The Legendary Mechanic

: 879 The End of the Punishment Period

With the support of the Gudi Party, the advancement of the Pioneer Party was met with certain resistance.

The free armed organization led by one of the super A-level seeds of this broken star ring actually intervened in the civil war and helped the Gudi Party? As the incident happened suddenly and without warning, all the forces concerned about the situation of the civil war were surprised.

Against the Black Star Legion in Broken Starlink? Although the Black Star Legion is not a dominant overlord, it is still surprising to do so. This means to fight the Black Star Legion head-on.

The Black Star Legion is strong like a cloud. Where can the four natural disaster-class people have the confidence to interfere with the Black Star Legion’s war employment? Even if one of them is a Super A Grade seed, it is not enough to see in front of the Black Star Legion.

And Han Xiao, who was struggling at the headquarters, received the news from Philip. He originally had doubts about his guess, but this incident confirmed his thoughts.

Not only that, when he saw this armed organization, he also figured out the identity of the person behind the scenes.

"So it was them..."

Han Xiao suddenly.

The super A-level seed leader of this armed organization is called Luther, who has always been a free superpower active in Broken Starlink. He is well-known in the local area, but in fact, Luther’s true identity is actually an interstellar super consortium [ Infinite] elite members.

The harmonious interstellar society brings endless business opportunities, and has spawned a large number of interstellar consortia, and the infinite consortium is an outlier among them, because the current head of the consortium is a Super A Grade.

Not every Transcendent A Grade is keen to form armed forces. Transcendent A Grade has high and low operating capabilities. The current head of the Infinite Consortium is a Transcendent A Grade who loves money and is good at making money, called Sorokin. The position in the universe is quite special.

Sorokin inherited the position of leader of the consortium and developed the unlimited consortium to its current scale.

This super consortium is now a leader in commercial organizations, operating military, people’s livelihood, technology, trade, intelligence, service, manufacturing, etc., and has involvement in almost every industry. It has many sub-brands and many business scopes. Star Territory, deep into the lives of interstellar citizens, is a well-known super enterprise. This behemoth chaebol organization also has business dealings with the three major universe-class civilizations.

The Infinite Consortium belongs to a neutral faction and has long been listed for the entire universe. The scale of assets is extremely terrifying, and the symbol of power is the Mobius ring symbol.

On the other hand, the armed forces of the Infinite Consortium are not trivial. They have huge financial power as the confidence. The Infinite Consortium maintains subsidiary forces in various star regions, which is equivalent to the military power of the consortium. This is the existence of the organization led by Luther.

Moreover, because of the nature of the business organization, the Super A Grade combat power of the Infinite Consortium is not limited to Sorokin alone. By sharing shares, Sorokin has attracted Super A Grade allies, making some of the famous Super A Grades of the universe become the infinite consortium. Long-term shareholders, including several ancient ones, receive various support from these super-a-level forces through regular dividends.

Money makes its way, and the network of interests and contacts of the infinite consortium throughout the universe is as unfathomable as the ocean.

In contrast, although the Black Star Legion belongs to the Super A Grade forces, its development time is still short, and its current scale is far less than the opponent.

Luthor only revealed his identity in the later version. At this stage, no one knows that Luthor is a member of the Infinite Consortium, but Han Xiao is different. He knows Luthor’s origins, so he immediately understands who is interfering behind. About the Gural civilization.

This can be regarded as his unique advantage. In front of him, many "secrets" are not secrets.

"The Infinite Consortium is interested in the player phenomenon, this can explain the reason." Han Xiao secretly said.

In the previous life, the Infinite Consortium itself is a big camp that players can join. Its headquarters is in the Protoss Sea. Many Protoss Sea players joined the consortium in the mid-term. Not only are resources and benefits rich, they also have a career advancement system internally, as well as regular distributions. Salary for the official position.

Even now, a considerable number of Protoss Sea players have been recruited by the Infinite Consortium. In the Protoss Sea section of the forum, the Infinite Consortium has a fairly good discussion enthusiasm.

Han Xiao guessed the other party's motives, and 80% ran over to look at his vegetable garden.

"Well, they should think that my undead troops are very similar to the players they recruited. They sent people to test. The Infinite Consortium may have discovered a part of the player's behavior. For example, as long as a request is made to the player, even if it is unreasonable, the player may Will do it, which is equivalent to an accidental hit and a release of the mission, so the Ancient Emperor Party asked for help from the Legion to test the reaction of the Legion players?"

