Chapter 314 My mother is getting married

Fan Qingyao has seven exquisite orifices, so you can naturally hear the meaning behind his words.

 It was just that after Princess Heshuo left, she saw that her mother had no plans to explain, so she didn't ask any more questions.

 In fact, it was not that Huayue Lian didn't want to say it, but that she suddenly saw her daughter return and wanted to say too much, so she forgot what Princess Heshuo County had mentioned.

Hua Yuelian held her daughter's hand and asked her questions, crying and laughing. In the blink of an eye, the sky turned dark.

 Hua Yaoting was very happy when she learned that her granddaughter was back. She had already stepped into the door of the house, but turned around and sat back on the carriage.

 “Go to Xiangmanlou.”

The coachman whispered, "What kind of food does the old lady want? I can just go there. How can I bother the old lady with such a trivial matter?"

Hua Yaoting felt ashamed, "I don't know what my little Qingyao likes to eat, so how can I tell you?"

 Carter, “…”

 So you are planning to wrap up Xiangmanlou?

Of course, Hua Yaoting is not that generous. Even if he wanted to, the money in his hands would not allow it. His monthly salary is only that much. If it were not for Xiao Qingyao's Qingnangzhai to fill the family income, everyone in the house would probably have no money. I want to eat glutinous rice with him.

However, his granddaughter was very happy when she came back. Hua Yaoting, who was standing in the Xiangman Building, spent all his monthly salary with a wave of his hand.

Tao Yuxian thought that Xiao Qingyao was back and Hua Yuelian's marriage could be brought forward, so he specially sent someone to the governor's mansion to invite Sun Che over.

Fan Qingyao went back to his yard before Sun Che arrived at his house.

As soon as he entered the door, he was thrown into his arms by a small bun like a hair ball.

Taxue smelled the familiar scent of her master and narrowed her eyes happily.

Ninghan, Ningtian and Aunt Xu all walked out one after another. Looking at the young lady whom they had not seen for a long time, tears started to flow down before they could say anything.

Just at this time, Tianyu and Mu Yan heard that the third sister was back, and they rushed over to visit, but they were also made to cry by the scene in the yard.

"It's a great blessing that the third sister is back. It's unlucky to cry here and there." That's what Tianyu said, but the tears couldn't stop falling.

Mammy Xu was afraid that the ladies would break down from crying, so she quickly scolded Ninghan and Ningtian to put away her tears and hurriedly invited the ladies into the house.

Fan Qingyao sent Ninghan and Ningtian away on the grounds of Yueluo and Pengjing, and then told Tianyu about leaving the smile on Huaishang.

Tianyu nodded. The second sister's knowledge of medicinal materials was the best among the sisters. Now that the second sister stayed in Huaishang, it was indeed much more convenient.

Mu Yan was dumbfounded after hearing this, and reacted for a long time before saying in surprise, "So what the third sister means is that my father and uncles are still alive?"

Fan Qingyao held Mu Yan's hand, "The situation was urgent at that time, but I didn't have time to tell you. Fortunately, it's not too late for you to know now. But don't make it public for the time being. The court is still wary of the Hua family. We are now No room for error at all.”

 One wrong move and the whole game is lost.

This road is extremely dangerous from beginning to end.

Mu Yan suppressed the joy in her heart and nodded obediently, "Third sister, don't worry, I know."

Fan Qingyao looked at Mu Yan's unfazed look and felt very pleased, "Qingnangzhai has completely established a foothold in the main city. I want to leave the shop to you in the future. Mu Yan, you are willing." ?”

Mu Yan instinctively wanted to refuse, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

Before the third sister left, she asked Peng Jing to tally up the savings of Qingnangzhai.

Although the third sister never explained anything, she knew that the third sister was afraid that she would do something else.

Now that the third sister has given Qingnangzhai to her, it is a sign of trust in her. If she can't even do this little thing well, how can she share the hardships with the sisters of the Hua family?

“Third sister, don’t worry, I will try my best.”

Fan Qingyao smiled and handed over the shop to her sister. She was relieved.

Looking up at Tianyu, she paused and said, "I plan to open a few more shops in several cities near Youzhou, but more money will attract wolves. It is not convenient for me to do this myself, so Tianyu will I just want to trouble you."

