Chapter 197 The person who gives hope

 East Palace.

 Baili Fengming was looking at the remaining game on the chessboard in front of him, his deep black eyes flashing with a brilliance that made it difficult to see through.

After listening to the secret guard's report, he asked an irrelevant question, "Do you know where my father went before returning to the imperial study?"

The secret guard was stunned for a moment and then said, "There is news from the imperial court. I heard that the emperor went to Yueyu Palace for dinner tonight."

 The reason why the father sent the henchmen of Yulong Army to Huaishang at this time is obvious.

I'm afraid someone is making a fuss about the Lu family's affairs again.

 Baili Fengming's eyebrows gradually raised, and in a quiet voice, no one could hear the joy or anger, "Find a way to delay the people who control the dragon army."

The secret guard was silent and suspicious.

Even if there is a delay, the people of the Yulong Army will arrive at Huaishang sooner or later.

 To put it bluntly, this is simply treating the symptoms rather than the root cause!

"It's not important that the people of the Yulong Army arrived at Huaishang. The most important thing is that no one can receive the father's order to kill the Hua family." Baili Fengming said, and dropped Bai Zi who had been holding on to his right hand. .

Originally, White had the upper hand, but he blocked only one black stone and turned the situation around.

   Hei Zi, you will lose everything.

 The mansion in the western suburbs.

 In the quiet room, the smile was drowsy.

Ninghan reported in a low voice, "Miss, I heard that the eldest aunt closed the door as soon as she came back with the eldest lady. I'm afraid she was very frightened by what happened to the Lu family today."

 That day in the prison, Aunt Zheng told her everything.

The reason why Xiaoyan had a conflict with the two sisters from the Lu family was because she heard the two sisters from the Lu family saying that she was a lowly person who was even worse than a prostitute in a brothel.

Hearing what Aunt Zheng said, Smile rushed over to defend her, and even raised her voice, "My third sister is upright and proud, how can I allow you two sour ladies who have never seen the market to mess with her!"

The two sisters of the Lu family are used to being arrogant and indulgent, so they are naturally entangled with smiles.

 But the person who really pushed the smile to fall into the water was Xinying!

Fan Qingyao quietly left the secret in order to fish out the person who was hiding behind his eldest aunt and making plans.

 That's why she asked her eldest aunt to take Xinying to see the miserable situation of the Lu family with her own eyes today.

Only when people are desperate will they desperately seek help.

 And when the truth comes out, she will definitely leave no one behind, whether it is her eldest aunt or Xinying!

“Tell the maid who is staring at my eldest sister-in-law to follow her more carefully and closely during this period.”

Ninghan nodded and then retreated.

Fan Qingyao walked back to the bed, pulled out the last silver needle on his chest, lowered his eyes and looked at the smiling face, "Second sister, you must wake up quickly, so that you can reunite with your uncles "

As he finished speaking, the candlelight on the table suddenly flickered.

The flickering candlelight illuminated Fan Qingyao's thin figure, as well as the murderous aura that enveloped him at the moment.

Main camp in Xiliang, Huaishang.

 All the grain and grass transported from the main city of Xiliang were put into the camp, and no grain was lost.

But there was not even a trace of laughter and laughter in the main camp.

 In the main tent, everyone was holding their breath and concentrating.

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, was stabbed through the chest by a Xianbei general, and his blood had already stained the bed beneath him.

The old military doctor stroked his white beard, then stood up and said to the other young men, "Although the knife did not hurt the heart, it still hurt the heart. If we were in the main city, there would be hope for salvation." Yeah, now I'm just afraid..."

 The army was already short of medicinal herbs, and all the precious medicinal materials this time had already been used to make nourishing medicinal diets for the Seventh Prince.

When the men of the Hua family heard this, they immediately tensed up and gritted their teeth.

The Hua family’s family rules do not allow them to have affectionate relationships on the battlefield.

But how could they stay calm while watching the elder brother lying on the bed with all his blood draining out?

 The only lieutenant left in the main camp, together with the few thousand elite soldiers, knelt on the ground after hearing this.

If the Hua family men hadn't led them out of the encirclement today, I'm afraid they would have become the dead souls of Xianbei.

Thinking of the Hua family man’s iron-clad demeanor and support, even in the face of tens of thousands of Xianbei soldiers, he still rushed to the front without flinching and supported him. Who can really remain indifferent?

 The soldiers kneeling on the ground wiped their tears with their sleeves and gnashed their teeth angrily cursing that God has no eyes.

Tianyu who was hiding in the corner was already crying.

 “I, I can save you!”

  A hoarse daughter's voice sounded outside the main camp tent.

Everyone turned around in shock and saw a young girl hurriedly entering the camp.

As if in a hurry, she didn't have time to look around, and rushed straight to the bed, opened the small porcelain bottle in her hand, and poured all the black powder inside onto the wound of Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family.

 There was complete silence in the main camp tent.

Everyone looked at the little figure and was so surprised that they were stunned.

Who is this?

