Chapter 301 The majesty of Princess Qingping

"At that time, it was precisely because my grandfather couldn't bear to see you bullying the weak that he cruelly cut off contact with you. However, he did not publicize this matter out of concern for the bloodline. However, you concealed the truth and continued knowingly. You are using the prestige of the Hua Family in the main city to show off! Now you still have the nerve to talk to me about your grandfather? Could it be that the Hua Family branch has been so arrogant these years that you don’t even know what a face is?”

Hearing these words, the three elders of the Hua family all turned pale, with no trace of blood left in their faces.

Fan Qingyao was right. Hua Yaoting really cut off all contact with them because he couldn't stand their behavior.

But the elders of the Hua family did not believe that Hua Yaoting could really be so cruel, and they were not willing to give up the reputation of the Hua family in the main city. Therefore, they continued to deceive themselves and others over the years, pretending to be ignorant.

 It's just that only a few of their brothers knew about this matter back then...

How does Fan Qingyao know this now?

In the last life, Fan Qingyao also learned from his grandmother after people from these branches robbed the main city of Huajiazhi.

It's just a pity that even though Fan Qingyao in her previous life hated these scoundrels, she was helpless because at that time she could no longer protect herself.

 But now that she is standing here, she has no intention of giving up!

The common people looked at the dejected elders of the Hua family. At this moment, they finally began to believe Fan Qingyao's words. It was precisely because of this that they dared to reveal the fear they had suppressed for many years with their eyes towards the branches of the Hua family. of hatred.

“Princess Qingping, everyone has been brought here.”

The prefect of Pengcheng walked into the inn first, sweating profusely. Soon, the government officials who followed behind him escorted all the Hua family members whose names were mentioned and pinned them to the ground.

 Dozens of men from the Huajia branch were pinned to the ground. It looked quite spectacular from a distance.

 It not only involves the sons and grandsons of the third and fourth masters of the Hua family, but also the sons and grandsons of the eldest master’s family.

In the past, all the confusing cases in the Huajia Branch were handled by the Pengcheng Prefect, so no one knew better than him who was involved in what case.

“I would like to report to Princess Qingping that I have brought all the criminals here and I would like to ask Princess Qingping to take a look at them.”

Fan Qingyao naturally knew that the Pengcheng prefect was using people from the Hua family branch to block the gun, in order to reduce his own sins, and even tried to kill himself.

However, Fan Qingyao also knows that if he wants to clean up the Huajia branch, the Pengcheng prefect is the most important witness and undocumented person. Although this person is no better than the Huajia branch, there is no time to touch him yet. when.

Fan Qingyao raised his eyes slightly and scanned the people kneeling on the ground, including many of the teenagers who followed Hua Yunliang and bullied the mother and son on the street yesterday.

The Hua family members who were kneeling on the ground had already heard what happened from the prefect of Pengcheng on the way here. They had just seen Hua Yunliang outside the door, who had been beaten to a **** pulp. Now he was looking at Fan Qingyao. When they looked at each other, they all lowered their heads in fear.

At this time, how can they still have the arrogance and arrogance that they usually have?

The prefect of Pengcheng was an extremely discerning person. Seeing Fan Qingyao's silence, he took the initiative to pick up the cases spread out on the table and read them one by one.

The Hua family branch has done many evil deeds in Pengcheng over the years, such as buying and selling by force, bullying men and dominating women, and many of them include disregarding human life, taking by force, and other beastly things that are outraged by both humans and gods!

  Everybody from the Hua family branch was kneeling on the ground, their faces turning increasingly pale.

 They naturally knew better than anyone else what they had done, but at the time they never thought that one day these things would be uncovered.

 The people outside the inn were filled with sadness and their eyes were red.

 Ask who among the people present has not been bullied by the Hua family!

 Who has not been suppressed by the Hua family?

 What they also didn’t expect was that one day someone would really make the decision for them!

Some young people of the same generation as grandchildren were frightened to death. They all raised their heads and looked at their grandfathers pleadingly, "Grandpa, save us, save us..."

 The elders of the Hua family have splitting headaches. How can their own flesh and blood not hurt?

Looking at the unmoved Fan Qingyao, the third and fourth masters of the Hua family almost used all their humble words, "It's just some old things, so why bother so much."


Fan Qingyao placed the tea cup in his hand on the table without hesitation, "Langya."

"My subordinates are here." "According to the records in the case, take Hua Dingyi's second grandson's daughter-in-law out of the house and send her as a concubine! Burn down the house of Hua Yangxiu's third son! Then burn it down to the ground!" His eldest grandson was dragged out and beaten to death!"

 The third and fourth elders of the Hua family were all shocked.

"I won't bother Princess Qingping's people for matters far away. The lower official will immediately send someone to Hua's house to pick him up and burn the house." The Pengcheng prefect quickly took advantage of the opportunity and waved his hand to the government servants beside him.

Seeing this, the two elders of the Hua family hurried forward to stop the Yamen servant.

In the end, the government officials still didn't stop him, but he saw Langya dragging the eldest grandson of the third master of the Hua family out of the crowd according to the instructions of the Pengcheng prefect.

The eldest grandson of the third wife was frightened and shouted like crazy, "Grandpa, save me! Grandpa..."

The Third Master trembled all over, and couldn't help but asked sharply, "Even if you are Princess Qingping, can you be so lawless in broad daylight?"

Fan Qingyao pulled out the bottom stack of cases and threw it in front of the Third Master, "Five years ago, you seized the Yang family's daughter-in-law to serve as a concubine. Three years ago, you occupied the Qi family's rented house. Return it, two years ago, you beat a twelve-year-old boy to death in the street because the boy blocked your carriage. "

 The long-standing memories of the three elders of the Hua family were awakened again, and their hands and feet felt cold.

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows and stared, "Since these are trivial matters to the three masters of the Hua family, then we will resolve them in a way that reduces major matters to minor matters."

Everyone has stolen the goods, the evidence is conclusive, and the case is before their eyes. Even if they have a lot to say, they don't know what to say.

 “Wolf fang.”


 “Hit me! Beat me until you die!”


Everyone just watched helplessly as the wolf fangs punched the Third Master's eldest grandson.

These men from the Hua family branch have been pampered and pampered since they were young. They have never even carried a load of water. Now they simply cannot withstand the fists of the wolf fangs like hammers.

The eldest grandson of the third wife was soon beaten to the point of losing his human form.

It's just a matter of burning incense and taking your last breath.


As the eldest grandson of the third wife fell to the ground, the third master also knelt on the ground, "Lin'er, my Lin'er..."

 When other members of the Hua family branch saw this, they were all trembling with fear, and cold sweat covered their bodies.

It was at this moment that all their remaining luck was completely awakened by blood.

 Princess Qingping…

He really has to kill them all before he will give up!

Fan Qingyao glanced at the pale faces of the Hua family branches indifferently, "The cases piled on the table may be just a thing of the past to you, but to the people of Pengcheng, they are A history of blood and tears of enduring humiliation for many years!”

 The common people who were already ready to take action broke out completely.

Princess Qingping is really making decisions for them, and she really wants to avenge them!

For a moment, the people rushed into the inn door, complaining bitterly about how they had been bullied by the Hua family. It was like a scene of tens of thousands of people demanding debts. The Pengcheng magistrate who stood aside was so frightened that he tilted his head. Black gauze hat.

Fan Qingyao ordered the prefect of Pengcheng to record the grievances of the people. It only took a moment. The old grievances that were submerged in time were enough to fill the rice paper in the inn!

 (End of this chapter)

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