Chapter 305: Five days is enough

This man is not an ordinary citizen, but if he is a powerful person, he has never even seen Baili Fengming.

Just by observing her for one day, I was able to figure out her thoughts so thoroughly...

Apart from Baili Fengming, this man is the second one to have such a city.

Fan Qingyao narrowed her eyes slightly. Although she would still choose to save him if she had it to do over again, it has to be said that she seemed to have really saved a troublesome person.


 Suddenly there was the sound of wolf fangs outside the door.

Lang Ya doesn't like to talk. He usually enters and exits the room at will, but now he speaks first. It's obvious that Lang Ya is not the only one standing outside the door at this moment.

Fan Qingyao put away his thoughts, turned around and sat at the round table, "Come in."

The door was gently pushed open, and under the leadership of Langya, the fourth master of the Hua family also walked in.

Fan Qingyao glanced at the child held in the arms of the fourth wife of the Hua family. His little face was dirty like a steamed bun. He was still sobbing even though he was sleeping soundly at this moment. This shows that his mother's tragic death had an impact on him. What a blow.

 But fortunately, others are healthy.

"The common people send their regards to Princess Qingping." The fourth old man of the Hua family pretended to kneel on the ground.

Fan Qingyao stretched out his hand, and a faint white powder flew out as the sleeves swung.

The powder instantly blended into the dust, making it completely invisible.

 The fourth wife of the Hua family knew that Fan Qingyao would not let him really kneel down. After all, he was her elder...

But before the fourth master of the Hua family could finish his smugly thinking, he heard Fan Qingyao say, "Langya, take the child over, don't drop it."

Lang Ya silently took the sleeping child from the arms of the fourth master of the Hua family and put it on the bed.

 The fourth master of the Hua family, “…”

 Disrespectful bitch!

  I will be scolded when I kneel down, but I still have to kneel down.

The fourth master of the Hua family has been working hard all day, and his bones are about to fall apart. Now he is kneeling on the ground and feels that his eyes are turning black.

 But he had to come. He sent someone to deal with the woman. Now the Hua family in the main city has completely broken up with the Hua family branch. If he offends his eldest brother again, then he...what else can he talk about in the future.

The fourth master of the Hua family had a shy old face and a humble smile, "Now that the child has been found safely, I wonder if Princess Qingping can be noble and ask the Yamen to let Yunliang, the eldest brother's family, be released?"

Fan Qingyao remained silent and did not speak.

Seeing this, the fourth master of the Hua family wanted to urge him again, but as soon as he raised his eyes, he met Langya's stern eyes.

The fourth master of the Hua family was so frightened that he dared to speak again.

Time passes in silence, and a surge of restlessness suddenly disappears in silence.

Standing next to Fan Qingyao, Lang Ya felt restless and uneasy, and he couldn't even stand still...

 Something suddenly touched his arm.

Lang Ya woke up instantly, lowered his head and saw his lady pouring tea, her elbow rubbing against his arm intentionally or unintentionally.

“Sit down and drink tea.” Fan Qingyao pushed the poured tea cup in front of Langya.

Lang Ya sat down silently, picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

 Almost instantly, the restlessness that had been lingering in my heart completely disappeared.

Lang Ya is a person who likes silence. After his irritability subsided, he didn't feel that the current silence was so uncomfortable.

But the fourth master of the Hua family who was kneeling on the ground had suffered a **** crime. He was already exhausted, but now waves of restlessness came to his heart. Such a restless feeling was simply worse than having ants crawling all over his body. It was also unbearable for him!

Unconsciously, sweat had already soaked into my clothes.

The fourth master of the Hua family gnashed his teeth in frustration. If he hadn't taken Fan Qingyao's status as the princess into account, he would have gone berserk long ago.

Fan Qingyao seemed to be sitting on the stool casually, but in fact, his eyes never left the fourth master of the Hua family. When he saw his eyes began to turn red and his temples throbbed, he knew that the effect of the medicine was almost gone. "The fourth master of the Hua family only needs to sign this, and then he can go to the county government office to collect people." Fan Qingyao said, pushing the rice paper on the round table in the direction of the fourth master of the Hua family.

The fourth master of the Hua family raised his eyebrows and looked at it. The dark words on the white paper made him have no patience to read any more.

