The Legendary Mechanic

: 917 Black Star Character Card - [Eternal Body]!

In the game channel, the Jiangcheng team and the Tomahawk team both entered a group battle scene of a plant planet.

Trees towering into the sky, covering the sky, only a little bit of sunlight slanted through the dense canopy, the light is cut by the swaying branches, leaving a dynamic spot on the ground.

The two teams appear in different positions in the forest. The audience of the game channel can switch the perspectives of different teams and players. The barrage is dense, and most of them are cheering for Jiangcheng.

"Refueling Jiangcheng, doing the battle axe."

"The first hit eighth, that is not to play casually."

"Miss Feng Yue is a duck!"

In the final five games, three wins, each game must play five games, respectively, five forms of battle, the first is the team battle, followed by the collapse, capture the flag, copy competition, copy generation, according to the results of the battle to give different Winning points, and finally judge the victory or defeat of a game by the height of the winning point.

The one-minute countdown slowly reached the end, and as the numbers returned to zero, the first round of the finals was officially launched. The two teams in the picture immediately moved. Jiangcheng throws a compression ball on the side of the moon and turns it into a half-man-tall minaret base station to cover the traces and mislead detection to cover up the team trail. Below, there is a bright and sleek Black Star Legion logo army product, superior performance and quality assurance.

The other side of the battle axe also covered up the whereabouts, but the use of magic props, only the leader of the battle axe "Viking captain" from the waist of the magic capsule to pull out a black scroll, with dazzling golden magic runes, With his hands on his hands, he slammed the reel, and a white gas with a high concentration of magic flowed out, shrouded in the Tomahawk team, and everyone's body became translucent.

"Hey, this is the Supreme Magic Scroll?" Han Xiao is also watching the forum and seeing the special runes on the scrolls.

This magic scroll material is very rare, can carry more powerful spells, needs to be hand-made, Han Xiao sees Laiki made, inscribed at least is a master spell, the price is very expensive, the Tomahawk is used to inscribe a masking spell, obviously Very local.

"In the finals, all the teams have done their cards." Han Xiao is interested,

After hitting the international finals, all the teams will not have any reservations. All of them will be fully fired and the cards will be played out. This situation will add a lot of variables. The strength of the team will fluctuate greatly. It is difficult to predict the strength of the opponent through the previous record.

The team battle has always been the form of the king's battle. Different tactics are formulated according to different scenarios. Such a large-scale forest obviously needs jungle combat. The key point is to hide itself and discover the enemy.

After covering their own whereabouts, the two teams also began to look for opponents. Jiangcheng relied on diversified detection radars, and the battle axe used rune magic to bless "insight", "eyes", "sex exploration", etc. When the magic is due to cultural reasons, the Swedish Tomahawk prefers magical means.

The two sides sneaked slowly, and the atmosphere was tense and depressed. Under this circumstance, the commentators of the China Games Channel began to explain the competition and became active.

"Well, both teams have already entered. We can see that the small map of the battlefield is divided into sixteen areas, the top left corner is a1, the bottom right corner is d4, and the horizontal direction is the same alphabetic order. Jiangcheng The team is currently at a3, at the top of the map, the tomahawk is at c1, the position is at the bottom left, and now it depends on what course of action they take... Oh! Sure enough, the two sides used the same high-altitude maneuver!"

A Tomahawk player is a bird race that unfolds its wings, breaks through the canopy, flies through the air, and overlooks the battlefield. On the other side, Feng Yue threw a few compressed **** into the sky, turned into floating soldiers, and cruised at high altitudes.

For the current players, the flight is already very simple, but in this scene, because of the obstruction of the trees, the advantage of flying is not large.

With the compression ball technology, the mechanical equipment is more portable, the mechanical capacity and the speed of the paving machine carried by the mechanical system are greatly increased, and the changes brought about are subversive. Like the previous version, Maple Moon can't carry it with you. Ten kinds of machinery, or one hand can complete the paving.

In the picture, the flying forces of both sides quickly found each other, and the fighters of the Tomahawk easily destroyed the floating soldiers without mechanical blessing.

