Chapter 86 - Bucket

Ling Tai looked listless and bored. The Seventh Prince was brimming with energy and vitality. When he suddenly saw Qin Luofei, he immediately soared. The pain from last time was still there, it was so excruciating that he didn't dare to touch her for a few days.

Qin Luofei did not want to see this enchanter, so she pulled Luo Ziyan with her and was about to leave when she saw Ling Tai already, and called out: "concubine Aunt."

Qin Luofei saw that Ling Tai's face had lost a lot of weight, and felt a bit of heartache.

The Seventh Prince also walked over, looking at Qin Luofei with a piercing gaze, causing her to feel a little scared.

"Seventh Prince, why are you looking at chenqie like that? Could it be that chenqie has something dirty on her face?" Since he couldn't dodge, he decided to make the first move.

Seventh Prince had underestimated Qin Luofei's thick skin, so he dared to speak so brazenly in front of everyone.

"This king only feels that the Concubine Qin today is very beautiful. In the past, why hasn't this king seen it?" It was obvious that he was flirting with her, shocking Qin Luofei so much that she looked around to see if anyone else had heard.

If she dared to compete with him in shamelessness, he would make her behave.

She was just a small concubine. Even if he seduced her, she would still be the one to die. He is the Queen's own son, the Emperor's own younger brother.

What was a woman in the royal family? She was also an unsightly woman.

Qin Luofei didn't dare to provoke him again, lest he say something earth-shattering again. If someone with a mind of their own were to hear it, her little life would still be there.

Did Luo Ziyan feel anything? Earlier, she had heard that the Fourth Young Miss of the Qin Clan seduced the Seventh Prince and was rejected by the Seventh Prince. Now, from the looks of it, what did the two of them have?

"Greetings to Seventh Prince." Luo Ziyan raised her head, seeing that the Seventh Prince and the Emperor looked somewhat similar. Both of them had narrow and long peach shaped eyes, with delicate and beautiful skin, but the Seventh Prince had a warm feeling, which the Emperor did not have.

Luo Ziyan couldn't help but blush a little.

Qin Luofei pulled Ling Tai's hand, and when she saw that his fingers were cold, she could not help but ask: "Why is your hand so cold, why don't you wear some clothes?"

Ling Tai shook his head and did not speak.

Now that the Consort Mo was pregnant, and had children of her own, how could she treat Ling Tai well?

All of Qin Luofei's anger had reached the Seventh Prince, and he said angrily: "How did this royal uncle of yours do it, didn't you see Ling Tai's fingers turn cold?"

Seventh Prince was so angry! How dare she speak to him in such a tone?

"This King doesn't make cotton clothes, how would I know?" The Seventh Prince was furious. It was not easy to find a way to refute him, but saying it out loud felt inappropriate.

Qin Luofei couldn't denounce Seventh Prince on the surface, so she could only grind her teeth in anger. Her foot slowly extended forward, and stepped fiercely on Seventh Prince's foot, but she said in a polite tone, "Aiya! Sorry, I stepped onto the Seventh Prince. "

Seventh Prince felt pain in his toes. This damned woman, would definitely not have any good things every time she met her. Luo Ziyan watched the two from the side as they continued to play and had a bad expression on her face.

"Elder sister, let's go!" Ling Tai, if you have time, you can come and find me at my palace. Qin Luofei caressed Ling Tai's hair.

Ling Tai nodded.

Seventh Prince watched as Luo Ziyan and the woman disappeared in the sea of flowers. She hated them so much that her teeth ached, her toes were still in unbearable pain.

"Royal Uncle, I heard that Aunt Qin liked Imperial Uncle. Is that true?" Ling Tai said as he saw Seventh Prince looking at Qin Luofei's disappearing figure.

This damned woman had liked him before? It was as if the woman had forgotten that she was a wicked wolf when she saw her own brother, and had loathed him when she saw his current appearance.

"Little sister, do you still like Seventh Prince?" Luo Ziyan and Qin Luofei turned around and followed the tall palace walls to the front.

Sunflower and Luo Ziyan's palace maids followed far behind, who knew what they were arguing about?

"There are no men in this world that a woman can like. I only like being able to live an ordinary life with my sister in this palace." Qin Luofei took Luo Ziyan's hand.

Luo Ziyan nodded slightly.

After separating with Luo Ziyan, Qin Luofei brought Dazzling Spring back to her palace. However, when she entered the courtyard, she discovered that there was not a single person, and even the gatekeeping eunuch did not know where he had gone.

Daihua pushed open the door to the hall, and only then did she notice the servants kneeling on the floor in the palace.

"Why are you all kneeling here?" As soon as Sunflower chrysanthemum finished speaking, she found that Emperor Ming was standing in the room, looking at the landscape painting that Qin Luofei had hung on the wall.

"Your majesty." She did not expect that the Emperor Ming would come to her palace. He had clearly said that he was very busy earlier and wanted to go to the party to see the Consort Mo, so why would he come to her courtyard?

"Love Consort, are you not happy to see me?" Emperor Ming turned his head and looked at her with his half dazed eyes.

"Happy, happy." Did she dare to say she was unhappy? She was almost scared to death by the emperor.

He looked at her like a tiger eyeing its prey. She couldn't say that she was unhappy.

