The Legendary Mechanic

: 937 Fording: Good luck is really troublesome...

Interpas doesn’t know what the name of the consortium means, but when Black Star mentions the name, the weird smile on his face can make him fill up a series of love-hate entanglements, which seems to have a special meaning, he secretly Muttering, nothing showed on his face.

Han Xiao shook his head, put away his thoughts, knocked on the table and said: "When you arrive on the next planet, I will ask someone to send you to the Legion Headquarters in Broken Starlink. Once there, you have time to get familiar with the work of the Legion. That’s all I have to say, you can go, do some homework yourself."

"Okay." Interpas nodded, saluted, turned and left the room.

When he got out of the room, Silvia couldn't help rolling her eyes with a funny face.

"You are too vengeful, you even named such a name."

Although she is not a Seablue Star, she has spent many years under Han Xiao's command, and she has also learned about Han Xiao's early experience from others.

"This is not a grudge." Han Xiao snorted.

Speaking of it, he, Hela and Aurora should be the only three former budding members left now... In this way, budding is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

After teasing a few words, Han Xiao said solemnly: "Close to the subject, how is the situation with Broken Starlink?"

Hearing that, Silvia also put away her smile, with a serious face, and reported the progress of the competition between the Black Star Legion and the War Domain and the Infinite Consortium. Since the competition broke out, Han Xiao has asked Silvia to report the situation to him regularly.

At present, the large-scale alliance of the remaining cooperative enterprises of the Black Star Legion has prevented the infinite consortium’s hostile acquisition to a certain extent, turning it into a tug-of-war, and the infinite consortium and the war field have temporarily changed their focus, shifting from large-scale acquisition of business channels to Consolidate the business channels already in hand, from the initial fierce expansion to a solid foundation.

Therefore, the role of the war field has been revealed. As a super-a-level force, it can quickly digest the market grabbed by the infinite consortium, which has caused the business scope of the war field to break through the stereotype, and it is rapidly expanding and changing with each passing day.

The two are complementary to a certain extent. The Infinite Consortium spends money to open up territory, while the war field provides influence and connections for many years of operation. The integration of these resources, the efficiency of the two cooperation, produces a chemical reaction, feeds each other, and develops Quickly, it was chasing the Black Star Legion's position in the Broken Starlink.

The combination of Guojianglong + Earth Snake is the troublesome place. Otherwise, even if the banknotes of the Infinite Consortium are so many that they dare not print it like this, the threat to him is limited.

Overlord, this hanging man can really be bad money... After hearing the report, Han Xiao snorted lightly.

When I am finished, I will write my last name upside down without pressing you on the ground and rubbing it a hundred times!

Han Xiao shook his head.

"I already know the situation, you can go back to work."

"Hmph, it will call people. People want to stay with you for a while. Since I became the chief affairs officer, you have become more and more alienated from me!" Silvia wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction.

"How can I be." Han Xiao was taken aback.

"I don't care, I haven't been on vacation for a long time, I don't want to lose my hair like Jenny!" Silvia puffed up with her hands on her hips, "Although I would rather play for the Legion, you can't use me as a human being! You! Don’t you really think I like work?! If it wasn’t for you...huh!"

Han Xiao had no choice but to comfort him, then calmed Silvia back.

In the eyes of the members of the legion, Silvia never complained, her image was capable and calm, and only in front of him would Silvia play a small temper.

On the next planet, Han Xiao ordered a few warships and packed Interpas back to Broken Starlink.

He continued to run around in the empire, looking for leeks while training his strength.

Tossing around the various star clusters and galaxies in the constellation corridor, traveling everywhere, over time, the major forces will not be surprised.

With the long-term travel, Han Xiao also slowly accumulated his vigor to the critical point of lv19, getting closer and closer to the requirements of advanced tasks.



In the gravity training room with the maximum gravity mimicry environment, Han Xiao with his upper body naked is suspended in the air, his eyes are radiating strong light, his mouth and nose are swallowing lightning-like airflow, and a thundercloud is formed between his breathing, and the sound of inhalation is like a rumbling. Long's muffled thunder, his breath sounded like crackling lightning, and his body was entwined with strong mechanical power and electric light, all signs showed that the energy in his body was in the most active state.

