The sharp martial arts arrogance is like a beam of light, and it turns into a knives, cuts a body of a different god, and stirs it into a cloud of black mist.

Viru was burning with arrogance, like a meteor walking through the battlefield. Under the cover of the mechanical army, he accurately killed a different god, with a lot of wounds on his body, and his condition was obviously poor.

"This guy has too many avatars, and he can't fight it. He can make new avatars. Even if we kill more, it will not help. Instead, it will be hit hard and too passive."

The Viru language is dignified, raising the blade of the hand, and biting his teeth to block another dark matter spray from the alien god.

On the other hand, the Hunter controls the fortress-like joint turret, firing thousands of guns, smashing a different **** with energy-deficient defensive abilities, but his face is rather ugly, responding in the communication network of consciousness:

"This kind of high-intensity battle, the energy consumption is too intense, I can not recover energy quickly like the gods and black stars."

The actual combat power of different gods is uneven, mainly depending on the assigned abilities, and due to factors such as poor endurance and low meatiness, it is not a super-a-level opponent. When the Xingyu Protoss, Sisko solved the two alien gods with one enemy and two.

However, the current situation is different. The pressures brought by dozens of different gods are quite different. It is equal to the dozens of individuals with super-a-destructive power at the same time, and they can't kill them. This is very troublesome.

Under the siege, everyone has been constantly adding new injuries. In addition to Han Xiao, the other four have limited resilience, and this dangerous battle has consumed a lot of spirit and strength. Four people outside Han Xiao, the state is inevitably slow. Sliding down.

Han Xiao brows tightly, controlling the mechanical army to block most of the different gods, the pressure is huge, the formation of the mechanical army is divided by dozens of super a-level avatars, a large number of mechanical warriors are numerous super a The level attack was broken into pieces, flying all over the sky, and was reassembled into the battlefield by Han Xiao with the advanced version of [Abandoned Modification].

The mechanical warriors are not afraid of death, and the dense and powerful cannons counterattack, exploding one by one, the efficiency of killing the body is far higher than the other four.

Fortunately, the mechanical legion that has been strengthened many times has stronger performance and reduced the speed of wear and tear. With the help of four teammates, it is now possible to play at least with the gods.

However, in terms of battery life, the evolutionary version of the gods is even more terrible. As long as he gives him a certain amount of time, he will be able to polish the mechanical army sooner or later. Han Xiao has to admit that he is extremely embarrassed when he is alone.

But now it is not a single-handedness. It is not necessary for him to defeat the gods alone. His task is to drag the gods with the four teammates and limit him to this battlefield, and support the six people in the ambush to arrange the time and space to lock the trap.

Han Xiao knows very well that if the five of them can't stand the offensive of the gods, the ambush will have to run out to save people in advance, and the different gods will turn around and run. At that time, the trap is not completed, the gods cannot be stopped, and the action naturally fails. It is.

The thoughts flew, and Han Xiao turned his head and looked at the alien **** in the distance sitting in the void. He constantly stripped out the new avatar and entered the battlefield.

After using the tactics of the avatar, the body of the gods retreated to one side, and did not personally participate in the battle. Only the audience and his avatars struggled, and the look was very interesting.

You don't have to take it out yourself, you can make five super-a-level wolves stunned by the avatar, and the gods enjoy this overwhelming power.

Hunter and Viru tried to make a sudden face, but the teleportation of the alien gods put an end to the possibility of being close, even if Han Xiao could not reach his body, many means could not be used, and nothing could be done.

You can only wait until the teleportation of the alien **** is suppressed by the trap.

However, with today's strength, even if the character card is not used, Han Xiao's own combat power is enough to support for a long time. After crossing the first limit, several specialties will support his blood volume to about 500w, which is very meat.

Only the swordsman Fu and another mind-teacher slightly restrained the gods, the eyes flashed, and the invisible spiritual impact was constantly exerted, as if the sword penetrated into the brains of the gods, bombarding his mental barrier.

