The Legendary Mechanic

: 971 space-time shearing technology

The same theory often leads to different application technologies. Cosmic civilization does not represent omnipotence. Just as the three civilizations do not master each other's unique technologies, the diversity of civilizations also ensures the diversity of science and technology trees.

Han Xiao is familiar with the special techniques exhibited by the Kunde people. This is a technique called space-time cutting, which comes from a branch under the theory of space and time.

Time and space technology is very advanced, but it is not rare. The three major civilizations and even the major cluster-level civilizations will be more or less. Even in the magician's super-power system, there are also time-space magics, such as Laki's "砸Varudo is one of them.

However, time and space cuts also have their own uniqueness.

The specific principle, the three major civilizations of the past life did not disclose, Han Xiao only knows a certain, this time and space cut, seems to be a ability to shuttle time and space, but there is a big difference.

In Han Xiao’s view, the Kunde fleet recovered again and again, that is, they used time-space shearing to freeze the fleet before being crushed. No matter how many times it was blown, it can restore its previous state, and legend. The invincible S/L Dafa is the same.

The fleet-like movement of the fleet is another function of time-space shearing. First, set a behavioral trend as a parameter, perform realistic simulation, construct a space-time model of the whole behavior from the beginning to the end, and then break through the continuity of time and space, which will be coherent. The behavioral model is divided into time points... The simple point is to describe the behavior of "I want to do something" into a movie, and each time point is the picture of each frame.

Then, intercept the time chain of this predecessor behavior, lock its own time and space in it, cut off the past and the future, only exist in the "now" of this time chain, and it will be separated by multiple spans in the behavior model. At the point in time, it jumps and omits the middle movement process, which looks like a skip frame. Because there was no process, the regular attack of the Imperial Fleet could not prevent the movement of the Kunde fleet.

To sum up, it is the avatar-high Ping warrior, Kardon-style advancement, you even hit me, just hit me in the last frame.

This technique has unique uses in many ways, but it is not without side effects. The space-time axis of the main universe is a huge and incalculable chain system. No matter which point changes abnormally, it will be corrected by itself, just like a tight chain.

For example, various magics of time and space delay, time and space stop, after the spell effect ends, the time and space of the coverage area will be quickly corrected, and the space-time coefficient will return to normal. Only the changed material state can be retained, for time and space. The axis itself has no effect.

The sequela of time-cutting is that after the continuity of time and space is broken, the space-time axis begins to correct itself.

These framed objects are forced to be twisted because of time and space properties, and the state of existence has changed, which is equivalent to half projection, which will accelerate the collapse on the dual level of space and time and matter.

By the time the correction force of the timeline catches up, all the time points of the entire behavior model collapse, the entire time chain of the preset behavior disappears, and their existence will be wiped out, like a bubble that is punctured, as if Never appeared in this world.

And they solidify themselves in a time chain, and after completing the preset target of the behavioral model, they will also die out automatically. Originally, the timeline is an infinitely extending straight line, and they intercept a line segment on this line. And jumped from the timeline to the line segment, then their life, only the process of this line segment from the beginning to the end.

This means that when using this technology, the fleet has already declared "death" and become a ghost that will disappear at any time.

"I remember that when the three great civilizations used this technology, they were equipped with a large number of spatio-temporal anchors and many auxiliary devices, which would greatly delay the arrival of the collapse, if the empire received this from the Kunde people. Technology, then the technology of the Empire, will inevitably improve it in several versions of time, so for these two reasons, the time and space cutting technology of the Kunde people should be only the roughest version 1.0, with more side effects. It’s serious, and it’s easier to target.”

Han Xiao looks slightly, and his heart sinks.

Invading the Aboriginal during the exploration period could only have trouble for the Empire. Now it is good, and the Empire can get a good spoil.

I don’t know the secret smugglers who send technology to the indigenous people. I don’t know if the Kunde people have this technology... It’s estimated to be a little overhang. Although the smugglers have visited the skills of the Kunde people before sending the technology, it’s time and space cut. It must be a highly confidential technology of the Kunde people, which is not so easy to find.

The smuggling of the world is similar to that of the death squad. Those super-star clusters or star-level civilizations will not send natural disasters to perform such tasks, and stowaways will not have too many people.

"If they don't know, then they will lose blood. They want to drag the hind legs of the empire, but they have given him a baby."

Han Xiao smiled.

On the other side, Tarrokov did not rest on the other side and quickly deployed.

As an experienced senior officer, I have never seen it. Although Tarrokov does not know the technical principle of time and space cutting, the alarm says that it is a matter of time and space. Then use the corresponding means, the empire’s family is enough. Respond to various emergencies.

Soon, an imperial fleet of lighthouses stood by, equipped with a large number of devices that were distorted by time and space, and equipped with a large group of magicians who knew the spells of time and space, and went to intercept the Kunde fleet of crazy frames.

Conventional attacks are useless, while space-time capabilities can have a certain impact on the Kunde fleet.

After the arrival of the second Imperial Fleet, the situation changed rapidly. Various time and space spells and space-time devices made the Kunde Fleet shorter and shorter intervals for each frame skipping, and went slower and slower. The white noise on the surface of the German fleet is also more dense, indicating that the speed of collapse is accelerating.

