The Legendary Mechanic

: 882 meeting, the second ring is completed

Put on the clothes again and sort out the appearance. Han Xiao pushed the door of the actual training room and went out.

Outside is a silver-white alloy corridor, the ceiling light tube is lit with white light, the corridor is ring-shaped, the left and right are all practical training rooms, the alloy door is engraved with the black room type with their room numbers, and the suspended virtual screen shows the user. The identity of this area is a dedicated training place for cadres.

The headquarters of the Legion has a huge satellite, and the surface is divided into multiple bases. The place where Han Xiao is staying is the core main base.

Han Xiao touched his stomach, just finished the advanced, full of physical strength, but mentally felt like he consumed a lot of physical strength, thought about it, planned to go to the dining area to take a good meal, and swallow the nutrition cream all day long. He is afraid that his taste buds will be numb sooner or later.

The dining area is a living facility, and the chef’s ethnicity is varied, depending on the tastes of the various ethnic groups.

The base is large, and the travel tool is a ball-type vehicle that is anti-gravity suspended, and is a product of the logistics department. In his own home, Han Xiao will not be idle and running, free to find a dive suspension ball, and slowly fly to the dining area.

Looking from afar, the people in the dining area are greeted by the crowds. The distance is getting closer and the noise is constantly magnifying. At any time, the flow of people in the dining area is the most dense.

Han Xiao fell in the docking platform of the dining area, and stopped the shuttle ball. He walked in. The legionary soldiers who had a full meal at the door noticed Han Xiao’s figure, and the body that leaned against the wall slammed straight. .

"The head of the army is good!"

"Hey, you are good, have eaten." Han Xiao bowed his head and said hello.

Usually at the headquarters to meet the squad, he will basically reply, the shelf is for the outsiders to see, his attitude towards his own people has been very easygoing.

Entering the wide dining hall, many people noticed Han Xiao, a pair of eyes gathered together, the atmosphere suddenly quieted for a moment, and then many people were excited, they stood up and saluted, and asked for good and one another, and some people sat on the seats. Do not move, continue to eat, just look up and look at Han Xiao with a curious look.

As the size of the Black Star Corps continues to expand, many new members have not seen Han Xiao with their own eyes. Han Xiao usually does not show up in public areas, so even within the Legion, the image of Han Xiao’s boss has been maintained. A certain mystery.

Moreover, the enemy of the emptiness has added a layer of aura to Han Xiaoping, and the reputation has gradually increased, and the image in the minds of the members of the legion has become more and more high.

The big forces generally have internal contradictions, and the Black Star Legion is the same. Up to today's scale, the internal factional problems are more obvious. The soldiers of different departments, races, and origins spontaneously form a small circle. Only Han Xiao can completely suppress all Man, as long as he is there, the legion is a piece of iron.

"Don't yell at me, eat yours." Han Xiao had no choice but to wave his hand, which is why he didn't love to show up.

Every time I wander around the base, I feel like a leader, lonely.

"Teacher, here." At this time, Han Xiao heard the familiar voice, turned his head and saw that Siweiya was eating here, waving himself and calling himself, sitting next to Aroxia.

Han Xiao walked to the opposite side of her and sat down. She took a bite from the plate and burned the caramelized brown meat. The meat was tender and juicy, and it slipped gently on the tongue, and it was just right on the taste buds. The roast meat flavor and the secret sauce scent, chewed two mouths, releasing a more intense aroma.

"The taste is good, the chef here has to raise the salary." Han Xiao smashed one after two, licked his mouth, and tried to pick up other dishes. "Remember to give money to the canteen department to study the new taste of nutrition cream." ""

"I know, you really love the nutrient cream." Siweiya cut the vegetables and muttered.

"It takes 10 minutes to eat a meal, and it takes only 3 seconds to drink a tube of nutritious cream. I like the efficient method and learn to sister." Han Xiao teased.

The chores are all in my control. You are much more leisurely than I am all day long. I need a fart to save time... Xavier rolled her eyes and ate her head.

Han Xiao looked at Aroxia, "How have you been recently?"

"唔姆..." Aroxia didn't look up, concentrated on the food in front of her eyes, her face was blank, and her gang was moving like a squirrel. The number of plates in front of her was ten times more than that of Sylvia.

