Chapter 126 is simply too much bullying!

Fan Qingyao turned around and saw a handsome young man coming towards him.

If it weren't for the flashing light in the visitor's eyes, it would be a pretty good scene.

 “Why is Mr. Su’s son here?”

Fan Qingyao knew that Su Shaoxi was the kind of person who never went to the Three Treasures Palace for anything and never wasted a minute of his life doing things to make money, so she was really surprised by his arrival now.

Originally, she thought that after he finally returned to the main city, he would spend more time with Mrs. Su.

Su Shaoxi's calculating eyebrows revealed a rare hint of surprise.

 He was really surprised by Fan Qingyao's appearance, or it would not be an exaggeration to say he was shocked.

As soon as he returned to the main city, he heard about what happened to the Hua family. Even if the Hua family was spared the execution in the end, the vegetation was sparse and the family property had withered.

If ordinary people encountered this kind of thing, they would be in despair.

But look at the girl in front of her again, her face is calm and composed, and her face has been calm for years without any trace of disturbance.

  What kind of strong heart can do this?

"Did Young Master Su come to me to hang out with me?" Fan Qingyao frowned slightly. The Dou family was still arguing, and she had no time to accompany him here to drink the northwest wind.

Su Shaoxi came back to his senses and smiled, "It seems that I am indeed superfluous today."

I originally wanted to give her some reassurance, but it turns out I didn’t need it.

This woman is so powerful that even he would be ashamed of herself.

Su Shaoxi smiled again, turned around and left.

Fan Qingyao looked at the thin back and said again, "Thank you."

She knew that he came here today because he wanted to tell her that no matter what happened to the Hua family, he would continue to cooperate with her.

Even though she had many means and was not afraid of him regretting it midway, she still accepted his intention.

Su Shaoxi paused and looked back at Fan Qingyao in surprise.

He obviously didn’t say anything...

But soon, Su Shaoxi smiled again, "I will be in the main city during this period. If you have goods to be shipped, come to me anytime."

Fan Qingyao also said seriously, "There is indeed a batch of goods, but it will take a few days."

Su Shaoxi nodded, "We'll be waiting for you at any time."

It's because he thinks too much. For a smart woman like her, even if he doesn't say anything, she will definitely know his intention.

Fan Qingyao had been watching Su Shaoxi get on the carriage, and then turned around and entered Qingnangzhai.

 The goods in Youzhou have been found, so she will continue to develop in Youzhou.

It’s just that too many trivial things are holding you back now. If you want to do business easily and efficiently, you can only solve the problem quickly.

  It’s like the Dou family.

The shop was very lively, and Hua Yuelian was being led by Yue Luo to learn about the various items in the shop.

Fan Qingyao called Peng Jing over and handed over the account book he brought from the house, "Calculate these accounts, the more detailed the better, remember to be fast."

 Peng Jing nodded hurriedly and entered the accounting room.

At the end of the moon, I caught a glimpse of the young lady whispering to Peng Jing, and I knew that the young lady must have something to do. She took the initiative to lead the lady to the second floor without any need to explain.

“Madam, there are many new things on the second floor. Do you want to take a look?”

 “What else is on the second floor?”

“Madam, you’ll know after you see it yourself.”

After all, Hua Yuelian is also a medical girl of the Tao family. She would be lying if she said she was not interested in medical skills. Seeing Yue Yaer standing quietly at the door, she couldn't wait to follow Yue Luo upstairs.

Fan Qingyao nodded happily to Yueluo.

 Smarter and more astute, he can figure out her thoughts without saying anything. How stupid did she have to be to lose them in her last life.

 Fortunately, they are still waiting for her where they are in this life.

Not long after, Peng Jing came out and said, "Miss, the accounts have been settled and everything has been marked."

Fan Qingyao took the account book and whispered, "I'm going out for a while, and I'll leave my mother to your care first."

Peng Jing nodded, "Don't worry, Miss, Madam will leave it to us."

 Fan Qingyao came out of Qingnangzhai and found Fan Zhao again.

After giving Fan Zhao the address of the mansion in the western suburbs, she got on the carriage.

Along the way, Fan Qingyao was looking through the account book in his hand.

She had known for a long time that her eldest sister-in-law would never do things too cleanly, but she never expected that she would act so arrogantly.

 It seems that the Hua family was really too kind to their eldest sister-in-law in the past, so even the Dou family dared to tease her.

  Unfortunately, she has never been a soft-hearted person.

 In the blink of an eye, the carriage stopped in front of the tea house opposite the Xijiao mansion.

Fan Qingyao got off the carriage and saw that the Dou family was still surrounding the door of the mansion in the western suburbs. There seemed to be a large number of them.

Looking from a distance, Nanny Xu, Cheng Yi and others did not suffer any loss. On the contrary, the women of the Dou family were covered in dirt.

Fan Qingyao knew what was going on and turned around and entered the teahouse.

 In a private room on the second floor, Sun Che had already arrived.

Seeing Fan Qingyao push the door open, he quickly stood up and said, "Miss Huajiawai."

Fan Qingyao sat down opposite Sun Che and said, "Master Sun and my mother are old acquaintances. Just call me Qingyao."

Sun Che felt that his past with Hua Yuelian was very pure, but now he felt calm, "Okay."

Fan Qingyao nodded, but stopped talking and only concentrated on drinking tea.

Sun Che, “…”

  Could it be that what he just said was not clear?

It is precisely because of the silence in the tea house that the entrance to the western suburbs mansion seems even more lively.

Even though the person sitting opposite him was the daughter of his beloved, it was not easy to sit looking at each other all the time, so Sun Che simply turned his head and looked out the window.

Sun Che has never met anyone in the Hua family, and he doesn't even know the Dou family, so now he is just watching the fun.

But the more he looked at it, the more he couldn't stand it anymore. The group of people blocking the outside of the mansion were really too arrogant. Even if they threatened to divorce, they still had to close the door and discuss it carefully. They bullied the door in such a big way. It's simply unreasonable.

 He was really curious as to whose family had such a tough in-law.

"It's the Hua family." Fan Qingyao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Sun Che turned around for a moment, suspecting that he had heard something wrong.

Fan Qingyao pointed out the window and paused for a moment before saying, "As Mr. Sun has seen, the Dou family does not want to get together with the Hua family at all, but now they are even bullying the Hua family because they have no men, so they block the door and force a peace." Leave."

Sun Che, “…”

 He now finally understood Fan Qingyao's purpose in finding him.

 It turned out to be for the Dou family.

I remember that when he received the letter of separation from the Dou family, the Dou family was extremely pitiful and miserable. Mrs. Dou even knelt in front of him and accused the Hua family of bullying others.

 He suppressed the matter because he didn't know how to tell Yue Lian.

Unexpectedly, he hadn't figured out how to inform the Hua family, and now he was shown the true face of the Dou family.

Had he not seen with his own eyes the shouting and abusive faces of the Dou family, Sun Che would not have been able to relate to Mrs. Dou that day.

This is not pitiful and miserable, this is just going too far!

 (End of this chapter)

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