The Legendary Mechanic

: 968 The epitome of the exploration calendar

The way the empire explored step by step, steadily expanded, and now the exploration forces have just entered two clusters and are beginning to explore from the border galaxies.

The light and dust cluster border galaxies, a small exploratory fleet jumped to reach a green planet. The outer armor of the battleship engraved the emblem of an empire-attached galaxy-level civilization, responsible for exploring the nearby area. This planet is their exploration. The goal.

"The transition is over and the destination has arrived, cooling the transition engine."

“The planetary environment probe has been deployed and is detecting the planetary environment and resource distribution.”

“The life monitoring device is activated and is scanning the target planet for signs of life.”

In the main control room of the command ship, many ship crews are busy manipulating various equipment, and the captain walks back and forth in the room, waiting for the detection results.


At this time, the door opened, and a man wearing a heavy-duty mechanical armor came in and showed the appearance of the soldier.

The captain turned his head and glanced at him. "Captain Kribe, what's the matter?"

"I just came to see." The man known as Kribe was expressionless and his tone was somewhat intolerant.

This person is one of the natural disasters of this affiliated civilization. He follows the expedition team and is responsible for armed security work.

However, it is obvious that in the world of shining, the chances of encountering an enemy who is qualified to let him shot are too small. The existence of Kribe is more insurance, and there is usually nothing to do, so he is naturally not willing to perform this work. He seems to be wasting his time on exercise.

After waiting for a while, the monitoring results came out and displayed on the virtual large screen of the main control room.

"Reporting the captain, the environmental parameters have been read, this is a livable planet, the resources are also rich, we also found signs of life, has scanned 730,000 kinds of creatures, one of which has a smart life, on the surface Forming a settlement, it is observed that the level of civilization is still in the tribal era, the level of intelligence is temporarily unknown, and the population is around 120,000."

The virtual screen shows the appearance of this intelligent species, which looks like a bunch of Goblin-like dwarf erect creatures. There are a lot of wrinkles on the white skin, which looks loose and sloppy, like a fat man with a fat.

"It’s good to have a smart life." The captain nodded. "Take them contact with them according to the exploration rules."

In the Code of Exploration, the empire stipulates procedures for engaging with indigenous civilizations, and adopts different approaches depending on the situation. For this kind of indigenous people who seem to have no threat, it is based on moderate education. Han Xiao used to be in the first period. When you explore the Pangurid star, you will adopt the policy of education.

The fleet landed slowly in a forest on the planet. The ground forces landed and began to contact the indigenous tribes. These indigenous wisdoms were both surprised and scared, and they were curious about these sudden creatures.

With the help of the universal translator, the expedition team successfully established a bridge of communication with the group of indigenous people. While understanding the indigenous people, they explained their intentions to the indigenous people. They used various images and images to explain the situation of the explored universe and introduced the red color. The empire, in order to let the indigenous people know what it is.

The team's doctors also began a physical examination of the curious indigenous people to prevent the indigenous people from carrying new germs that they had never seen before – there are too many examples, and the indigenous physiological structure is examined.

Everything seemed to be orderly, and Kribe was bored and walked in the busy camp.

Turning around, he suddenly saw an indigenous group leaving the queuing quarantine team, sneaking towards an indigenous tribe's house.

Cribber did not think about it, and was trying to regain his gaze, but at this moment, an inexplicable sense of alert rose to his mind.

His footsteps immediately stopped, and most of the Scourge levels had a keen instinct. Occasionally, some threats were predicted in the midst of it. The more powerful the superpowers, the more they believed in intuition.

"It seems that something is wrong..." Cribb frowned and turned to follow the sneaky native, pushed the door open and walked straight into the indigenous house.

The indigenous man was sitting in the corner of the door against the door. He didn't know what he was doing. He heard the sound behind him. He seemed to be shocked and turned over and looked over.

"What are you doing?" The unpredictable feelings of Kribe's heart are getting stronger and stronger.

The next moment, the expression of the indigenous man suddenly became distorted, and suddenly he took out a bone dagger and slammed it to his neck.


A gust of wind blew, and Kribe's action was incomparably swift, flashing in front of the other side, and directly flicking the dagger in the hands of the indigenous man, pinching his neck and lifting it up.

He didn't know what this Aboriginal move meant, but it was definitely wrong to stop it.

However, before he asked, the indigenous body trembled, his mouth spewed, his eyes burst, and he died on the spot.

"Don't take poison?" Kribe was amazed.

Just then, an exclamation suddenly sounded outside the door. Cribbert ran out of the body and found that there was a commotion in the doctor's office. I saw a lot of doctors surrounding a medical device for medical examination. There are more doctors who have come together and seem to have discovered something.

Cribb flew straight over and looked at the head of the doctor's team as soon as he landed.