When it comes to dealing with things like this, Tianyu is the best among the sisters. Even if it is a rotten leek, as long as she wants to sell it, she can boast that the leek is like a willow branch in a Bodhisattva's vase.

 The younger sisters are all grown up, and they always have to find their own way out.

"Third sister, don't worry. As long as you give the order, I will rush to Youzhou at any time." Tianyu's temperament is restless. Moreover, now that the second sister and the fourth sister have begun to run around the family, she must not be able to freeload. of.

Fan Qingyao was pleased with the understanding and maturity of his sisters. Presumably with the joint efforts of everyone, the reunion of the Hua family will be just around the corner. However, this matter is not a trivial matter after all. Fan Qingyao still repeatedly warned Tianyu and Xiaoyan to carefully You need to explain things well to your third and fourth aunts.

The sisters chatted for a long time before getting up and walking towards the main hall.

Sun Che had arrived and was sitting in the main hall chatting with Hua Yaoting. When he saw Fan Qingyao entering, he quickly got up and paid homage, "Sun Che, my humble minister, would like to send my regards to Princess Qingping."

Fan Qingyao said in vain, "Uncle Sun, get up quickly. If my mother sees it, she might think that I am abusing Uncle Sun."

Sun Che, “…”

Princess Qingping is indeed becoming more and more sharp.

Hua Yuelian happened to come in at this time, and when she heard Fan Qingyao's words, she also blushed.

Seeing this, Hua Yaoting couldn't help laughing and said, "Now that Xiao Qingyao is back, Governor Sun and Yue Lian's marriage can be prepared."

Tao Yuxian smiled and said, "It's just right to talk while eating."

The daughters-in-law of the Hua family wanted their husband's only sister to marry well, so as soon as they sat down, they quickly ordered people to bring over the extra boxes that had been prepared.

The Hua family has just gone through a storm, and most of the valuable things have been confiscated along with the former mansion.

Despite this, the daughters-in-law of the Hua family still gave everything they had to give Hua Yuelian the best.

The second daughter-in-law, Chunyue, took out the most valuable gold and jade bracelet from her original dowry. The third daughter-in-law, Peihan, took out all her private money and bought a set of four pieces of gold and jade jewelry. The fourth daughter-in-law, Yafu, placed two pieces of heavenly silk directly on the table.

Although these things are incomparable with the lavishness of the royal family, Sun Che has been frugal for half his life, and now he was stunned to see so many good things at once.

Tianyu and Muyan couldn't forget to buy a box for their aunt, but the things they bought were incomparable to those of their mothers. They were all the soothing incense they carefully prepared, as well as various new products from Qingnangzhai. Hair oil, rouge and gouache can also be regarded as borrowing flowers to offer to the Buddha.

“Auntie, please don’t blame us for not sending it well.”

"When we make more money in the future, we will definitely add another box to my aunt."

Hua Yuelian's eyes had long been reddened by everyone's thoughts, and now listening to Mu Yan and Tian Yu's words, her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

But before she could speak, Hua Yaoting said, "You're almost done. Are you trying to do it again because you're really afraid of scaring your future uncle to death?"

 In Xiliang, the betrothal gift from the husband's family and the dowry from the natal family are basically equal.

The reason why Hua Yaoting admires Sun Che is because of his uprightness and frankness. However, for the imperial court, this kind of person is often the most disliked.

To put it bluntly, Hua Yaoting was fully aware of how poor Sun Che was.

Such a good uncle can't be found even with a lantern. Don't be scared away by the flashy gold and silver in front of you.

Sun Che lowered his head in shame, "I have asked my father-in-law to worry about it. Please rest assured. I will take good care of Yue Lian from now on."

 Hua Yaoting, who was no richer than Sun Che, was very satisfied with Sun Che's attitude. Gold and silver were external possessions, and only what was in his heart could live up to his trust and respect.

Amidst the joy and laughter, Hua Yuelian and Sun Che’s big day was set for September 20th, which was ten days later.

That night, Fan Qingyao returned to her yard and wrote a letter to tell her uncles in Huaishang about the happy event. However, after she finished writing, she suddenly realized that she didn't know who to send it to. this letter.

 Suddenly, a black shadow settled outside the window.

 (End of this chapter)

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