The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 136: Everything was wrong from the beginning

Chapter 136 I got it all wrong from the beginning

The spring hunt in the previous life can be said to be a huge turning point for Baili Rongze.

It is precisely because of this that Baili Rongze's ambition will become stronger and stronger.

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming and asked, "Do you know who is the deputy commander of the Military and Horse Division now?"

 Baili Fengming thought about it carefully, "It turned out to be Cao Ying. Recently I heard that Cao Ying has the intention to be transferred. It is estimated that the deputy commander will be idle soon."

 It is indeed the same as in the previous life.

In memory, the reason why Cao Ying was transferred was due to Concubine Youyu's handiwork, in order to prepare for Baili Rongze to take over as the deputy commander of the Military and Horse Division.

 It's just that the so-called deputy capital commander is not a very big official position, so it didn't attract too many people's attention at that time.

Who would have thought that such a small official position would create infinite possibilities for Baili Rongze.

 Normally, everything is exactly the same as in the previous life.

But why would Baili Rongze give up participating in the hunt?

 What went wrong?

Under the candlelight, Fan Qingyao's little face looked a little pale.

Baili Fengming frowned worriedly, "Ayao, are you okay?"

Fan Qingyao couldn't care about herself now. She looked at Baili Fengming and asked again, "Who are you going with this time?"

Baili Fengming thought for a moment and said, "Father."

 He was originally the prince, and he happened to be alone at the moment, so he naturally wanted to be with his father.

 “Where’s the route?”

 “Take the mountain road around the north.”

Fan Qingyao thought about it carefully, and his thoughts suddenly became clear, "I'm afraid Concubine Yu will accompany her this time."

 Baili Fengming nodded, and then asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Fan Qingyao just laughed.

 She was wrong, she thought wrong from the beginning.

 And it’s totally wrong!

She always thought that all the plans in the previous life were done by Baili Rongze.

 But he had forgotten that Baili Rongze at that time was just the same as he is now, just a young and frivolous boy.

He who only thinks about how to enjoy the glory and wealth, how can he come up with so many sinister calculations?

 So the person who caused the second prince to lose an arm in the previous life should be Concubine Yu.

 In this way, everything is logical.

Fan Qingyao suddenly raised his head and looked at him across from him, "Baili Fengming, do you believe me?"

 Baili Fengming laughed when he heard this, and said without even thinking about it, "Of course."

 He has always believed in her.

 It’s just that she doesn’t know it yet.

“When you hunt with him that day, remember to wear torches. The more the better. You must also prepare more daggers. They don’t have to be long, but they must be sharp.”

 Baili Fengming’s expression remained unchanged, “Why do you say that?”

  Of course it’s to save one’s life.

If everything was Concubine Yu's plan, then Baili Rongze's appearance or not would not change the fate.

 It's just that the person who was besieged by wolves in this life changed from the second prince to Emperor Yongchang.

Fan Qingyao asked instead, "If he is injured while hunting with you, what will happen to you?"

Baili Fengming had the answer almost instantly.

If the father is injured, he will definitely be implicated even if he has nothing to do with it.

Light, the closed East Palace was ignored by the father, and the stress was abolished and the Chu Jun was completely eliminated by the father emperor.

"Concubine Yu first transferred Cao Ying, leaving a vacancy in the command of the deputy capital, and then she tried to trap me in an unkind and unjust way during this hunt. When my father gets angry with me, Concubine Yu can take advantage of his attention. When everything was on my side, I asked Brother Sanhuang to serve in the Military and Horse Department."

 Baili Fengming smiled coldly, "It's really a good plan."

Fan Qingyao lowered his head to taste the wine and avoided speaking.

She knew that Baili Fengming was no ordinary person, but she didn't expect that he was so sharp.

She just threw out an introduction, and he was able to connect everything together.

 Even the reason for Cao Ying's transfer and the person behind it were thought of.

Such a thoughtful thought is really rare.

Fan Qingyao took out a small box from his sleeve, but there was only one pill in it.

“Within one hour after taking this elixir, it will prevent any wild beasts or flies from approaching.”

 At first she thought that Baili Fengming would become the second prince in the previous life, so she prepared this elixir. But I didn’t expect that she was wrong from the beginning.

