The Legendary Mechanic

: 969 Acquaintances and Crossfire

After the remote projection was lifted, Han Xiao's vision returned to the room. Before he moved, there was movement on the panel, and an emergency mission from the empire popped up. He was called to participate in the war of annihilation against the Kunde.

The content of the mission is based on the Black Star Legion camp, obeying the empire's dispatch, and performing various war missions. The form is similar to the previous secret war missions. Han Xiao is no stranger.

"According to the reward standard of secret war missions, if you complete this kind of war mission with high evaluation, you should have a high chance of getting rewards such as legends, political assets, and generating new copies... Oh, yes, the contribution rate can also increase. A big wave."

Han Xiao touched his chin, but he was not very sure. After all, Amethyst and Krent were hard to distinguish in the secret war, and this time the Kunde was just a slightly dangerous enemy to the Empire. They don't have any suspense, maybe the reward will not be more than the secret war.

But he didn't force it. His goal this time was mainly to try to activate various tasks from Nilo.

Although he didn't plan to take the shot himself, Han Xiao was not ready to completely paddle. He didn't mind providing virtual technical support when the empire needed it, and he was familiar with the advantages of the map, and Han Xiao did not intend to hide it.

The map he was talking about was not a star map layout. The astronomical observation equipment of the cosmic civilization was not bad. Before the first phase of the exploration, the Scarlet Empire had already drawn a star map of the shining world. What needs to be explored is every detail. For example, the actual situation of each planet can only be determined by on-site exploration.

And what Han Xiao is familiar with is the territory of the Kunde civilization. This will naturally not be marked on the unexplored star map. That is to say, with its own intelligence support, the empire does not need to slowly explore the way. Instead, you can go straight to Huanglong and penetrate into the hinterland of the Kunde tribe.

Of course, the premise is that the empire believes in its own intelligence. In terms of warfare, even if the super-a-level status is high, it cannot interfere with the empire's military operations orders. For unconfirmed intelligence, whether it is the empire or other advanced civilizations, it will basically take a wait-and-see attitude.

Han Xiao didn't have many worries. He had the title of a **** stick. There was also Aesop, a bad old man who is well-known for the major forces, and the empire would also use a large number of predictors, so he released intelligence. There is no problem.

However, in order to prevent certain people with ulterior motives in the empire from planting himself to secretly communicate with the Kunde tribe, Han Xiao could not give the empire too detailed information. Although with his current status, he can already do whatever he wants, but he usually pays attention to it and can always avoid it. Unnecessary trouble.

"Star cluster-level war, this is the second time I participated, but this time is different from the secret war..."

Han Xiao exhaled.

The secret war is a proxy war. Although it is quite large, there is no concern about the survival of the race. And this time, what we are about to face is a star cluster-level civilization that will use all its combat power to defend its homeland, and the opponent will do everything possible.

Even if the Kunde is a lame indigenous star cluster-level technology tree, the intensity and scale of this war are still not comparable to any wars they have participated in before.

Han Xiao has no particular hostility towards the Kunde, but he has no good impressions. If he is the Kunde, he is not happy that his own handy resources are taken over by a strange civilization that suddenly emerges, waiting for the Scarlet Empire to finish exploring. The light dust star cluster is equivalent to sealing the Kunde tribe in this star cluster, and the upper limit will be at most a star cluster level civilization in the future.

But now, I stand on the empire’s position and are a vested interest. The empire’s exploration of the new star domain was originally to obtain new resources. Under the premise of having an overwhelming military advantage, it is impossible to stop. It can only be said that both parties are essentially Irreconcilable conflict of interest positions.

Since everyone is right, the only one who is wrong is the loser.

Han Xiao wrote a message, put in the information of the Kunde tribe, sent it to Tarrokov, and then wrote a war mobilization order to inform the whole army without waiting for a reply.


"Call us back to join the war?"

In the Black Star Legion exploration ship, the team members in the cabin took out the communicator and took a look at the same time. They looked different, some were excited, some were solemn, some were eager to try, and some were depressed.

Nilo was a member of the exploratory team at this time, and when he saw the mobilization order within the legion, he immediately became nervous.

The war came too suddenly, and he was not ready in his heart. He has only participated in various discussions and never participated in a real war. It is impossible not to be nervous.

All kinds of chaotic thoughts flooded into his mind, and Nilo couldn't help thinking about it.

When facing the enemy, can I succeed?

How does it feel to kill an enemy?

Will I be killed by the enemy?

Is Mia going to fight too, will she be in danger?

As he was thinking about it, his shoulders suddenly sank. Nilo looked up and saw that it was the captain of the team, a sturdy former free mercenary.

"Don't worry, kid, we will take care of you." The captain smiled heartily.