As soon as his eyes rolled, Han Xiao guessed that he was inseparable from each other.

"If you remember correctly, the Infinite Consortium is also an active force in the Shining World version..."

Han Xiao's eyes flickered.

The major star regions have different powers, and they will gather in the shining world in version 4.0. They are all competitors. The Infinite Consortium is one of them.

It seems that dealing with them is inevitable in the future...

Han Xiao pondered for a while, then called the guard team into the room.

Soon, Hela took the team members into the machine shop.

"I have a task for you."

Han Xiao waved his palm and formed a virtual screen in front of everyone, displaying the information of Luther and others. "This armed organization has intervened in the civil war of the Gural civilization and supported the Ancient Emperor Party. The enemy has four more natural disaster-level combat capabilities. You need to support the front line and try to get rid of these four guys. By the way, this one called Luther is a Super A Grade seed, Hella and Hardaway, you should deal with it carefully."

"Got it." Hela nodded.

"I know Luther." Hardaway folded his arms, tilted his head and said: "I have seen him a long time ago, a very powerful martial artist, strange, I remember how low-key he suddenly came out against the legion."

"Who knows."

Han Xiao raised his eyebrows, he did not intend to tell anyone that he knew the details of the other party.

It is estimated that the Infinite Consortium thinks they are hiding in secret, so let them continue to think so.

"Okay." Hardaway didn't say anything. He and Luther had friendship before, but since Luther chose to help the opposing camp of the Legion, he would not release water.

A group of guards left the room, Han Xiao's eyes flashed, opened the secondary dimension door, and called out the apostle weapon.


Youzu squatted down, head parallel to Han Xiao.

Han Xiao slowly said: "You take a group of mechanical troops to the Gural civilization. If Hela and the others do not succeed, you find a chance to kill the four natural disaster grades such as Luther, and Philip will transmit the enemy's information to you. "

He has nothing to do with the Infinite Consortium, and they are not rival camps, but there is nothing wrong with destroying Luther and others. It is in line with the position of the Black Star Legion. These people accept the opposite employment and naturally inevitably kill the members of the Legion. This is a disguised increase in blackness. Casualties of the Star Legion.

Since the Infinite Consortium coveted his undead troops, tried to test, and sent affiliated forces to kill his troops, Han Xiao simply took this opportunity to remove the minions sent by the consortium, pretending that he didn’t know the true purpose of the other party, and he could shock the mountain. Prevent the Infinite Consortium from getting worse, thinking that it can test him at will.



The spacecraft crashed on the surface of a barren planet, ploughing up large tracts of dirt while rolling, leaving a deep gully.

After the spaceship stopped rolling, Luther crawled out of the wreckage.

A personal figure landed from the air, and it was the guards team headed by Hela, everyone with more or less minor injuries, staring at Luther coldly.

Luther's injury was even more serious. With his palms covering his **** chest, he could vaguely see the beating heart through his pale ribs. He used his vigor to increase cell activity, allowing the wound to grow granules, and slowly recovering from his injury. A drop in the bucket.

"Hei Xing really looks up to me. He even sent all the famous guards team to deal with me, cough cough...heh, even if he died in battle, it would be my honor." Luther was pale, but there was no despair on his face. The color, on the contrary, seems quite free and easy, putting life and death out of it.

The two sides met on the battlefield. Hela and the others were persevering in the pursuit. They had already beheaded three of his companions, leaving him alone, and they were almost at a dead end.

Hardaway shook his head, "I don't understand, why do you accept the hiring of the Gudi Party? If it is to make money, why do you have to fight against the Black Star Legion? You kill the people of the Legion, the Black Star will definitely let the masters deal with it. You, you don’t know this."

"I don't have the habit of explaining to others." Luther took a deep breath, gathered his arrogance, and prepared to fight to the death.

Hardaway hesitated for a moment, and persuaded: "Surrender, Black Star is actually very easy-going and values ​​talents. You are a Super A Grade seed. If you are willing to join the Legion, Black Star will not embarrass you."

"Ha, I am not interested. Either kill me or be killed by me. I am not going to make the third choice."

"Is it necessary?" Hardaway frowned. "There is no deep hatred between us. You have finally become a Transcendent A Grade seed. Why do you have to die."


Luther's answer was to push the ground hard, and the ground with a diameter of one hundred meters suddenly burst. He instantly charged in front of Hardaway, and his arrogant fist blasted out like a cannonball.

