Chapter 311 The entanglement of nightmares

Under the quiet moonlight, Hua Gu, the boss of the Hua family, bent down and took Fan Qingyao into his arms.

He knew far better than anyone else the nature of his wife and children, but he could not bring himself to reprimand them severely, always thinking that as time went by, Xinying would grow up. That's good, the result was almost not a big mistake for the Hua family.

 His wife and daughter were kicked out of the house. He would be lying if he said he was not sad.

But facing Xiao Qingyao, who had guarded the Hua family with his life, and even tried every means to advise his brothers, how could he complain!

Fan Qingyao opened his eyes quietly, feeling the warmth of his uncle's arms, and his eyes were moist.

Once upon a time, she was held in the arms of her uncle like this, but at that time she was full of disgust, and used both soft and hard tactics to coerce her uncle into leading the Hua family men to go to the battlefield for Baili Rongze.

She remembered that at that time, her eldest uncle held her in his arms in the same way and said in her ear with all his strength, "Xiao Qingyao, don't be angry. It was my uncles' fault in the past that they didn't find you and you in time." Mom, no one will bully you anymore. As long as you want it, your uncles will help you accomplish it. "

 In the past, she just asked for it.

 Under the inducement of Zui Ling and Fan Xuening, he blamed the Hua family for his mother's tragic death and the sins he suffered when he wandered away with his mother in those years.

But her uncles tolerated everything about her and never argued.

Of course she has to do the same now, "Uncle, you can actually blame me."

  Just like her before, she was willful and rude, venting all her desires and sins on her uncles. She could bear it and could withstand it. She just wanted her uncle to feel better.

It was at this time that Fan Qingyao realized that not all the crimes he wanted to inflict were unbearable.

She finally understood why her uncles in her previous life were so tolerant to her.

 It turns out that you have to sacrifice for your family and bear all the pain for the people you want to serve...

 It's so sweet.

“Everything is only the mother and daughter’s fault. Xiao Qingyao, you are a good child. Uncle, thank you for guarding the Hua family. Thank you..."

 Since Xiaoyan arrived here, every time she mentioned what Xiao Qingyao had done, she would shed tears.

Although the smile does not mean that he sees everything, just by those words, he, the uncle, feels like a knife, and he only regrets that he can't stay with Xiao Qingyao and protect her. Keep out the wind and rain.

  She must be tired and in pain.

“Don’t worry, Xiao Qingyao, my uncles will definitely stand up again on Huaishang. From now on, they will stand in front of you and continue to protect you.”

 From beginning to end, my uncle never blamed her for anything.

“Okay, listen to uncle.” Fan Qingyao blinked, silent tears streaking across his face.

When the men of the Hua family in the yard next door heard the commotion, they all came out one after another. Hua Fengning was really afraid that his father would hurt Xiao Qingyao by saying something after drinking too much, so he quickly ran out of the house after him.

 In the end, he saw such a tear-jerking scene.

   The flower boy's throat was severely clogged, and his eye sockets were so hot and sore.

His smile was like tears. If he hadn’t covered his mouth with his hands, he would have burst into tears.

This night, Fan Qingyao rarely had a good sleep.

In her dream, it was no longer the scene of her uncles being slaughtered with flesh and blood, but the scene of her, surrounded by her uncles, sitting in the Hua family's house, having a reunion dinner with her family.

Grandpa and grandma are laughing.

 The little daughters of the Hua family are smiling.

 The uncles were laughing too.

Even in a dream, Fan Qingyao felt extremely heart-warming watching this scene.

The nightmare that had been bothering her for a long time finally disappeared... Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of her heart.

 “Why do you want to save me?”

“I said I would stay with you if I didn’t leave. Why do you keep tugging on my sleeve?”

“It’s not convenient for me to tell you my name. If there is a chance, I will tell you the truth when we meet again, okay?”

The scene in the dream suddenly began to change. Fan Qingyao was suddenly standing in a corner of the main city, surrounded by traffic and people. A young man was accompanying a young girl into the city gate.

Fan Qingyao remembered that it was at this time that she fell in love with Baili Rongze in her previous life.

At that time, she had a bad temper with the Hua family and ran out of the main city alone. She originally wanted to scare her grandmother so that she would not force her to learn medical skills in the future, but she never thought that she was actually outside the city. Got lost in the woods.

  Frightened, she hid in a dark cave, but was targeted by wolves again.

Fortunately, a young man helped her drive away the wolves, but the young man was bitten by a wolf with a big **** hole. That was the first time she understood what gratitude meant, and she was not even afraid of the dark anymore. Medicinal materials were collected nearby and applied to the boy's wounds.

It was very dark around her, and she was so scared that she could only huddle next to the boy.

  She fell asleep in a daze, but when she opened her eyes the next day, she saw the dignified third prince standing in front of her.

At that time, Baili Rongze was really good-looking, brave and graceful.

 Her heart thumped in her chest for no apparent reason, and she realized that the person who saved her yesterday was the Third Prince.

It was from that moment that she fell in love with that handsome man.

But I never thought that everything was just a fatal fate.


Fan Qingyao suddenly sat up in shock, covered in cold sweat.

 Since she woke up again, it was the first time she dreamed of Baili Rongze.

 She felt sick and uncomfortable when she thought of the face that once made her heart beat so much.

 The sky outside the window was still dark, but she was no longer sleepy.

  Put on your coat and walk to the window, open it, and want to breathe in the fresh air.

 The night is quiet, the evening breeze blows on my face, and there seems to be a faint fragrance floating in it.

Fan Qingyao really liked this quiet little village. He thought that before he experienced the war, it must have been peaceful and comfortable. His eyes unconsciously looked around, but he was stunned again wherever he looked.

I saw Baili Fengming sitting lazily on the eaves not far away, looking up at the sky with her face slightly raised.

His handsome face showed a rare calmness. He leaned against the chimney and sat quietly in silence. His long legs were slightly bent, seemingly unintentionally supporting his naturally drooping arms. His black hair, which was always tied high behind his head, fell like a waterfall behind him. Only a jade buckle is tied at the end of the hair.

The silver moon was shining brightly, and the sky was filled with starlight, but it was not as dazzling as him.

The early autumn sky was as cool as water, and his whole body was covered with a layer of cold dew, which showed that he had been sitting there for a long time.

 The haze in my heart gradually dissipated.

Fan Qingyao looked at the beautiful young man on the other side silently, and unconsciously showed a warm smile.

If the first person she met in her last life was him like this one, maybe everything would be different.

 It’s just a pity, there is no what if.

 But fortunately, everything can come back again.

 (End of this chapter)

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