 But it’s too late to know everything now.

 Three days’ time…

 No matter how hard she worked, she was afraid that it would be too late to refine the second one.

 So how to take it and who to take it to, it all depends on Baili Fengming’s decision.

 Baili Fengming looked at the elixir and smiled, "Ayao, you have posed a problem for me."

He said this, but his smile was light and calm, without any trace of sadness.

Fan Qingyao shook his head, "As smart as you are, you will know how to have both."

Baili Fengming never disdains others' praise for himself.

Perhaps because of his position, those compliments, no matter how beautiful, sounded so hypocritical and ironic to him.

 But Fan Qingyao's words pleased him for no reason.

 The dimples at the corners of the lips have deepened unconsciously.

  He even forgot how exhausted he was because he had not slept for two whole days because of the hunting deal, and would come out to look for her whenever he could.

 Because of her words, everything became worthwhile.

 Suddenly, fireworks were set off in the main city.

 A large firework exploded in the sky not far away from Fan Qingyao, filled with brilliant lights.

The two of them just sat in the teahouse next to each other, drinking one cup after another.

 Baili Fengming didn't say to leave, and Fan Qingyao didn't drive him away.

Gradually, Fan Qingyao felt that his vision was a little blurry.

Even the noise of the people outside the window could not be heard by her.

Fan Qingyao knew that he was drunk, so he stood up and wanted to leave, but as soon as he moved, his head hit the table.

 The expected pain did not come.

 A hand with sharp bones supported her heavy head.

 Baili Fengming looked at Fan Qingyao who was already asleep and smiled, then gently picked her up and let her face, heated by the wine, rest on his chest.

Fan Qingyao, who was sleeping, murmured, "Grandpa, grandma, I'm sorry, uncles, I'm sorry, little Qingyao, I'm sorry for you, I will definitely protect everyone this time, I will definitely..."

 Baili Fengming looked at her like this, feeling heartbroken and helpless.

He lowered his cheeks, buried his head in her ear and whispered, "Ayao, one day you will also think of me when you are drunk."

 When Fan Qingyao woke up, it was already noon the next day.

Having decided to hibernate, Fan Qingyao simply took a nap.

 Faced with such laissez-faire, Qingnangzhai is still doing well, at least it still has the support of Yue Luo and others.

However, the other shops in the Huajia are losing money every day, and some shops have begun to make ends meet.

 Du Ziming, the Minister of Household Affairs, learned about the bleakness and slackness of the Huajia shop, so he went to the imperial study room to cry all day long.

A good girl is so unprofitable. This is not only a loss to the Hua family, but also a heavy blow to our Xiliang Dynasty. If this continues, let alone expecting Fan Qingyao to increase his military salary next year, I am afraid that Hua Whether the family can survive this year is a question.

 Emperor Yongchang, “…”

Having a huge headache!

 It's just that now he has no reason to look for Fan Qingyao.

Moreover, now that all the men of the Hua family are in his hands, he doesn't believe that Fan Qingyao really dares to give up his job!

I thought so, but the words Fan Qingyao still became a worry for Emperor Yongchang.

 So much so that when he set out for the autumn hunt three days later, Emperor Yongchang looked worried.

Concubine Yu, who was sitting in the carriage, looked through the curtains at the carriage in front of her that was not only carrying the emperor, but also Baili Fengming, and secretly bit her red lips.

 It doesn't matter even if her son is absent.

This time, she is sure to win!

In the palace, Baili Rongze, who was still recovering from his injuries in Yueyu Palace, suddenly fell ill after hearing that Qiu Shou's team left the city.

One cough after another resounded throughout Yueyue Palace.

The imperial doctors came one after another, but they were all helpless after checking the injuries.

 After a moment, Baili Rongze shouted in a hoarse voice, "Here comes someone..."

An hour later, a group of palace people surrounded the western suburbs mansion.

As Fan Qingyao walked out of the door, he heard the palace attendant at the head shout, "The third prince is not feeling well. We have sent word that Fan Qingyao, a foreigner from the Hua family, has come to the palace to attend to his illness!"

 (End of this chapter)

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