Chapter 302 Like Princess Qingping

Fan Qingyao raised his eyes and glanced at the elders who had lost all color on their faces, "Family rules or national law, choose one."

The third wife of the Hua family held his eldest grandson who had died long ago and could no longer listen to anything else.

The fourth master of the Hua family was so frightened that his limbs became weak, and his eyes felt really dark.

The eldest wife of the Hua family, who was the only one who could still think, gritted his teeth and said, "Family rules."

 If the national law is used, all the men, women, and children in the Hua family branch will be publicly questioned and executed.

 If the family rules...

 Perhaps there is still hope of survival.

Fan Qingyao didn't do any ink. He looked at the various cases in front of him and said coldly, "All those who bully men and dominate women will be punished by thirty! All those who take advantage of others by force will be punished by twenty! All those who take advantage of the prestige of the Hua family in the main city to do evil things Fight for fifteen!”

At the same time as the words fell, the Pengcheng magistrate quickly led the government officials to push everyone in the Hua family to the ground. The heavy board fell on the branches of the Hua family without any explanation.

 For a time, wails and cries resounded throughout Pengcheng.

Hua Yunliang, who was lying unconscious on the street, opened his eyes and saw the tribesmen who were beaten hard with boards. He shuddered in his heart and fainted again from the shock.

 From morning to evening, the board falling on Huajia's branch never stopped.

Fan Qingyao was sitting on a stool, his face as sinking as water and his eyes as ice.

The man sitting next to him stayed with her silently. He would drink tea when he was thirsty, and lie down on the table in a comfortable position when he was tired. He never said a word from the beginning to the end, except for his naturally playful eyes. His dark eyes lingered on Fan Qingyao's face.

Although he is young, his courage cannot be ignored by anyone. His dark eyes are as deep as the sea and as calm as if he has experienced turbulent waves. His bright facial features should be shining in the sun, but they are under the influence of his own coldness. Under the blessing, it is filled with a sense of oppression that makes people dare not look at it.

 It turns out that girls from the Hua family are like this.

The man thought slowly in his heart, no wonder the Hua family can stand in Xiliang for a hundred years, no wonder the Xiliang Hua family has kept away all those who are eyeing Xiliang.

 The blood from the Huajia branch dyed the street red for some time, and it was extremely eye-catching in the setting sun.

 After a lot of twists and turns, a lot of boards fell on all branches of the Hua family.

The three old men of the Hua family have long been exhausted and have no extra energy to argue with Fan Qingyao. They just hope that this so-called family trick can be completed quickly and they can leave quickly.

 Nearly half an hour passed, it was already dark, and the yamen's arm was sore before he took back the board.

Pengcheng prefect walked to Fan Qingyao and whispered, "Princess Qingping, all those who deserve punishment have been punished."

Upon hearing this, the three elders of the Hua family didn't even wait for Fan Qingyao to speak. With the support of the guards, they took the clan members who were beaten so hard that they couldn't even stand up and walked out.

As a result, just when they were about to step out of the threshold, Fan Qingyao's cold voice sounded faintly in everyone's ears mixed with the night wind.

"Others can leave. Hua Yunliang, the eldest grandson of the Hua family, will be detained and imprisoned."

 The eldest wife of the Hua family, “…”

 No, is it over yet?

Even if you have a nightmare, do you have to wake up and take a breather?

The prefect of Pengcheng was stunned, obviously he did not expect that Fan Qingyao still refused to let go.

This is really like grabbing a mouthful of meat and biting it to death!

Fan Qingyao continued without changing his expression, "Yesterday, a woman was killed in the street on Temple Street. The whereabouts of her child are still unknown. Regarding this matter... what do the elders of the Hua family have to say?"

The eldest wife of the Hua family subconsciously looked at the fourth wife of the Hua family.

Several elders of the Hua family have been making trouble, and each one of them has been frightened. The fourth elder was afraid that the eldest elder would blame this matter on him, so he quickly clarified, "Everything is the fault of the eldest elder." I'm just doing what you're told."

 The eldest wife of the Hua family was so angry that he almost burst his blood vessels on the spot. He had protected his two younger brothers for many years, but the result was that they had to separate when disaster struck?

Fan Qingyao looked indifferently at the twitching old face of the eldest wife of the Hua family. His endless pampering and pampering not only made the Hua family branch treat the people of Pengcheng like nothing, but also fostered in them selfishness and self-centeredness. Now all this is just reaping the consequences, and evil will be rewarded.

