The ruling star of the Pioneer Party is located in the third star zone they control, and the party’s top leaders are here to pay attention to the development of the war situation.

In the conference room, many high-ranking party leaders gathered together. The atmosphere was completely different from the gloom of the ancient emperor. Everyone was filled with joy, and the leader of the pioneer party was even more enthusiastic.

The army has the upper hand in the war and they can't be unhappy.

"The ancient emperors and the advents have lost their hearts and the people's voice is also waiting for us to overthrow the rule. The situation is very beneficial to us now," said the chief of staff who analyzed the situation.

The leader of the Pioneer Party smiled and said, "The more you are at this time, the more careful you should be, to prevent the enemy from desperately fighting back."

The situation here is very good, but he knows that the ancient emperor party cannot surrender, and the party that defeated the military power will inevitably be wiped out, and the ancient emperor party will not be able to lead.

Everyone was discussing the battle situation. At this moment, the communication device of the internal line suddenly rang, and it was a communication request from the intelligence personnel.

The presence of intelligence personnel on the virtual screen, the face is quite strange.

"His leader, the ancient emperor party issued a public statement to StarCraft."

"Send it right away." The leader of the Pioneer Party browed.

Soon, the intelligence personnel showed the Gudi party statement on the screen and read it carefully at the top of the pioneer party.

In the first half of this announcement, the ancient emperor party used the Gulal civilization to orthodoxly, and used fierce rhetoric to blame the pioneering party for taking power to seize power. It was characterized as a "rebel party," called a civilized traitor, calling on citizens to oppose The Pioneer Party, at the same time, openly recruited helpers to StarCraft.

This part of the content is a normal formulation rhetoric, but it is a means of maintaining its own orthodox position and suppressing the opponent. How many years has it been used? A considerable number of people are not stupid. The pioneers of the party are more accustomed to it and do not care. Now that they have mastered the guns, they will be able to master the pens after they win, so it is useless to call them "rebels."

The Gudi party’s request for assistance from StarCraft is even more futile. They are just a civil war. They are internal issues and do not violate the Peace Treaty. The Black Star Army is on their side, who will break the Star Ring? For the civil war of a galaxy-level civilization, it is against the Black Star Corps.

A small-scale mercenary group will not help, and other civilizations will also be on the wall. Even in the war field, they don’t want to be opposed to their nominal allies because of this small matter. Therefore, the ancient emperors are basically isolated and helpless... This is the armed forces of the Black Stars. The role of support, the powerful influence of the powerful forces and the intricate py interest network, make the enemy helpless.

The leader of the pioneering party was able to see the end with the temper, but suddenly stopped.

"Wait... the ancient emperor is asking for help from the Black Star Army?!"

The leader of the pioneer party wiped his eyes and thought he was wrong.

At the end of the announcement, the ancient emperor actually wanted to hire the Black Star Corps to fight against water, and now it is trying to persuade the Black Star Legion to turn around and help them.

At the high level of the Pioneer Party, they all couldn’t understand the operation of this fan, and they only felt confused.

What is the principle of asking for help from the enemy? !

Well, the Black Star Corps is a foreign aid, but if the employment agreement is fixed, how could it suddenly openly tear up the agreement, isn't it destroying its reputation? Besides, the Black Star Corps is a super-a-level force. Since it has decided to help the pioneer party, how can it be capricious, this is not a self-confident.

Even if you want to win over the Black Star Legion, you have to do it at least in private. This statement is open to StarCraft. Black Star is also a big man with a head and face. How can you openly promise to fight against water, but instead block the possibility of being embarrassed? Do people want to fight against water for money? I can't think of it with the flagella!

If the goal is actually a provocation, then this method is too bad!

"...It seems that the ancient emperor party is finally crazy." The leader of the pioneer party twitched. "This should be the best joke I have ever heard."

"Ha ha ha"

The people couldn't help but laugh, and the room was full of happy air.


Thanks to the development of interstellar media, it was not long before the announcement of the ancient emperor party spread throughout the Gulal civilization.

Not only the pioneer party, but even the advent party is a black question mark.

My teammate is afraid of being a fool? !

The soldiers of the ancient emperor only felt ashamed and were desperately fighting with the enemy. They even asked for help from the enemy. What is this?

