Chapter 198 The Hua family will definitely die!


In the main tent, someone screamed in surprise, and everyone looked at Hua Yi, the third eldest son of the Hua family.

 The so-called terms are nothing more than a hegemonic treaty proposed by the victorious country to the defeated country during the war.

Just like now, Xianbei's terms list the cession of no fewer than ten cities and a tribute of up to fifty years.

 “That’s absolutely ridiculous!”

The only remaining lieutenant looked at the terms that were completely in favor of Xianbei, and immediately snorted coldly, "In this battle at Huaishang, the Xianbei people didn't get any benefits, and now they still want us to sign such terms. , it’s simply a shameless move!”

 The men of the Hua family looked at the letter with serious expressions on their faces.

In the battle on the Dangerous Tiger Road, Xianbei was indeed the loser in the overall situation, but they could not ignore the one that Xianbei was holding now...

 “Report! There is something strange at the gate of Huaishang City!”

 Outside the main camp tent, the news of the arrival of soldiers sounded again.

 The men of the Hua family looked at each other and hurriedly walked towards the entrance of the main camp.

Before leaving, Huawu, the fourth son of the Hua family, grabbed Tianyu and told him, "Be good and stay with your uncle here. We will come as soon as we go."

Tianyu nodded, but his eyes were always following his father's back.

Her hands, subconsciously, clenched the clothes on her chest tightly, and the thing inside them made her palms turn white.

Tianyu didn’t mention it to anyone. In fact, she didn’t take out all the medicine bottles given by the third sister.

She never said anything about the words in the third sister’s last bag.

It’s not that she didn’t have time to say it, it’s that she didn’t dare.

When he thought of the words on the note again, Tianyu's face gradually lost color.

 She could only comfort herself over and over again, it must be the third sister who wrote it wrong, it must be...

 The third sister will never kill the uncles!

Fan Zhao, who was standing aside, looked at Tianyu who was trembling all over, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

In this battle on Huaishang, the master can be said to have exhausted all his mechanisms and worked hard at every step.

And if everything cannot escape the master's plan, then someone will soon bring an end to this war.

 At the gate of Huaishang.

 The torches held high by the Xianbei soldiers illuminated half of the sky.

It is precisely because of this that the people standing at the entrance of the main camp in Xiliang can clearly see the Huaishang people on the Huaishang wall who are being forced to kneel on the ground by Xianbei soldiers and unable to struggle.

This has been an unknown number of batches of innocent people massacred by Xianbei.

Perhaps they know that death is waiting for them, and now they are even more frightened and trembling.

"Save us, please save us, we don't want to die..."

"The seventh prince is also imprisoned in a water prison. Even if you don't save us, you still want to save the seventh prince!"

“The Xianbei people said that as long as you sign the terms, they will let us and the seventh prince go…”

The people kneeling on the city wall were trembling and pleading helplessly with eyes red from crying.

 But they had just finished speaking, when Wen Huai came up to the city wall and gave an order, "Kill!"

In an instant, these innocent people were pushed down the Huaishang city gate one by one by the Xianbei soldiers like dumplings.

At this moment, under the city gate of Huaishang, there is a trap full of barbs that Xianbei has dug long ago.

The people who fell down the city wall didn't even have time to shout, but there was no sound anymore.

 The tragic ending can be imagined even without seeing it with one's own eyes.

 In front of the main camp in Xiliang.

 The men of the Hua family, together with the few remaining soldiers, clenched their hands and tensed their bodies. But even though each of them gritted their teeth, their eyes could not stop glowing red.

 When did the people of Xiliang get to be so wanton like Xianbei!

 In the main city of Huaishang.

In the damp and dark water prison, a Xiliang lieutenant was **** with his limbs and hung in mid-air.

 At his feet, there were waves of biting cold water rising up one after another.

 The ruthless cold water kept flooding Baili's limbs and chest...