"Find the child and bring it to the Yamen in exchange for Hua Yunliang." Fan Qingyao coldly glanced at the dejected face of the Hua family's elder, "I only give you one day. If I still don't see the child at this time tomorrow, Hua Yunliang will be dealt with according to the Hua family's laws. Those who harm other people's lives will die!"

The prefect of Pengcheng did not dare to delay and quickly asked the Yamen servant to drag Hua Yunliang outside into the door.

Hua Yunliang woke up for the second time and opened his eyes again, only to look into Fan Qingyao's cold eyes.

"I said, even if a branch of the Hua family comes, they can't save you. Do you believe it now?" Hua Yunliang stood up and walked towards the second floor of the inn without waiting for a reply.

Hua Yunliang, who was covered in blood and had both legs broken, looked at the back of the thin woman in front of him, with only fear in his eyes.

The remaining prefect of Pengcheng and his yamen servants were cleaning up the mess in the lobby.

Seeing that the eldest wife of the Hua family was still stunned, he quickly reminded him, "Why don't you hurry up and find someone? What are you doing here standing there? Do you think Princess Qingping is joking?"

The eldest wife of the Hua family, who was deeply hurt by this, of course knew that Fan Qingyao's words and deeds were no joke.

With today's situation, no one would believe her even if she said she wanted to kill all the branches of the Hua family.

The eldest wife of the Hua family trembled when he saw the body of his eldest grandson being carried out by the third wife of the Hua family. He was afraid that it would be his turn to collect the body next, so he quickly walked to the fourth master to ask about the whereabouts of the child.

However, the people under the Fourth Master didn’t know where the child had gone.

The eldest wife of the Hua family got angry and threatened angrily, "Our branch is just a grasshopper tied to a rope. If my family doesn't get better, how many days do you think you can stay calm?"

 For a time, the Hua family branch, which had just lost half its life, became restless again.

They are not afraid of the eldest son, what they are really afraid of is Princess Qingping.

 You are young, you are full of courage, and you are so murderous that you don’t even blink your eyes!

That night, the Huajia branch sent everyone all over the city to look for the missing child. The eldest son of the Huajia even offered a reward of one hundred thousand taels from his own pocket.

The wind in Pengcheng soon blew into the main city.

 The emperor is fatuous and traitorous ministers are in power. Officials in the court, no matter how big or small, protect each other.

Normally, this matter should have been stopped by major officials as soon as it arrived in the main city. However, Lin Yi, who had already received the order, had ears sharper than a dog. As soon as he heard the news coming from Pengcheng He received the news and did not give the officials in the main city any time to respond. He led people to spread the news in the main city that night.

By dawn the next day, all the people in the main city had already known that Princess Qingping was dedicated to rectifying the name of the country and eliminating harm for the people. The relationship between the flower family branches.

From now on, the road faces the sky, everyone goes to one side!

Such a selfless and unfavorable person set off a wave of waves in the main city.

So much so that as soon as Emperor Yongchang sat on the dragon throne, all the officials in the court praised Princess Qingping.

Especially Du Ziming, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, almost devoted his life to praising the noble sentiments of Princess Qingping. When he talked about the emotional points, he burst into tears in the court.

Zhou Chun, the Minister of Rites, changed his previous behavior and even took the initiative to speak out in support of the Minister of Hubu.

Guo Yin and Wu Zhongtian, the ministers of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, who used to be friends with Fan Zixiu in private, saw Zhou Chun doing all kinds of things to Princess Qingping, and they were so angry that they cursed in their hearts.

How long has it been since Prime Minister Fan failed for this old man to turn his back on him?

Zhou Chun turned a deaf ear to the two people's eye rolls.

Let alone Fan Qingyao being in the limelight now, even when Fan Qingyao was still a yellow-haired girl, no one got any advantage from her.

Furthermore, regarding the Xianbei incident, Fan Qingyao fought for the country, spoke righteously, and was full of anger, shocking the palace!

If they hadn’t forced Xianbei to the point of no return, how could you old uneducated people still have the time to stand here and stare at me? can't see the people who have served the country and petitioned for the people. They are willing to live in the past and associate with villains. Before I had time to point my nose at you and scold you for being stupid, why did you have such an old face to roll your eyes at me?

 (End of this chapter)

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