The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 303: Is it really easy to accompany you like a tiger?

Chapter 303: Is it really easy to be with a king like a tiger?

Among the six departments, two have taken the initiative to speak for Fan Qingyao, and Hua Yaoting has been restored to his post. Even though he has no military power, he is still a general in charge of the country. In addition, Prince Heshuo is still standing by. …

 The officials in the court thought about it, and they all praised Princess Qingping.

 Emperor Yongchang now has a splitting headache when he hears the words Fan Qingyao.

 In the end, whatever you fear comes true...

 As soon as the prince’s rescue was over, the righteous killing of relatives followed one after another.

 It was not that Emperor Yongchang could not understand Fan Qingyao's move.

Behind every prosperous palace, there are still a few branches that compete with others, but these branches are basically fighting in small ways. In order to keep the balance of the court from falling, Emperor Yongchang basically turned a blind eye. of.

So gradually, those branches hiding behind famous mansions became more and more unruly.

It’s not that Emperor Yongchang didn’t dislike these branches, but if he lost the face of important ministers in the court because of the branches, and let the ministers in the court be distracted from him, the gain would outweigh the losses.

But now Fan Qingyao directly brought to the table what everyone had tacitly understood in one move, and even declared to the world that it was the right thing to do to eliminate relatives. This move not only brought glory to his face as the emperor, but also made the people praise him even more. It was a wake-up call for all the ministers present.

 I'm afraid that if he doesn't need to say anything anymore, these ministers will clean themselves up as soon as possible after returning.

 As the saying goes, you can wear everything you wear, but you can never wear flattery.

 Leave the good guys to him, and she carries the reputation of the bad guys on her shoulders...

This Fan Qingyao…

Even though Emperor Yongchang knew that Fan Qingyao was flattering him, he still couldn't help but smile.

Although he has been deliberately on guard and even wanted to kill Fan Qingyao, he has to say that his life is indeed comfortable with Fan Qingyao helping him.

Whether it is in terms of money or face, Fan Qingyao can be said to be comprehensive.

Emperor Yongchang knew even more clearly that it was impossible to get rid of Fan Qingyao for the time being. He would never completely let his reputation for many years collapse in the hearts of the people because of one person.

Originally, he planned to keep Fan Qingyao for a while, but he never thought that Fan Qingyao would take the initiative to surrender to him. In this case...

 It's not a bad idea to leave her to watch for a while.

Now all the men of the Hua family have died tragically, and Hua Yaoting has no military power. If Fan Qingyao can really serve him wholeheartedly, it will be a great thing for him.

"What does General Hua think of this matter?" Emperor Yongchang looked at Hua Yaoting, who had been expressionless, unhurriedly.

Hua Yaoting hurriedly stepped forward and knelt on the ground respectfully, "Princess Qingping is steady and intelligent. It must be the branch of the Hua family that has done something heinous and unforgivable, which made Princess Qingping go to war in such a big way. Now Princess Qingping is dedicated to serving the country and the king, and I should be happy but ashamed."

 Hua Yaoting said this, but the whole body that was holding back was trembling uncontrollably, and the look of grief, anger and pain came to the bottom of his eyes. Even if he tried his best to hide it, Ni Duan was still exposed.

Emperor Yongchang looked at Hua Yaoting carefully for a long time, and then nodded with satisfaction, "General Hua is right. As a court official, you should keep the country at heart, so that you can live up to my high expectations for you, like Qingping." I am very pleased that the princess is like this.”

Emperor Yongchang saw Hua Yaoting's sadness, but he didn't feel angry at all.

 The branch is one’s own brother. Isn’t it not sad to hear that something happened to the branch?

What's more, the person who cut off the branch with his own hands was his own granddaughter.

If Hua Yaoting really didn't feel the slightest bit of sadness, then he would have to wonder whether Hua Yaoting had known about this for a long time, or even whether the current commotion was caused by the collaboration between Hua Yaoting and Fan Qingyao.

Hua Yaoting is just too upright and stubborn. In the past few years in the court, he has refused to accept either soft or hard advice. Even if he, the emperor, wants to win over him, he has completely turned a blind eye.

It was precisely because of this that Emperor Yongchang became murderous towards Hua Yaoting.

