Chapter 85 - Selling one's life

"Then what does the empress intend to do with it?" Qin Luofei already understood Du Qingcheng's meaning, she was trying to rope his in to work for her, so it would be better for his to be more tactful and bring it up on her own accord.

Regardless of whether she agreed or not, she would drag him down with her.

"I want to go see the Consort Mo, so why don't you accompany me!" The tassels on Du Qingcheng's sideburns fell onto her face, covering her expression and making it impossible for Qin Luofei to guess what she was thinking at the moment.

Qin Luofei put down the teacup in her hand and said with a smile, "Why not? This can be considered a happy occasion, but I was in a hurry when I came. I don't know if she was pregnant or not, and if she prepared anything decent, the empress would have to pay for it."

Since she schemed against her so much, she naturally had to be tricked as well.

"That's only natural. I'll make that one for my sister." Du Qingcheng instructed the maid beside him to prepare a present for Consort Mo.

The Cyan Temple was not far from the Cool Hall. Du Qingcheng was the Queen, so naturally, he could not bring along only a palace maid like her when he goes out. There were at least ten or so people walking in a grandiose manner towards the Cyan Temple, and when they were about halfway, they saw the concubine Lin and Chen Chongrong bringing their respective palace maids to the Consort Mo.

These two had always been from the Consort Mo, and probably only came to pay attention when they found out that the Consort Mo was pregnant.

"Greetings to the empress." Although the empress wasn't favored, the concubines s didn't dare to be too presumptuous with the empress dowager supporting them. Moreover, the emperor had actually spoiled the empress yesterday, so Du Qingcheng was a beautiful woman.

"Exempt!" My two sisters should also be going to see the Consort Mo! Concubine Qin and I are also going to the Consort Mo at the same time. In front of the two of them, Du Qingcheng affectionately held Qin Luofei's hand.

Doing so was too obvious, and Qin Luofei wasn't in a position to refute it. She could only silently eat her food as she was branded as the empress and her party.

From then on, the Imperial Consort Leng would probably find him even more unpleasing to the eye, and it would not be easy for him to protect himself.

concubine Lin gave Qin Luofei a slight glance, pursed his lips into a smile, as he saw Qin Luofei's predicament clearly in his eyes.

Qin Luofei felt that this concubine Lin was sensible and not like her little sister.

After Lin Huijiao entered the palace, she had not seen any sort of intimacy between the two. Even the sisters in the palace were so unfamiliar with each other.

When they arrived at the Cyan Temple, they saw the eunuch, Xiao Linzi, standing beside the Emperor, directing the palace maids to clean up the courtyard.

Du Qingcheng's face turned ugly. He had just gotten pregnant, and the emperor was already so considerate.

With the maid beside the Consort Mo at first being shocked when he saw Du Qingcheng, then quickly entering to report to them, and with the Emperor Ming present, the Empress naturally could not act too arrogantly. She smiled and said to Qin Luo Fei and the others: "Let's go in! It might be hard to say that Consort Mo was just pregnant, so she shouldn't have moved much. "

Some maid opened the curtain on the soft satin, and when they went in, they saw that Consort Mo's hair was slightly messy, she was dressed in normal clothes, her expression was calm, and she was half reclining on top of the Exquisite bed, eating the tonics prepared by the royal doctors. Emperor Ming was sitting at the side sipping tea, and beside him was Luo Ziyan.

"Greetings to the Emperor." A few people saluted. Emperor Ming waved his hand and said with cold eyes: "Stand up!"

Qin Luofei saw that this enchanter had clearly lost weight, but it was obvious that he was much more captivating than usual. His eyes seemed a little brighter than usual, perhaps because he knew that Consort Mo was pregnant, causing him to be in a very good mood.

"Sister, it's alright." Du Qingcheng walked over to Consort Mo's side and asked in concern.

Consort Mo caressed her stomach with one hand, her face full of happiness. She raised her head and laughed, "Thank you for the empress's concern, but chenqie is much better now. The empress and my little sisters should hurry up and do it."

The few of them brought gifts, and maid walked over to receive them.

"The empress is too polite." Consort Mo tenderly pulled the emperor's hand onto her stomach in front of everyone and gently said, "Your Majesty, even chenqie feels that he's moving."

It had only been a short period of time, how could she have moved? Qin Luofei felt bored, this Consort Mo was the same as the Imperial Consort Leng, they were both pretentious people.

The Emperor, however, did not care. He only continued to stroke Consort Mo's stomach. Consort Mo's body was weak.

"All of you, go ahead!" The Emperor waved his hands at everyone, his eyes focused on the stomach of the Consort Mo, not even looking at the other concubine s.

Luo Ziyan slightly nodded towards Qin Luofei, who walked over and squeezed her hand, then sat down beside her.

Du Qingcheng sat on the Exquisite bed next to the Consort Mo.

"Consort Mo, you must take care of your body and not tire yourself out too much. If you need anything, you can just tell me. I have also instructed the royal kitchen to improve your meals so that you can eat three meals a day." Du Qingcheng treated this Queen with relish.

Consort Mo smiled and nodded, then said: "Thank you for your concern, Queen. I have my own kitchen, so I won't trouble the royal kitchen to prepare it."

