The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 135: As long as I think about it, it’s 100%

Chapter 135 As long as I think about it, it’s 100%

Zhao Tang naturally wanted to file a complaint when he returned home, but let alone wounds on his body, he was not even red at all.

Mrs. Zhao only thought that her son was obsessed with Fan Qingyao, and sent him back to his room with a few words of comfort.

 What can a little girl do?

 She naturally didn’t believe that Fan Qingyao was so bold.

Zhao Tang felt so depressed when he saw his mother's perfunctory look that he became so angry that he fell ill.

Zhao Jianjia looked at his younger brother's expression of pain and couldn't explain, but felt panic in his heart.

Especially when she thought of Fan Qingyao's words that day, she felt even more uneasy.

 But even if she suspected that Fan Qingyao had really done something, it would be of no use. There was no evidence at all.

Zhao Tang has only been ill for half a month.

Mrs. Zhao is worried to death and has no time to pursue Fan Qingyao's ideas.

Not to mention Zhao Tang, now Fan Qingyao is the female ghost in his dreams. Let alone marrying her, he doesn't even want to see her again.

 The situation in the court was not stable, and the spring hunt that Emperor Yongchang was thinking about was delayed again and again.

 Another half month later, it was the Double Ninth Festival. Emperor Yongchang took his sons to worship their ancestors early in the morning.

 The so-called spring hunt naturally became the autumn hunt, which was scheduled after the Double Ninth Festival.

 Chrysanthemums in the main city are blooming especially vigorously this year.

On the Double Ninth Festival, merchants in the main city place pots of the most blooming chrysanthemums outside their doors.

 The purpose is to attract more customers to visit.

 The entire main city is surrounded by chrysanthemums, and chrysanthemums of various colors are in full bloom.

Fan Qingyao was sitting in Qingnangzhai, looking at the chrysanthemums on the street, and listening to the exchanges of bitterness between his aunts and uncles.

“The shopkeepers in the shop have become more and more aggressive recently. During the day, they are just lazy and sleeping.”

"The same is true for my shop over there. The accounts from a few months ago simply don't match up."

“These people are wild-minded now, and they have begun to guard and steal because of the failure of the Hua family.”

 The daughters-in-law became more and more worried as they talked. If this continues, the Hua family's business that has been in business for many years may collapse.

Fan Qingyao listened calmly, without any surprise.

  She has seen the sales contracts of the shopkeepers, but there is no death contract.

 To put it bluntly, they can just walk away at any time.

 How could a group of people who had already left a way out for themselves be completely devoted to the Hua family?

Daughter-in-law Chunyue touched the bubbles on her mouth and looked at Fan Qingyao, "Xiao Qingyao, you should think of a way."

Fan Qingyao said, "There's no rush."

 From the time something happened to the Hua family to the departure of her grandfather, grandmother, brother and uncles, she has been dormant.

If she takes action at this time, all her forbearance will be in vain.

 So we have to wait.

  Wait for an opportunity.

Tianyu and Yueluo entered the door holding several pots of chrysanthemums. They looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "Third sister, these are the chrysanthemums Yueluo and I just bought. Today is the Double Ninth Festival, and our shop also has to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival." It should be in accordance with the solar terms.”

Fan Qingyao gave it a cold look and then said, "Put it in the house."

 Tianlu, “…”

 Shouldn’t it be placed at the door?

Fan Qingyao suddenly stood up and said, "It's a holiday today. You guys should go out and relax. Remember not to come back too late."

As soon as the words fell, we should leave Qingnangzhai first.

 The rest of the people were staring at each other in the shop.

  Not to mention the surprised expressions on the faces of the several daughters-in-law, even Yueluo was panicked.

Since the incident at the Hua family, the young lady has become less and less interested in the business in the shop. If this continues...

Hua Yuelian looked at her daughter's back and said softly, "Yue Yaer always has her own ideas."

Hearing this, the daughters-in-law could only pray silently in their hearts.

