Chapter 199 The last words in the bag

 In the main tent of Xiliang.

 The men of the Hua family looked at the extremely humiliating terms for Xiliang with solemn expressions.

 The only lieutenant stood aside silently.

The people who were pushed down the city gate just now kept saying that His Highness the Seventh Prince was in a water prison.

This shows that those people saw His Majesty the Seventh Highness.

It is true that the water prison is damp and dark, but the most important thing is that no one can be sure that the water in the water prison is really clean. If the Xianbei people added some chronic poison to it, I am afraid that the Seventh Prince will really...

The deputy general raised his eyes anxiously and looked at the straight figures surrounding the bed. He wanted to say something, but in the end he gritted his teeth.

Nowadays, the royal family is suppressing the Hua family in various ways. Even General Hua is still exiled and cannot return to the main city.

Thinking again of all the contempt and embarrassment His Seventh Prince has shown to the Hua family...

 The lieutenant general knew that even if the men of the flower family gave up on His Highness now, it would be reasonable.

After all, once a Hua family man signs the terms, he will be a sinner in Xiliang, a stain that the Hua family will never be able to lift up.

We are all people who have been fighting on the battlefield for half their lives. Who wants to have an indelible mark on their bodies that is stained by others?

"No matter how despicable Xianbei is, he will never kill His Highness the Seventh Prince before getting the signed terms. As long as we make sufficient preparations beforehand, there will definitely be hope for a fight. ." In the silence of the main tent, the first person to speak was Hua Yi, the third child of the Hua family.

Immediately afterwards, Hua Jun, the second eldest son of the Hua family, also agreed, "All of Xianbei's ambitions are clearly written in this clause, and we only need to grasp this clause to grasp Xianbei's weakness. The third brother is right, we There is indeed a chance to give it a try.”

The fourth son of the Hua family opened the booklet in his hand, "There are still three thousand elite soldiers and two thousand wounded soldiers left in the main camp. The spies have just come to report that Xianbei also suffered a heavy loss of troops after the battle on the dangerous tiger road. Now it is estimated that it is around a few thousand." , only those institutions inside and outside Huaishang are easy to defend and difficult to attack. If we can rush in, we will have a greater chance of winning. "

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, who was lying on the bed, coughed heavily before speaking hoarsely, "Lou Gan is suspicious and cunning. If we go together, it will definitely arouse his suspicion. Tomorrow I will do it openly." Go to the main city of Huaishang alone. Xianbei's attention will definitely be on me by then. You take the opportunity to lead troops into the city in different directions, respond in secret, and be prepared to face death. "

Hearing this, several men from the Hua family nodded firmly.

 The deputy general who was still standing aside said, “…”

 It always feels like it’s like a dream!

 It turns out that the silence of the men of the Hua family was not weighing the pros and cons, but planning how to rescue the seventh prince!

“Do you know, major generals, what will happen if we, Xiliang, are really defeated in Huaishang City tomorrow?” The lieutenant general suppressed the trembling in his heart and asked softly.

Hua Yi, the third eldest son of the Hua family, just smiled and said, "The worst case is death."

"If we really lose, the eldest brother will sign the terms before his death. In this way, no matter how much Lou Gan wants to eradicate the roots, he will still let His Seventh Prince leave safely." Huawu, the fourth eldest son of the Hua family, said.

Unless Xianbei doesn't want everything on the terms, Baili Luoji must be let go.

 The deputy general of Huajia's throat was sore and his heart was blocked.

The old general of the Hua family is upright and can inspire people's courage.

Unexpectedly, the men of the Hua family have continued the loyalty, uprightness and righteousness of the Hua family!

This battle seems to be a sure win, but in fact, what is the difference between facing death?

But even though they knew they were going to die, none of the men in the Hua family trembled in fear, and at the last moment they even planned how to protect the Seventh Highness...

 The Hua family’s loyalty to Xiliang can be witnessed by heaven and earth, as well as by the sun and moon!

How could the emperor have the heart to treat such a loyal general like this!

“Cough cough cough… cough cough cough…”

Accompanied by bursts of muffled coughs, Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, slowly sat up with the support of several younger brothers, dragging his body still soaked with blood, and walked towards the master step by step with heavy but firm steps. Walking to the camp entrance.

At this time, all the soldiers were standing silently outside the main camp tent, waiting for orders.

 The moment everyone saw the men of the Hua family, they were all cheered up.

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, held his chest in pain, looked at the soldiers in front of him, and said with all his strength, "Bathing on the battlefield, sleeping on the ice and tasting the snow, running thousands of miles, and going through fire and water is the duty of our soldiers! It is our duty as soldiers to be loyal to the emperor. It is our mission to defend our country! Now that Xianbei troops are approaching, you are willing to sacrifice your lives to fight for the country. I know your hard work and your reluctance to give up! But the country cannot live without a king, and all the princes in Xiliang are like this! The hope for the future lies, so I, Hua Gu, today urge all warriors to rush into the main city of Huaishang with me tomorrow, seize my city, and save my Highness. If we win, my Hua family will celebrate with the soldiers. If we lose, Quan shall be My Hua family owes you the lives of all the soldiers. If there is an afterlife, my Hua family’s men will definitely repay it as cows and horses!”

