The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 127: A member of the Dou family couldn't ask her to come forward.

Chapter 127 The Dou family can’t ask her to come forward

Fan Qingyao knew that since the Dou family dared to send Heli away, they would suffer miserably in front of Sun Che.

 She would never waste her time on unnecessary people, so she found Sun Che here.

seeing is believing.

 She didn’t need to say anything more.

Sun Che was silent for a long time before asking, "Qingyao, what are you going to do?"

Fan Qingyao handed over the thing in his hand, "Master Sun has always been fair and strict, and I also hope that official matters will be handled in an honest manner."

Sun Che took the thing in front of him suspiciously and looked at it, and was so shocked that he was stunned.

 This, this is...

Divorce letter?

It was already very bold for the Dou family to dare to send Heli away behind her husband's back, but compared to Fan Qingyao who directly took out the divorce letter...

  It’s simply not enough to watch.

 Sure enough, there is no such thing as the boldest, only bolder!

Sun Che looked at the person sitting opposite him in shock. He really couldn't believe that such a decisive and resolute thing could be done by a little girl who had not yet grown hair.

"Have you ever thought about whether your mother would agree?" For so many years, Sun Che has always been worried about Hua Yue Lian, and he knows that she always likes to keep things peaceful and make everything prosperous for her family.

Fan Qingyao piled the account books on the table again, "Master Sun will know it at a glance."

Sun Che was surprised again and opened the account book and took a casual look...

Almost instantly, Sun Che stood up and said, "Qingyao, you can rest assured. I have made a decision about the Dou family. Now I will have everyone in the Dou family cleared away."

This time, even if the daughter of the Dou family wanted to return to the Hua family, she would not be able to do so.

He will never allow such a moth to stay in the Hua family and hinder Yue Lian!

Fan Qingyao shook his head, "There is no need to trouble Mr. Sun with such a small matter."

After saying that, he raised his hand towards the window.

Fan Zhao, who had already arrived, saw his young lady's gesture and rushed over with his brothers.

A group of old ladies also want to cause trouble in front of my lady’s door?

  I am used to your temper!

The red-faced and thick-necked women of the Dou family who were scolding saw a group of big men surrounding them, and they were so frightened that they immediately stopped moving.

Fan Zhao originally had a ruthless face, and the brothers behind him also had fierce looks. In addition, they were originally bandits, and they had the evil aura of the world all over them.

Now looking at Fan Zhao's attitude that there is no need to say anything at all, as long as he goes to that station, one man will be able to stop ten thousand people from getting away. Not to mention the Dou family's mothers-in-law, they are also Mother Xu and Cheng Yidu. I was shocked.

 In the main city, at the feet of the emperor, where did so many Zhong Kui come from?

Fan Zhao used to do scary business, but now he shouts preemptively, "Brothers, protect the Hua family. Whoever dares to take another step forward will be killed!"


 The neat voice echoed into the sky.

There were a few timid women in the Dou family who were so frightened that they sat down on the ground.

 Mother Xu and Cheng Yi looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

 Fortunately, they are from my own family.

 The mothers-in-law of the Dou family, “…”

 They are members of the Hua family, so naturally they are enemies.

Just looking at the big and round Zhong Kui, the ladies of the Dou family had to be careful even to take a breath, not to mention they were quarreling. In almost less than a moment, all of them disappeared without a trace.

Sun Che who was across from the teahouse was stunned. He looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "Who are they?"

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "The guards of the Hua family's home and courtyard."

Sun Che, “…”

Whose guard looks like Zhong Kui?

However, Sun Che thought again that the Hua family only had female relatives now, and it would be a good thing to have some fiercer guards, so he didn't say anything more and walked out holding the account book in front of him.

From Sun Che's point of view, Fan Qingyao is still a child even if he has opinions, and it is normal not to dare to face such things head-on, so now he is even more angry about the Dou family's bullying. Little did he know that what Fan Qingyao was thinking about was...

 The Dou family, a small family, did not have the dignity to ask her to personally resolve the matter.

Just when Sun Che was about to go out, he suddenly stopped and asked, "Qingyao, how is your mother...?"

Fan Qingyao said ambiguously, "I think it's good, but Mr. Sun may not think it's good. If Mr. Sun really wants to know, he might as well come to the house and have a look in person."

Sun Che was stunned, "You, you mean..."

Fan Qingyao pretended to be a child and smiled cutely, "I also really hope that Uncle Sun can come to visit me."

 Uncle, uncle…

Sun Che let out a long sigh of relief, and then stepped out of the door resolutely.

Fan Qingyao waited for a moment, then dusted off his skirt and went downstairs.

With Ninghan’s introduction, both Aunt Xu and Cheng Yi started talking to Fan Zhao.

The Hua family has never looked down on anyone who is superior. Everyone is a servant, so who can look down on others?

Moreover, both Mammy Xu and Cheng Yi felt that Fan Zhao and his group were a little too fierce, but they were very forthright, and it was comfortable to deal with such people.

Fan Zhao and his party did not expect that the Hua family was so easy to get along with, and they quickly became familiar with them.

 Even without waiting for Fan Qingyao’s introduction, Fan Zhao and others were invited into the Hua’s house by Aunt Xu.

 Slightly later, Yue Luo and Peng Jing also accompanied Hua Yuelian back.

Fan Qingyao is not a very particular person, so dinner simply brings everyone together.

Since the incident at the Hua family, everyone has not been so relaxed for a long time. Even Hua Yuelian had a few drinks tonight.

Under the influence of alcohol, Hua Yuelian discussed with her daughter, "Yue Ya'er, I want to continue going to the shop with Yue Luo tomorrow."

Fan Qingyao himself is not a person who can stay at home, so he supports his mother, "As long as my mother likes it."

Huayue Lian didn’t expect her daughter to agree so happily.

 She is a divorced woman and should not be out in public.

Fan Qingyao leaned on his mother's shoulder and said, "You only have one life, why not do what you like?"

Huayue Lian was stunned for a moment, and her eyes suddenly became hot.

  Yes, Yue Yaer is right, this is her own life and has nothing to do with anyone else.

Huayue Lian's eyes became even more wet, but the corners of her lips were raised high.

Fan Qingyao looked a little stunned when he saw that smile.

She never knew that her mother’s smile could be so beautiful.

The Hua family is full of laughter and laughter, but compared to the Dou family...

In the main hall, Dou Koucheng looked at the embarrassed women, and his face became even darker.

Mrs. Dou was shocked, "You came back just like this? How capable you are!"

Several women were kneeling on the ground, feeling miserable and unable to express their feelings.

How could they have imagined that the people in the Hua family were so tough that even Aunt Xu could beat all three of them without stopping.

The eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei really couldn't sit still anymore. She stood up and rushed out, "How dare a little **** dare to rebel? I'll go back and take a look now!"

Mrs. Dou looked at the women kneeling on the ground. She was lying in her heart that she was not scared. She got up to stop her daughter.

At this moment, a boy hurriedly walked in, "Master, madam, Governor Sun is here!"

Dou Koucheng, whose face was so dark that even his facial features could not be seen, twitched heavily on his right eyelid. After a long moment of silence, he said, "Please come in."

 (End of this chapter)

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