Fan Qingyao spoke again, "From today on, the Hua Family in the main city will no longer have any relationship with the Hua Family branch. They are making empty promises, so they must establish a written agreement."

The Fourth Master of the Hua Family doesn’t think this is a big deal. Anyway, the Hua Family in the main city has already severed ties with the Hua Family branch. There is no difference between signing or not.

The fourth master of the Hua family, who was already upset, didn't think much about it, he just made a note.

Fan Qingyao nodded, "The fourth master of the Hua family can go to the Yamen to pick up people."

The fourth master of the Hua family, who had been unable to kneel for a long time, stood up and walked out. When the slightest cool breeze came from outside the inn, the restlessness and irritability in his body gradually subsided.

Sitting in the carriage, the fourth master of the Hua family thought that he had just signed and pledged his signature without even looking at it. Later he realized that he was reckless, but so what if he was reckless, the signature was still a signature. .

"Hurry to the Yamen. It's important to pick up the eldest grandson of the eldest brother's family first."

 “Yes, old master.”

From the window on the second floor of Fan Qingyao's Inn, he watched the carriage of the fourth master of the Hua family slowly leave.

 A verbal agreement leaves no room for quibbles.

 But once it is written in black and white, there is no way to deny it.

 From today onwards, the Huajia branch has nothing to do with the Huajia branch in the main city.

 “Wolf fang.”


“You continue to stay here for a few days, spread the news that the Huajia branch has taken the initiative to sever ties with the main city Huajia, keep an eye on the Huajia branch carefully, and set off to Huaishang to join me in five days.”

It is recorded in the case records that the most trouble-making time for the Huajia branch in the past year was the five days between the end of the month and the beginning of the month, and the days after the fifth day of the beginning of the month were the most mediating days for the Huajia branch.

From this point of view, the time between the Huajia branch and the time when the news was passed on to the descendants was basically maintained at this time.

If the people who support the Huajia branch are profitable to the Huajia family in the main city, they will definitely take action once they learn that the Huajia family in the main city and the Huajia branch are completely severed.

 So five days is enough time to see the outcome.

That night, Fan Qingyao simply packed his bags and quietly left Pengcheng.

Following Fan Qingyao's instructions, Langya still lived in the inn, giving the people in Pengcheng the illusion that Fan Qingyao was still in Pengcheng. After Fan Qingyao left the city, he secretly broke the news that the Huajia in the main city and the Huajia branch were completely cut off. He spread the word out loudly.

Pengcheng itself is not big, and there are only people living in a few streets in the main city. As the news spread, when the fourth master of the Hua family just took Hua Yunliang back to his house, the eldest master of the Hua family was Got the news.

Looking at his eldest grandson who had finally saved his life, the eldest wife of the Hua family could not even smile. He raised his hand and slapped the fourth wife of the Hua family, "Look at the good things you have done!"

No matter how the Hua Family in the main city severs ties with the Hua Family branch, as long as the Hua Family branch pretends to be confused, they can still get away with using the reputation of the Hua Family in the main city.

And once the severance letter is signed, all retreat options for the Huajia branch will be cut off!

The fourth master of the Hua family was beaten so hard that his throat was stiff, "I didn't want to either, but that **** didn't leave any escape route for our branch of the Hua family, and even told me that I wouldn't let me go unless I signed and signed to sever ties. The Yamen took away Yunliang."

This time it was the turn of the eldest wife of the Hua family to have a heart attack.

As a direct eldest grandson, I naturally have to save him, but the Hua family branch...

"Looking at it, it's almost time for the eldest brother to communicate with the noble man. Why don't the eldest brother discuss with the noble man and give us more medicinal materials this time? As long as we have money in our hands, even if we don't have the reputation of the Hua Family in the main city, , can also stand straight in Pengcheng.”

The fourth master of the Hua family has always known that the eldest brother met a noble man a year ago. The noble man was not only generous in spending money, but also proficient in various medicinal materials. It was with the secret support of the noble man that the branch of the Hua family was able to use those adulterated medicines. The fake medicinal materials were sold to surrounding villages and they made a lot of money.

"I have my own thoughts on this matter. You should go back first." This is what the eldest wife of the Hua family said, but this matter involves the future prosperity and wealth of the Hua family branch. How can he not be anxious.

So that as soon as the fourth wife of the Hua family left, the eldest wife of the Hua family went to his study.

 (End of this chapter)

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