There are many different gods, and he has only one soul. The mental attack of the two is effective for his body.

Different gods also have the ability to protect their souls, and they can also repair the damage of their own souls. Although they will suffer mental damage, they will not be easily restrained by the two minds.

Because the mind teacher has a certain threat to himself, the main target of the gods is not Han Xiao, Hunter or Weilu, but two mind-teachers. Han Xiao lets the apostle weapon lead the mechanical troops to protect the two. The battle on the side is the most intense.

The ancestors' spears pierced the core of the gods, and the madness hunted the shattered heads, and the silver flash fired the target to smash the target. The giant gang guarded the mind and other apostles with a huge body covered with giant wars. weapon……

The apostle weapon also possesses the quasi-super-a-level combat power, and is surrounded by mechanical lightning, using different weapons and a large number of different gods to fight and fight hard.


Part of the alien **** rushed into the empire and the virtual fleet, destroying a warship.

A different **** is like a meteor that hits the shield of a warship. It runs through the hull from start to finish. The battleship blows behind him with a dazzling light.

At this time, countless ships of dark energy annihilation guns came from all directions, and bombed any material in this area into nothingness. This alien **** was destroyed by the surrounding warships.

"The fleet's casualties are constantly increasing. We are disturbed by these alien gods. We can't destroy the fleet of the fallen Ark. It is not good for us to drag down." In the main ship, the imperial commander looked serious.

The five super a-levels can't stop the aliens, and the fleet will suffer a super-a-level rush attack. One by one, the gods are rushing through the fleet, constantly messing up, seriously disrupting the fleet's operations, leading to the troops led by Hakisen. Reluctantly maintained a situation that was evenly matched, and was not destroyed by the empire and the imaginary fleet.

The fleet of the fallen Ark was surrounded by the center, forming a defensive formation, with a huge shield to withstand attacks in all directions, and Hakisen commanded the fleet while watching the war on the other side.

"The power of the lord of the gods is getting more and more terrible." Hakisen licked his tongue, his tone with a rare tangled and hesitant.

"Yeah, it's so easy to deal with five super-a levels, it's a different god." An adjutant next to him was crazy.

Hakissen licked some dry lips, and his tone was inexplicable. "The five super a grades also won't win the gods. Even this is not the limit of the **** of the gods. The three civilized people are too few, or they are small. He, hey."

Said, Hakisen called another cadre.

"It is up to you to command the fleet."

"What do you want to do?"

"Oh, I have other things to do, this is the secret mission that the Lord God of God has given me."

Hakisen turned his head and left the command room to go to the cabin where the spare spacecraft was stored.

He knows that the alien **** has already doubted him. When the gods have solved the crisis, I am afraid that he will be liquidated. The dissidents of God have never needed evidence.

Moreover, regardless of whether the alien **** can survive this cofferdam, Hakisen did not intend to stay with the gods.


After a long period of fierce fighting, the four people outside Han Xiao have been bruised and bruised. The loss of the mechanical legion has gradually expanded and the state has fallen seriously.

A few people who looked at the wolves were dissatisfied and sent a spiritual message:

"Black star, have you seen it? This is the power you gave me. What do you think?"

Han Xiaozheng used an amber ball array to block a remote energy shot from a separate body. He snorted and said, "Not good."

Different gods don’t care, they care for themselves: "Oh, although I have not broken the limit of super a level, but now the combat power should be the peak of the personal power of the universe. You five people are in front of me, without any ability to fight back. ""

The hunter-hunters heard the words, and they did not say that they had done a different fire. Changhong’s energy-like guns shot at different gods.

This time, the gods did not teleport, and they did not move. They used the body to harden this attack and opened up the "power and black hole" to extract a lot of energy, supplemented a wave of strength, and divided some avatars.

The remaining power of this gun still made his flesh and blood tear, and the whole person seemed to become a severely burned patient, completely disfigured.

In the next moment, the wound quickly grows out of the granulation, the injury recovers quickly, and the unrecognizable dissident has returned to its original appearance. Almost as completely unharmed, the recovery rate is no less than that of Han Xiao.