It was the first time she had spoken to him alone since the last time she had slept.

"Daihua, give your majesty some tea." Qin Luofei waved her hand, telling the servants on the ground to withdraw, and then ordered Dusk Chrysanthemum to serve tea.

The Emperor Ming looked at Caihua and Zi Yuan a few more times and saw that these two servants were extremely well born. They were just like their master, a lively lord.

"Give me a cup of good tea." The emperor seemed to be in high spirits, but he didn't know that after being nourished by the concubine, he would come to his place to torture her.

She really did not like this emperor from the bottom of her heart.

"Your majesty, why have you come here?" Qin Luofei took a few more exquisite pastries for Emperor Ming, who picked one that looked especially exquisite and put it into his mouth. Feeling that the taste was light, it suited his appetite.

Daffodil Dayflower did not dare to refuse the tea. She went outside to take out the rain water and the Plum Blossom Dew that were buried under the tree, and fried the tea for the emperor, causing Qin Luofei to silently curse the waste of the flower. She did not know that the flower Dew was brought from home, and after collecting it for a long time, she collected one for herself.

"Can't I come? We remember that you are also our concubine. " The Emperor Ming said expressionlessly.

The Emperor means that you are my woman, I can sleep whenever I want to, I can play whenever I want, I still need to ask you for your consent.

Qin Luofei was about to choke on her saliva. She only gave an embarrassed smile as she gulped down a few cups of Plum Blossom Water.

The Plum Blossom Water needed to be collected for the second snow on the Plum Blossom in the winter. The Plum Blossom still existed, but unfortunately, you couldn't guarantee that when the Plum Blossom bloomed, there would be two snowflakes, so it wasn't easy to obtain.

The sweet taste in her mouth, along with the petals of the soaked pear flower and the sweet apple, made the taste even more extraordinary. Qin Luofei fiercely drank a mouthful, and then slowly tasted it between her lips.

Emperor Ming also closed his eyes and slowly rolled in his mouth. He felt a sweet taste in his mouth, it had been a long time since he drank such a tasty tea.

"This tea is not bad, bring the rest to us!" When Emperor Ming saw the girl in front of him, his expression became furious. His eyes almost ate himself as he put down his teacup in a good mood.

"Here." Qin Luofei felt so much pain that her heart was trembling. She had collected these for several years, and now, there was only this little amount. He was about to take it. He really couldn't tolerate it, but he still had to endure it.

Qin Luofei went up in one breath, choking herself to the point of coughing.

"Could it be that this Love Consort is reluctant to part with it?" Emperor Ming's eyes held a smile, and his mood became even better.

Qin Luofei coughed as she waved with all her might, saying immediately, "No, no, chenqie can bear it." However, she really couldn't bear to part with it. Seeing Daihua put the remaining plum blossom water and pear petals together, she felt so pained that she kept staring without blinking.

"There is water and tea here, but I think those servants in the palace are clumsy and might not be able to do it well. It would be better to work hard in the Love Consort. In the future, go to the royal study and cook tea for me!" Emperor Ming drained the Plum Blossom Water in her teacup, and then took the teacup beside Qin Luofei's hand, drinking it all in one gulp.

She hadn't been willing to drink it just now and had already gulped it down. How could he drink it all in one gulp? It was simply feeding it to a donkey.

"Chenqie is a bit tired." I can't fight, I can't dodge. Qin Luofei means for the emperor to leave, and chenqie is very tired. No matter what, you can't let her sleep!

"Then I shall go with Love Consort! It just so happened that I was tired and had to process the memorial for the whole day:

"My back really hurts from the pain in my back." Emperor Ming made it clear that he did not have any plans to leave.

Qin Luofei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but since she didn't dare to offend the emperor right now, she would kacha him in the future.

Emperor Ming reached out his arms and hugged Qin Luofei as he headed towards the Warm Pavilion. The other palace maids lowered their heads.

Shameless! Qin Luofei cursed in her heart. It was broad daylight now, what was he trying to do?

Arriving beside the bed, the Emperor Ming considerately put down the drapes, turned around and removed the hairpin on Qin Luofei's head before rolling onto the bed with his.

The emperor's handsome face was pressed tightly against Qin Luofei's face. He lovingly reached out his hand to rub Qin Luofei's messy hair, then placed it on the tip of his nose and kissed it lightly, saying, "Such a sweet and fragrant smell. Love Consort, what did you wipe?

Emperor Ming's hands also disobediently moved up and down, shocking Qin Luofei to the point that her face turned green.

He did it on purpose. What was that smell? Did she not wipe anything well? You want to take advantage of me and act good? Have you never seen such a shameless person, or is it the emperor?

"I remember that Seventh Brother had the same feeling." At the end, the Emperor spoke again in a faint voice, startling Qin Luofei so much that her face paled.

"Your majesty." Qin Luofei had no choice but to take the initiative, afraid that the Emperor Ming would accuse her of seducing the Duke. If that happened, her little life would be lost.

Emperor Ming advanced an inch when he saw that his hand had grabbed ahold of a certain woman. He released Qin Luofei's waist, shook his arm, lazily stretched himself, and said to Qin Luofei: "Beauty, I feel my entire body is sore, so why don't you hold on tight for me?"

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