"Relax." The deputy captain who was reciting the spell model next to him also raised his eyes and said casually: "I have participated in a secret war, the battlefield is actually the same thing, either you kill me or I kill you, especially this This kind of interstellar war, death is just a momentary matter, there is no pain, so there is nothing to be tense."

Hearing this, Nilo scratched his head and showed a shy grimace.

He was assigned to this squad as a maintenance engineer, and he had a pretty good time. Both the captain and the captain took care of him, and the other team members treated him well.

In this kind of grassroots combat team, the background is secondary. It mainly depends on the individual's abilities. Nilo himself is not weak, and his mechanical skills are very good, and he is trustworthy. Therefore, other players are willing to take care of him. Nilo also likes this. Group of bold soldiers.

Although he was nervous about the fact of participating in the war, Nilo had no plans to contact Han Xiao and did not want to ask for special treatment. If he did so, godfather might agree to let him not go to the battlefield, but he would definitely look down on him, Nilo After studying for so long, I don't want to disappoint my godfather.

Nilo walked aside, took out the communicator, hesitated, and dialed Mia's number.

It rang a few times and connected to each other, but did not speak, only the sound of each other's breathing.

After waiting for a few seconds in silence, Nilo couldn't help but take the initiative to speak, scratching his cheek, "This...have you read the internal notice, I am going to the battlefield."


"Uh... don't you worry about me?"

"What is there to worry about, I was also called up." Mia snorted.

Nilo felt a little in his heart and hesitated: "That... are you nervous?"

"What's so nervous?" Mia said in a weird tone. "When I became a superpower, didn't I know that this day would be there? I'm looking forward to it."

Nilo opened his mouth and had nothing to say, so he whispered: "Then you pay attention to safety, we are not in a team, I can't protect you..."

"Who wants you to protect?" Mia rolled her eyes, "You should take care of yourself more, don't die."

After speaking, the communication was hung up by the other side.

Nilo put down the communicator and touched his nose helplessly.

He still missed Mia, who was soft and shy when he first met. Since awakening the martial arts system, Mia's violent tendencies have become more and more serious, and he doesn't know if she has released her self-repression that has been suppressed for many years. .


There is no impermeable wall in the world, let alone the Scarlet Empire did not hide it.

It didn't take long for the news of Glittering World to return to the explored universe, and all major star regions knew that the Scarlet Empire was mobilizing for war.

Most interstellar citizens have no special opinions. Dealing with natives is nothing unusual. They hope that the empire will clear the opponents of resistance as soon as possible, and complete the exploration as soon as possible, so that they can go to the Shining World for fun.

There are also a group of anti-war groups who pity the indigenous civilizations and call for no war and peace, but no one cares about them. These remarks cannot affect the practices of advanced civilizations.

Most of the forces don't care, but the supercluster-level civilizations are happy about it.

They are eager for the Kunde to cause great trouble to the empire. With primitive power, the Kunde has the ability to kill the empire. The more the empire forces die, the better. If possible, it is best to make the empire’s Super A Grade appear. Loss, no matter who wins and who loses, they will earn no loss anyway.


The exploration of the light dust star cluster has been suspended, and the empire and major allies are gathering fleets, all of which are gathered near the lighthouse star.

In addition to the exploration army itself, the Crimson Empire also drew elites from the Central Star Sea and sent them to Shining World to participate in the war.

On the one hand, it does not despise the enemy, and on the other hand, it is for the purpose of training soldiers. In the explored universe, you will not often encounter this level of war. It happens to be a big training for the army to train the elite that the legion wants to cultivate.

This time, because Han Xiao didn't personally intervene, it was Melos who had dropped his card friends and rushed from Broken Starlink to command the Black Star Legion fleet.

"This time the army is divided into multiple formation legions. I am the commander-in-chief of all legions. I am responsible for formulating strategies. Each legion has an exclusive commander, commanding different allied forces, and responsible for your Black Star fleet. The commander of the empire has also been set."

In the office of the commander of the Beacon Star, Tarrokov opened a resume and showed it to Melos in front of him.

After a glance, Melos felt familiar.

"Tenny Amenlos?"

"Yes, it's him."

"He doesn't seem to have a high rank, is he competent..." Melos wondered.

"Hehe, don't worry, he is currently the empire's key training officer, with a very outstanding command and command ability." Tarrokov smiled slightly, "he arrived at the Beacon Star not long ago, you can meet him. "

As he said, Tarrokov knocked on the table, and the door was pushed open immediately. An imposing officer walked in, followed by an adjutant who could not leave.

"Meet again, friend of the Black Star Legion." The imposing officer nodded.

"Oh! So it was you." Melos recalled the moment he saw this person.

