The Legendary Mechanic

: 883 Icebreaking and conditions, the first sight of the country

Mona heard the irony of Han Xiao, a little blushing, and daringly said: "In short, we hope that you can allow us to investigate the time and space amber, the Glorious Federation will give thanks."

"I refuse." Han Xiao waved. "I have no obligation to cooperate with the investigation."

"That... let me see the time and space amber, this is my personal request."


The atmosphere was a bit stiff at the moment, but Mona had expected it. It was not unexpected. Black stars certainly wouldn’t let outsiders easily touch the treasures of the universe.

He pretended to take a drink, put down the cup, looked around, suddenly lowered his voice, and turned his head:

"His Black Star, I don't know what you think about the Glorious Federation."

Finally, I further tested my attitude... Han Xiaofu did not change color.

"Why do you think... you should ask if you are right. You helped the imaginary sect in the Battle of the Lighthouse Star and later turned to help the empire. I have been unsure of whether you should treat you as an enemy or a friend. What do you think?"

Mona thought for a moment, Shen Sheng said: "Although the camp is different, we are very willing to be friends with the Black Star."

Han Xiao raised his eyebrows. "Let's do it. Let's just let us go straight. We are destined to be opponents in the camp, but we can be friends in business. You don't object."

"Of course no problem." This is one of the conditions that the top executives had instructed before departure, and Mona did not hesitate.

The three major civilizations compete with each other, trade with each other frequently, and cooperate in many industries. In this era of interstellar social integration, as long as the war does not break out completely between civilizations, it will not cut off the cooperative relationship between the people's livelihood and the economy. The three civilizations are accustomed to this practice. Interstellar integration itself is also the one to maintain the chain of governance. Ring, magnifying the cost of being isolated.

Therefore, in terms of commercial trade, cosmic civilization will not prevent super a-level allies from expanding their business and making other civilized money. But if the espionage of the commercial name is used to sell the interests of civilization, the cosmic civilization will not give up.

However, super a-level allies generally do not easily allow outsiders to split their own resource shares. If they want to go to other camps to develop their business, they will inevitably be squeezed and swayed by the faction’s forces, not going through the official relationship, in others’ It is difficult to conduct business on the site.

"Our style, you are also clear, among the three cosmic civilizations, our Glorious Federation is the most inclusive, welcomes the consortium of the universe to develop with us, and the broken star ring is also the area under the jurisdiction of the Glorious Federation. Say we are always working together," Mona said.

Han Xiao nodded, this is true, the three cosmic civilizations have their own characteristics, the imperial style of iron and blood, the spiritual atmosphere of the imaginary spirit is strong, and the Glorious Federation is the most open and rich, multi-field flowering, extremely prosperous.

"Since I want to make friends, at least I have to show some sincerity. It is costly to talk about feelings." Han Xiao smiled.

"If you like, we can always help the Black Star Army to develop its business in the Glorious Federation," Mona said.

Han Xiao’s eyes turned.

He probably understood the meaning of the glorious federal expression. First, it talked about the time and space amber, and then proposed the trade cooperation invitation. The situation is very clear. The ultimate goal of the Glorious Federation is to study or borrow time and space amber, ask for him, and because of the events The relationship between the two parties is not good, and the request is made directly to the door. The success rate can be imagined.

Therefore, there are several sets of programs in the Glorious Federation. The more secure one is to use business cooperation to break the ice and ease the relationship between the two parties. Later, we will talk about the subsequent cooperation. It seems that the Glorious Federation does not intend to do it overnight, but to maintain long-term relationship for the future. Make a request to prepare one day.

As a party to be asked, Han Xiao takes the initiative, but does not need to reply immediately.

"Oh, let me say, I don't have such an idea for the time being."

"Understand, if you have any other requirements, we will consider it as appropriate. In any case, the Glorious Federation is looking forward to working with you."

The Mona language is sincere and the Glorious Federation is not in a hurry. They can wait to release the seal of the scepter.

