The Legendary Mechanic

: 916 High-level weapon sense, a visit from the Infinite Consortium

Broken Starlink, Black Star Legion Headquarters, Second Satellite, Dome Training Field 001.

This is a training ground with an area much larger than the actual training room. It can support larger-scale battles. It is paved with high-strength alloys and can withstand stronger attacks. The structure is similar to a circular stadium with a huge arc mechanical dome covering the battlefield. The dome uses a nanometer mimic screen, which can simulate the battlefield environment. There are transportation channels at the bottom of the training field and the surrounding walls, which are connected to the warehouse of training mechanical soldiers.

Han Xiao sat on the high-altitude stands of the dome training ground and stared at the bottom intently. Laki, Fording, Leonard and others were all by his side, sitting or standing, all looking at the battlefield.

At this moment, this dome training ground is undergoing a fierce battle. Several exit ports are exposed on the ground, and a steady stream of training mechanical warfare soldiers are crawling out, including rangers, mechanical beasts, floating turrets, and small floating shuttles. With different functions, waves impacted the two figures in the center of the battlefield.

The level of this battle is level D. They are all low-level mechanical soldiers. They use gunpowder weapons and electromagnetic kinetic energy weapons. Small-caliber cannon fires bursts and bursts. Armor-piercing high-explosive shells explode on the alloy ground of the training ground. The film was scorched black, and it made a bombardment sound.

The electromagnetic kinetic energy weapons equipped by some mechanical soldiers shoot out tracer spike ammunition at high speed, like light blue light tracks jumping arcs, wiping sparks on the ground and walls.

The two figures in the center of the battlefield were a mecha warrior covered in black heavy mechanical armor, and a mage surrounded by rune magic shields. It was Nilo and Tomar.

After studying with Leonard for several years, Nilo's level of mechanical strength reached the D level. In addition to theoretical study and assembly learning, Leonard also arranged practical training courses.

Nilo is young and his body is still in its infancy, but because of taking the blood of the Astral Spirit Dragon all the year round, coupled with the life energy donated by Aurora, his cell activity is very high, and his physical fitness is no less than the same. Grade adults, and the mechanical strength far exceeds the average level of this grade.

——In the past two years of in-depth study, his [Intermediate Mechanical Sense]'s role in [Advanced Lucky Aura] has transformed into [Advanced Mechanical Sense]!

The weapons given by Han Xiao are not allowed to be used in training. The armor on Nilo and the fort positions under his feet are all built by himself. With his mechanical power bonus, he exerts extremely powerful power. His artillery blasted metal fragments all over the floor.

Han Xiao came to watch the game mainly to test Nilo's learning achievements and see how this golden leek grows.

Tomar is also a protagonist with a lucky aura. He has extraordinary talents in magic. A spell model that a normal wizard can understand in seven days. He can learn it in less than a day. The learning efficiency is amazing. Tomar follows Laki to learn. After so long, he has grown rapidly, and he is also a potential talent who is optimistic about Han Xiao.


The artillery fire in the field was deafening. In the high-altitude stands, Han Xiao touched his chin and said to Leonard beside him:

"His mechanical abilities are not bad, but melee combat is not good. When he gets close by a mechanical beast, he is in a hurry. He still lacks experience."

"This is my negligence. My focus has always been on mechanical learning, ignoring his melee skills, and I will increase his melee courses as appropriate." Reynard was meticulous in his German.

"Strengthen." Han Xiao emphasized, "Mechanical learning can't be left behind."


On the side of Bennett's remote projection, he smiled with satisfaction.

Fording couldn't listen anymore, and said helplessly: "The weakness of mechanics is to be close, Black Star, not every mechanic is the same as you, don't demand so high."

Han Xiao said haha, "Being a man, we must have dreams and be more demanding, nothing bad."

He was quite happy, Nilo's Mechanical Sense expertise had reached a high level, and [Perfect Mechanical Sense] was just around the corner.

"Tomar has made great progress." After thinking about it, Han Xiao added another sentence and patted Lackey's shoulder, "You taught well."

"But what's the use? One day, he..."

"Don't talk anymore." Han Xiao's face turned dark, and he slapped his mouth.

Before long, Nilo's ammunition ran out, Tomar's mana returned to zero, and the mechanical soldiers stopped at the same time, ending the actual combat training.

The two of them sweated profusely and returned to the stands out of breath.

Han Xiao smiled and nodded, approvingly said: "Good fight."

Bennett also looked relieved, "Your Excellency Black Star taught you very well. In a few years, I guess I won't be your opponent."

After receiving the compliment, Nilo's face was flushed, and his face was full of joy.

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao nodded secretly. He had high hopes for Nilo, not only conspiring [Perfect Mechanical Sense], but also hoping that Nilo would grow into the backbone of the new generation of the Legion.

