Chapter 143 I’m afraid no one will know

Huguo Temple was built when Xiliang was founded. Over the years, it has become a devout belief in the hearts of all people in Xiliang.

Huguo Temple is built on Qianming Mountain not far from the main city. Its height seems to reach the sky.

There is only one road from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain, which is built with thousands of steps. Therefore, no matter who you are, if you want to reach Huguo Temple, you can only climb up with your feet.

 The bumpy ride on the carriage made Fan Qingyao even more tired. After getting off the carriage, the sunlight above her head made her unable to open her eyes.

The Princess of Heshuo County quickly called to the maid beside her, "Go and help Qingyao up together."

Fan Qingyao quickly declined, "There's no need to worry, stepmother, I can do it myself."

"Don't be so pushy. The two maids are not with you. How are you going to live these days? This maid is always by my side. I feel relieved to have her taking care of you. "

The princess of Heshuo County really felt pain in her heart when she saw Fan Qingyao's whole body soaked with sweat.

 But no matter how much Heshuo County Princess persuaded him, Fan Qingyao still insisted on going alone.

Seeing Fan Qingyao climbing up the stairs step by step, Princess Heshuo couldn't help but sigh.

How come such a good child is born into so many troubles?

"Let's go to the mansion in the western suburbs." Since she couldn't talk about the child Qingyao, she always had to comfort Qingyao's mother, otherwise her role as a foster mother would be in vain.

Today is not the first or fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, so there are almost no pilgrims going to Huguo Temple to offer incense.

Fan Qingyao just walked up the stairs step by step. She didn’t know how long she had been walking. She felt that she was almost losing feeling in both legs.

The sun is getting closer and closer to the top of the head, and Fan Qingyao's breathing is getting hotter and hotter.

When she was just shy of the last step, she suddenly stopped.

  I took a pill for myself and took it slowly slowly before I took the last step.

 Buddhist people are kind-hearted by nature. No matter whether they will take her in or not, she cannot infect others with typhoid fever.

In the main entrance of Huguo Temple, a ten-meter-high statue of Bodhisattva stands impressively.

When Fan Qingyao saw the Bodhisattva, his eyes flashed.

The heart that was haunted by nightmares finally found peace.

A young novice monk came over, bowed and said, "Amitabha, it's a bad time for the donor to come. Except for the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, Huguo Temple does not accept any donors."

Fan Qingyao has never believed in Buddhism, so he didn’t know that there was such a rule.

 She nodded apologetically, "That's just an intrusion."

 As soon as the words fell, he turned around and was about to leave.

Since she couldn't stay here, she still had to think of other places to go.

But where can she find a place that not only allows her to stay, but also attracts everyone’s attention?

"Since the donor came here to ask for something, why did he leave in such a hurry?"

Fan Qingyao turned around in surprise and saw an old monk standing not far away, smiling at her.

This old monk has a kind face and kind eyes. His eyebrows are longer than his shoulders. He is wearing a cassock that has been washed until it turns white.

When Fan Qingyao met his eyes, his gentle eyes were full of smiles. Although his face had the wrinkles common to old people, it made people feel comfortable and friendly.

When the little novice monk saw the person coming, he quickly saluted again, "Master Xingyun."

Master Xingyun smiled and nodded, then took a few steps forward.

When he looked at Fan Qingyao again, his smiling eyes were all opened.

Just looking around Fan Qingyao's body casually, Fan Qingyao instinctively tensed up his whole body.

 This feeling of being seen through is very strong.

It seems that in the eyes of this master, everything she hides is no longer a secret.

Master Xingkong actually smiled and said, "Donor, don't be afraid. I have no ill intentions. I just saw that the benefactor was troubled, so I just wanted the benefactor to meditate for a few days."

Fan Qingyao began to hesitate for a moment, "Don't bother..."

 She came here not really to meditate, but more to get her brother back.

But looking into Star Master’s eyes, she suddenly felt that she was too crazy.

