The Legendary Mechanic

: 894 Key variables of action

The time-space locking area is treated equally, and the mechanics can't open the secondary dimension channel. The gap between the different gods and the teleportation also loses its effect.

The universe has been explored to this day. The three civilizations have recorded countless kinds of abilities. Most of them have targeted restraint methods. Except for some super high-risk abilities, there is no unsolvable ability.

“It turned out to be a trap. It’s really a willing cost.”

The stranger was surprised for a moment and soon recovered calm.

He was not the first to experience this danger. At this time, he was not flustered. Only the number of enemies made him a bit surprised. Not only the empire and the emptiness, but even the Glorious Federation was inexplicably involved in the coffers.

A total of eleven super a-level besieged him alone, this kind of big hand exceeded his expectations.

If it weren’t for the three major civilizations that had enough people to send this trap, it would be difficult for him to fall into this trap. If you count it, you know that you are entangled in the gods and let him not be suspicious. At least four or five people, and three in the dark. The magician arranges the space-time locking area without being discovered, that is, at least seven to eight people can complete the trap. This is all super-a level, all of them are big people standing at the peak of the universe, not Chinese cabbage.

When I found myself falling into the trap, the gods did not have two words and immediately responded.

He will not sit still, although the teleportation will not work in this area, but his flight speed is not slow, the body jet energy flow, fleeing in the opposite direction of Han Xiao and others, as long as he escapes the scope of time and space, he The teleport can be reactivated.

He is not an iron-headed baby. In the face of eleven super-a, there is no hard-going plan.

The six people who were ambushing were still on the road, but they were not completely surrounded. Because time and space were locked, they could not jump. At this time, only the five people who faced the battle were able to entangle the gods.

Han Xiao said nothing, leaving four people hunting day, all the energy into the mech propulsion module.

The propellers on the back, elbows, and soles of the feet ejected a strong blue flame. The whole person spurted out and chased the alien gods. The speeding figure left a condensed blue arc in the dark space. Like a comet.

The space-time locked area does not distinguish between the enemy and me, and his virtual transition is as unusable as the void replacement.

Many different gods turned into an offensive, from the storm to the entanglement, and came up to stop Han Xiao and others chasing.

Although there is a trap, the gods are not too concerned.

If there may be no small danger before the evolution, but now it is different, a large number of avatars are enough to contain these super-a-level chasing soldiers, and give themselves enough time to escape the space-time locking area. Once the teleportation is resumed, it is the sea The fish jumped and the sky was high.

"Don't let him run!" Hunting the day to get rid of a bone-like alien avatar, unfolding a giant sniper firearm full of hundreds of meters long, the sightings set on the high-speed moving gods, and opened fire.

A golden energy beam is lasing out, with a tracking function, and it shoots out an arc to shoot at a different god. The speed of the shelling is obviously faster than the flying speed, and the distance is shortened rapidly.

The gods frowned, only to have to turn back and open a shield, the next moment was hit by this sniper beam.

He wanted to use the reaction force to accelerate, but the firearms used by the Hunter this time were not aggressive. The light beam suddenly swelled at the moment of hitting the gods, and turned into a powerful energy ball with powerful suction. The body made his flight speed drop suddenly, and the gods had to continue to escape. After a while, they rushed out of the gravitational range of the gun.

The long-range attack is the strength of the gunner. Among other teammates, the Hunter has the greatest effect on restricting the escape of the gods, and the gunsmen’s weapons are not single. They are good at using a variety of firearms, not only offensive weapons, but also Controlled firearms, just one shot is controlled.

There is no teleportation, the dodge ability is reduced, and the Japanese hunter continues to interfere. The flight speed of Han Xiao’s mech is inherently faster than that of the alien body. The distance between the two is shortened by a large section and is still approaching. One after the other chasing one escape.

Fortunately, the three magicians, such as Milizaus, did not look down on the gods, so the range of time and space locks was large, leaving enough buffer zone, and the aliens without teleportation could not fly for a while.

The back of the gods is constantly magnified in the line of sight. Han Xiao estimates the distance, the palm of the hand flips, pops a compression ball, and quickly expands into a hexagonal alloy plate shaped like a radar. The length and width are more than ten meters, and the precision is laid. The mechanical structure, with a slight curvature, the energy core is the secondary energy.

This is a strong gravitational one-way adsorption device specially designed by Han Xiao for several months. It can adjust the direction and strength of gravity, and generally only release the gravitational force from the front.