Many people also felt the pessimism of the high-level officials of the ancient emperors on the outcome of this war, and the morale was once low.

On the side of the Black Star Legion, many members of the Legion only felt inexplicable and at the same time a little funny.

Let's fight, please, please, can you be serious, don't tease us.

Just as other people ridiculed the practice of the ancient emperor, millions of legion players got different information.

The Gudi party’s request for help actually created a task on the panel. It was the task of the Gulal Civil War series that Han Xiao had triggered. This time it was the s-level task of helping the ancient Emperor Party.

This change surprised the player.

"It turns out that this is a series of missions. It should be for which party can trigger the corresponding s-level mission."

"But the Legion helped the Pioneer Party, so we will by default help the Pioneer Party."

"Hey, isn't this a way to support the party that you want? If you succeed, you can change the pattern of a whole galaxy-level civilization. I seem to have found a way to make money."

"You said, if we ourselves persuaded npc to form a party, but then support them, is that more fun?"

The emergence of this task has aroused the interest of many legion players, played a brainstorm, and eloquently discussed it on the forum.

However, the impact of this new mission is nothing more than that, no Legion players really accept.

The player is not stupid. To complete this task is to fight against the Legion. I am afraid that there is no difference between the two and the three. The army has worked hard for two or three versions. How can you accumulate so many camp relationships and contributions? Such a good growth camp for the Star Corps is rare. For a gyr-class civilized civil war betrayal, it is obviously not worth the candle.

Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, the chances of winning the ancient emperor party are too embarrassing, and the probability of failure of the mission is 99.9%. It is better to guard the mission of the pioneering party. Anyway, it is also s-class.

What's more, after this month's employment, they have already understood the style of the three parties. The ancient Emperor Party is not a good thing, it is not as good as the pioneer party, and it does not help them.

There are fewer summer and night flowers, and there are fewer and fewer gamblers in the local players. So at this time, the players are only interested in the mechanism revealed by the mission of the ancient emperor, and there is no feeling for the task itself. People want to do it.


The headquarters of the Black Star Corps, the special machinery workshop of the army chief.

A large and fully automated production line runs day and night, mass production of various types of mechanical warfare and mechanical equipment, electro-light flashing of the mechanical flow of it, improve product quality and efficiency.

In another area, all the freshly-machined mechanical warfare and equipment were sent over the assembly line. Numerous versatile mechanical arms were wrought to modify these products, sharing Han Xiao’s intensive modification skills.

Modifying your own combat machinery, naturally, it will not divide the reinforcement effect several times to sell the money, but it will be strengthened once in place. After the modified products, the quality will rise and the effect will be excellent, even if it is a cannon-type robot. They have all been made into orange legendary qualities.

At the level of Han Xiao, this ordinary mechanical warfare is only one of the millions of cannon fodder. However, for the players, each is a top mechanical warrior, and they can't buy it.

Han Xiao stood in front of a console and personally assembled a new mechanical body, humming a small song, and was in a good mood.

The smell of metal permeates all around, and the rumbling noise echoes in the ear. Han Xiao has long been used to the atmosphere of the mechanical workshop, and manufacturing machinery is a pleasure. As their mechanical capabilities continue to increase, Handa technicians are more and more interested in mechanical manufacturing engineering, and changes in capabilities can also change interest.

For example, learning **** to do the problem to rack your brains and pondering, is completely a kind of suffering, learning tyrants...

"Master, I found a fun news, I read it to you?"

Philip projected his q version of the avatar on the console, only the size of the palm, sitting on the edge of the console, shaking his legs, leaning his head, sprouting and staring at Han Xiao, his voice was milky.

"Lecture." Han Xiao eyes do not squint, concentrate on knocking on the alloy plate, addicted to the iron can not extricate themselves.

"It is the news of the Gulal civilization. The ancient emperor party publicly expressed the hope that we will help them against the water. Master, you said what they think?"

"There is still such a singer operation? They think that I am so unconcerned like a different god?" Han Xiaoyi.

"Hey?!" Philip was shocked and widened his eyes. "Isn't the owner?"?"

" will be joking too."

Han Xiao’s eyelid jumped and he made a haha ​​decision. He decided to skip this topic. He turned his head and said: “The ancient emperor’s party is difficult to understand, but it seems to be understandable, if it’s not the two Aberdeen, I will not have any intersection with the Pioneer Party. They... Hey."