Hiss Han Xiao took a deep breath, retracted all the mechanical force into his body, turned off the gravitational mimicry, and in his senses, the cells compressed by the all-round gravity got rid of the shackles, squeezing out strands of new life.

"I have practiced another strength training method."

The light in Han Xiao's eyes converged, he opened the panel and took a look, nodding satisfied.

This is a vigor training method that uses gravity to practice. It uses compression and release to increase the limit of cell production. The number of exercises has reached the upper limit and the value is drained.

During this period of time, Han Xiao has practiced a number of vigor training methods, which cost him a lot of experience and energy. Now the upper limit of vigor has reached about 11w9000.

"It's only the last 1000 points, and the strength of lv19 is not far away."

Han Xiao rubbed his shoulders, then controlled his body and opened the closed sweat glands of his upper body. The sweat suddenly appeared like a spring, but it volatilized the moment he was separated.

The current level of life can perfectly control the body, whether it is sweating or not, it is ok to not sweat after intense exercise, it will only be a little uncomfortable.

After cleaning his body, Han Xiao touched his chest muscles, bowed his head and admired his golden-ratio sturdy figure, and then manipulated his clothes to put on him.

The alloy door slid open, Han Xiao walked out of the gravity training room, casually nodded to the crew passing by, then came to the corridor and stopped to look at the viewing window.

The viewing window shows the external environment and can be zoomed. At this time, the viewing screen overlooks the surface of a planet. A majestic interstellar city is located here. The spacecraft rises and falls, leaving a long lasting path in the sky. Guangzhan is very lively and bustling.

"Ainia Hub, a famous interstellar city in the constellation corridor, a high-level transit hub city." Han Xiao nodded secretly.

This is a very lively interstellar city, which belongs to an empire's Super A Grade ally. Because of its good management and geographical advantages, the Aiya hub has become a famous location in the empire.

However, Han Xiao came to this planet not to dig people, just that the fleet just needed to replenish supplies. In addition, Aurora and the guards said that they had stayed on the ship enough, and they all expressed their desire to go to the big city to have fun, so he Bringing people to the Aiya hub, has been parked here for several days.

Because here is a mixture of fish and dragons, there are too many travelers coming and going. In order not to cause a sensation and onlookers, Han Xiao made the fleet disguise, and at the same time asked Philip to cover up the visiting information and set a false identity. The intelligence of the Aiya hub is not capable. After identification, no one knows that he is visiting.

Open the panel and look at it. At this time, there is an evolutionary totem halo buff on the status bar.

"This is also a planet equipped with an evolutionary totem." Han Xiao touched his chin.

The sale of evolving totems has been going on for a long time. The empire and allies have bought everything that they should buy. They have been used on a large scale, and they are generally used for colonizing stars. It is relatively rare to appear in interstellar transit stations.

Han Xiao has browsed the information of the Ainia hub in the past two years and found that the evolutionary totem has attracted more travelers and nomads, some weak ethnic groups, and even actively sent some tribes to live on a neutral planet with the evolutionary totem for a long time.

As a result, a new phenomenon of immigration emerged, and the influence of the evolutionary totem began to expand subtly.

After looking around, Han Xiao left the corridor and went to the cadre activity room.

Usually there are a lot of people opening card games here, it has been very noisy, but at the moment it is very deserted, only less than half of the guards are playing Wien cards here.

Seeing Han Xiao, everyone turned their heads to say hello, and then continued to concentrate on playing cards, frowning, as if they would meet Liangcai when they meet each other.

Han Xiao walked to the table and glanced, okay, the proper rookies pecked at each other, the combat power and the card skills really have no relationship.

After a glance left and right, Han Xiao patted one person on the shoulder without seeing Fording, Hardaway and others.

"Where did the others go?"

"Oh, they all went to the Ania hub to play, Hardaway took a group of people to... ahem, to that kind of bar, for Fording, I remember he seemed to go shopping with Aurora." The natural disaster-level guard officer scratched his head, "Are you going to call them back?"

"Forget it."

Han Xiao shook his head, there was nothing left and right, he didn't bother to disturb his subordinates for fun.

After thinking about it, I didn't rush to leave. Anyway, I was only short of 1,000 vigor, so I simply stayed here and concentrated on training the last vigor to complete the advanced task.