After his test, the device is fully powered, and the gravitational force generated by the front can reach the planetary level, which is equivalent to a small half of the star nucleus. It can absorb a huge amount of material, enough to strip the planet's land and reach the power of tearing the surface of the planet.

For super-a-class combat, this is a very strong control equipment, which is higher than the spacecraft traction beam.

Han Xiao activated the device, the powerful gravitation suddenly enveloped a large area in front, the gods felt a huge pulling force, and the flight speed slowed down again, as if there was a huge planet behind him trying to capture him.

Alien brow wrinkled, simply took the opportunity to act, the body swayed, separated a new avatar, flew in the direction of gravity, the speed soared, and rushed to Han Xiao's face, trying to entangle.

This avatar attack basically went toward the gravitational device, and the goal was obviously to destroy the piece of equipment, so that the flight speed of the body was not affected.

The secluded shield is open, and Han Xiao blocks the offensive attack. However, the alien **** has a super a-level combat power. It is not so easy to kill. His speed is inevitably affected, and the alien **** in front is also timely backward. The black-red energy beam is sprayed against Han Xiao, taking into account counterattacks and acceleration.

"Different gods can keep on splitting. If I catch up, I will be entangled. If I can't hold him, I can only watch him escape the trap."

Han Xiao’s mind was moved, and his body was flashing. The thick lightning hit the alien **** and entangled him.

The next moment, Han Xiao’s spirit slammed into the quantum network.

Soul attack, I will also!

In the distance, the alien **** suddenly stopped, his soul was virtualized by Han Xiao, thrown into the quantum network, temporarily lost the body's control, and was sucked back by the gravitational device.

The spiritual level is the short board of the opposite god. His avatar shares the soul with the body. Han Xiao uses the [virtual soul] for the avatar, which can directly act on his body.

Because the attributes are too different, [virtual soul] does not last long, cooling for fifteen minutes, but enough Han Xiao to complete close.

The quantum network is the home of Han Xiao. His consciousness is turned into a shining giant that covers the sky and hides. According to the soul of the gods, all attacks are transformed into spiritual damage.

[Virtual Soul] The effect ends very quickly. In the eyes of the different gods, the spirit is restored and the consciousness is restored. The soul damage makes his eyes a little tired.

Looking up and watching around, I found that my body has been caught in front of Han Xiao, Han Xiao said nothing to fight.

When I saw it, I couldn’t help but sneak away. He didn’t run because he couldn’t beat it, but he was too passive in the trap.

The two entangled together, tumbling and smashing into a ball, the alien **** constantly separated the new avatar to strengthen the output, but Han Xiao is like a dog skin plaster, the meat is too high, and there are a lot of amber **** as shields, let God played very annoyed and was entangled in Han Xiao’s death.

"You an annoying guy!" The face of God is gloomy.

"thank you."

Han Xiao suddenly smiled, his hands spewed out of the secluded impact, smashing a avatar.

At the same time, the six ambushers gradually surrounded, and the Hunters had eliminated many avatars with the help of the Mechanical Legion.

Because the new avatars that were separated by the gods were entangled in Han Xiao and did not add to the battlefield on the side of the hunters, the pressure on the hunters and the like was reduced and they were chased.

Not long after, all super a grades finally arrived, occupying all directions, surrounded by different gods, Han Xiao and the mechanical army of the armed state blocked the escape direction.

When Han Xiao saw it, he temporarily stopped his hand and retired to his formation of the mechanical army.

The alien gods are surrounded by heavy objects. The sights are all dense mechanical warfare. Eleven super-a-level energy sources burn his senses. His dozens of avatars are gathered back, and the blessing is next to the body. Waiting for it.

In the distance, the Fleet of the Glorious Federation also appeared. The fallen Ark troops did not have the help of different gods. They were quickly defeated by the fleets of the three major civilizations. A warship exploded into a fireworks in the universe, and the explosion was red. The light shines on everyone's face, leaving a mottled spot.

The gods looked at the defeated fleet, regained their gaze, and looked at Munison, and sighed in the spiritual network: "Minison, I didn't expect you to come to deal with me."

Among the eleven people, the different gods can only see four people, namely, McNeis, Milizaus, Hunter and Han Xiao, who have had a lot of experience, among which McNea is his most An opponent who values.

"The transaction is only, and I warned you, don't set foot on the old Star River." Munnison calmed.

The gods nodded and scanned the crowd.

Although he was surrounded, he did not panic and slowly said: "Even if you have more people, it is not so easy to solve me."

He has two escape schemes. One is to escape from the trap area. Now he is surrounded. Basically, he has failed. He can only choose the second scheme. This is to use his own space ability to slowly penetrate the space and time to lock the area and drill a gap. , teleportation.

