Chapter 309 His Royal Highness the Crown Prince

 After this turbulent situation, the Hua family men have long been completely disappointed with the court.

Now it is not an exaggeration to say that he hates the imperial court deeply.

 The Hua family devoted themselves to serving the country and the people, but what did they get in the end?

 All their loyalty and all their merits are not worth the emperor's suspicion.

Fan Qingyao is not surprised by the anger and hatred of the flower boy.

She slowly raised her head and said solemnly and cautiously, "Nowadays, there are many flatterers in the court. Even my grandfather has to live with his tail between his legs. However, when traitors are in power and loyal ministers give way, we can't blame anyone else. We are the only ones to blame." A jealous and extremely selfish king was involved. My uncles are alive now, but there is no difference between living like this and being dead. What I want is for my Hua family to regain a foothold in Xiliang! This is how everyone in the Hua family can live in an upright and upright manner!”

 All the men in the flower family were touched by these words.

They would rather die if they are still alive like this.

 It’s just that in today’s world where black and white are confused, people are not even willing to be stingy in giving someone a deserved death.

Hua Jun, the second eldest son of the Hua family, frowned, "How can Xiao Qingyao guarantee that the prince will not be the second emperor?"

 Such a question was asked by my grandfather before.

It’s not that the Hua family treats a gentleman with a villain’s heart, but that the Hua family really can’t afford to hurt him.

Fan Qingyao looked at the uncles in front of him and said from the bottom of his heart, "The emperor is stupid and other countries are watching with eager eyes. It's not that the Hua family dare not rebel, but they can't. Once there is internal strife in Xiliang, it will give other countries an opportunity to take advantage of it. By then Xiliang will be determined The people are in dire straits and their lives are in ruins. What I, the Hua family, feel sorry for are our ancestors who used their lives to protect the people of Xiliang. "

 When the boys from the Hua family heard this, their pupils trembled.

"The prince is a man of quick thinking and experience. Although his heart is not as kind as water, he is willing to be faithful to our Hua family and treat each other with sincerity. Now my Hua family is secretly assisting the prince in enthroning the throne. The prince is protecting my Hua family in the light. Once the prince ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, our Hua family will be the heroes of Xiliang. Only then can our Hua family clear the dark clouds and see the light of day again! "

Fan Qingyao’s words were not mixed with his own personal feelings.

This matter was related to the rise and fall of the Hua family, and she felt that she could not interfere with her uncles' thinking from the perspective of their children's personal relationship.

 Flower boys, you look at me, I look at you, think carefully.

Outside the yard, there was suddenly a gentle knock on the door.

The people in the room immediately stared at the door with caution.

 Looking at his father with a smile and nodding, he stood up and walked towards the door.

Fan Qingyao carefully looked at the back of the smiling and steady figure, secretly pleased.

 The second sister is also becoming more mature.

Smile opened the door naturally. In fact, she had already prepared to escape completely. However, as the door opened, she was stunned before she could retreat.

 The man outside the door is dressed in white robes, and his handsome face looks like something magical.

 Smiley looked at the man stunned for a few seconds, and then said in disbelief, "Your Majesty, Your Highness..."

 Almost at the same time, all the flower boys in the room stood up and walked towards the door.

 The result was that he saw the prince standing outside the door as elegant as the wind.

 The child who was still sitting on the stool was shocked.

This man is actually the current Crown Prince?

Fan Qingyao was walking at the end of the crowd, and it was not unexpected to see Baili Fengming outside the door. He must have left a confidant near the village, and he rushed over when he saw her entering the village.

From this point of view, the location of Huaishang Mine is not far from the village.

With their eyes facing each other, Baili Fengming nodded slightly, trying to restrain himself.

After all, it was in front of the elders. It would be frivolous to show off like this before giving her a status.

Hua Yi, the eldest son of the Hua family, came to his senses first and knelt on the ground with the other men of the Hua family. "I don't know that His Highness the Crown Prince is coming so far away..."

 Baili Fengming grasped Hua Yi's wrist, with a smile as approachable as the spring breeze in March, "I must have disturbed you this time, Major General Hua Yi, please get up quickly."

Honestly noble, yet approachable, Baili Fengming has the right balance.

However, the man from the Hua family had already been heartbroken by the court. Even though he had heard in advance that Xiao Qingyao was interested in the prince, he was still extremely cautious when facing Baili Fengming.

Fan Qingyao saw his uncles ushering Baili Fengming to the table, so he took his second sister and brother to sit aside.

Once the Hua family trains their troops, they will need a large supply of medicinal materials. Bruises and injuries are secondary, and the most important thing is tonic to nourish the bodies of the soldiers.

Fan Qingyao thought for a moment, then looked at the smiling face and said, "Second sister, are you willing to stay here forever?"

She could make the elixir in the main city and have her elder brother personally **** her to Huaishang. However, this private training is the top priority. The secret of secrets is that transporting herbal medicine is safer than elixir. Hidden attention.

With a smile, she said, "I know what Third Sister means, and I am willing to stay."

Fan Qingyao held the second sister's hand and said, "The second sister will have haircut next year."

 She doesn't care about the world, but people in the world care about the world. If you don’t get married within two years after getting your hairpin, you will be considered an old girl.