 Until it completely swallows him up, the cold water will slowly recede and then continue to rise.

 Over and over again, without end.

Lou Gan, who was outside the water prison, admired it for a moment, then turned to the soldiers beside him and said, "Spread the news and say that the Seventh Prince of Xiliang cannot withstand the torture of the water prison, and he may die soon."

 The soldier nodded and took the order to leave.

Lou Gan then asked the soldiers to **** several people from Huaishang City. He pointed at the deputy general but lied that he was the seventh prince. He even let these people see with their own eyes how the deputy general was swallowed up by cold water over and over again. Then he asked the soldiers to take the people away, drag them collectively to the gate of Huaishang City, and kill them.

With everything arranged properly, Lou Gan was released from the water prison.

In the superior room of a restaurant in the main city of Huaishang, Baili Luoji, who was supposed to be tortured in a water prison, was sitting in the room eating and drinking.

There was no torture or torture around him, just beautiful women drinking wine, beans and meat.

Lou Gan pushed the door open and walked in, looking at Baili Luo Ji with a half-smile but not a smile, "The news has been released, and now the Hua family has the right to think that it is His Highness the Seventh Prince of Xiliang who is being tortured in the water prison, but I am very curious, if Let the Hua family know that His Highness the Seventh Prince, whom they have been thinking about, is now planning to divide their land like this. I don’t know how he feels about it.”

Hearing this, Baili Luo Ji squeezed the shoulders of the woman in his arms.

 “Ah—!” The woman screamed in pain.

Baili Luo Ji just looked at Lou Gan, who was sitting opposite him, with burning eyes, "I warn you, Xianbei traitor, don't get carried away. My acting for you is just an agreement between you and me. As long as the Hua family signs the terms, , just let me leave safely, I am the seventh prince of Xiliang, how can I collude with you, the Xianbei traitor!"

It's not like he has never been to the water prison before.

It was precisely because he was thrown into the water prison by Lou Gan after he was captured and could not bear the pain of the water prison that he agreed to act with Lou Gan and came up with such a painful plan himself.

 Let alone Xiliang carve out a few cities for him, even if they carve out hundreds or thousands of cities, that's what they should do!

Who told him to be born as the seventh prince of Xiliang!

Who calls him the most beloved son of his father!

Lou Gan didn't make a sound in the face of Baili Luo Ji's contempt. He just smiled and said, "Your Highness the Seventh Prince of Xiliang does not need to be so angry. I also hope that this matter can be resolved peacefully with Xiliang. It's just that I saw those people from the Hua family Men are all upright people, so I’m afraid they won’t agree to Xianbei’s terms so easily.”

Baili Luo Ji dismissed Lou Gan's words, and his gloomy eyes were even more sarcastic, "The Hua family is just a watchdog raised by us in Xiliang. If I say go east, they dare not go west. "

Agreed to Lou Gan's terms, one is to save one's life, and the other is to be able to get rid of those flowery dogs in an honest way.

As long as Xianbei lets him out, he can directly blame everything on the Daohua family.

With one without permission, those people in Huajia are more than to die.

In this way, not only will these Huajia men die in Huaishang, but also the Huajia in the main city will become a shame to Xiliang!

So Huajia...

He will be completely despised by the people of Xiliang!

 What kind of century-old general, what kind of **** of war in the hearts of Xiliang people...

 Everything will become a source of infamy that will make the Hua family never recover!

Lou Gan looked at the viciousness flashing in Baili Luo Ji's eyes and calmly squinted his eyes.

The seventh prince of Xiliang dared to be so contemptuous, it must be that the emperor of Xiliang was already wary of the Hua family, and even had murderous intentions.

 After all, the Hua family is the strongest opponent he has ever encountered in many years of fighting.

It is a pity that such a general and tiger son was not born in Xianbei.

 It is a pity that such a brave and loyal general eventually fell victim to royal suspicion.

 (End of this chapter)

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