"What are you doing?"

"Hello, look at this genetic test report!" A doctor looked very surprised. "We found that the genes of this intelligent life have major flaws, and this defect is actually a trace of genetic debugging, leading to the brain of this intelligent species. The ability has been suppressed by more than 80%. In short, some people have castrated their intelligence!"

"What do you mean, is this a captive species?" Cribble snorted.

At this time, the difference is steep!

Rumble -

At this moment, everyone felt that the earth under his feet suddenly trembled.

In the next second, all the ships broke out with a harsh alarm!

"Alarm! Alarm! High-energy response detected, matching event model database... Pairing completed, [original stunning burst] matching degree reached 99.8%, please evacuate immediately! Please evacuate immediately!"

"Original geek?!"

All of them, including Kribe, suddenly changed dramatically.

What happened to Creber suddenly, and smashed the skull of the weird indigenous corpse in his hand, and lifted his body, pouring all the things out, and a tiny mechanical product mixed with the slurry fell. .

At the moment of seeing this mechanical prop, Kribe's pupils shrank and instantly understood.

This is a life signal sensing device. In simple terms, when the user's life signal fluctuates or ends, the connected device on the other side will be activated or deactivated - the original solute burst, which is related to the vital signal sensing device. !

Bang! !

The planet collapsed inward in an instant, and a quiet blue energy fountain broke through the surface and rushed to the sky.

Then, the blue color spread rapidly over the earth, polluting the entire planet.

Mountains, rivers,, ocean, sky, all the existence of all are swallowed by the blue, turned into a part of the original glory!

Swell, no end expansion!

Everything's matter disappears in this blue, and in the process of transforming mass and energy, unleashed huge energy is released. The speed of the exploration fleet can't even keep up with the speed of the original swell, all by this secluded The blue light is swallowed up.

Kribe rushed out of the spaceship and wanted to struggle to escape. However, the endless blue light drowned his figure. In the face of this ruinous wave of solitude, the natural disaster level was just a mass of indistinguishable material.

The same scene is being played on more than one planet on the border of the Dust Star.


Lighthouse star, commander's boardroom.

Not long after the last meeting, the remote projections of all the representatives of the participating forces gathered again.

This is an emergency meeting that was held in an emergency. Han Xiao and a super-a class were also called to the meeting urgently.

Looking at the casualty statistics on the virtual screen, the atmosphere in the room was dignified.

"As you can see, our exploration forces have encountered an accident in the Dust Star Cluster." Talrokov’s tone condensed. "More than 6,000 warships were destroyed, and the death toll exceeded seven million, including two affiliated civilizations. The natural disaster level."

It is said that many people suddenly feel at a loss.

"What happened to them, did they run into a very strong local civilization?"

“The light dust cluster has such a powerful indigenous?!”

Han Xiao blinked, he only knew that this indigenous civilization caused trouble to the empire, and did not fully understand the detailed process of the war. After all, this is what happened during the version update. The previous players did not have personal experience, only from the historical background. Learn about the information.

Talrokov pressed down his hands, indicating that everyone was quiet, Shen Sheng:

"This group of indigenous armed forces is stronger than you think... They have mastered the technology of solitude. These lost teams are experiencing the original secluded power when they explore the planet and are completely annihilated. We have reason to believe that this is the one. Unknown traps laid by indigenous civilizations."

As soon as this statement came out, most of the delegates took a breath and the expression became horrified.

They can accept indigenous civilizations with strong military power, because with the warship technology of the empire, the suppression of indigenous civilization is not a problem, the conventional military strength is stronger, and it is impossible to pose a great threat to them.

However, the indigenous civilization that mastered the original solitude has a completely different meaning!

In the explored universe under the jurisdiction of the three major civilizations, the original secluded energy is a weapon that is absolutely forbidden to use. The power is terrible, and the subsequent pollution is even more serious. This weapon has absolute deterrent power.

And this group of indigenous people, even mastered the original technology?

How did their technology tree climb?

Will you still have some black technology that we don't know? !

In the hearts of most of the delegates, there are strong taboos.

The feeling of facing this kind of indigenous civilization is different. In the interstellar society, even if you don't have a certain technology, you know that this technology exists, but in the face of a powerful indigenous civilization that you have never seen before, who knows if he will suddenly throw out any incredible black technology from his pants. ?

Many civilizations have experienced the expedition of the war. At this time, it feels like a dream back to the history of the history. No one knows what terrible cards are in other civilizations, such as the high-dimensional apocalypse transmitter of the Glorious Confederation, the sect of the Ethereal Rod, the distortion missile of the evolutionary civilization, and so on.

This group of indigenous civilizations is naturally not bound by the rules of the interstellar society. It does not care about throwing the original solitude. It is very dangerous. It is like a child playing with a pistol. There is a hunch in everyone’s heart... This casualty is afraid. It is a small one.