The soldiers present heard this with high morale and tears in their eyes.

Since they are soldiers of Xiliang, they have the obligation to defend their home and country for Xiliang.

 Major General Huajia said it right, this is their responsibility and even their mission!

 In an instant, all the soldiers fell to their knees.

 They shouted for the Hua family, and they were even more willing to advance and retreat with the Hua family.

The lieutenant general looked at the soldiers who were kneeling down to pay homage to the young men. He felt sad and excited at the same time.

One person's argument is better than nine tripods of treasure, and a three-inch tongue is stronger than a million soldiers.

  Win the battlefield and win the hearts of the people. this…

 This is the power of Huajia!

It was Tianyu who was bandaging the injury with the old military doctor. Hearing these words, he dropped the soft cloth in his hand.

She rushed to the main tent in disbelief, grabbed her father and screamed like crazy, "Don't you know, father and uncles, how ridiculous the imperial power of Xiliang is? But how cruel the imperial power of Xiliang is, we The female members of the Hua family have suffered it personally, and now the Hua family is willing to sacrifice their lives for the prince who does not regard our Hua family as a human being. Father, tell me why!"

Tianyu collapsed and cried loudly, roaring heart-breakingly.

It was obviously a disrespectful thing to say, but no one among the soldiers present said anything.

 They know how the Hua family treats Xiliang.

How the royal family treats the Hua family, they know better!

 That's why they are so moved at this moment, and are more willing to follow the flower boy to death together.

Huawu, the fourth son of the Hua family, raised his hand and gently stroked the top of his daughter's hair. There was a rare trace of kindness on his tough face, "When we were young, your grandfather taught us that in life, we must keep our words and be a good person. With our heads above the sky and our feet on the ground, the Hua family is full of loyal people. We live to protect Xiliang and die to protect the imperial power. This is the duty and responsibility of our Hua family. "

Tianyu cried so hard that his heart broke, and he shook his head like crazy.

 What happened to the Hua family?

Does a person with a high status deserve to die for this ridiculous imperial power?

However, the fourth child of the Hua family no longer looked at Tianyu, but raised his head and said to the soldiers below, "Those who are seriously injured do not need to participate in the operation to the main city of Huaishang tomorrow. Before dawn tomorrow, you will go first with the fourth lady of the Hua family. Evacuate the main camp and head to the main city!”

"I don't want to leave, father, I don't want to leave, let me stay, please, please..." Tianyu cried and struggled, but soldiers gradually filled up in front of him.

Hua Wu, the fourth child of the Hua family, gritted his teeth and returned directly to the main tent.

Hua Yi, the third child of the Hua family, couldn't bear Tian Yu's crying look, so he walked over and said softly, "Tian Yu, dear, these wounded soldiers need someone to take care of them along the way. You have been studying medicine with your grandmother since you were a child. At this time, you really Can you bear to see those soldiers who defend the country and fight for the people die of serious injuries? "

 In the past, the heavenly edict would not be able to listen to anything.

 But this trip to Huaishang made her understand what the overall situation is and what tolerance is.

She looked at the soldiers behind her who had lost their arms and even two legs with blurry eyes, and finally nodded with tears in her eyes.

 The third sister said that no one can graft selfishness onto the suffering of innocent people.

 Assessing the situation and taking into account the overall situation is the best way to go.

Hua Yi, the third child of the Hua family, smiled and wiped away the tears from the corners of Tian Yu's eyes. But just when he wanted to take back his hand, Tian Yu grabbed his hand tightly and stuffed the last porcelain bottle given by the third sister together with the note. into the hands of San Bo.

Tianyu pretended to be reluctant and threw herself into Third Uncle's arms, but she lowered her voice and said, "When I came here, Third Sister gave me three kits. This is the contents of the last kit. I hope that Third Uncle will Keep it."

After Tianyu finished speaking, he wiped away his tears and turned around and walked towards the wounded soldiers.

Hua Yi, the third child of the Hua family, opened his hand in confusion and happened to see the words on the note.


The pupils of Hua Yi, the third eldest child of the Hua family, trembled.

 This, this is...

Standing in the corner, Fan Zhao saw Tianyu approaching and wanted to greet him, but a gust of wind blew behind him.

Fan Zhao turned around alertly, but there was nothing behind him.

   Unexpectedly, when he turned around, there would be an extra note in his hand.

Fan Zhao glanced at Tianyu, who was comforting the wounded soldiers, and then quickly opened the note in his hand.

 The note contained not only a line of words, but also a letter.

When Fan Zhao saw that line of writing, even though he was prepared, he was still shocked.

 Unexpectedly, the master finally decided to take action.

Fan Zhao calmly put the letter into his arms and turned around to leave while others were unprepared.

At this time, Shaoxuan, who was standing in the dark, looked at Fan Zhao's disappearing figure and said to Lin Yizhi beside him, "I'm afraid that the weather in Xiliang will change soon."

Lin Yi didn’t know why, “What do you mean?”

Shaoxuan shook his head, his heart trembling for a long time and unable to calm down.

 He had always known that Miss Qingyao was brave and resourceful, but he never expected that she was so courageous!

 (End of this chapter)

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