Chapter 310 This love rival is a bit strong

 Baili Fengming didn’t dare to do anything.

 All his bottom lines come from her. As long as she stands side by side with him, he is invincible.

With their eyes facing each other, Fan Qingyao's face heated up at the sight of those blazing black eyes.

This man is really extraordinary, and he dares to be so presumptuous in front of his uncles.

The man from the Hua family was so shocked by the prince's actions that he didn't pay attention to Baili Fengming's little actions.

The flower boy was originally thinking about how to test the prince, but now he has real money and an innocent heart in front of him. If they continue to press forward step by step, it will be too small-minded.

Some of the men who were killed on the battlefield were full of blood and enthusiasm. Since His Highness the Crown Prince was willing to show his heart to them, they could not let His Highness the Crown Prince return disappointed.

Soon, the Hua family man and Baili Fengming discussed the matter of this military training in detail. After careful discussion, they found that if they wanted to practice military training privately, the things piled on the ground could only cover the initial expenses. .

The imperial court used official taxes to recuperate, but if they wanted to stock up on troops, all the expenses would fall on themselves.

"Uncles, there is no need to worry about money." Since Fan Qingyao can afford Xiliang's military salary, he can also support his own soldiers.

 The flower boy was stunned for a moment.

 Are all their nieces and nephews so rich?

He explained carefully with a smile, "The Qingnangzhai under the name of the second sister is sought after by all the ladies in the main city, and the money it earns from the accountant every month is as much as one million taels."

  The men from the Hua family were all stunned and subconsciously looked at Hua Fengning, who was sitting beside him.

 Hua Fengning knew from the young master of the Su family that his sister had a property, but she didn't know that Qingnangzhai's income was so objective.

Now facing the stunned gazes of his father and uncles, he was equally surprised and unable to recover.

 Don’t ask him, he just knew it.

"Just one Qingnangzhai is not enough. Fortunately, I have already valued several shops in other cities in advance. Nowadays, dignitaries and dignitaries pay attention to health preservation. Whether it is food, drink or clothing, as long as it involves health preservation techniques, they will be sought after. , Fortunately, I don’t know anything else, but I am proficient in medical skills. When I return to the main city this time, I will quickly settle the matter. "

Fan Qingyao spoke implicitly, but his strong self-confidence cannot be ignored.

The Hua family man is no stranger to medical skills, but he has never known that studying medicine can be so profitable. Looking at the pride and strength engraved in the bones of his little Qingyao, although he has not explained it, he is proud from the bottom of his heart.

It is getting late, and Baili Fengming needs to go back to the mine to discuss matters.

To embed the Huajia major generals in without anyone noticing, a lot of things need to be done to pave the way.

 The Hua family men stood up to see each other off, followed by Fan Qingyao.

Watching Baili Fengming get into the carriage from a distance, he couldn't help but whisper with a smile, "His Royal Highness is truly a talented person."

Whether it is appearance or conversation, he can be called a dragon or a phoenix among people.

Hua Fengning raised his hand and knocked on Xiaoyan's forehead, "What are you thinking about? He is the future king of Xiliang."

She smiled and stuck out her tongue, but she didn't think His Highness the Crown Prince was so superior. She thought it was the Crown Prince who stood in front of her second sister when they encountered the surprise attack.

It was a rare gathering of the Hua family. After seeing off the prince, Hua Fengning went to the nearby Huaishang City to buy wine and meat. The family happily gathered around the round table and only talked about gossip and not about state affairs.

Only the child sat aside in a very depressed manner, with his little mouth pouted.

Hua Fengning walked over curiously and asked, "How can a kid come to have so many worries?"

The child thought about it seriously and then said, "As a man, I can't always hang around my wife."

 Hua Fengning, “…”

You're not done taking advantage of my sister, are you?

The child seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stood up and walked to the round table, kneeling solemnly in front of the flower boy.

Hua Wu, the fourth child of the Hua family, blocked Xiao Qingyao behind him, his eyes full of guard.

What’s the matter, do you really want to propose marriage?

But the child knelt on the ground and raised his head and said, "I want to learn skills, and I want to stay."

Hua Yi, the third eldest child of the Hua family, looked at Xiao Douding kneeling on the ground with a smile, "It's very hard to stay here and learn skills."


The child scratched his head. When he was in Pengcheng, he had heard of the Hua family boys and knew that the Hua family boys would enter the military camp at the age of five. Although he is now ten years old and a little older, he should not be there yet. It's too late.