At this moment, Han Xiao acted a meal, suddenly remembered the series of tasks of the ancient Emperor Party, and moved his mind, stopped the work in his hand, opened the forum and glanced at it, his brow slightly picked.

The players really discussed this matter in the forum. Many people took screenshots of the ancient empire's s-level mission. They did not guess correctly. The ancient emperor's request for help caused all the legion players to trigger the tasks they had seen at the time.

Han Xiao frowned and habitually rubbed his chin.

It seems that the ancient Emperor’s party lost its wisdom and jumped into the wall, but he always felt that it was a little weird.

"This kind of unreasonable help, always feels..." Han Xiao blinked. "Is it specifically for the players?"

It is not his suspiciousness. There is indeed a subtle coincidence. The practice of the ancient Emperor Party is abrupt. Others see it as a joke. It is not a joke here, but an introduction that can trigger the task.

In the end, did it hit the luck, or did it deliberately?

Han Xiao is hesitant and has too few clues. He is not sure about his instincts, but when he is cautious, he will always consider the bad direction.

There is a reason for this. There are similar stages in the past life. In the space scale of the universe, the player group is very small, but as the players continue to move in the universe, the powerful interstellar forces that focus on the player group are also increasing. From ordinary observations to key concerns, we will slowly study the habits, characteristics, and laws of action of this group of "undead people", just like the original sprout.

Even with the current version, there are a lot of interstellar forces that focus on players.

I have been operating on the broken star ring for many years, and I have a strong and powerful identity. No one is going to grab his "Ace Force", but the players in other Star Fields are in different situations, and it is not uncommon for some big forces to pay attention.

Of course, there is more than one person who is keen to recruit players.

Han Xiao is not too worried about this. The three versions of the Legion players are immersed in the cost of the legion. The domestic leeks are not so easy to be run, and the normal npc uses the player as a special force at most. I can't get a lot of experience from the player community like myself.

But if someone really steals food, it is also annoying.

"The task of cultivating the Gulal civilization was supposed to be observed. Don't be someone staring at the Legion players." Han Xiao blinked.


A mysterious fleet sailed into the border of the Gulal civilization. This is the site of the ancient Emperor Party. The troops that the ancient emperor party responded to waited here early to meet the reinforcements.

"It’s finally coming." In the main ship of the receiving force, the remote projection of the leader of the ancient Emperor looked at the star map and breathed a sigh of relief.

The mysterious super a-level promised to provide support. This fleet was the first batch of reinforcements. The leaders of the ancient emperor wanted to guess the super-a status through the origin of the reinforcements, but saw the emblem of this foreign aid fleet. Can not help but reveal a strange look.

This is a large-scale free armed organization in the broken star ring. It is active in this cluster of stars. The organization is controlled by four natural disasters. One of them is a super-a seed many years ago, so the organization's reputation and scale are not small. Many people have always thought that they have no backstage.

Now it seems that this low-key armed organization, behind the scenes is an unknown super a level?

In the end, which guy is super a, God is mysterious, will there be more than one affiliated force in the broken star ring?

The leaders of the ancient emperor suppressed the strangeness in their hearts and commanded the team to hand over to each other.

With the support of these armed forces, their situation can be slightly relieved.

The main ships of the two sides docked, and the projections of the leaders of the ancient emperors saw the four natural disaster leaders of the armed group.

"I am the leader of the Gulal civilization, thank you all..."

"We will help you suppress the rebel party, don't thank us, we just act according to the order." The super a-level seed interrupted the leader of the ancient emperor party and said faintly.

The leader of the ancient emperor’s face changed slightly and thought about it. He tentatively asked: “Don’t know who you are obeying?”

At this time, a member next to him was stunned and was covered by the mysterious person. He said: "Don't inquire about my name, it is not an example, or the appointment is invalid."

The leader of the ancient emperor was shocked and had no choice but to make a promise. He thought about it and said:

"The advice you gave us, we did, but the Black Star Army did not react."

"Yes." Mysterious people are not surprised. "Failure is inevitable. The rules I have summarized are not effective every time, so more observations and experiments are needed."

"But..." The mysterious man thought thoughtfully. "It looks like the black star is not pure luck. He and I have some rules."

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