 In order to achieve their own goals, even Buddhists dare to use it. It’s really...

Master Xingkong spoke very slowly, but he was full of good intentions, "Coming here is fate. It can be seen that the Buddha's wish has fulfilled the wish of the donor. Why should the donor be so entangled anymore? The flowers will bloom again, but no one knows this summer It’s just different from before.”

Fan Qingyao really felt that he could no longer hide anything.

But at this moment, she was really greedy for the soothing voice, and finally nodded.

 “That’s why I’m bothering Master Starry Sky.”

"Being able to meet the benefactor is both my blessing and my karma." After Master Xingkong said this ambiguously, he said no more, turned around and ordered the little novice monk to take Fan Qingyao to the guest room.

It was until Fan Qingyao's figure completely disappeared.

Master Xingkong clasped his hands together and said slowly, "Let's calm down and pray once at a time, Amitabha, that's good, that's good."

Fan Qingyao really lived in Huguo Temple.

 In addition to daily recuperation, she occasionally watered the villagers in the temple with the young novice monks.

Although my life was far from comfortable, it was rare for me to be quiet.

Just because of Fan Qingyao's abandonment, Hua's shop was completely closed.

  A few days have passed in a flash, and several shops in the Hua Family have no plans to reopen. The workers who are owed wages have been threatening to seek justice from the Hua Family all day long.

The incident became an uproar and became more and more serious, and it can be said that the whole city knew about it.

When Ninghan found her young lady, she was almost out of breath, "Miss, if you don't go back, our Hua's shop will really be doomed!"

Fan Qingyao seemed not to have heard Ninghan's flowers. She carried a pole on her thin shoulders and followed the little novice to fetch water and water it. After all her work was finished, she walked back to Ninghan.

 “Go back and let your aunts and mother relax.”

“But Miss, those shops in our Hua Family…”


Everyone only thinks that those shops and businesses are valuable.

 But no one knows that those are actually the least valuable ones.

 Money cannot make money, but people can.

As long as she is here, even if there is only one tael of silver left in the Hua family's books, she can make it back ten times or a hundred times.

“After I go back, let the news about me in Huguo Temple be spread out. The more people know about it, the better. You don’t need to worry about what others say. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad.”

No matter whether the news is good or bad, it can only spread quickly if the public opinion is aroused.

Ninghan was confused after hearing this, "Miss, what exactly do you want to do?"

Fan Qingyao smiled calmly and said, "A surprise for everyone in the Hua family."

 Only when my brother comes back can everyone see hope.

  Ninghan, “…”

 Miss, are you sure this is not a fright?

As Ninghan went down the mountain, Fan Qingyao left the flower shop alone, and the news of the cool breeze in Huguo Temple spread.

 The people were talking a lot, and the word Fan Qingyao suddenly became the topic of conversation after dinner.

Those who don't see the good things in the Hua family, or even the good things in Fan Qingyao, will naturally take advantage of this moment to try their best to smear Fan Qingyao.

 For a time, whether it was the Fan family, the Zhao family or the Dou family...

They all tried their best to let the servants go out to make irresponsible remarks.

He even spent money to bribe beggars in the city in order to pour dirty water on Fan Qingyao.

Within a few days, Fan Qingyao was once again thrust into the spotlight.

Even the palace heard the noise.

 In the Yueyue Palace.

  When Baili Rongze heard the news, he sat up immediately.

 “Are you telling the truth?”

“The news is absolutely true, people in the city are spreading the news now.”

Baili Rongze's desire to regain something was beginning to stir again.

If the news is true, then it has been a few days since Fan Qingyao went to Huguo Temple, but Huguo Temple was safe.

Does that mean Fan Qingyao's typhoid fever is cured?

 If you say so…

 “Someone is coming, someone is coming quickly!”

In Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhen Xi was just about to go to bed when she saw Lily coming in in a panic.

“Queen, something bad has happened!”

 (End of this chapter)

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