The Legendary Mechanic

: 938, you can meet the opportunity

Seeing this person seriously injured and dying, Ou Ruo stretched his hand and pressed it on him. The dazzling energy of life was released from the fingers, and the golden light spots floated. It looked like a soft tulle, pouring into this person. in vivo.

The next moment, the wound on the person's body was quickly healed and recovered by the naked eye. The torn flesh and blood were closed, the smashed bones were glued, the pale face quickly returned to the blood, and it quickly recovered. All the wounds healed, only the blood was covered. Can prove that he was just like a grandson.

"Oh." The man frowned and gradually woke up from a coma.

"Where am I..." He understood for a moment, suddenly remembered the things before the coma, his face changed greatly, stood up violently, and watched vigilantly around. "Where did the madmen go?"

Verdin coughed and caught his attention. "The enemy who attacked you has already ran, and we saved you."

"Running? It's awful! I can't easily find their traces, and the trail is broken." The man looked distressed, then looked at Fuding and identified them for a while before he said: "I am unconscious." I saw you before."

"Yes." Fuding pointed to the **** handprint on the clothes. "You told me to stop them."

The man slap his head and he said helplessly: "Sorry, my friend, I am too hurt. At that time, my consciousness is blurred. I don't want to drag you into danger. If I am awake, I will definitely ask you to run quickly."

When the voice just fell, he later remembered his own injury and hurriedly checked his physical condition.

"Hey, what about my wounds? Where is my big hole in my chest?!"

Aurora’s eyebrows picked up Han Xiao’s look and learned ten to ten. “I have cured you. This is my ability.”

The man hurriedly moved and found that not only the injury was all right, but the body was still full of vitality, as if returning to the state of full prosperity, and the face was full of horror.

He has not seen the ability to heal, but the therapeutic effect of such a powerful effect is the first time he sees it. Looking at the scene around him, the time has passed for a few minutes, and the treatment efficiency is too terrible.

"I have a treasure!" The man was overjoyed, and he was very excited. He hurriedly stepped forward and wanted to hold Aurora's hand. "Do you have any interest in joining us!!"

Fuding had no choice but to reach out and separated the over-enthusiastic guy. After a short contact, he found that the reaction of the guy seemed a bit dull and dull.

"You should introduce yourself at least, this is the most basic courtesy."

"Oh, right, I am so excited, I forgot." The man retracted his hand and his face was positive. He said: "I am called Raymond, a member of the Alliance of Correctors."

"What alliance?" Fording wondered, he had never heard of this organization.

"Oh... you are not the person of this galaxy." Seeing the two men ignoring themselves, Raymond scratched his head and explained: "The Alliance of Correctors is a commitment to protect mortals and punish the wicked. The super-person group, we are mainly in this galaxy activity."

In this way, Fording and Aurora understand.

The Alliance of Correctors is a group of folks in the galaxies. It is the "superhero" in the mouth of some interstellar citizens.

As the saying goes, Xia Yiwu is banned, as is the interstellar society. People who have gained strength will change their thoughts and desires. From time to time, every corner of the universe will emerge as a new wanted criminal. The root cause is the proliferation of superpowers, which breeds a large number of ambitious villains, and also spawns opposing superheroes.

Superheroes are also a profession. Unlike mercenaries, this profession is extremely hard, not only for disaster relief, but also for compensation. The moral level is at least as high as five floors.

There are not many people who are willing to put their extraordinary power into this cause. Most people want to use super powers in exchange for better life, more wealth, and greater power. So few real strong people go. Be a superhero. In general, a superhero group is made up of a group of like-minded people.

But this profession is also good, that is, the prestige among the people far exceeds the mercenary.

Although there are not many superheroes, the whole universe is not a small number. Most of them are active in the local area. So long ago, the three major civilizations established a superhero association to facilitate management. "You can "exercise justice" in the prescribed area without being invited to drink tea.

In addition to having a salary, the association will help pay for the incidental losses caused by the “exercise of justice”... In short, superheroes in the eyes of civilization are equal to the volunteers recruited by a group of agencies.

After listening to it, Fording thought about it and didn't say his real name.

"I am a s... cough, morning star, she is Europe... Euler."

"Thank you for saving me." The faces of the two men were fuzzified, and Raymond did not recognize it.

"Talk about what is going on." Fuding beheaded.

Raymond didn't want to involve outsiders, but Aurora's ability made him change his mind, and the explanation of the ins and outs:

"The group that attacked me just belonged to a mad believer. They believed in a **** of evil, claiming to be a blood hammer church, and performing sacrifices in the form of blood sacrifices. They have already committed many cases in this galaxy, and we have been disciplined. The alliance is old."