She and Sylvia knew very early, the relationship between the two has been good, Aroxia's strength has been unable to keep up with Han Xiao's pace, and gradually unable to follow Han Xiao, but she has a special position within the Legion, because of her qualifications Old, and looks so beautiful, she is the secret object of countless members of the legion, and by the way also sucked a wave of players fans, pulling domestic demand.

Because of the [restart] mission, Han Xiao has always been a little bit eager to see Aroxia and Resta, at the current level, because this little thing is not worthwhile with the armed state. Resta has been pestering himself, but Han Xiao does not have the idea to help them in the first place. At this stage, there is no such ability.

"Right, since I saw it here, I don't have to send you a message." Han Xiaodao said: "After a while, the Glorious Federation will send people to meet me, and then you will arrange it."

Sylvia was shocked and looked up: "Teacher, you are an ally of the Empire. It is not very good to turn around and see the Glorious Federation."

"Others take the initiative to see me, so I want to hear what people say."

Han Xiaozheng said, a voice suddenly sounded behind him and interrupted his words.

"Black Star, I, I have something to send you!"

Han Xiao turned his head and saw that a male player with an id on his head twisted and stood behind his back, holding a dark thing in his hand.

Another is a gift to send a good feeling... The player regards him as an npc, thinking that sending a gift can improve the sense of goodness, Han Xiao is also very helpless.

Once he shows up in the base, there will always be people who will make such an attempt, and he is used to it.

I took the gift and looked at it. This is a slightly rare ore material.

... To be honest, Han Xiao simply doesn't understand why someone will send him ore. Is this when he can't afford it? !

Looking at the other face with expectations, Han Xiao mouth smacked, resisted the urge to reduce the good feelings, barely smiled: "Thank you."

The male player waited for a while and found that there was no hint of good feelings. He scratched his head and stared at the rare materials in Han Xiao’s hand.

"That, that, can I bring my gift back?"

Han Xiao's face is black.

Brother, you are too real.


"Hey, it’s a loss." Male players don’t give up, "So, do you have anything to do with me."

No, roll!

Of course, this is just a matter of heart, and the players can't be so rude.

"...I don't have anything for you to do now. If you are idle, go to the Gulal civilization to participate in the war, or go to the world to participate in the exploration, there is always work for you."

Han Xiao smiled and revealed mmp.

"Okay..." The male player had a pity and turned away.

In order to avoid being surrounded by players who heard the news, Han Xiao quickly finished the meal, flying like leaving the dining area, and transferred to the logistics department, intending to check Nilo's studies.

[Perfect Sense] The template is his long-time expertise, and he has been paying attention to Nile's progress.

When I came to the logistics department, Han Xiao walked into Leonard’s office and saw Nilo, who was on the desk and wrote homework.

Drinking Dragon Blood Pharmacy, refreshing, energetic, energetic, Nile's face is ruddy, very healthy, but the expression is extremely hard, like swallowing a bunch of berberine, the five senses seem to wrinkle into a group, writing The force of force through the paper back, as if you want to use the pen to put a lot of thick work.

"Little Nile, cognac to see you." Han Xiao smiled and walked up.

Nile did not look at Han Xiao, turned his head and looked sad.

Han Xiao turned to look at Leonard. "How is he learning?"

"Dragon blood medicine is very useful, saves extra sleep time, the learning progress is a lot faster, and you will soon learn the theory of entry. I plan to add some practical mechanical assembly courses to his next phase of the study plan." The German language is serious.

"" Nile shook his hand, and the pen fell on the table, and the whole person was petrified.

Han Xiao mouth is a tear.

You are a devil...

At this time, the door opened again, and Fuding, wearing a loose blue robes, came in and saw Han Xiao, stunned and raised a spring-like warm smile. "Black star, you are here too."

"What are you doing?" Han Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"I'll take a look at Nello." Fording smiled. "By the way, play with him."

Nile hurried up and threw himself into Ford's arms. The expression seemed to see the savior, and by the way turned back to Han Xiao to make a face.

"Cough, Fuding sometimes comes to him to play cards, this is his entertainment time." Leonard explained.

Han Xiao’s eyes were amazed, and the expression on his face seemed to ask, “Would you give him entertainment time?”

"Oh, once in a month."

"Oh, bother."

