The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 144: Did the third prince lose his face when he was born?

Chapter 144 Did the third prince lose his face when he was born?

Lily looked at the Queen without caring about etiquette, and said anxiously, "Queen, I just got the news that a carriage drove out of the Yueyue Palace half an hour ago."

 Empress Zhenxi’s face turned gloomy after listening to Lily’s words.

At this time, who else can successfully walk out of Yue Yu Palace except Lao San?

“I didn’t expect that the third child would even disregard his face in order to get that girl Qingyao.”

A prince chased him out of the palace in the middle of the night, what kind of dignity did he need?

“The Queen wants to write a letter to inform the Emperor?”

“Even if there is no use in informing the emperor, in the end the emperor’s anger will be gone by simply going to Huguo Temple to recuperate. When the emperor calms down, he will still feel that this palace is troublesome.”

Since the third child dared to leave the palace late at night, he must have thought of a reason.

"Empress, what should I do?" Lily was really worried. The young lady outside the Hua family is at the Huguo Temple. If the third prince goes now, the Emperor will really be far away. If the young lady outside the Hua family uses force, no one will know about it.

Empress Zhen Xi smiled coldly, "If you want Xiao Qingyao to be with you, you have to see if the third child has the ability."

"It's true that Miss Huajiawai, how can she be so arrogant even though she knows that His Highness..." Lily couldn't help complaining. Who in the main city doesn't know that Miss Huajiawai has abandoned Huajia and is hiding alone in the country. Temple Tu Qingxian, if this kind of news was not deliberately released by Miss Huajiawai, who could know it?

“It’s true that she wants to lure you into a trap, but that person is not the third child.”

Empress Zhen Xi took a deep breath. Xiao Qingyao really made a risky move this time.

Even she has to admire this courage.

 I didn’t expect that child to be able to do so much for the Hua family. Such filial piety is really not easy.

Of course, since the third child ran away under her nose, she would not watch it.

 “Go and invite the princess of Heshuo County.”

Lily nodded, turned around and left.

The Princess of Heshuo County has been running very diligently to her mansion in the western suburbs recently.

 Firstly, she helps Xiao Qingyao take care of the Hua family, and secondly, she really likes Hua Yuelian's indifferent nature.

 Unexpectedly, as soon as she returned home, Lily walked in.

Hearing that the queen had summoned her, the princess of Heshuo County didn't even have time to change her clothes before she got on the horse.

 Half an hour later, the Princess of Heshuo County sat in front of Queen Zhenxi.

Empress Zhen Xi kept her story short and told everything about the things inside and outside the palace.

 Princess of Heshuo County, “…”

 Did the third prince forget his face in Concubine Yu’s belly when he was born?

This is so shameless!

Queen Zhen Xi looked at the Princess of Heshuo County and said, "You have to think clearly. It is one thing to accept Xiao Qingyao as your goddaughter, but if you really do what I say this time, Well, there is really no turning back for you or Prince Heshuo. Once this matter continues, Concubine Yu will definitely hate Prince Heshuo's house."

This is how people are in this life. They play chess with their bodies and have no regrets about their moves.

 One wrong step may lead to catastrophe.

The Princess of Heshuo County really didn't expect that the Queen would do this for Xiao Qingyao.

"I and my wife are willing to do their best for the Queen."

 At present, the two largest forces in the court are the prince and the third prince.

Although she and the king always wanted to be neutral, reality forced them to choose sides time and time again.

Since you will be hated by others sooner or later, why not choose someone you are comfortable with?

Losing is nothing but a doom and gloom, and the couple can still afford to lose.

Queen Zhen Xi nodded, "It's best if you can figure it out. You can ask Prince Heshuo to handle it when you get back later."

Princess Heshuo is still a little worried, "I'm afraid Concubine Yu needs to know the news in the palace earlier. In this case, even if the king really goes there in person, it will be difficult to see the emperor."

Queen Zhenxi smiled coldly, "You only need to ask Prince Heshuo to go, the rest is my palace's business."

As long as she lives, Concubine Yu can only push her son to sit on that chair in her dream.

This matter is said to be to help Xiao Qingyao, but in fact it is also to help her son. If this matter can really succeed, then both Concubine Yu and the third child will definitely be seriously injured.     Just how big this storm can stir up...

 It still depends on Xiao Qingyao’s ability.

At ten minutes in the middle of the night, the carriage carrying Baili Rongze stopped at the foot of the ten thousand steps of Huguo Temple.

 Baili Rongze looked at the steps that shot straight into the sky, and he had already scolded Fan Qingyao in his heart.

The ungrateful thing happened to catch typhoid fever when he was calling for help!

If everything went according to plan, he would probably have the beauty back by now, so why would he suffer this fate?

 Damn it Fan Qingyao, let’s see where you can run this time!

At the entrance of Huguo Temple, Ning Han was scared to death when she looked at the shadowy figures walking up.

In the past few days, she had come here every day to deliver news from the city to the young lady. However, she was about to sneak back to the mansion in the western suburbs, so she didn't go down. She just saw someone coming up.

Ninghan reacted quickly, turning around and running back.

 “Miss, it’s not good, someone is going up the mountain!”

Fan Qingyao looked at Ninghan who had left and returned, "Can you clearly see who it is?"

Ninghan shook his head, "No."

Fan Qingyao frowned in thought.

 She released the news this time in order to make the news spread as quickly as possible.

 It can be calculated that no matter how fast the news spreads, I am afraid that it will not reach that person's ears at this time.

 So if the person who came was not the person she wanted to wait for, who could it be?

Soon, there was a commotion outside the window.

Even Master Xingkong seemed to be alarmed, but he was too far away and Fan Qingyao could not hear the conversation clearly.

 Not long after, the temple became quiet again.

 Suddenly, there was a knock on the door again.


  Ninghan, “…”

 I just feel like my soul is about to leave my body.

 Forcing herself to calm down, she walked to the door and leaned against it and asked, "Who is it?"

"This servant is the maid next to the third prince. Her name is Qizhi. My Highness said that there were many misunderstandings at the palace gate in the past few days. We are lucky to meet again today. I would like to ask Miss Huajiawai to talk about it."

 Three, the third prince? !

Ninghan turned to look at his young lady, her eyes full of shock and panic.

This night is dark and windy, the sky is high and the emperor is far away...

If the third prince really treated her young lady, wouldn’t her young lady...

Fan Qingyao really didn’t expect Baili Rongze to be able to chase him to Huguo Temple.

Thinking about what a proud person Baili Rongze was in his last life, even though she was brainwashed to the point of being devoted to him and believing that she would win if she asked for anything, he had never looked at her.

Even if you ask for something from her, when is it not condescending?

 Unexpectedly, now...

“I know, I’ll pack up and go.”

Fan Qingyao is disgusted, so disgusted that even hearing this name makes him retching.

But she also knew that Baili Rongze had been pestering him here, and he had no intention of letting it go.

Since he took the initiative to challenge him, she didn't want to shrink back.

What's more, she also wanted to see what kind of confidence Baili Rongze had in making her obey.

 (End of this chapter)

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