Little Qingyao must not fail, otherwise the flower family will really be doomed.

 Later, lanterns were hung up in every shop in the main city.

Pedestrians wearing dogwoods were walking along the street, and the sound of hawking along the street was endless, making it very lively.

Fan Qingyao was sitting in the teahouse opposite his mansion in the western suburbs, pouring glass after glass of wine into his mouth. The familiar and loving faces of his relatives kept flashing through his mind.

 It has been four months since the incident occurred at the Hua family. The royal family has been blocking all news, including whether the brothers and uncles have arrived at the border safely.

 It is enough to show that Emperor Yongchang's wariness towards the Hua family has not been completely offset.

If she wants her relatives far away to be safe, she must completely eliminate the thorn in Emperor Yongchang's heart towards the Hua family.

 That's why she has been slacking off in business for such a long time.

 “It’s rare to see you so free.” A familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Fan Qingyao raised his head following the sound and saw Baili Fengming pushing open the door and entering.

 He was still wearing a white robe and had the same doting smile on his face.

  After not seeing him for a month, his aura seems to be stronger.

Especially that handsome face, which already highlights the calmness that comes after settling down from the storm.

A few squeaks of animals playing around came from not far away. Fan Qingyao turned to look out the window and saw that the red crows brought by Baili Fengming had rolled into one with the snow in the mansion. heap.

 Baili Fengming lifted up his robe and sat across from Fan Qingyao. He looked at her with a smile and said, "Qingnang Zhai is closed on the Double Ninth Festival. I'm afraid it will spread throughout the entire main city tomorrow."

Fan Qingyao sat upright, poured a glass of wine and pushed it in front of him, "I'm afraid no one will tell me."

 Baili Fengming was not surprised, "Even if you want to let Father know, the price is too high."

On the Double Ninth Festival, the income of ordinary shops is three times that of ordinary shops, let alone Qingnangzhai.

She is the only one who dares to spend money like this.

Fan Qingyao does not shy away from anything, "As long as the goal can be achieved, it is good. Besides, I think it is worth it for one day's income to exchange for my brother's lifelong freedom."

Baili Fengming was surprised this time.

As far as he knew, the Hua family men had just arrived at the frontier.

As Fan Qingyao himself said, his father still has not completely let down his guard against the Hua family.

 At this time, Fan Qingyao wanted to get Hua Fengning back...

 He really didn't know whether to call her bold or brave.

 “How sure are you?”

 “As long as I think about it, there will be 100%.”

 “What are you going to do?”

“The flower family is so slack in business, what do you think he will do?”

Baili Fengming frowned.

 Without money, there is no military pay. She is forcing her father to take the initiative to come to her.

 What a courage!

  That’s really brave!

 From the time he can remember, no one has ever dared to defeat his father's army like this.

Fan Qingyao is not afraid if he dares to do it.

 Brother is still so young, how can he waste his good time on the frontier?

Of course, this is just her first step, and soon she will have everyone in the Hua family stand in the main city again.

 It's just that time, she hopes it won't be long before it comes.

Putting aside his thoughts, Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming again, "When is the autumn hunting scheduled?"

Baili Fengming said, "Three days later."

Fan Qingyao thought about everything that happened in the previous life and warned him, "Be careful of the third prince during this hunting."

She knew that this sentence alone was not enough to put Baili Fengming on guard.

 And just when she was thinking about how to convince him...

But Baili Fengming smiled and said, "Ayao, there's no need to worry."

Fan Qingyao was stunned.

Just after hearing Baili Fengming, he said, "The news came from Yueyu Palace today that Brother Three Emperors is unable to participate in the autumn hunting due to illness."

Fan Qingyao's heart suddenly tightened.

If the Hua family suffered this disaster, it was because they were still going through everything they had experienced in the previous life.

Then how could Baili Rongze quit this hunt!

 Is it to recuperate from illness, or is there another conspiracy?

 (End of this chapter)

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