The Legendary Mechanic

: 892 evolutionary version of the god

In the dark space of the universe, the two fleets are facing each other.

The disparity figure flashed and disappeared from the throne, and the teleport appeared in the command room, standing next to Hakisen.

"The other party is the Imperial Armed Forces, with a scale of five million warships. The performance of the warships exceeds our fleet. They can intercept us in front and represent them precisely on our coordinates. My suggestion is not to fight, to retreat immediately... Hakisen saw the alien **** and analyzed the situation in a calm tone.

However, dissidents ignore him and let go of energy induction. In his perception, the array of Imperial Fleet has three stellarly dazzling energy sources, all super a-level strong.

Perceived by the number of opponents, the gods were slightly disappointed.

"Only three people?"

At this time, the radar again sounded an alarm, and a virtual sectarian fleet appeared at the rear, encircling the forces of the gods in tandem with the Imperial fleet.

It is perceived that the super-a-level energy source of the two imaginary sects appears, and the brows of the gods stretch out.

"Five people... this is the value of fighting."

"The red empire and the imaginary sect really joined forces. It seems that they have been ambushing here. The size of the fleet is more than three times that of ours. We intend to annihilate us. Lord of the Gods, I suggest to break out immediately." Hakisen slowed down. .

The gods did not look at him, faintly said: "Notify the whole ship, prepare to fight, drag them, don't let the fleet disturb my battle."

"...I understand." Hakisen's tone is so meaningful. He knows that the gods don't care about their lives, they just use their hands as tools.

In the face of the gods, Hakisen issued a command of war, the fallen Ark fleet changed, and faced the periphery, forming a defensive formation.

The gods nodded. The next moment, his figure flashed and teleported to the space outside the battleship.

Then, a wave of mind volatility erupted from the center of the gods. The empire and the imaginary battleship were equipped with a mind-shielding device that was able to resist the psychic ability to a certain extent, while the five super-a-classes received the soul of the gods. Fluctuation, built a spiritual channel for communication.

Han Xiao is also among them. When he connects to the spiritual conversation, he hears a calm voice.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Wen Yan said that Han Xiao’s eyes flashed and he looked at his companions and read the meaning of each other from his eyes.

If the aliens rushed to the road from the beginning, they couldn’t stop it, and the words of the gods were obviously ready to stay, and the first step of the “killing action” was successful.

At a glance, Han Xiao three separated from the imperial battleship and entered the space. The two people in the distance also flew out of the fleet. The two sides were surrounded by different gods and the atmosphere was arrogant.

Three magicians, such as Milizaus, hid in the dark and locked in the space-time locked area. The fact that Munison hides the glorious federal intervention also ambushes, but lends the space stabilizer in his hand to others, after deliberation, and finally The five people who are fighting with each other are Han Xiao, Wei Lu, Jian Fu, and the hunter-hunters and a mind-teacher of the empire.

Two of them are mainly responsible for the position of the mental attack output. Weilu belongs to the half-skin shield warrior, and the hunting day is adc. Han Xiao is very powerful. This time he is on the ontology, go all out and take care of the main Various duties such as control, physical output, and containment are the main forces of frontal operations.

"Black star, it is you again." The stranger swept the crowd and his eyes finally locked in Han Xiao.

"Since you attacked me, there will be this day sooner or later, you will not be unclear." Han Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, the fate is really interesting. I obviously don't plan to deal with you. You are pestering me. This is taking the initiative to find death... or you are looking for death."

God of different eyes shook his head.

Hearing the words, the Hunter can't help but interrupt, cold and cold: "I don't know if your decaying head still remembers how many times you have been defeated by three super-a levels, facing us five, you I thought I still have a chance to win?"

"Oh, that's me in the past, say it, thank you to the evolutionary block of the black star, and the empire and the virtual spirit will regret sending you out to deal with me."

The different myths have just fallen, and the Hunter has made a pre-emptive strike. A modified version of the singer can annihilate the particle cannon. His small body smashes the glare of the mechanical electric light, and the force is flowing on the cannon, as if he extended it. The limbs, manipulating the cannons, shot a ray of ray particles that dazzled as if they could pierce the universe.