Everyone in the command room calmly watched the battle.

After a period of opposition, about an hour away from the lighthouse star, the Kunde fleet did not reappear after the last disappearance. A raging energy torrent flowed out of thin air and spread out in the universe.

There was no fierce scene of death, and the Kunde fleet was so annihilated out of thin air that it was erased by an eraser. After the collapse, it released a huge amount of energy. Apart from that, nothing left.

In the universe, even the silence is also fluttering, but presumably this group of people will be very tragic when they make up their minds, knowing that they must die, but also to smash the empire... Han Xiao’s heart flashed this thought and shook his head.

“Solved?” Tarrokov held his hands on the table, some uncertain.

"Reporting Commander-in-Chief, the space-time coefficient has returned to normal, the detection radar is not abnormal, and no enemy has been detected."

"Oh... it may be the aftermath of the enemy's technology. It should not be perfect. Don't relax your vigilance before you completely destroy the enemy, continue to scan the nearby area, and open the star guard of the Lighthouse Star. All emergency escapeways remain open, and if the enemy suddenly appears around the planet, we can quickly evacuate."

Talrokov quickly arranged, because he did not understand the enemy, so he did not dare to relax his vigilance, still the attitude of being an enemy.

Han Xiao knows that the enemy is already cold, and his eyes are stunned. He said: "In the past, the empire also got this technology from the hands of the Kunde people, but I have no news that the empire has implemented strict security measures. It is also not allowed to exchange this technology for the ally... oh, so to get the time and space cutting technique, I still have to come by myself."

It is rare to encounter a powerful feature technology, Han Xiao moved his mind.

It is just that the empire does not know what the principle of time and space is. At this time, he can take advantage of the empire and not steal it.

It can't be used by itself, but in some cases, members of the Black Star Legion may be able to use it. Moreover, this stuff can be used not only for its own people, but also for the enemy.

I don't know if the time and space amber and space-time shear can match, what kind of effect will happen... Han Xiao is a bit curious.


Deep in the dusty star cluster, a large Kunde fleet is slowly moving in the universe.

In the conference room of the main ship, there are a number of high-level leaders, including the Kunde leaders.

When it was discovered that the Red Empire was clearly coming towards their territory, the high-level decisively left the parent star and acted with the fleet.

Anyway, most of the ethnic groups have been removed, and the colonial stars built over the years have become a strategic choice that they do not need to hesitate.

"Ye Lu's fleet has lost contact and the raid plan has failed."

"Are they all killed in battle?"

"I'm not sure, I should use a spatio-temporal cutter."

"So, even the spatio-temporal cutting technique can't deal with the red empire..."

Listening to a military high-level opening report, everyone in the room is in a serious mood.

The leaders of the Kunde people stunned for a long while and said slowly: "Use the scorched earth plan."

Hearing words, everyone's face... The carapace color is slightly changed.

They have developed a number of combat plans, and the scorched earth plan is the last resort. It was originally intended to be used in the event that the defeat has been fixed. They did not expect the leader to be so radical and open up.

Think carefully, in fact, the senior officials present have no confidence in this war. The reason for staying in the battle is mainly because they are not willing to be the mainstay. They are unwilling to give their homes to the robbers without any rebellion, and they do not want the red empire not to Occupy their homes at any cost.

The content of the scorched earth plan is to use the infinite expansion of the original solitude to catalyze the destruction of multiple galaxies, including the old homes, so that the empire can't get anything, and then they retreat to catch up with the departing people. .

However, it is somewhat unacceptable to psychologically destroy the old home.

I glanced at it and saw that everyone did not speak. The Kunde leader Shen Shen said:

"Since there is no objection, let's start to arrange it. As for the big forces approaching the red empire... send out the fleet to meet, entangle the enemy, try to delay the time, slowly let them enter our territory and enter the blockade of the scorched earth plan..."

When everyone is in a heavy mood and ruined their homeland, there is no turning back.

The scorched earth plan requires time to arrang and catalyze, and it is necessary to send a fleet to entangle with the empire, which means that many fellow soldiers will be killed in the front line.


The Stealing of the Lighthouse Star has been attacked for a few days, and the front line finally has a crossfire. More Kunde fleets have emerged, and finally began to engage with the Empire’s multi-disciplinary army.

Tani’s commanding army has also encountered more and more enemies.

The opportunity to fight is not lacking, but what makes Han Xiao helpless is that Tani too can play. Under his command and coordination, the tactical cooperation of the fleet is extremely smooth, and all the enemies encountered are hung and remotely It is easy to end the battle and there are not many opportunities to connect the warship.

And Tenny also has the consciousness to protect the members of the Black Star Legion, which is even more uncomfortable. After running for nearly a month with the army, the small hands of the Nile Lian Kunde Pipi shrimp have not yet touched.

In this way, Han Xiao could not help but invade the next wave of enemies and remotely control the Kunde people to play Tenny.

Fortunately, Tenny did not let Han Xiao stick out his claws so quickly. In another encounter, the Black Star Army finally took on the task of connecting the ship.

Nile finally ushered in his first time.

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