Chapter 306 All previous efforts were wasted

That night, as usual, the eldest son of the Hua family took advantage of the third watch to put the written letter on the eaves of the front door of his house.

 After the third watch, a black figure walked through the street and took away the letter pressed on the eaves.

Hidden in the darkness, Langya followed the black figure until they reached the outside of the city before stopping.

During these days following General Hua Lao, both he and Ningtian had already memorized all the routes, cities and even inconspicuous small villages in Xiliang.

At this time, Langya, who was standing on the treetop, looked at the direction in which the black figure continued to move forward, and silently calculated in his heart. The lady once said that five days is enough time, but if you go south from Pengcheng, it will take ten days to communicate back and forth with the nearest city. .

Langya believes that the lady will never be wrong.


Suddenly, Lang Ya seemed to have thought of something, and then raised his head and squinted in the direction where the man in black disappeared.

It is true that the city south of Pengcheng is not within the five-day radius, but he remembers that there is a place where it takes five days for a round trip. The name of that place is...

Yunxi Town!

The man in black, Bin, who was carrying the letter, didn't even realize that his whereabouts had been leaked. He walked non-stop from Pengcheng to the disaster area. Two days later, as Lang Ya expected, he really entered Yunxi Town quietly, but The man in black did not stop at Yunxi Town, but followed Yunxi Town and went up Jifeng Mountain.

The night is getting thick, and both Yunxi Town at the foot of the mountain and Yaoshi Pavilion on the top of the mountain are immersed in darkness.

The man in black entered the Medicine Master's Pavilion with ease and gently knocked on the window of a certain room.

 Three long tones and three short tones.

 After a moment, the closed window was pushed open a crack.

The man in black jumped into the window and knelt on the ground.

The bright moonlight poured into the house through the open window, coating everything inside with a light silver light, including Princess Yunyue who was sitting on the soft couch at the moment.

Those people in the Hua family branch never dreamed that the person they had been in a relationship with for a year was the only daughter of Concubine Yu who was as equal as Queen Zhenxi in the harem.

At this time, Princess Yunyue was furious after hearing the report from the man in black.

She did not hesitate to condescend and support the Hua family branch for a year in secret, in order to gain the trust of the Hua family branch, so that she could infiltrate into the Hua family in the main city bit by bit, and even think about how to use the Hua family in the future. The branch discredited the Hua family in the main city.

As a result, I was now told that the Huajia branch took the initiative to sign a letter of severance with the Huajia family in the main city!

Princess Yunyue felt a breath of bad breath clogging her heart, and she was so disgusted that she almost vomited it out on the spot.

 Princesses in the past dynasties could not escape the fate of marrying into other countries.

Princess Yunyue didn't want to make the same mistakes as the other princesses in the palace, so she listened to her mother's words and secretly assisted her brother in his journey to the top. She even left the pampered palace and came to this remote place to learn how to die. Medical skills.

I thought that controlling the branches of the Hua family would be enough to get some credit in front of my mother-in-law, so that she could leave here and return to the palace earlier.

But now everything is in vain...

How can Princess Yunyue not be angry!

 The little Fan Qingyao actually made her year of hard work go to waste...

How can Princess Yunyue not hate her!

"There is no need to make any noise about this matter." Princess Yunyue suppressed the anger in her heart and whispered to the man in black kneeling on the ground. The analysis of pros and cons she learned in the palace since she was a child made her understand that now is not the time to be angry, impulsive and Getting angry won't solve any problems.

The man in black lowered his head and asked, "Where is the Huajia branch?"

Princess Yunyue did not answer and asked, "What is the relationship between the branch of the Hua family and this princess?"

Since the Hua family branch no longer has any relationship with the Hua family in the main city, it is undoubtedly an abandoned son for her.

Although a year's hard work has been wasted, if you continue to hold on to the Huajia branch, it is just a waste of time.

Princess Yunyue is no better than Baili Rongze, who was loved and loved by Concubine Yu and grew up. She has been taught by Concubine Yu about various pros and cons since she was a child. Over the years of floating in the palace, she has already developed a meticulous mind. Iron-blooded wrist.

Now that the branch of the Hua family has become an abandoned son, she is angry but also calm. Fortunately, she did not inform her mother and concubine in advance about the branch of the Hua family. Even if it is abolished now, it will not affect her status in the heart of the mother and concubine. .