Different gods teleported away, these smashed cannons, which were increased by various gunners, easily penetrated the shield of a fallen Ark battleship. The strong high-strength alloy armor was like a paper paste, quickly twisted and broken. The light column runs through the hull. In the twinkling of an eye, the whole ship collapses toward the light column, as if it was absorbed and swallowed, leaving no residue parts. The battleship was completely annihilated from the atomic level.

The first shot started, the empire and the virtual fleet suddenly opened fire, and the fallen Ark fleet fought back, the two sides of the fleet banged, and the dark space was instantly illuminated by criss-crossing particle guns.

The battle broke out!

Han Xiaowu also launched an offensive.

The apostle-headed apostle weapon led the mechanical army to carry out the siege. Weilu held the blade and killed the god. The swordsman and another mind-director directly launched a wave of spiritual attacks. It seems to be a never-ending turret, crazy output.

The scene was instantly chaotic, and the battle began to heat up from the beginning.

The different gods' fighting style is to flexibly use various abilities according to different environments. In the face of five super-a-level sieges, he will not force a positive hard forward. He has the ability to teleport, and the pressure brought by the five-person siege is greatly reduced by him. On the contrary, he can cross the mechanical army to chase and intercept, and easily close.

Powerful mobility is equal to controlling the initiative, almost invincible, and want to think that he can't walk between his thoughts.

Therefore, the alien **** does not mean to escape, but the five people as a good opponent, test their strength.

However, the super-a level that defeated the five players alone can basically be done in this universe. This is not a simple comparison of combat power. The attack density of the five super-a-level cooperation is enough for the average opponent to defend only. Counterattack. At this time, the gods occupied the advantage of mobility, and the gods did not, but Han Xiao and the five people took care of each other, and he could not break them one by one.

The situation has stagnated for a time.

Han Xiao has been vigilant against the gods, worried that after the evolution of the gods, he has made a leap-style improvement, but after the actual fight, the big stones in his heart landed.

During the battle of the Lighthouse Star, Han Xiao and the different gods handed over their hands and understood the fighting power of the different gods. At this time, the fighting power of the alien gods did rise, but it was far from the degree of metamorphosis.

‘It seems that the strengthening of the evolutionary block is not enough for his hard power to change dramatically. It still belongs to the super-a category...’

Han Xiao sighed with relief.

If the aliens really break through the limits of the super-a level and reach the so-called "new level", then there may be a gap in the fighting power, just like the gap between the natural disaster level and the super a level.

Fortunately, although the evolutionary block is easy to use, it does not have the ability to break through the order.

When he made the plan, he had tried to overestimate the strength of the different gods. The strength that the different gods showed at this time did not reach his expectations, so the grasp of the action was even greater.

The other four people basically think so. If the strength of the different gods does not exceed their expectations, then they will not have any pressure to drag the gods.

However, the next moment, suddenly changed suddenly!

I saw a different **** and a teleport, escaping a wave of fire, then violently spread my arms and sent a spiritual message to everyone:

"The warm up is over."

When the voice fell, the black spheres popped out of the alien gods. These were all well-made avatars that were activated and restored to a black mist-like body with sturdy energy.

Each avatar has acquired different abilities given by different gods, and has the ability to compete in the super-a level, and the number of avatars... there are dozens!

"How can his avatar be so much?!" Hunter's face changed dramatically.

The information of different gods has long been a secret. Everyone knows that his avatar has a clear upper limit, and the use of so many super-a avatars has exceeded the record!

Upon seeing it, Han Xiao’s heart glimpsed and instantly understood.

The evolutionary block did not allow the alien **** to break through to a new level, but it expanded his combat power at the same level, without increasing the "depth", but increasing the "broadness." Compared with other systems, the mechanics have the deepest horror of the quantitative change. The mechanics rely on expanding the size of the mechanical army, so as to continuously improve the combat effectiveness and finally form a qualitative change.