"With a sister as capable as you, can I still suffer a loss? When everything is settled, I still hope that my sister will find a good family for me, so I have to compliment my third sister in advance." It seems serious. The words were spoken with a smile as if they were a joke.

Of course she can trust her third sister. She knows that her third sister will never bear to see her act like an old girl.

Furthermore, after experiencing so many things, Xiao Yan’s mind has already settled down. Her own happiness is far less important than the happiness of her family. As long as her family can be safe and happy, why should she worry about being unhappy?

Fan Qingyao felt warm in his heart and held his second sister's hand tightly.

It would be great if there is a smiling face here to help take care of you.

"How did you learn from the young master of the Su family, eldest brother?" When it comes to running business, no one in the main city can compare with the Su family.

Hua Fengning said seriously, "The young master of the Su family did teach me carefully, but for some reason he never told me how to open up a new trade route from the main city. However, the young master of the Su family gave me the head of the Su family's bodyguard." Before I came, the trade route from the main city to Huaishang was handed over to me for transportation and management. "

Although Fan Qingyao doesn't know much about the rules of running merchants, he also knows that each merchant who delivers goods has his own transportation route. These routes have already been well taken care of, safe and confidential.

With Su Shaoxi's shrewdness, she should have known that she did not let her eldest brother enter the Su family simply to learn how to run a business.

Training soldiers privately is a serious crime against the Nine Clan. Even though Fan Qingyao was sure that he could hide it from the eyes and ears of the people in the palace, he never thought of involving Su Shaoxi.

However, Su Shaoxi was willing to get through this muddy water openly and openly.

Using the Su family's trade route would save time and effort rather than opening up a new trade route. Fan Qingyao signaled to his eldest brother that he would safely transport medicinal materials to Huaishang in the name of the Su family, but he had already thought about it in his heart. Okay, after returning to the main city, I will definitely have to meet Su Shaoxi.

 She has put her life on her body, so there is no reason not to express her gratitude in person.

However, as long as the elixirs can be supplied in time, the uncles can train troops without worrying about casualties.

Fan Qingyao had an idea of ​​what was going on here, so he calmly looked towards Baili Fengming.

 Baili Fengming was seen sitting in the center of the round table, while the men from the Hua family were sitting in order of seniority, surrounding Baili Fengming.

  It was said to be a matter of discussion, but it was more like being interrogated by three courts.

Such a scene made even Fan Qingyao feel ashamed.

Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work.

At the round table, Baili Fengming had a beautiful smile on his face and listened carefully to the doubts of the flower boy.

Waiting for the man from the Hua family to finish all his concerns, he thought for a moment and then said, "The decay of the country is the tragedy of Xiliang. If we want to save Xiliang, exchanging blood is the only way. I know now This rotten and stinky imperial power has made the Hua family major generals disheartened, so I am willing to take the Hua family major generals’ hands to rebuild the foundation of Xiliang and revive the Hua family’s military spirit.”

Hua Yi, the third eldest son of the Hua family, has always been the one who dares to speak out, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's words are high-sounding, so how can we believe it?"

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, felt that these words were too presumptuous and gave his third brother a warning look. No matter whether they were willing to join forces with the prince or not, the prince's identity was something they could not transcend.

 Baili Fengming smiled faintly and didn't mind anything. He just called out to the door, "Shaoxuan."

Soon, Shaoxuan, who had been waiting outside the door, pushed open the door and walked in, dragging a huge package in his hand. When the layers of soft cloth on the package were lifted, it was filled with dazzling rare treasures, mixed with The banknotes were so big that I couldn't even count them at a glance.

"This is the material snatched from Xianbei this time. Since the Hua Family Major General has to train his troops, it is always difficult to be short-handed in materials. In a few days, I will arrange for the Hua Family Major General to go to the mine and recruit the Hua Family Army in the name of mining. , I will take care of it in the main city, Major General Hua just needs to train his troops with peace of mind. "

The money was given, and the people were given. Not only did the man from the Hua family confirm his reputation as the prince, but he also used the prince as a cover to recruit and train soldiers. Once this matter came to light, even if the prince was full of words, he would not be able to tell the truth.

The man from the Hua family naturally understood that His Highness the Prince had thrown himself into the Hua family.

 Teaching everything you have to others, to put it bluntly, means teaching the other person unreservedly...

The men of the Hua family were a little confused. They wanted to also hold the prince hostage, so that the prince would try their best to protect the Hua family, but they never expected that the prince could be so frank.

  Is His Royal Highness the Prince always so down-to-earth?

The prince was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He has been admired by thousands of people since he was a child, but he has such a mind and magnanimity that can break everything.

 Let alone a high-ranking prince, who is the heir of an ordinary bureaucrat, who can do this?

 Or maybe I don’t even dare to think about such a thing.

This courage...

 The flower boy admires him.

  It is better to be open and aboveboard than to be secretive.

 Advance and retreat together, honor and disgrace together.

Although Fan Qingyao knew it well, Baili Fengming's move was the fastest way to make his uncles believe in him.

 But when I saw Baili Fengming's unreserved persuasion with my own eyes, I was still shocked.

 He really dares.

 (End of this chapter)

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