The premise of this program is to delay the delay enough time.

The alienation of the gods comes from a large number of avatars. Even if it is surrounded, he can use his tactics to deal with the people. There are also various self-healing, energy absorption and defensive abilities to ensure that he will not lose in a short time and can delay. A lot of time, so the gods are not nervous at all.

The people have analyzed before the war, and they know that they can't delay the time, look at each other and nod.

"According to the plan."

"You have a black star."

The next moment, everyone shot at the same time, the siege broke out!

Dozens of different gods battled with everyone, and the casualties were very fast. However, the gods constantly absorbed energy through their abilities, and constantly created new avatars, and they supported the eleven super a-level offensives! Although the gods are very stubborn, they are amazing enough.

Rao is a super a-level siege, and can't help but marvel at this level of combat power:

The evolutionary version of the **** is really a monster!

If you don’t want to deal with him under the advice of Black Star, who else can threaten this guy in the future? !

Han Xiao shuttled on the battlefield, and under the cover of others, he passed through the blockade of the avatar and deceived the body of the god.

The **** of dissent has just fought with Han Xiao, and he is not suspected of having a fight against Han Xiao.

However, this time the two men's bodies just came into contact, the alien gods perceive a strange energy from Han Xiao body and enter his body.

In the next moment, the swaying power in the alien **** seemed to have a shot of sedative, and all of them were silent.

"This is... super silence?!"

The face of the gods suddenly changed, and finally he was surprised and confused. His eyes were full of doubts and he did not understand why Han Xiao had his abilities.

"It's in effect!" Han Xiao got the prompt of the panel and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

At the pre-war meeting, he and the crowd discussed the tactics, and then used the super quiet character card when they were surrounded.

Han Xiao has been hiding this trick, just waiting for this opportunity.

At the moment when the super-quiet silence took effect, all the movements of the avatar suddenly froze, and the avatar was frozen. He could not maintain this ability, and all the blasts exploded and turned into black fog.

Because the gap is too large, the duration of super quiet is the minimum, but this moment disintegrates the tactics of the gods!

Everyone was prepared, and in the short moment of the loss of power by the gods, the three magicians cast the control magic that had already been prepared, and the mind teacher interfered with the spiritual operation of the gods. The martial artist used the power to suppress the body of the gods, Han Xiao also Give a shot to the body of the god, implant a nano-scale cell inhibitor, and reduce the other's pneumatic activity.

In an instant, the alien gods were under heavy control, and many super a-levels simultaneously suppressed his actions, making him almost unable to move.

The power quickly recovered, and he tried to break free. However, so many super-a-level control skills were like an indestructible shackle, tied each of his limbs and set him in place.

Under multiple actions, the body's strength is stagnant, unable to operate, and there is no way to turn it into a fuel-promoting abilities.

Although the tactics of the avatar have a strong fighting power, they can simply compete for strength. He can't stand so many super a-level joints.

I was staring at Han Xiao, and I was puzzled.

"How can you use my abilities?"

"What you have in the future is time to think."

Han Xiao did not hesitate to turn his hand out of time and space amber, and used it towards the gods. After the soul connected to the second layer, the manufacturing speed of the amber ball became faster.

Time and space amber is the core of this plan!

So many people can suppress the gods, but the people can't get together forever. Different gods have various abilities. Other means of imprisonment have no effect on him. He has countless ways to escape.

Only the time and space amber that proves the effect can imprison the gods.

The pre-war meeting has already decided that Han Xiao is the core figure of the action. The job of the people is to help him catch the gods with time and space.

If there is no super quiet and time and space amber, it may really make the gods escape. These two things are the key variables for this action.

Different gods also have a strong sense of space, and they perceive that the space around them is distorting and mutating, and the eyes are faint.

"It turned out that this is the effect of the legendary time and space amber, it is a magical cosmic treasure."

The stranger paused and forcedly pulled the facial muscles. "I didn't expect it, I planted it in your hands."

Han Xiao knows that the villain must be turned over, and he has no intention of talking. He is full of power and spurs amber.

Seeing that the situation has been unable to return to the sky, the gods are no longer struggling, staring at Han Xiao, faceless, with a deep meaning:

"Black star, we will see you sooner or later."

"That depends on when the three civilizations asked me to let you out."

Han Xiao’s eyes flashed and he suddenly interrupted the energy supply.

In the next moment, the demeanor and movement of the gods are completely frozen.

The whole person was sealed into time and space amber!

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