"What plans does the empire have?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Tarrokov is cold and cold: "The current situation shows that this indigenous civilization is not friendly to us and is highly threatened. According to the Code of Exploration - Local Civilizations Regulations, we will adopt the 24th set of solutions. ”

I heard a lot of people’s hearts.

This is the last set of coping options. Compared with other programs, the content is very simple - to respond to the target through war means until the genocide or slavery.

From the exploration of the war, the hegemonic civilization has never been a good man.

Shining the world is a microcosm of the exploration of the historical war. The difference is that the three major civilizations have become overlords, and they have the means to adopt moderate measures. The weaker ones are more likely to preserve themselves.

The stronger the indigenous people, the more strict the attitude of the three civilizations.

Indigenous people who have mastered the technology of ecstasy have become an obvious threat. The Red Empire does not mind killing it in the cradle, reducing an annoying hostile cluster-level civilization, which is also beneficial to the entire interstellar society.

After a glance at the audience, Tarrokov was cold and cold:

"We know almost nothing about them, we don't know where they are, we don't know what species they are, but the other side has launched a precise attack on us, and they have certain intelligence in their hands. Before that, we I have not been exposed to this I can judge that someone is secretly guilty, and those who are stolen are the most suspected."

Hearing the words, the representatives of the people present here have different faces and they all thought of one.

It is not difficult to guess that a single civilization, a technology tree can not be all-inclusive, and the great thing about the interstellar society is that technology flows through each other. It is the smugglers who pack a lot of higher technology in the interstellar society and throw it to indigenous civilizations, including secluded The technology is also among them.

Those super-star-level civilizations also have sufficient motives. The first is to kill the armed forces of the empire, the second is to delay the exploration process, and the third is to use knives to kill people, indirectly remove the powerful indigenous civilization, and let the shining world vacate more positions.

Of course, they don’t throw technology when they see people. Only high-level indigenous civilizations with sufficient productivity will be targeted by them. Otherwise, they will give technology and others will not use it.

"I announced that the exploration plan of the Dust Star Cluster has temporarily ceased, and the Imperial Expeditionary Force officially entered the state of war." Talrokov was calm.

Everyone looked blank and nodded.

Before solving the opponent, it will not continue to explore slowly. The empire has rich experience in warfare. There are countless cases to refer to. This is an advantage.

The opponent has an intelligence advantage for the time being, but this advantage can't last long. With the trap of the original secluded power as the event anchor, the empire's prophetic power can come in handy, and the mechanic is not. White gives.

The empire summoned the army, and the Black Star Army also responded to the call. However, Han Xiao did not intend to personally take it out, mainly letting a group of subordinates such as Nilo participate, and it was almost the same to protect himself.

He knows that the Kunde people do not have a system of superpowers. Individuals have only a variety of armored fighters. The biggest threat is the strategic level of stun bombardment. As long as you avoid the battlefield in this area, you can reduce casualties.

"I am familiar with the advantages of the map, but it can help a little." Han Xiao secretly said.


At the same time, the light dust clusters are deep.

A spaceship carrying a myriad of civilians disappeared into the depths of the starry sky. Looking at this scene, every remaining Kunde soldier had an inexplicable mood in his heart.

"Reporting that each of the colonial star's Wanderers fleet has set off, all carrying local civilians, and loaded with all the creatures and crop seeds we found, will go looking for a new home."

Listening to his report, the Kunde leaders silently nodded, and other high-level officials silently.

The falling spacecraft did not deceive them. They quietly arranged some enslaved subordinate races to contact each other. The other party is indeed called the "Red Empire" and is as powerful as the one shown in the information.

Although the other side looks friendly and somewhat different from the information, in the eyes of the Kunde people, it is still the attempt of colonization and control hidden under friendship.

The future can be expected, and this makes the Kunde unacceptable - originally, this whole star cluster will be a resource for their development, a ladder for their evolution, and now the red empire is coming, wanting to take away these resources, just like As stated in the information, their way out will be blocked and they will no longer develop normally.

In this respect, the superstar group civilization is not all lies, they have a deep understanding of it - telling the truth is the most illusory temptation.

The Kunde people are not willing to become vassals, and the universe is so vast, they still have a way out.

Without prejudice, when determining the resistance of the armed forces, the Kunde people made the worst plan to pack the vast majority of civilians and send them to the depths of the stars, leaving a civilized fire – regardless of winning or losing, staying here. There is no opportunity for normal development. It is better to send people to find an undisturbed new home.

And the only troops left behind to defend the old homes, the Kunde people assembled, were ready to break the boat.

As the theory of cosmic relations scholars, war is always the only way to peace.

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