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, looked at the tear-soaked but firm-eyed face. He was stunned for a moment, then frowned and angrily said, "Didn't I say that you can't come out no matter what! You forgot the rules of the Hua family. "

"The family rules of the Hua family have indeed taught me that I must listen to the elders' teachings, and obey the elders' responsibilities, but the third sister has taught me that the sky is strong, and women must strive for self-improvement. The terrain is good, and women must be virtuous. Loading things!”

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, felt sad when he heard this, and tears welled up in his eyes. well!

This is the daughter of the Hua family, who is constantly striving for self-improvement and unyielding!

The old military doctor standing aside looked at the blood that had solidified on the chest of Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, and was shocked when he touched the powder that had not completely dissolved into the wound.

 Take a sip lightly, then smell carefully...

 “Ice Arrow Frost!”

 Just a small amount of Ice Arrow Frost can instantly coagulate the blood and prevent death from massive hemorrhage.

It’s just that the preparation of this kind of medicinal powder is particularly complicated and cumbersome. A total of ninety-nine and eighty-one medicines are prepared. If the dosage of one medicine is wrong, even if it is just a penny, all the efforts will be wasted!

"I wonder where you got this medicine?" The old military doctor's trembling voice was full of excitement and expectation. This kind of medicine is probably not even available in the warehouse of the Imperial Palace Hospital.

"My third sister's!" Tianyu raised his chin proudly.

  The third tip bag given to her by the third sister is the biggest among all the tips.

 That's why she kept it in her arms. She was also startled when she just opened it.

The old military doctor didn't notice Tianyu's pride. He just lowered his eyes and looked at the ice arrows that had been sprinkled on the bed. His heart ached with pain.

This is…

 What a waste!

Huawu, the fourth son of the Hua family, looked at the familiar figure and couldn't believe his eyes. After a long while, he finally called out, "Heaven, Heavenly it the Heavenly Mandate?"

Tianyu's body is tense when his back is to everyone.

 Taking a deep breath, she turned around and smiled with tears in her eyes, "Father..."

Huawu, the fourth son of the Hua family, had his throat rolling. He stared at his daughter blankly for a long time. Suddenly he took a few steps forward and slapped Tianyu.


Half of Tianyu's face was immediately red and swollen.

"Absurd! How can you be allowed to come just as you say on the battlefield? Have you ever thought about the consequences!" Huawu, the fourth son of the Hua family, squeezed the hand that hit his daughter's face, trembling all over.

Tianyu's cheeks were burning with pain, and even when she spoke, her speech was a little slurred, but she still raised her head stubbornly, looked at her father and said, "The third sister said that there is no fundamental difference between daughters and men. If you despise yourself, others will look down on you. I don’t want others to look down on you, and I want my father and uncles to return home safely!”

As Tianyu said this, he grabbed a lot of small porcelain bottles from his arms.

The old military doctor came over in confusion, took one out casually, opened it and smelled it. He was so shocked that he was stunned, "This, this is..."

As if he couldn't believe it, he opened several other porcelain bottles one after another, and then...

 Even more shocked!

“Plateau ginseng strengthens the body, Andrographis paniculata replenishes blood, Snowdrop removes blood stasis, and Tripterygium wilfordii can repair broken bones…”

If these things were in the bustling main city, they might not be that valuable, but for the current military camp where medicine is scarce, these medicinal materials are simply more precious than rare treasures.

 This is simply a life-saving medicine!

The old military doctor shouted with tears streaming down his face, "The soldiers can be saved. This time they are really saved!"

 How can the soldiers present be fools?

If this girl is the fourth young lady of the Hua family, then the third sister in her mouth...

 Isn’t she the young lady of the Hua family?

 For a time, the soldiers' eyes filled with tears and their hearts surged.

 The battlefield is like a battlefield. Even men are reluctant to step on it, let alone delicate daughters?

 But now the fourth lady of the Hua family risked her life to arrive and bring them life-saving medicine.

 And all of this…

They are all arranged by the young lady from the Hua family.

Looking at the small porcelain vase, which was regarded as a treasure by the old military doctor, the soldiers burst into tears.

 A person who gave them hope of living, but they couldn't even express basic gratitude...

If they can really return in triumph this time, they will definitely kneel down and worship the young lady of the Hua family in person!

 Fan Qingyao.

 For a time, all the soldiers in the main camp had these three words firmly engraved in their hearts.

Huawu, the fourth son of the Hua family, looked at his daughter who refused to give in in front of him, looked at the small medicine bottles scattered on the ground, and couldn't help but step forward, hugging Tianyu tightly to his body. In the **** embrace.

 Several other boys in the Hua family closed their eyes in tears.

Just thinking about the person who pulled their sleeves and called them "uncle" with a smile even though their heads were bleeding...

Even if they closed their eyes tightly, tears were still rushing out.


A soldier guarding the camp came in a hurry and reported in a hurry, "Xianbei just sent someone to deliver a letter of reconciliation."

Hua Yi, the third eldest son of the Hua family, took the reconciliation letter from the soldier, opened it and looked at it, and instantly froze up.

 “This, this is...”

 (End of this chapter)

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