After playing hard, Nilo couldn’t wait to take out the Wien card, and the sleeves of Fording urged him to start quickly. Fording smiled and took out the deck and played with Nile.

Upon seeing it, Han Xiao brows his head. He always thinks that Fording is very fond of Nilo, is it because Fuding and Morningstar can't have children?

Although Han Xiao did not like to play cards, but still understand the rules, he glanced at the side, Han Xiao took a cold breath.

This, this is the war between the emperors?

He seems to have seen the goddess of luck practicing and fighting each other!

Looking at Nero's skill, Han Xiaoxin has some pain.

My nephew... You are finally polluted by Melos and Hardaway.

"I still have to correct it by myself."

Han Xiao held back his smile and threw a [lucky curse] to Nello. He shook his head and quietly left Mimi off the scene of the crime.


After waiting for a period of time at the headquarters, I was familiar with the strength of my own skyrocketing. By the way, I handled some backlogs of chores, and the ambassadors of the Glorious Federation came as soon as possible.

The spacecraft landed at the headquarters of the Black Star Corps. Mona took a group of people off the spaceship and led the reception robot to the reception room.

Han Xiao waited for a while in the reception room, the door automatically slipped open, and the Glorious Federation's messenger team came in and made a greeting after they sat down.

"Glorious Federal High-level Super-School Officer, Mona." Mona introduced herself.

Han Xiao perceives the energy in the other person's body and finds that the other person is a natural disaster level. Then he opens the panel and glances at it. Sure enough, he personally touched the time and space of the ice to inherit the race, and the time and space amber task popped up.

Han Xiaoxin was delighted, his face was not changed, and his soul connection was deepened. He had a feeling of affinity for the time and space amber. In his senses, the time and space amber seemed to be the old one he had been playing for a long time. object.

The increase in soul connectivity will also increase the efficiency of making amber balls, but now it is meeting people and there is no way to test them.

Han Xiaoshun looked at the third ring mission.

Well, this is no way to take it... Han Xiao is secretive.

The ancestral home of the space-time ice-shelter family is in the glorious federal territory. If you want to complete the third ring, you can only walk in person. After all, it is impossible for people to implement the Wandering Planet program and bring him the planet of the ancestral land.

Turning off the panel, Han Xiao opened the door and saw the mountain: "I haven’t had much intersection with the Glorious Federation. What purpose do you have for me?"

Mona said: "This is the case. The bright people do not say slang. Our glorious federation is very curious about time and space. After reviewing the information, it is found that the time and space amber seems to be related to a super a class that we have in history."

"Oh, is there such a thing?" Han Xiao’s pretense is a slap in the heart, but the heart is a leaps. The glorious federation holds the secret information of the ice-creamers of time and space, and guesses it is really special.

As for the Glorious Federation, Guangming Zhengda said that they are interested in time and space amber, Han Xiao is not surprised at all. After the Battle of the Lighthouse, basically every interstellar force is curious about his two cosmic treasures, and privately must have done research. There is nothing to hide in terms of aspect.

"Do you know the time and space of the ice?" Mona asked.

"Let me check it out."

Han Xiao acted intently, waited for a while before nodding, no change in color, eyes are not stunned, said:

"Oh, now I know, what do you mean, time and space amber is related to the space-time ice sealer?"

Mona has been observing Han Xiao’s face and can’t see anything. He said:

"We can't confirm that this is just a guess. I am a descendant of the time and space, so I asked the Glorious Federation to send me to contact you, hoping to understand the origin of time and space amber."

"Why do I care about the origin of amber in time and space, what good is this for me?"

Han Xiao brows a pick, but his heart is clear.

The reason why the Glorious Federation did this was that he was just lucky enough to get to the time and space amber. He did not know the origins of this cosmic treasure, so he linked the amber of the time and space with the ancestors of the Mona family, and used this as a reason to contact himself. Mona wants to find the traces of the ancestors, does not involve interests, this request seems to be reasonable, but the Glorious Federation is naturally clear that he will not let outsiders touch the time and space amber for this reason, so it is only close to their own reasons.

"You can rest assured that because of the ancestors of our family, the Glorious Federation only wants to help us investigate, add information to this newly born cosmic treasure, enter a public database, and have no other ideas about your time and space." Mona explained.

"I believe." Han Xiao is serious, "Really."

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