Hua Jun, the second eldest son of the Hua family, stood up and picked up the child. He looked at the child carefully for a long time before nodding with satisfaction, "Although his aura is a little weaker, his bones are good and he is a malleable talent. Hey kid, you have to think carefully." Once you stay, you can’t cry no matter how hard it is.”

 The child nodded cautiously. No matter how bitter it is, it is not as bitter as being compared with a love rival.

His love rival is really standing too high. If he doesn't work harder, won't he be compared to scum?

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, turned to Fan Qingyao and asked, "Xiao Qingyao, what do you mean?"

Fan Qingyao had no intention of keeping the child with him forever. Now that he is willing to stay, it is a good thing. "It is a good idea to strive for the top without breaking up or establishing. It's good that uncle doesn't dislike it."

Fan Qingyao took the word "disgust" very seriously.

Hua Guzi, the boss of the Hua family, could understand the meaning, but he did not express it too much. He just looked at the child and asked, "What's your name?"

 “I, I don’t have a name…”

 Children from poor families do not even have a decent name before they reach adulthood.

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, thought for a moment and said, "Then let's follow our surname as Hua. From now on, how about you call me Hua Yanlang?"

The child was stunned. This was the first time he had a decent name since he was a child. His eyes were red and his nose was red. "Well, from now on I will be called Hua Yanlang!"

Hua Fengning pulled Hua Yanlang up from the ground with a sincere smile, "I will have a younger brother from now on."

Hua Yanlang was very reluctant to have his little head touched by Hua Fengning, oh... Actually, he didn't want to be a younger brother, he wanted to be a brother-in-law... But his love rival was too strong, so he had to be humble first. Just be a younger brother, and then move up to the position of brother-in-law.

After three rounds of drinking, the men of the Hua family drank a lot of wine. Even Xiaoyan and Fan Qingyao were given a few drinks.

The night was getting darker and darker, and the man from the Hua family was worried that Xiao Qingyao would suffer from the long journey, so he asked Fan Qingyao to go to the yard next door to rest early.

  Hua Fengning originally wanted to send her sister off, but was stopped in place by a look from her father.

 Hua Fengning, “…”

The weather in the countryside is clear, and the moonlight is much brighter than in the main city.

Fan Qingyao followed his uncle to the yard next door, mentally prepared to be questioned or even blamed. No matter what happened to Ling Wei and Xinying, they were his uncle's wife and daughter after all.

"I have already heard what your elder brother said about your eldest sister-in-law." In the silence of the night, the voice of Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, became heavier and heavier.

Fan Qingyao stopped, held up her skirt and knelt in front of her uncle, "Please scold me."

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, lowered his eyes slightly and stood with his hands behind his hands, "Since you knew I would scold, why did you do it so decisively? Does it mean that just because your eldest sister-in-law has some selfish motives, does she deserve to die? "

"When people live in the world, everyone has selfish motives. My grandfather has them, my uncles have them, and even I have them. But selfishness is not the reason for hurting my family. As long as I stay at Hua's house, I will I will never allow anyone to harm my family.”

 Even she herself can’t do it!

It is precisely because of this that Fan Qingyao has stumbled to where he is today.

 This is her debt, but also her salvation.

"So you don't know how to repent?" Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, said in a heavier voice.

“Xiao Qingyao doesn’t feel that he is at fault, but I hope my uncle will punish me.”

She knew that her cruelty to Ling Wei and her daughter was no less than stabbing her uncle in the heart, but even if she had to do it over again, she would still choose to drive Ling Wei and her daughter out of the house.

 She is willing to repay and extinguish her uncle's anger in any way.

 But she must not watch helplessly as someone tramples on the Hua family for their own personal gain.

 Family is her bottom line.

Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, looked at Fan Qingyao in front of him angrily, and suddenly raised his arm, "I followed the men of the Hua family to resist Xianbei, but you drove my wife and daughter out of the house in the main city! You don't care about your elders. You are so arrogant! You don’t care about my feelings..."

Fan Qingyao knelt on the ground and closed his eyes humbly.

 Since she dares to do it, she dares to take it on.

 So today, no matter what kind of anger, she is willing to bear it.

As long as the uncle can calm down.

The eyes of Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, turned red in the night, and even his original heavy tone began to tremble uncontrollably, "But exactly like this, you protected the Hua family, which was originally only in pieces. , guarding the last honor of the Hua family."

The arm raised high in the air finally fell towards Fan Qingyao.

But it was not a beating, but a hug.

 (End of this chapter)

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