"Other requirements..." Han Xiao looked at his eyes and thought about it. He smiled inexplicably. "I personally want to make friends with the Glorious Federation, but you have helped the virtual spirit to deal with me. I think you should express your feelings besides sincerity. apology."

He said that it was a high-dimensional apocalypse transmitter. At the beginning, the Glorious Federation did not expect that he would now ask for a black star. He could say that he had dug a hole for himself, but if he did not do so, he might not get the scepter of the gods. There are disadvantages.

Mona was a bright-eyed look. He was not afraid of Han Xiao’s accountability, and he was afraid that Han Xiao did not ask for it.

"What do you think?"

"That way, if you can do me a favor, I will forgive you. Only by solving the previous festival, our relationship can start again."

“What do we need to do?” Mona cheered.

"Different gods also participated in the action of the Lighthouse. The red empire was busy with the sects of the sects for some time. Now I am ready to turn around and deal with this accomplice. There is no small grievance between me and the gods. You help me and the Empire. As long as he has been killed, our previous problems will be written off. How do you like it?" Han Xiao’s tone increased.

Mona had a glimpse of some accidents. He thought that Han Xiao was a special advantage. I didn’t expect to ask them to encircle the gods. The hatred of black stars and different gods was so big.

"I can't be the master in this area, I want to report to the top." Mona told the truth, "But in my experience, the chances of the top executives agreeing with you are great."

If it is something else, the Glorious Federation may still hesitate, but dealing with the different gods has always been the political correctness of the three civilizations. If it can kill the gods, it will also benefit the Glorious Federation.

At this time, an armored guy behind Mona took a step forward and took off his helmet, revealing the head of the mechanical body inside, opening his mouth and making an indifferent synthetic electronic sound.

"I can do this for you."

Han Xiao heard the words, turned his head and looked at the material of the mechanical body. He was in a good mood. With his current vision, he could see that the mechanical content of this robot is very high. It seems to be a super-grade machine made of super-a class. Like the carrier that dominates the coming.

"you are……"

"Architecture, Munison, ancient, Papachi."

Han Xiao’s eyes changed slightly, revealing a touch of surprise and vigilance.

This mechanical body was not dominated by the ruler, so there was no super-a-level energy fluctuation. Before the opening of the machine country, he thought that this was just a normal mechanical guard. In terms of privacy, the mechanical warfare had a special advantage.

McNeis took the initiative to find the door, which was unexpected to Han Xiao.

The shadow of the human name tree, the status of the armed state in the universe is detached, almost recognized as the peak of the mechanic, and he has more or less indirect intersection with the other side, Han Xiao is very sensitive to the name of the country. Be alert.

Mona coughed and explained: "Hi-Minson has learned that we want to see you and ask to act together."

"Black Star, in fact, I always wanted to visit you, just by this opportunity."

Munison looked at Han Xiao's frowning brow, and he couldn't hear his emotions. "Why don't you welcome me?"

Han Xiao thought to fly, his eyebrows stretched, and he smiled again, slowly saying:

"Of course not, just feel very clever, I am also a long-standing name for you, I always want to visit, there is no suitable opportunity."

At this time, Mona stood up. "This is my communicator number, Lord Black Star. I mean, I will report to the top, and I will reply to you soon. Then I will not bother the two exchanges, Munison." Lord, I will go back to the spaceship to wait for you."

Manny’s mechanical body dagger, Mona left the room and followed Philip’s instructions to the dock port.

There are only Han Xiao and Manison in the room, big eyes and electronic eyes.

"Oh, Lord Black Star, we are here for the first time." Mannison seems to be laughing, but the synthetic electronic sound does not show the slightest smile, it sounds a bit horrible.

With the other party's technology, it is impossible to make an anthropomorphic voice system. It is obviously intentional to use this voice.

"Exactly, we don't count as 'meeting', you see my face, I haven't seen you yet." Han Xiao raised his eyebrows and said a whisper, but his heart was secretly smashing Moniquen. The intention.

It is normal for mechanics to communicate with each other, but he thinks that Munison is not just for this purpose.