Fording heard the words, his brow wrinkled, and he did not like the barbaric behavior of ordinary people.

The territory of the three major cosmic civilizations is good, but it is impossible to prevent all criminal acts, and occasionally there will be short-term fish that leaks.

Unless it is a kind of wanted criminal with particularly high fighting power and a particularly serious case, the cosmic civilization will not always be personally involved. The general wanted criminals will first let the local vassal civilization or mercenaries deal with them, so as to save the security resources, if the vassal civilization It is only when it comes to cosmic-level civilization intervention.

There are not many ordinary people in the blood hammer church every time, and many actions are also blocked by the Alliance of Correctors. At the same time, they will not die and go to the Imperial Colonial Star to catch the blood sacrifice, so the destructiveness has not reached the level of the Empire personally. Was not arrested and brought to justice.

"I found the madman's trace in the Ania hub, worried that they want to hold a blood sacrifice here, so they sneak up and want to find out where they are, but unfortunately halfway was discovered, then you will all I know, if you are not, I am already dead." Raymond smiled.

"So..." Fuding sinks. "What plans do you have now?"

"Reassure, I have already informed other partners that they are coming to the Ania hub. Before that, I will continue to follow the traces of the Blood Hammer Church and not let them kill ordinary people here." Pouting, "But relying on me alone, not their opponent..."

"You can find Ain's garrison and police forces." Aurora was unmoved.

"I will report the case, but I am just an ordinary superhero, they will not let me join their work, and I can't wait, so I have to do something myself." Raymond sincerely said: "I hope that the two can help me. I sincerely invite the two to join the Alliance of Correctors."

Fording is undecided, many superheroes have such a common problem, like to be a lone ranger, the other side also clearly sees Aurora's ability.

"So, let us think about it."

After a while, Fuding did not say anything to death. He decided to report it and listen to Han Xiao’s opinion.

It’s not a matter of nostalgia, mainly here is the empire, and they are also the ally of the Empire. They run into a group of wanted criminals who seem to be doing things. It’s not good to turn a blind eye. After all, the identity is here, can stop it. Still try to stop it, it is only a small matter for the Black Star Army.


"Disciplinary Alliance? Blood Hammer Church?"

In the actual practice room, Han Xiao opened his eyes and looked at the remote projections of Ford and Aurora in front of him. His face was a bit odd.

He was already exercising, and he just received a newsletter from Fording and Aurora and learned about it.

Han Xiao searched the past for information on the past, and he had some impressions on these two forces.

The Alliance of Correctors is a little famous in the past. It is a secondary camp. After joining, it does not affect other identities. Some players in the past have joined the martial arts league to have a superhero addiction. At that time, the blood hammer church had long since disappeared, and the player touched the blood hammer church plot through the replica crystal produced by the camp.

When Han Xiao practiced the trumpet, he also played a number of copies of the Blood Hammer Church. The priest used the evil spirits to serve as a treatment. A warhammer danced like a tiger, and he was able to fight and give him a drink. A deep impression.

In front of the Blood Hammer Church, only the pastor of the milkman is a younger brother. The correct style of the pastor should be that God does not care for me, and that a warhammer breaks the dust!

The Alliance of Correctors has a branch story in the past. They defeated many villains and confiscated many spoils. One of the unknown spoils is the relic of a powerful superman, which is sealed with a powerful secondary dimension.

After many years, this creature cracked out and sealed, causing heavy casualties in the Alliance of Correctors.

Han Xiao remembers clearly because the only bss mission reward for killing this seal creature is two feats, one is to improve mental resistance, and the other is to improve magic resistance, the magnitude is not small.

And this relic itself is also very valuable, can greatly enhance the ability of the mind teacher.

Looking at Fording's ignorance, Han Xiao's eyes are very complicated.

You guy... Is it possible to get money every time you go out?

(Catch the plane today, get out of bed in the morning, go to the place in the afternoon, the plane is next to the child with a child, can’t sleep, and there is still motion sickness in the middle. It’s been too tired for a long time on the road. It’s really awful after this one. I have to pick up a plot to increase my progress. But my brother can catch my eyes and I can’t open it. It’s so sleepy that I can’t write it. Today’s code is a little less, and my brothers are forgiven (〒_〒;))

Ps: I didn’t even bottom out, I heard that I was in the fourth place and I was shocked. The old team really had the elderly’s son ((* ゚Д ゚)ゞ”

Supernatural mechanic

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