But things are different now. It is true that Hua Yaoting is a smelly and hard stone, but Fan Qingyao is not, and Emperor Yongchang knows very well how much Hua Yaoting loves his granddaughter. If this is the case...

 Catching Fan Qingyao means capturing Hua Yaoting.

Emperor Yongchang suddenly became enlightened and felt better.

After retreating from the court, Emperor Yongchang specifically told Bai Tu, "Go and see if General Hua can still look sad and angry?"

Bai Tu hurriedly took the order and walked out of the court, but before he could reach the palace gate, he heard that General Hua and Prince Heshuo were fighting. One is a god-killing general who governs the country, and the other is the cowardly Prince Heshuo...

Bai Tu felt chills running down his spine just thinking about the scene of these two people fighting together.

Sure enough, when Bai Tu and the eunuchs rushed to the palace gate, they saw Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo fighting fiercely, with half of the palace gate torn down.

The civil and military officials were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They stood neatly in a row and dared not speak out.

Bai Tu quickly called the guards in the palace, almost risking his life and leading people to stop him. After half an hour, the two people were finally separated.

Seeing Hua Yaoting turn around and leave angrily, Bai Tu boldly asked Prince Heshuo next to him, "Dare I ask Prince Heshuo, what's the reason for this good behavior?"

Prince Heshuo was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, loudly shouting, "Why else? In the final analysis, this old man is just ignorant! Our little Qingyao is upright and awe-inspiring in eliminating harm for the people. Look again That old man had a mother-in-law expression on his face, as if our little Qingyao had done something wrong! "

Speaking of resentment, Prince Heshuo looked at Hua Yaoting's back and couldn't help but cursed, "Little Qingyao is your grandson's daughter, but she is also my goddaughter! Hua Yaoting, you are an old fool." I warn you, when Xiao Qingyao comes back, if you dare to do anything to her, I will be the first to fight with you! "


As soon as he finished speaking, half of the palace gate suddenly broke through the wind.

Heshuo County Prince dodged without haste and was directly hit by the door panel.

 “Prince Heshuo!”

 “Someone is coming quickly!”

“First, take Prince Heshuo to rest, and then call the imperial doctor over!”

There was a chaos at the entrance of the palace, but the instigator had already strode away.

It's just that everyone, who had been frightened by this situation for a long time, didn't notice at all that there was no anger at all in Hua Yaoting's eyes at this time.

The emperor is suspicious by nature, and if he doesn't make some noise, there is no way he can be convinced.

Hua Yaoting knows better than anyone what kind of virtue the branch of the Hua family is. Otherwise, he would not have cut off the relationship so thoroughly. It’s just that he can’t talk about such things, let alone express them. Otherwise, with the emperor’s suspicion, Xiao Qing will Yao's hard work was all in vain.

Prince Heshuo was really slapped hard by the door panel, and his eyes were blurred.

But fortunately, this scene was not in vain.

Soon, this matter reached the ears of Emperor Yongchang.

"Your Majesty, you haven't seen that General Hua is really deadly. There are holes in the palace walls, not to mention Prince Heshuo. At such an old age, General Hua pinned him to the ground and beat him... tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk ... His eyes are all blue, and that person is still lying in the side hall. "

The last doubt in Emperor Yongchang's heart was finally completely dispelled as Bai Tu's words fell.

 In the afternoon of the same day, Bai Tu personally delivered an imperial edict to Fan Qingyao to his mansion in the western suburbs, praising Fan Qingyao for his righteous and meritorious deeds in killing relatives and rewarding him with two gold and silver coins.

Hua Yuelian burst into tears as she listened to the contents of the imperial edict.

She didn't care what achievements Yue Yaer had made, she just wanted her daughter to come back safely.

The second daughter-in-law Chun Yue breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the contents of the imperial edict. As long as Xiao Qingyao can be safe, then her family's smiles will also be safe.

Tao Yuxian received the imperial edict with a calm face, but his heart was very heavy.

 Although showing kindness to the emperor can temporarily dispel the emperor's murderous intention.

 But is it really easy to be with you as you are with a tiger?

 I’m just afraid…

 The road ahead for Xiao Qingyao will be even more bumpy!

 (End of this chapter)

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