Hardaway maintained the hardening ability, and took it from the front. The arrogant fists passing through tore the ground behind him, forming a huge rift in the rumbling vibrations, and a tawny mountain farther away. It collapsed into rubble and fell into a deep valley.

Numerous guards took full action, tumbling and fighting for a long time, and the landforms in a radius of thousands of miles were completely changed, with rift valleys crisscrossed and pitted.

Although Luther is a Super A Grade seed, he could not withstand this kind of offensive. In the end, the oil ran out, and the battered spirit was crushed by Hela. His strong body lost his soul and fell to the ground with a thump. , Splashed a piece of dust, and gravel stuck to Wushen's wide-open eyes.

Hai Ramen was expressionless, his palm was hooked, and wisps of gray mist flew out of Luther's body, absorbed and transformed, and turned into nourishment to enhance the power of the dead.

Hardaway sighed and sighed... such a good man, what a pity.

The Guard Officer team cleaned the battlefield and left the deserted planet in a spacecraft. Not long after they left, Youzu showed up in outer space with a long-range force.

"The guard officer has already killed the target and we don't need to act."

Youzu had been following the side to monitor the battlefield, nodded at this moment, and returned with the long-range troops.


"Luther is dead?"

In the meeting room, the senior officials of the Gudi Party were stunned.

Although he knew that the reinforcements were not the opponents of the Black Star Legion, he was a Super A Grade seed, and he was killed so quickly.

At this time, a high-level executive was shocked and was possessed by a mysterious person.

In fact, this mysterious man is Sorokin, the head of the Infinite Consortium. He is busy every day, but he has the multi-process thinking processing ability with one heart and one mind. At this time, he possesses only one of his consciousness.

Sorokin controlled the possessed person to ponder for a while, and slowly said: "Everyone, it seems that our cooperation is about to end."

The leader of the Ancient Imperial Party was shocked, "You..."

"The Black Star Legion's reaction was more intense than I thought. My original intention was only to test and observe, but the cost exceeded my expectations. If we continue to cooperate, the cost required is too high, and this investment is not worthwhile." Solo Jin said lightly.

Super A grade seeds are rare, and Luthor's death makes Sorokin a little distressed.

Sorokin didn't know that Black Star already knew his details. According to his original calculations, the Black Star Legion would not be so tough. He didn't expect Han Xiao to send out all the guards.

Therefore, Sorokin is very strong, but it is impossible for him to come and fight with Black Star for this little thing. He is also unwilling to take more subsidiary forces for an experiment. Han Xiao's toughness makes him Had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​testing the undead troops.

He had already prepared a follow-up plan to test the response of the undead forces, but now he can only run aground.

However, he is not a person who likes to lose money. Although Black Star killed him without knowing it, he is not prepared to let it go.

Of course, Sorokin did not intend to retaliate by force. The Ethereal Sect had practiced, and his underwear was lost. He didn't think he could mobilize more advanced combat power than the Ethereal Sect.

Past experience has shown that Black Star is an ambitious person. Sorokin believes that as long as Black Star slowly expands, one day he will meet the Infinite Consortium... Maybe it will not be too long this day. He is getting through the empire. For the relationship over there, I hope to get tickets to Glittering World as soon as possible. The progress is quite smooth.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Sorokin's consciousness of possession left.

The face of the leader of the ancient imperial party was uncertain.


In a blink of an eye, a few months have passed, Han Xiao has been staying at the headquarters to make machinery, and by the way, watching the changes in the situation of the Gural civilization.

Since Luther's death, the Infinite Consortium seems to have died down, and there is no other expression.

Han Xiao thinks about it carefully. The Infinite Consortium concealed its identity in order not to be recognized by him. After all, the consortium is a neutral commercial organization, not a private arm. If the cost it paid makes the other party distressed, the other party will stop.

Without follow-up support, the Gudi Party fell back from heaven to hell, and fell into a desperate situation again. The situation of the civil war returned to the control of the Pioneer Party and the Black Star Legion.

Seeing that the Infinite Consortium gave up the trial, Han Xiao also retracted his attention. This is just an inevitable episode in the process of using the player. As the player becomes stronger, there will always be people watching.

The experience provided by the player is the foundation of his rapid growth. There is no room for negotiation in this regard. If you don't be tough, others will only get better.

After solving this episode, Han Xiao turned his attention to another more important thing.

He has been in retreat for several months, and today, the sixteen-month experience penalty period is finally over!

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