At the same time, Ania Hub, No. 04 Entertainment District.

A grand ceremony is going on here. The streets are crowded with people of different races. The parade and performance convoys move slowly, and the performers above make all kinds of weird movements towards the audience on the side of the road. There are also street performers from time to time. Performing on the street is very noisy and lively, full of laughter and laughter everywhere.

Both Fording and Aurora’s faces have been disguised, walking among the crowds of cheers, Aurora looks around curiously, and Fording follows Aurora as a temporary bodyguard, smiling, and from time to time Aurora commented on the surrounding performance.

"Hey, it's too boring to stay on the boat for a long time. It's better to be in a crowded place."

Aurora was holding a bunch of hot specialty snacks, chewing and speaking vaguely, in a good mood.

Hela likes to be alone, but Aurora prefers places with a lot of people. Although her childhood suffering caused her to suffer from social phobia for a period of time, after these years of adjustments, there is no such problem. .

She spends most of her time with Hela. Now that Hela is far away, Aurora also wants to walk around to improve her experience. However, the fact that she likes to be busy is not entirely a personality factor, and there are also physical factors. Her powers can be Perceiving the breath of life, where there are many life signals, there is a certain degree of attraction to her, and being in this environment can make her abilities become active, thereby creating a happy mood.

"Well, I prefer places with few people." Fording shrugged.

Aurora gave him a white look, "You like the world of two people, right? Is it so fun to have **** with one another? Are you addicted?"

Fording didn't care, smiled faintly, pointed to his temple, "You made her shy."

Aurora was numb for a while, just about to say something. At this moment, Fording's eyes changed suddenly, he took a step forward, pressed Aurora's shoulder, and stared in one direction.

"Wait, there seems to be a situation."

Upon seeing this, Aurora did not ask, immediately put away his joking expression, threw away the snack in his hand, reached out to touch the folding gun on his waist, and instantly made a fighting posture.

At the same time, she fully used her life-sensing ability, followed Fording's gaze to detect the past, and suddenly found that several non-existent life signals suddenly appeared in the distance, one of which was still very weak and seemed to be in a state of serious injury.

The two looked at each other, walked quickly along the induction, turned into an alley, walked through multiple corners, deeper and deeper, and gradually disappeared from the surroundings.

Soon, the two came to the location of the abnormal life signal, but there was a clearing in front of them, and there was no abnormality on the surface.

Fording frowned, and took out a magic badge from his arms. This was a gift from Lackey, which was a device for detecting abnormal magical fluctuations. It was shaking violently at this time, pointing to the open space ahead.

"It looks like enchantment magic. It can cover the city's magic detection device for a short period of time. The effect is unusual. It hides an area in the city and doesn't look like a good person. What is this going to do?"

Fording hesitated for a moment whether to be nosy.

But before he could make a decision, the space in front of him suddenly exploded like broken glass!


The invisible barrier was broken from the inside. A **** figure stumbled out and fell to the ground with a plop. The pool of blood underneath gradually expanded. The open space in front of the two suddenly changed, and there were a lot of pits and pits in the battle. .

In addition to the wounded, there are several people standing in the distance, holding a long-handled metal inscription warhammer, wearing a black hooded robe, the robe has white pattern symbols, and wearing several strings of special necklaces, dressed like a certain The priest or monk of the sect, drops of blood dripped from the warhammer.

Apparently there was a siege here just now.

Probably because the barrier was broken and didn't want to attract more attention, these priests dressed up without nostalgia, turned their heads and left, very fast, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the two.

Fording thought for a while, because he didn't know the details of this group of people, and he had no intention of pursuing him, stepping forward to support the severely wounded man who was only breathing.

However, before he could ask, the severely wounded man grabbed his clothes abruptly, his fingers tightly clenched, hoarse and hurriedly said:


Before he finished speaking, the wounded man fell down again and fell into a coma, leaving a **** handprint on Fording's clothes.

The two of them stared with big eyes.

"...What about this?"

"Oh, use your ability to save him. Since I ran into it, at least I have to ask what's going on. I have a hunch, I always feel that this is not a trivial matter."

With that, Fording shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help muttering to himself in a low voice:

"Why do I always encounter such emergencies?"

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