Chapter 196: He deserves it

 That night, a few boys quietly walked out of Lu's house.

 Early the next morning, the people in the capital somehow knew what happened at the gate of Lu's house last night.

 This incident has become a topic of conversation among the people after dinner.

“I heard that the daughter-in-law of the Hua family blocked the door yesterday, so I couldn’t help but beat Mrs. Lu’s family.”

"How could there be no reason? It seems that the Lu family wanted to marry the Hua family, and the Hua family didn't do it, so they caused trouble."

"I even heard that the Hua family is unreasonable. Taking advantage of the fact that the Hua family men are now committing crimes and making meritorious services in Huai, I thought that the Hua family had returned to its former glory. The second young lady of the Hua family even rushed into the Lu family and followed a There was a conflict with the mother-in-law, and she fell into the pond and fell unconscious, and asked the government to take the woman away. "

The rumors in the main city have become more and more intense, and the female members of the Hua family have also received sarcastic remarks from the people one after another. Today, the second daughter-in-law Chun Yue, who went out to Huguo Temple to pray for her daughter, is even pointed at by the people, as if It seemed like the Hua family had done something hugely wrong.

The second daughter-in-law, Chunyue, fell ill when she came back. She was so depressed that she vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

The third daughter-in-law Peihan was unwilling to suffer, so she took the fourth daughter-in-law Yafu and went straight to the Lu family.

When Hua Yuelian heard the news, she quickly got up and came to the south courtyard of the mansion.

At this time, Fan Qingyao was listening to the report from Fan Zhao's men in the south courtyard.

"Master's calculation is correct. Yesterday at 2 o'clock in the morning, a few boys carried the corpses out of the house secretly. The subordinates followed them all the way outside the city and saw with their own eyes that the boys threw the corpses into mass graves. among.”

Fan Qingyao told him calmly, "Bring those corpses back to the Lu family. If anyone asks, just tell them to return them to their original owners."

 Fan Zhao's men nodded and took the order to leave.

Ninghan was sweating profusely and lifted the curtain, "Miss, everything has been done. Now we are heading to Lu's house."

Before Fan Qingyao could say anything, he saw Hua Yuelian enter the door with an anxious expression.

"Yue Ya'er, your third aunt took your fourth aunt to the Lu family. They listen to you the most. You should find someone to call them back." Hua Yuelian held her daughter's hand tightly.

Fan Qingyao did not expect such a thing to happen and was stunned.

However, facing her mother's worried eyes, when she came back to her senses, she said calmly and calmly, "The Lu family will be very lively today, so it would be a good idea to let the aunties pour a bucket of oil."

In the blink of an eye, Fan Qingyao looked at the sleeping smile on the bed with his chest covered with silver needles, but he said to Ninghan, "Please go to the gate of Lu's house to watch the scene with your eldest aunt and eldest sister." play."

 Don't be afraid, second sister, you will be safe with me.

 Second sister, don’t worry, as long as I’m here, no matter who deceives you, I will get it back for you twice as much!

The entrance to the Lu family is really busy at the moment.

The corpses of several maids who had left and returned were piled under the steps, which attracted the attention of the people around them.

Mrs. Lu, who came after hearing the news, almost rolled down the steps when she looked at the dead bodies.

"Where did these dead people come from? Send these corpses away before someone comes!" Mrs. Lu's face was white and she shouted to the servants in the house.

How guilty she is now is how loud her voice is.

She knew better than anyone how these people died, and she had to destroy the bodies at this time.

But before the young men from the Lu family could rush down and take away the corpses, they saw a commotion from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, several elderly men and women rushed out of the crowd and pounced on the corpses.

“Tweety, you are really my Tweety…”

“Liu catkins, my catkins are also there. It’s all my mother’s fault. I shouldn’t have sold you into the Lu family!”

“We only thought that the Lu family was a big family and their mansion must be clean, but we didn’t expect that they would eat people without spitting out their bones!”

The cries and howls of men and women mingled together, ringing into the sky at the door of the Lu family.

 Mrs. Lu, “…”

 It’s really a slap in the face!

When the people around him saw this, they all looked at Mrs. Lu on the steps.

If they remember correctly, the wife of the Lu family just said that she did not recognize these corpses.

Mrs. Lu's wife was seen with thorns on her back, and her limbs were cold and cold.

She never expected that the parents of these servants would rush to the door of the Lu family.

"Who is it? Who wants to frame my Lu family? So bold, so bold. I, the master of the Lu family, am the imperial physician in the palace!" When Mrs. Lu family said this, she obviously lacked confidence, but Now, no matter how guilty she is, she can never admit that this matter has anything to do with the Lu family.

“Mrs. Lu’s wife can even bite her back, so what else can’t she do?”

The fourth daughter-in-law Yafu, who had just arrived, couldn't stand Mrs. Lu's hypocritical face, so she just walked out of the crowd.

 Mrs. Lu, “…”

 Another blow to the head!