Explain the spirit, "Oh! The scouts of the two sides broke out a short battle, look at the next action on both sides... It seems that the Tomahawk took the tactic of attacking, the whole team came to the scout position, and Jiangcheng that Side... Hey, Jiangcheng seems to have mastered the position of the opponent and is winding around! The Fengyue player has arranged a large number of mines and mechanical traps along the way. She is trying to turn the entire battlefield into her own position! Just give the mechanical time, Can continue to expand the advantages of the scene, now the battle axe is passive..."

The Jiangcheng team's style of play is inclined to the mechanical department. The captain's knives are themselves armed weapons. After joining Feng Yue, they are more and more inclined to the tactical choice. The most terrible thing is that not only the sinister, but also the gun. Both are more senior than you.

The Tomahawk team was quickly heavier, and it was bombarded with a mine that was laid out by Maple Moon.

Under the chain explosion of the rumble, the lush forest has become a sea of ​​fire, at least in terms of scene destruction, the mechanical department is well deserved no.1!

When the opponent stepped on the trap, Jiangcheng no longer hides, changes the route, and directly attacks. The Tomahawk players also have a magic armor, but compared with the Legion production, these high-quality magic power armor is completely inferior.

The mad knife rushed to the right, all kinds of mechanical melee weapons played dance and dance, and other players cooperated with each other. After paying two people, they succeeded in fighting the axe and winning the team battle.

On the competition channel, the Chinese audience is in a good mood.

"Haha, I will say, Jiangcheng must crush the battle axe, the first place in the regular season is not white."

"The body of the Tomahawk will come, this is the taste of the version."

"With the joining of Miss Feng Yue, Jiangcheng is really not a little bit stronger."

"Miss sister is strong, gentle and gentle, I am powdered, when is the photo?"

"Jiang Yu’s aunt is already an old woman. How can Miss Yue Yue be young and beautiful? Sorry, I have to change my love. It’s not that you are not good enough, but your brother’s vision is a bit high.”

"With the new joy, I forgot the wife of the ruin, and the new scum male is a shame!"

In a noisy and noisy situation, the two teams ended their rehearsal and started the ring game. The Tomahawk sent an ordinary player to explore the road, while the selection of Jiangcheng’s side gave the audience a boost. The first game was awesome. The captain is mad.

Now Jiangcheng won the team battle. The captain played in the first place in Fujian and Taiwan. It was clear that he had to completely overwhelm his opponent in the momentum. He was unreasonable. The audience felt the confidence and domineering of Jiangcheng from this ranking.

The rhetoric is exhilarating, the mouth is toot, and the speed of speech is like a machine gun:

"The first battle of the ring game, Jiangcheng captain razor knife applied for the battle, although he regrets that he did not enter the finals of the individual 16, but in the international regular season ranking is 18, if luck is better, may not be able to enter the finals, now Let's take a look at the battle situation... Oh, not to be expected! The knives of the knives are ruining and ending the opponent. The occupation of the armed warrior takes into account the advantages of the mechanical department and the martial arts department. In this strong version of the mechanical department, this professional advantage is great. ""

In the picture, the mad knife took a tough play, did not evade, directly attacked, throwing a compression ball, turning into a different mechanical trap, current lasing, controlling the opponent's position in the control aspect of the armed warrior than the simple martial system Strong is not a star and a half.

After being close to the opponent, the mad knives set a gust of wind and rain, and even the tricks were very different from the martial arts. The mechanical weapons dazzled, swords, hammers, axes, guns, whip locks, shackles. Guns have everything to do with different weapons. This set of extremely difficult operations is extremely gorgeous, and it is extremely gorgeous. It took less than a minute to empty the opponent's blood trough.

Strong is really strong, handsome is really handsome, although the occupation is no longer the martial arts of past lives, but the mad knife clearly glowed the second spring.

The Tomahawk couldn't sit still, and the Viking captain went straight to the second, facing the mad knife and the captain playing the captain.

Captain Viking is a martial artist who takes off heavy armor and activates a violent gain triggered by a stateless state. The bare skin is full of cyan rune enchanted tattoos for protection and regeneration. The epic enchanted tomahawk.