 The most important thing now is to do the things assigned by the mother and concubine well.

 This way can make the mother-in-law pay more attention to and respect her.

 Early the next morning, Princess Yunyue went down the mountain in person and arrived at the inn in Yunxi Town. It was still early, Baili Rongze hadn't gotten up yet, and he didn't know that his eldest sister had already arrived.

Princess Yunyue had no intention of waking up Baili Rongze, but directly knocked on Fan Xuening's door.

Fan Xuening quickly stood up to greet her, knelt on the ground respectfully and saluted her, saying, "My maid, please give your regards to Princess Yunyue."

Princess Yunyue took the initiative to take Fan Xuening's hand and said with a smile, "I told you, there is no need to be so polite to me. After being with you for such a long time, I have already treated you like a sister."

Fan Xuening lowered her eyes and nodded, still not daring to be presumptuous, "The princess is a princess. In the heart of a minister, you can have awe and respect, but you can never go beyond it."

 Princess Yunyue nodded with satisfaction.

It's really good. After being trained by her, Fan Xuening has become more and more like a lady.

Once upon a time, Fan Xuening was just a spoiled and perverse eldest lady. She taught Fan Xuening over and over again that if she wanted to get everything she wanted, she had to learn to be tactful and tolerant. Crying blindly would only make people hate her. The presence.

Fan Xuening is smart and learns quickly.

In just one year, the situation has completely changed.

 Not only was his character reshaped, but he also became proficient in medical skills.

"You are becoming more sensible. That's good. My royal brother doesn't like women who are too showy." Princess Yunyue said jokingly.

Fan Xuening's cheeks turned red all of a sudden and she couldn't even lift her head. "The princess likes to tease her maids."

Princess Yunyue saw through it but did not say anything. She just took Fan Xuening's hand and said, "A woman who can stand beside my royal brother must be independent, steady and intelligent. Xuening, you must remember that only a man will always be beneficial to you." But, your position in his heart will become more and more important."

Fan Xuening nodded slightly and took note of Princess Yunyue's words.

Princess Yunyue came down the mountain today not to disturb Fan Xuening. She stood up and left after a moment. Not only did she not order Fan Xuening to leave with her, but she also told Fan Xuening to accompany her brother on her behalf. Spend some time relaxing in Yunxi Town.

Princess Yunyue's intention of secretly matching her was particularly obvious, and Fan Xuening could see it.

Spurred by that strange dream, Fan Xuening's love for Baili Rongze has long been ingrained, and now she is even more convinced of Princess Yunyue, and even regards Princess Yunyue as her own sister.

Of course, Fan Xuening knew it very well.

If Fan Qingyao wants to make the same mistakes again, her strength alone is far from enough.

There was a knock on the door, Fan Xuening stood up and opened the door, and saw Baili Rongze standing at the door gracefully.

Under the sunshine, Fan Xuening's face turned red quietly, "The Third Highness got up very early."

Baili Rongze Junzi smiled and said, "I heard that the breakfast here is the most famous. I wonder if Miss Fan would like to try it with me?"

When Fan Xuening thought that she had been paired with this handsome and handsome man countless times in her dreams, her face turned red and she nodded shyly.

 Baili Rongze took Fan Xuening out of the inn, also feeling a little happy and reluctant to miss Shu.

Every time he calls Miss Fan, he has the illusion that he is taking Fan Qingyao with him.

 But he knew better than anyone else in his heart that Fan Qingyao was a being that he had not conquered at all.

But Fan Xuening was different. He had already fallen in love with him without wasting too much thought. The two had only been together for a few days, and it was obvious that Fan Xuening had already integrated into his figure in her heart.

This kind of pride is something Baili Rongze has never experienced in Fan Qingyao.

 The most important thing is!

Fan Xuening, like Fan Qingyao, is both proficient in medical skills, and their appearance is similar.

For Baili Rongze, having more women is easier than having an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks, so of course he is willing to bring Fan Xuening into his room instead of Fan Qingyao to assist him.

Thinking like this, Baili Rongze even held Fan Xuening's hand unconsciously.

Fan Xuening struggled a few times, pretending to be shy, and then let Baili Rongze go.

 (End of this chapter)

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