enemy only has a fleet, they will not have a headache. Only for this group of "undead", the ancient emperor has nothing to do.

Millions of b-class interstellar warriors, I am afraid more than their entire civilization b level, more excessive is that this group of people is still not dead, casualties are almost zero.

The high-level party of the ancient emperor can only watch the players who will be resurrected to recover a colonial star.

The undead forces of the Black Star Legion have always been famous in the broken star ring. This time they personally experienced it, and everyone in the room felt desperate.

Such an enemy is really terrible. No matter who owns such a terrible trump card, it can have a place in the universe!

The involvement of the Black Star Corps made the Gudi Party not see much hope. There is no chance of winning this. It is estimated that the Pioneer Party will be able to win the civil war in a year or so.

However, surrender is impossible to surrender. No one is willing to give up a galaxy-class civilization. They can still persist for one year. Maybe they can usher in a turning point. The high-level party of the ancient emperor is looking for help and planning after secretly. road.

"The **** of Cecillin turned to the Pioneer Party and took the cadre. I didn't expect him to be a traitor!" The leader of the ancient dynasty gnashed his teeth. "We are obviously the ruling party with the Black Star Corps, Black Star." How could it help the Pioneer Party without any reason, and this must be that Cecilin is engaging in ghosts, there is no other explanation!"

When it comes to Cecilin, all people have hatred on their faces. If this guy is not water, how can they fall into this desperate situation!

"I have never squandered anything in this food, I have given it to you, I have given it to you, and I have given it to you. I can give it to you. What is dissatisfied with him? Why should he betray me?"

The leader of the ancient emperor patted the table angrily, and he said with grief: "What is different from what I said... joke! Look at what he did, in order to implement the so-called idea, let so many compatriots die, is he thought he did this? Is it a great man?! We rule well, because of him, this civilization will lose the most orthodox ruler, he **** it!"

It is said that the high-rises in the room are looking to the side, there is no attachment, and the expression is speechless.

They are full of hearts, others are qualified to say so, but they are not qualified to say so. They have done a lot of dirty work over the years. What is the urinary nature of the ancient emperor, ordinary people are not clear, they are not clear.

In their view, the leader was eager to attack and began to vent his whispers.

However, at this moment, the roar of the leader of the ancient emperor came to an abrupt end, his movements stopped, and the angry expression settled for a moment, suddenly calmed down, slowly stood up, faintly opening, the tone is not like the same person:

"It seems that everyone is very upset, I may be able to help you."

There was a glimpse of the high-rises in the room, and suddenly his face changed dramatically and suddenly stood up.

This phenomenon... The leader is controlled by the mind? !

Galaxy-class civilization leaders will accept natural-level spells and ritual blessings in order to avoid being controlled by others. At least the Scourge level is unable to control the consciousness of a galaxy-class civilization leader in silence.

Who did it?

Is it super a grade? !

"Who are you?!" An officer was full of vigilance and quietly sent a message to the adjutant, so that all the natural disasters left behind were rushed over.

"Don't be nervous, I am not malicious to you. As for my identity, I am not going to tell you."

The leader of the ancient emperor was expressionless and his body was manipulated and slowly said: "You only need to know, I will provide you with the support of force and resources to help you fight the Black Star Corps."

The high-level officials will be suspicious, look at each other, decide whether it is true or false, or talk to the snake first, and they also worry that their or their companions are also controlled by the mind. This mysterious person obviously has such ability.

"what would you like?"

"Reassured, I don't want anything."

"Then why are you helping us?"

"I don't care about your Gulal civilization. I am only interested in the undead of the Black Star Legion, and the longer you persist, the longer I will observe."

The ‘Gudi Party leader’ blinked. “My proposal has no harm to you, no harm, accept?”

Everyone looked at each other and hesitated and nodded.

"Very good, I will let people contact you as soon as possible... Yes, by the way, give you a suggestion, you can try to release the employment to the undead of the Black Star Army."

Everyone suddenly saw a glimpse.

"The Black Star Legion is our enemy. Do you ask us to ask for help from the enemy? What does this mean?"

"That days...hehe, the undead have a unique set of rules of conduct, some of which are logically incomprehensible, and don't try to know how to do it." ‘Gudian Party leader’ tone.

When the voice fell, the leader of the ancient emperor suddenly made a stunned spirit, his eyes became awkward, and suddenly he reacted and hurriedly touched his body.

"The person who controls me is gone?!"

The people secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward to support the leader.

"Do you remember what was said when you were controlled?"

"All remember, I was just unable to control the body, and the perception was still there."

At this moment, the natural disaster level left behind quickly arrived. After listening to the situation, he looked at the leader of the ancient Emperor Party and his expression became more and more dignified.

"How?" asked the leader of the ancient emperor.

"Your mind defense enchantments have all been cracked, and they are completed in an instant. Those enchantments are enough to withstand the continuous invasion of the natural disaster level minds for more than ten minutes. The person who controls you is super a level."

The leader of the ancient emperor’s face changed slightly, and the word “super a grade” was very heavy for the galaxy-class civilization.

The five super-a grades of the broken star ring, only Sisko and Austin have the ability to invade...

Perhaps not these two people, is the super a level of other stars?

When I think of the mysterious person, everyone looks inexplicable.

I got help in this way, which they didn't think of, but in any case, things finally turned around.

Although I don't know who this guy is, but since it is also super a grade, at least not afraid of the Black Star Legion.

"Right, he also asked us to ask for help from the enemy. Isn't this a joke?! Can the Black Star Legion turn its head to help us?"

The most confusing thing for everyone is this suggestion, which is clearly a futile behavior, they do not know the meaning at all.

"...We have no retreat anyway, try it." The leader of the ancient emperor nodded.

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