This person is the elite of the empire who has been transformed by the Evolution Cube, the future empire marshal, Taini Amelos, who had a brief py intersection with Han Xiao ago, and the adjutant next to him is his confidant Kebos.

Melos stood up, and the two shook hands before sitting again.

"I haven't seen Black Star for almost ten years. I heard that his status is getting higher and higher, and I am very happy." Taini said.

Melos nodded, and then curiously said: "You have been promoted in the past few years. I remember when you came, you were just a colonel."

"I have made some merit, that achievement is comparable to Black Star, which is nothing." Taini shook his head, "This time I am actively asking to be the commander of the Empire of the Black Star Fleet, and try to help you reduce casualties."

"Thank you so much." Melos was a little surprised. As an ally, he was most afraid of encountering an unreliable imperial commander.

"Don't thank me, you can take this as a reward." Tyney waved his hand. "At first, Black Star gave me a set of super-a-grade mechanical floating defense array that he built by himself. It helped me through several dangerous situations. I should thank him."

"It turned out to be so."

Melos suddenly felt that there was no love for no reason. It turned out that his boss was kind to others.

He couldn't help being amazed at the profoundness of Han Xiaopy.

"After the battle is over, I will stop by the Gaolu star cluster to visit Black Star, hoping that he will be free." Taini nodded.

"Don't worry, the affairs of the Legion are basically handled by our cadres. He is very idle all day long." Melos casually sold Han Xiao.

The two chatted for a while, until Tarrokov deliberately coughed, and the two left the commander's office together. As partners who are about to fight side by side, both of them want to exchange feelings with each other a lot.

There were people coming and going in the base. Halfway down the road, Taini met an acquaintance who was also a high-ranking imperial official recruited from other places. They greeted each other and stopped to chat.

Melos didn't care much at first, but suddenly realized that the tall and thin adjutant next to the emperor's official had been staring at him firmly, his eyes were meaningful.

"Look at me... well, what do you see me doing?" Melos couldn't help asking.

The adjutant smiled, pointed to Melos's army uniform, and asked, "Are you from the Black Star Legion?"

"I am Melos, the commander in chief of the Black Star Legion fleet, don't know what you call?" Melos nodded.

"Haha, call me Gothe."

"Where have we met? Why are you staring at me?" Melos wondered.

Gao De smiled slightly, "No, I just have always admired Black Star. It was the first time I saw the cadres of Black Star Legion, I was a little curious."

After that, he turned his head and didn't mean to continue talking.

Upon seeing this, Melos didn't say anything. He took a look at this person and was secretly surprised... This guy named Gothe was obviously not aggressive, but for some reason, standing next to this person, Melos always felt an inexplicable pressure.

At this time, Tyney also finished talking with his acquaintances, and the other party led the adjutant Gothe away.

Melos watched the two disappear around the corner and couldn't help but ask:

"Do you know that adjutant?"

Tyney shook his head, but kept talking to the adjutant Kerbers beside him.

"You mean Gothe? I know him, what's wrong?"

"I just chatted with him, a bit curious."

Kerbers nodded and introduced: "This Gothe is not a graduate of the Imperial Academy. He has not been in the army for a long time, but he is a super talent with extraordinary potential. He was taken by the officer just now. Becoming an adjutant has outstanding abilities, and I heard that he has also been on the list of the military’s key training."

"This resume sounds pretty ordinary..."

Melos felt strange and didn't know how the oppression just came from, but he was sure it was not an illusion.

But this kind of trivial matter has nothing to tangled with, Melos continued to talk with Tyney, and quickly left Gothe behind.


The empire is very efficient. It didn't take many days from the attack to the completion of the assembly of the army. Under Tarrokov's instructions, the army officially opened and marched toward the depths of the light dust star cluster.

Originally, the empire did not know the territorial location of the Kunde tribe. The original plan was to explore the way first, but not long ago, Black Star submitted an information that marked the approximate position of the Kunde tribe in the light dust star cluster, although there was no detailed coordinates. , But also saved a lot of energy for the empire.

Although the accuracy of the intelligence is still to be determined, the empire can therefore carry out more targeted detection work. Countless scout troops have been released and marched towards the Kunde territory marked by the Black Star, and the various formation legions also started from different directions. Start moving.

With a whole star cluster as the battlefield, mobility is the key, and the star gate is the blood vessel connecting the army.

Because of the primitive phantom energy trap incident, the empire also acquiesced that opponents had stargate technology, so each legion paid attention to protecting their stargate passages to prevent enemy surprise attacks.

However, the army has been moving forward for half a month, and even one encounter has not happened. The enemy is secretive, and the enemy seems to have disappeared.

A few days later, this situation was broken, and the empire finally had the first exchange of fire with the Kunde forces.

And the place of the firefight was the beacon star in trouble!

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