"Oh, blood and glory!" Viking captain's double axe slammed against each other and screamed at the knife.

The knives stood on the opposite side of the knives and looked speechless.

"It’s a martial artist, and the shame is really high..."

Entering the show so deeply, foreign friends really have a soft spot for role-playing.

At this moment, behind the Viking captain suddenly appeared a shadow of a muscular brawny, flashing, and then, the Viking captain's muscles were generally raised in the air, and the arsenal attached to the body was originally burning. It seems to have turned into a napalm bomb, and it suddenly exploded.

With a bang, the gas field skyrocketed!

In his status bar, it shows a new gain state. The Viking captain used a character advent card!

Interpretation of the face changes, "Glory clan's violent, melee attack +50%, physical resistance +30%, strength +400 points, agility +200 points, life limit +20%, moving speed +40%, each attack Extra 300 bonus damage, which lasts for five minutes! This character card is strong!"

Upon seeing it, the pot was fried on the barrage.

"People use character cards, this is hanging."

"Is there a strong character card for the mad knife? If it is not, it may be cold."

The character arrival card is a rare thing. The more powerful the character card is, the harder it is. The professional players use it as a card. Now it is in the finals, no one will keep it. At this time, the Viking captain will play a card.

Such an ultra-conventional metamorphic prop as [Black Star Legion Badge] has only one division, and it is normal to be disabled. But the character card is different, any player has a chance to get it, only the effect is different, so it is not on the disabled list, but there are restrictions.

Because each game has five different forms of competition, the rules show that the character card used each time can not be inherited to the next game, that is, even if the Viking captain kills the competition, the effect of the character card is still If you don't end, you should use the death refresh status, and you can't bring the gain of the character card to the next flag-raising game.

The character card of the professional player is more rare, and it is displayed to the audience in the league. It is the watch point prepared by the event, so that the game becomes wonderful and attracts the eyeball... This rule provides both wonderful and reduced characters. The impact of the card on the entire game.

After all, each round is a five-game three-win, at least fifteen games, the character card binding can not be traded, can take out 15 characters hanging from the sky, it is also a kind of skill, then again, others have people Card, it means that whose baby is bigger.

Seeing the change of the opponent, the knives must be fixed, and a character card is activated.

The shadow of a handsome man in black appeared behind him, as tall as the sky, and many viewers recognized the figure at a glance, and they were excited.

"Hey, black star!"

"Come on, I will say, how can the razor knife have no character card!"

"I remember the last time the razor knife used the black card character card?"

"Now the black star is super a, the effect can be the same."

Many legion players are excited. Han Xiao’s panel has always been a question mark. They can only look at the strength of Han Xiao’s strength through the way of copy battle and character cards. At this time, curiosity was suddenly stirred up.

I saw a new gain on the status bar of the razor, and all the viewers looked at it.

[People Advent Card - Black Star: [Invincible Body] When you take an attack, you exempt and absorb 25% of the damage value, and the remaining 60% of the damage that is offset by the resistance will be converted into the strength value. At the same time, you can Pneumatic value is converted to health, the ratio is 1:9, the maximum return to 35% of life per second, the effect lasts 10 minutes]

Seeing the effect of the character card, the barrage was silent for a moment and suddenly exploded.

"The trough, what is this metamorphosis ability?!"

"No wonder the black star has this title in the universe... This Nima who can stand it!"

Countless Legion players are stunned.

Although the character card of Captain Viking is powerful, it is at least acceptable, and the effect of the character card of the Black Star is far beyond their understanding. The audience has been shocked!

Is this the level of super a level? Just a power is horrible!

The output is high, the younger brother is more, and he is still out of the sky...

Black Star has such ability, let alone now, I am afraid that they will not be able to pile up such a terrible boss in the future!

"Hey, how does he have my character card?" Han Xiaoyi said, he remembered that he had not published such a task.

After thinking about it, Han Xiao understood that 80% of the knives got a blank character card, and his ability to re-enact his character. The two specialties were merged into a nickname [indestructible body] by the character card.

"Well, after I upgraded my expertise, I haven’t used it myself many times, but I let you enjoy it."

Han Xiao shook his head and laughed.

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