The evolution of the different gods has the same purpose.

There is no breakthrough improvement in the hard power of the alien **** itself, but it has gained a stronger ability to split, dozens of super a-level avatars, each of which can be regarded as a half-a super-a level, even if the avatar is relatively brittle, sharing abilities It is also different, and it is also a very powerful force.

Equivalent to the super a-class individuals that Han Xiaowu has to deal with, from one to dozens!

The threat level has soared!

Originally, in history, many times against the gods of different gods, it is not that there is no super-a level of five or more. Even if the gods do not win, they can always retreat.

But this time, the different gods already have the ability to face five or more super a-levels. He is not satisfied with the escape. If this time repels or even kills the five super-a grades of the cosmic civilization, then it will break. His own records can shock the cosmic civilization and get the most satisfactory results of the combat test.

I don’t know the different gods, there are more than five opponents, and there are six people in the dark who are rushing to prepare him.

Dozens of avatars appeared, and they split up. Most of them rushed to fight with Han Xiaowu. The scene was attacked by five people and became a different god.

The remaining avatars were involved in the battlefield of the fleet. With the super-a-level combat power, the empire and the imaginary battleships were madly killed. The fallen Ark fleet, which was originally in a disadvantage, gradually pulled back the situation.

The pressure of Han Xiao and the other four people has increased sharply, which is equivalent to the offensive of dozens of super-a-level abilities with different abilities. If there is no help from the mechanical corps, the other four people can't stand it.

Through avatars, the gods have unreservedly demonstrated their various abilities, and his body retains "strong cell self-healing" and "power black hole", while other avatars are strange.

In the melee, Han Xiao looked at the body of the gods who did not join the siege, and his eyes were dignified.

At this time, the performance really fits the nickname of this guy:

God of power!

The five-person danger is alive, and Han Xiao is okay. His body is full of flesh, but the mechanical corps is experiencing rapid loss under multiple super-a attacks, and the apostles are also struggling.

Han Xiao originally wanted to see if he could save the "perfect sense of the character" card. Seeing that he didn't have to work, he immediately activated the perfect sense of the weapon. The mechanical lightning flashed and became more dazzling.

At the same time as the mechanical affinity soared, Han Xiao smashed the mad bombing of the gods and screams, and the teeth of the mechanical corps set fire to shoot the gods.

Each abilities can only be used by one avatar at the same time, so most of the geniuses have no resistance. They have super destructive power but no corresponding fleshiness. They are basically very brittle, so the bombing of the mechanical corps is very It has achieved results quickly.

A bunch of blue light hits the black misty figure, and the stun gun can shoot down, quickly destroying a quarter of the gods.

But in the next scene, the heart that everyone just put down was once again hung up.

I saw the alien **** with the "power and black hole", not only did not dodge, but actively greeted the attack, madly absorbed the energy, and then constantly split the new avatar, supplement the loss of the detached troops.

This scene falls in the eyes of everyone, and everyone's heart is full of dignity.

"This can be troublesome..."



On the other hand, the six super a-classes hidden in the dark traps also learned the ability of the different gods in the frontal battlefield through the network of consciousness exchanges built by the mind-teachers.

Ravenlow's face is dignified. "The ability to dissect the gods is strengthened. Even if we successfully set the time and space to lock the area, he can use a lot of avatars to delay his time. This plan won't work."

Their plan is to trap the gods in time and space, and to control the gods according to Han Xiao’s plan before he escapes.

However, the strength of the different gods is surprisingly strong. Even if they temporarily trapped the gods, they cannot control him before the dissidents get out of trouble.

"Always try it, don't stop, continue to arrange." Milizaus has no bottom in mind, but they can only continue to implement the planned plan, there is no other better option.

"I don't know how long they can hold." Munison said lightly.

Before the traps are completed, they can't get involved in helping. The work of delaying the gods can only be handed over to the five people who are fighting in front. Han Xiao is now under tremendous pressure.

The six ambushes did not dare to determine that Han Xiao and his party could support them when they completed the trap.

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