"A futile attack."

The stranger took a look at the day hunting, and his eyes turned back to Han Xiao. "Black star, not only you have the body of immortality."

Han Xiao no expression, self-healing ability in the hands of different gods, naturally can play a super level of a, faint:

"Every time you repair your body, you will consume cell activity. When your cell division reaches the upper limit, your life will come to an end. This is the drawback of self-healing ability."

"Yes, I am old. Every time I fight, it is my life."

The gods are calm, "But your evolutionary block has added a lot of life to me, enough for me to squander, at least this battle, you have no chance."

The power of the alien gods comes from the evolutionary energy, which is obtained from Han Xiao, so he treats Han Xiao differently.

"Do you think you have won?" Hunter whispered coldly.

"Oh? If you still have any cards that are useless, it is best to give me a surprise as soon as possible, otherwise you will not have the strength to escape."

Different myths contain strong self-confidence: "There are a few of you here, the red empire and the imaginary sect will be angry. I am not interested in recruiting the next wave of enemies. It is the best choice to let you escape. But you are not If I escape, I will not kill you."

Through this battle, the gods tested their own combat power, and repelling this wave of chasing soldiers is enough to show their strength. As long as they don’t kill these chasing troops, the three civilizations will not pursue them in the short term... He also wants to keep a low-key for a while. Familiar with the power of evolution, so my heart is not going to kill Han Xiao and his party.

Otherwise, the cosmic civilization suffered such a large loss, and certainly will not give up, not in line with the current needs of different gods, he hopes that Han Xiao and his party will retreat.

Han Xiao turned his head and glanced at him. The companions around him were wounded and the condition was not good.

Indeed, as the gods and gods say, the five of them alone, they can't help themselves. If they continue to fight, they will only get deeper and deeper, and finally they will be in danger.

Just then, Han Xiao suddenly smiled. "Different God, you know, I know your threat better than anyone."

"My threat?" He raised his eyebrows. "My story is everywhere in the universe. Do you need to emphasize it?"

"No, no, I am not talking about one thing." Han Xiao blinked.

The strange **** licked his head. "I don't understand what you mean."

Han Xiao smiled and did not intend to explain it in detail.

The stranger deliberately revealed the wormhole data to Han Xiao. The goal was to lure other forces to study together, but he concealed the intelligence of the world tree civilization. He said that only one person knows the existence of the world tree civilization.

In fact, the idea of ​​different gods is no problem. If it is not Han Xiao, someone who does not know this secret will only know his plan and help him to study this group of wormhole data. What the gods ask for is nothing more than to open this channel. In the end, you can take advantage of the benefits of the fishermen.

However, the gods do not think that Han Xiao knows the existence of the world tree civilization. They are the only ones who have discovered the secret in the universe, and the gods are still in the dark.

It is precisely because the information is not equal, the gods are not sure how determined Han Xiao’s killing is. According to his experience of being encircled, this time he should deal with his super a level, which should be between four and six people. Five people are in his expected range.

Therefore, he did not guess that under the operation of Han Xiao, the people who came to encircle him this time far exceeded the five super a grades!

At the moment Han Xiao finished, some changes suddenly occurred.

The face of the gods suddenly changed. He clearly perceives that the magical film of a layer of space magic suddenly spreads, quickly wrapping this area, the multi-dimensional channel is cut off, the space-time coefficient is locked, and the space is firmly indestructible. No gaps.

At the same time, Han Xiao also activated the fast space stabilization device that the machinery country lends to him. The coverage will cover the gods and prevent him from escaping with the teleports in the gap formed by the trap.

Losing the teleport, there is no active mobility. In the perception of different gods, six super-a-level energy sources suddenly appear in the battlefield and quickly approach.

I saw that six people from Milizaus appeared on the edge of the battlefield and were surrounded by them.

Upon seeing it, the face of the **** of God was gloomy and instantly, and a strange color appeared in his eyes.

"How are there still six people?!"

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