After a few more words of encouragement, everyone embarked on the short-range spacecraft and returned from the second satellite to the headquarters close at hand.

After two years of digestion, the Black Star Legion has stabilized, and several small mechanical satellite bases have been added to the Black Star Legion headquarters to accommodate more and more members of the Legion.

As soon as she returned to the headquarters office, Silvia came to her door.

"Teacher, many partners are asking when our Black Star party will be held this year."

Han Xiao raised his brows, thought about it, and said: "In a few months, you can send out the invitation letter now."

The Black Star Legion invited Evolution Cube partners to hold a banquet that has been held for two sessions. It is becoming more and more formal and gradually gaining influence. Many forces are looking forward to this opportunity to connect with more advanced civilizations and call it "Black "Star Gathering" has formed a competitive relationship with Heboar's "Overlord Gathering".

Evolution Cube brings more than money. The collaborators form a huge network of interests to allow the Black Star Legion to enter different industries. The Legion has a brand effect and strong strength. Not many people in this Star Territory can compete with the Legion.

The evolutionary totem has rich benefits, just like a catalyst, allowing the Black Star Legion to grow like a snowball. After two years of digestion, the Black Star Legion’s industrial chain has gradually consolidated and perfected, and the power has already possessed certain consortium attributes.

Due to the evolutionary totem, the Black Star Legion has more and more partners, and the influence of the Black Star Gathering has increased tremendously, and an emerging camp characteristic is slowly forming.

If the restrictions of the evolutionary totem are released, the benefits will be multiplied many times, but the pressure will also skyrocket. Han Xiao is still satisfied with the current situation. The pressure of the totem business is basically transferred to the empire, and the Legion avoids 9%. More than ten risks.

"Okay, I'll draft the invitation letter right away... By the way, one more thing, there is a non-partner who wants to participate in this Black Star party."

"The Black Star Party only invites the collaborators of the Legion, and all others can be rejected. This is a long-established rule. Why do you still ask me?"

"But this power has a lot of backing, and I can't make up my mind, so I came to ask your opinion."

Han Xiao frowned and became interested.

"Who is the other party."

"Unlimited Consortium."

Hearing that, Han Xiao moved for a while, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and his thoughts flew.

Sorokin's infinite consortium?

The two sides once had a cryptic conflict. Sorokin once sent affiliated forces to test the legion players, and was beaten by Han Xiao. Now more than two years later, the other party is suddenly coming over to participate in the Black Star party. I don’t know what purpose he is holding... …

"What's their reason?" Han Xiao pondered.

"The Infinite Consortium hopes to have commercial cooperation with the Legion, saying it is related to the Shining World. They know that after the first phase of the Empire is developed, they will divide the territory for allies. This time they want to discuss cooperation."

"This way, it makes sense..." Han Xiao suddenly.

Although the Interstellar Consortium could not be the first group of forces to share the big cake of Glittering World, they are indispensable in the subsequent construction.

New Star Domain is very profitable. Perhaps the infinite consortium wants to seize business opportunities?

However, although this reason is reliable, because of the last skirmish, Han Xiao is still a little wary of the Infinite Consortium.

He thought for a while and said:

"In that case, send them an invitation letter and tell them that I hope to take this opportunity to meet and talk with Sorokin."

A few months later, the professional league is over, and Han Xiao is not afraid of what the Infinite Consortium will do.

Meeting once to talk is also helpful to know yourself and the enemy.

"Understood, I will handle it."

Silvia nodded, turned and left the room, acting ably.

Withdrawing his gaze, Han Xiao poured himself a glass of alcoholic beverage, drinking and handling the backlog of chores.

After a while, he pinched time to open the forum.

Today is the opening day of the first round of the international finals, with three wins in five rounds. The first game is the first-ranked Jiangcheng against the Tomahawk Club. The number of spectators on the competition channel hit a new high.

The three Huaxia teams entered the quarter-finals, and the players in the Broken Starlink sector were extremely excited. In their opinion, if Dynasty, Changkong and Jiangcheng all win the first round, then three Huaxia teams will enter the international semi-finals. This is great. glory!

But at the same time, some of the spectators who were not optimistic about the Huaxia team at the beginning have not stopped. They have a rebellious mentality and can't help posting irony, thinking that all three teams may fall in the first round, and none of them can make it into the semi-finals.

When it comes to the finals, all teams will no longer hide their hole cards, and the competition will be more intense. Han Xiao is also very curious about what rankings the Huaxia team can get.


(Recently, the sacred beast woke up, the brothers should be more concerned, the starting point system has been upgraded, all the books only show the chapter in three days, and it will be restored after a while)

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916 Advanced Mechanical Sense, a visit from the Infinite Consortium (Page 1/1)

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