"I, the second young lady of the Hua family, passed out for no reason in your Lu family. Even now, the situation has not been turned around. Madam Lu family not only did not apologize, she even sent people to confuse right and wrong in the main city. So I would like to ask Lu personally. Madam, the second daughter of the Hua family is unconscious, who is right and who is wrong?" Madam Lu's wife looked at her fourth daughter-in-law Yafu and felt a splitting headache.

She deliberately let people spread rumors, but she didn't expect the Hua family to be so bold as to rush to the door and cause trouble.

Looking at the people surrounding him, Mrs. Lu could only grit her teeth and say with a smile, "Whatever is going on is what is going on. I believe the people in the capital know it well."

Such vague words made Peihan yell, "I know your uncle's legs!"

 Mrs. Lu, “…”

 What are the qualities of the Hua family?

  Third daughter-in-law Peihan, “…”

 When did you still have the nerve to talk to me about your quality?

I didn’t go up and tear you apart with my hands, that’s my greatest quality!

 When the people looked at this situation and thought of the two daughters-in-law of the Hua family, they figured it out no matter how confused they were.

The second young lady of the Hua family was injured and unconscious for no reason yesterday at the Lu family. Today, the body of a maid from the Lu family appeared at the door of the Lu family. This is obviously because the Lu family did something dirty and killed her!

It's hard for the Lu family to spread the news today that the Hua family's mistress beat his wife.

 Now it seems that the attack is simply too light!


 The sound of neat footsteps suddenly sounded from far to near.

Soon, Sun Che, dressed in official uniforms, and his government servants gathered around the entrance of the Lu family's residence.

The Madam of the Lu family was desperate. She quickly looked at Sun Che and shouted, "Sir, help me, my lord, help me. The people from the Hua family killed someone and want to frame it on my Lu family. Please tell me the truth!" "

Sun Che looked at the miserable Lu family's wife coldly, but he was not moved at all.

But he waved his hand and said to the officials behind him, "Come here, arrest Mrs. Lu!"

The government officials followed the order and pushed Madam Lu to the ground.

Mrs. Lu family lay on the cold ground, still stalking, "You are a flower family. In order to frame my Lu family, you even bribed the governor's office. Just wait for me. I, the master of the Lu family, will definitely not do this." Just sit back and ignore it!”

The third daughter-in-law is very angry and wants to come forward to argue.

Sun Che was the first to speak, "Yesterday evening, the two young ladies of the Lu family had a conflict with the second young lady of the Hua family, and even beat the second young lady of the Hua family. Mrs. Lu's wife was afraid that this matter would be publicized, so she ordered the five maids present to be silenced. Still unwilling to repent, she still wanted to hide the Hua family in the name of engagement, and tried to destroy the body last night. This confession was made by the Lu family’s Aunt Zheng herself. What else can Mrs. Lu’s family say? "

Mrs. Lu’s family was stunned.

She wanted to die, but she didn’t expect that Aunt Zheng would really dare to recruit her!

Seeing this, Sun Che said to the government servant behind him, "Go and take away the two young ladies from the Lu family!"


At this moment, the two young ladies of the Lu family were shaking like chaff.

Seeing the government servant striding towards them, he was so frightened that he cried out loud.

 No matter how scared they were, they were eventually taken away together with Madam Lu.

When the eldest daughter-in-law Ling Wei and Xinying arrived, they saw Mrs. Lu, who was ashen as ashes, and the two young ladies of the Lu family, who were so frightened that they peed their pants, and were splinted by Sun Che.

Xinying's legs went weak and she knelt on the ground, "Mom, mother, what should I do? Do you think Fan Qingyao will take me away too..."

The eldest daughter-in-law, Ling Wei, also had cold limbs. She gritted her teeth and pulled her daughter up, "Don't worry, I have other ways."

Mrs. Lu and her two young ladies were imprisoned.

Mrs. Lu’s wife received fifteen blows, and half of her life was lost.

Although the two ladies of the Lu family only received three blows each, their reputations were completely ruined.

From now on, no one will dare to marry a daughter of the Lu family.

Soon, the matter of the Lu family was spread throughout the city.

 In the Yueyue Palace.

Concubine Yu handed a bowl of clear fire old duck soup to Emperor Yongchang, "I heard that the Lu family's wife and the two young ladies were beaten for this. I want to say that it was just a mistake in the daughter's family. Why?" It was so serious.”

Emperor Yongchang took the old duck soup and tasted it carefully, "You have been concerned about the affairs of the main city recently."

Concubine Yu's eyes turned red with grievance, "Isn't this concubine always thinking about the emperor? Then Imperial Physician Lu is still responsible for taking care of the emperor's medicinal diet. What if I am distracted by this and delay the emperor's health? "

After Concubine Yu said this, Emperor Yongchang's face darkened.

The Hua family is becoming more and more courageous, and even the people around him dare to treat him like this.

Is this a slap in the face of the Lu family?

 It’s still his face!

Seeing the emperor's face darken, Concubine Yu stopped.

After burning the incense, Emperor Yongchang returned to the imperial study and called his confidants in front of him, "Now give the order to Lao Qi to resolve the war on Huaishang as soon as possible. The Hua family will be eradicated and no one will be left alive!"

 (End of this chapter)

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