Consort Mo didn't appreciate the gesture at all, and even gave Du Qingcheng a ruthless slap. Du Qingcheng felt his face burn, but he strongly endured it.

Emperor Ming sipped a few more mouthfuls of tea before putting down the teacup. He stood up and said: "Love Consort, rest well, I will come back later to accompany you. If you have anything to eat, feel free to tell me.

"So far, chenqie doesn't have anything she wants to eat. I just want to eat something sour and sweet." Consort Mo stood in front of Emperor Ming. She knew that this monster liked weak girls.

The Emperor Ming nodded and instructed Xiao Linzi: "Tell Ministry of Internal Affairs to go to the south and get him some oranges. That thing is most delicious."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xiao Linzi withdrew his voice to announce the order.

Even Luo Ziyan's fingers, which were pinching the kernels, could not help but loosen slightly. Qin Luo Fei lightly patted the back of Luo Ziyan's hand, signalling for her not to reveal herself in front of others, so as to not be hated by the Consort Mo. She was currently being doted on.

In actuality, being favored by the Consort Mo at this time was a good thing. It had greatly shocked the Imperial Consort Leng and Qin Luofei was happy to see it.

Emperor Ming stood up and left, everyone sending him off.

When the Emperor Ming left, his expression turned to one of boredom, and he ordered the maid to prepare some tea for each of them. Everyone was not in the mood to eat anything, all of them had their own mentalities.

Du Qingcheng was the first to stand up, and said: "Consort Mo, since you are tired, we will not disturb you here. You recuperate well, let's go back to your own homes!"

She didn't know that pregnant girls had such a hobby, and furthermore, it was a hobby unique to palace girls. She didn't feel good, and didn't want others to feel good either.

"Little sister, I'll go with you." Luo Ziyan pulled Qin Luofei's hand, and she nodded.

Compared to Du Qingcheng, she was more willing to be together with him. However, she didn't know if this relationship of theirs would collapse when they encountered the Emperor Ming's favor.

Consort Mo instructed the palace maids, Huo Pi and He Die, to send the queen to her side.

He Die was one of the people who served the empress dowager in the past. When the Consort Mo entered the palace, the empress dowager gave her own palace maid, He Die, to the Consort Mo.

As soon as they left, the empress dowager's reward came as well, enough to make more than a dozen young eunuchs carry the dishes, causing everyone to be jealous. There were also people from other concubine s, and even Imperial Consort Leng had sent over gifts.

"Esteemed empress, little sister wishes esteemed empress the best of luck in getting the dragon." Qin Luofei smiled at Du Qingcheng from the side.

Du Qingcheng's eyes flashed with a trace of ruthlessness, but he quickly retracted his gaze and replied: "This one thanks sister, this one will return to the palace first. You and Sister Luo should have a good chat, it's been a long time since you've seen each other."

Qin Luofei and Luo Ziyan walked out of Consort Mo's palace, towards the imperial garden.

"Don't you feel that Consort Mo's pregnancy is too sudden?" Luo Ziyan looked a little depressed, he did not look normal.

Qin Luofei picked up a blossoming peony and said indifferently, "Perhaps she was pregnant long ago, but she only said it now, or when something happened." A child in the harem is sometimes a protective umbrella, in the harem there is nothing more important than a son.

"She has a plan." Luo Ziyan picked up a cuckoo and slowly crushed it in her palm.

Looking at Luo Ziyan's appearance, she was no different from the girls in the imperial harem, and what she was thinking about in her heart were only position and that demon.

"Elder sister, the imperial garden is like a harem, and these flowers are like the concubine. The flowers have bloomed and withered, and tomorrow, there will be even more beautiful flowers in full bloom. And the emperor is the person viewing the flowers in this courtyard.

Qin Luofei hoped that Luo Ziyan would understand that an Overlord would not be a woman, let alone an Overlord like the Emperor Ming. On the surface, he was already sitting firmly in her seat, but that was not the case. Empress Dowager liked his son even more, and not his grandson.

Now that the Consort Mo was pregnant, the Mo Family had grown up. Fortunately, the Du Family was involved, but in the end, no one could say who would win.

The empress dowager and empress were both members of the Du Family, but the Old Empress Dowager had his own family to support his, not to mention the changes after the birth of the dragon son. The empress dowager and the empress dowager were connected to the previous generation.

An Overlord was the one who should least be fond of concubine.

"Sister, you're right. I want to be as free and easy as you. Don't you like the Emperor?" Luo Ziyan said faintly.

Qin Luofei knew that this harem didn't have any eternal friends, nor any eternal enemies. All they had to do was to not let anyone catch you in the nick of time. Naturally, she would like the emperor. Otherwise, why would she enter the palace?

"Elder sister, look at that pink peony flower, it's so beautiful. Why don't you take the hairpin back and place it on your temples? It must be gorgeous and fragrant." Qin Luofei walked over and plucked the flower, placing the hairpin at Luo Ziyan's temples.

"Seventh Imperial Uncle, Ling Tai is tired. He doesn't want to walk around anymore." Qin Luofei and Luo Ziyan were muttering when they saw Seventh Prince and Ling Tai walk over from the other side of the imperial garden.

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