"There will be opportunities in the future." The mechanical body lifted his finger and pointed his chest. "You don't mind if my consciousness comes."

Han Xiao thought about it and shook his head and said that he didn't mind.


In the next moment, the energy of the scorpion descended along the quantum undisturbed transmission channel, and the mechanical body was shocked, and the glare of the golden light was erupted, sizzling, the energy level soared, and Munison [the ruler came].

The action of the mechanical body was a lot natural, and McNeis twisted his neck and said: "It's so much more comfortable."

Telecommuting is like video chat, and the advent of the advent is immersive and different.

Han Xiao smiled and didn't speak, but his heart was awkward.

When McNeis dominated the fall, the mechanical force released by the mechanical carrier fluctuated extremely strongly, and even Han Xiao felt the pressure of pressure... It can make another super-a level feel the pressure on the gas field, and the strength of the machinery country is unfathomable.

In the super-a class he has seen, only the gas field of the gods can be compared with the instrumental state... This is only the carrier of the dominance, not the body of the Munison.

I don't know how many levels this guy is higher than me...

Han Xiao thought about it and gave his mouth to the door:

"Lord Munison, let's talk to another place?"

"Well, can you take me to visit the Black Star Corps?" Munison nodded.


The two stood up and went out of the room together, chatting while they were hanging out at the headquarters of the Legion.

Just met, both of them tacitly talked about sensitive things, the topic cut from the headquarters of the Legion, commented on the technology used at the headquarters, and exchanged technology.

Han Xiao always maintains a quantum network vision and allows Philip to maintain a systematic self-examination.

Although the possibility is not high, but he is still guarding against the virtual invasion of Munison. After all, the name of the country is equivalent to the existence of the next king. No matter where you go, the owner will suspect that he is green. deterrence.

However, McNeason did not have this idea, but only concentrated on mechanical knowledge, as if it was really just a cross-talking communication technology.

Simply looking at technical exchanges, the machinery country is indeed very powerful. The company has accumulated many years of professional knowledge, and has been at the forefront of technological innovation. I don't know how many mechanical drawings have been researched.

Only than the main professional level, I am indeed far worse than the other side, and people are not white for so many years.

The first time I dealt with the machine country, Han Xiao smiled on his face, and he never let go of his vigilance. In addition to the preconceived notion, there are factors that concern the identity of the other party.

"Right, you just said, are you ready to help me deal with the gods?"

"The alien **** is currently in the old Star River, where is my stronghold. If the Glorious Federation has promised you, it should be shot by me." McNeis turned to look at Han Xiao's face. "Of course, I also have my own purpose."

"What is it?" Han Xiao is curious.

"First, I have warned the gods before, not allowed to come to my site, second...hehe, I hope to get something from you." Munison did not hide his attempt.

Want to get something from me? Han Xiao’s eyes are slightly flashing. The nature that the country wants will not be his machinery. The most likely is the universe treasure... Is it an evolutionary block or a time-space amber?

However, at this time, McNeason did not continue to talk, turned his head and looked to the side. At this time, the two were in a circular corridor, and on the side of the corridor were the actual training rooms. The two men strolled around to the training area of ​​the base.

"Since it is here, let's talk about it?" McNeason couldn't hear the emotion.

“Here?” Han Xiao shook his head. “With our strength, I am afraid that my headquarters will be overturned.”

"Reassure, I didn't bring other mechanical units, only this mechanical body." Munison spread his hands. "You also control a body, and it's so close, so it's quiet and it won't hurt."

This is okay... Han Xiao has been indulging for a while and nodded.


It is safe to destroy the body without repairing the body. It is safe. He estimates that McNeason wants to measure his level of strength through his mechanical strength.

He broke through the energy level limit of 52000. The mechanical strength of this level is not easily abused by people. Han Xiao has a good understanding.

Moreover, the carrier that dominates the advent will share most of the capabilities of the ontology, and he is also looking to see the properties panel of the Munison through the battle information.

Py chapter push, recommend a book, the title of the book "Men Xianwu Emperor", the author is a magical stranger, is a beautiful young lady

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