The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 315: I really want to close the door and let the dogs out

Chapter 315 I really want to close the door and let the dogs out

Ningtian, who was guarding the yard, looked at the black figure, flew over and started fighting without saying a word.

When Fan Qingyao walked out of the house, he saw the dignified deputy young master of the East Palace being beaten up by Ning Tian riding on his back.

Lin Yi has never looked forward to Fan Qingyao's arrival with such joy. Now when he saw the person coming, he almost cried with joy, "Miss Qingyao..."

Fan Qingyao signaled Ningtian to stop, "Deputy Young Master Lin?"

Lin Yi hurriedly got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body and said, "His Royal Highness has explained in advance that Miss Qingyao will be busy with Mrs. Hua's wedding after returning to the main city. She naturally hopes that someone will share such a happy event, so she specially appointed I have been waiting near Hua's house to help Miss Qingyao deliver the letter."

Fan Qingyao felt warm in his heart as soon as he heard the word "Your Highness."

That person’s predictions are always just right.

  "That's enough trouble for Deputy Young Master Lin." Fan Qingyao handed over the letter in his hand.

Lin Yi took the letter and carefully put it into his arms. Before leaving, he didn't forget to look back at Ningtian, who was standing not far away with a dark face.

He was just curious about how Miss Qingyao raised a beautiful girl with such evil hands and heart, and he didn't know if she would be able to get married in the future.

 The time of ten days is not long or short.

According to Huayue Lian herself, she is not a yellow flower girl, and her daughter will be married in three years.

However, Sun Che was determined to marry Huayue Lian in a dignified manner. In addition, Sun Che was getting married for the first time, so the Sun family could not afford to be careless.

Sun Che’s parents did not live in the main city, but when their son got married, the parents had to come over no matter how far away they were.

After two days of hard work, early in the morning on the third day, the second elder of the Sun family came to visit.

Whether it is Tao Yuxian or Hua Yaoting, if their daughter marries to the Sun family in the future and becomes the Sun family's daughter-in-law, they must respect the Sun family's ideas.

“Since I am marrying a daughter from the Hua family, I must obey the arrangements of my husband’s family.” In the main hall, Hua Yaoting agreed boldly.

Seeing this, Tao Yuxian said to Nanny Xu next to her, "There are still a few days left before the big day, so it's too late to prepare. Now you can go to the fabric shop and pick out a piece of red silk to make a red dress for the lady."

“I never thought that it would be so easy to arrange a wedding in the dignified General’s Mansion.” The person who spoke was the wife of the Sun family.

The Sun family's wife was not the Sun family's master's first wife, and she was not much better to Sun Che. For this reason, Sun Che established his own mansion as soon as he entered the official career.

In recent years, Mrs. Sun’s wife has given birth to a son and a daughter to Mr. Sun’s family, which is considered a good thing.

It’s just that the Sun family’s master is addicted to gambling. Over the years, the family has been supported by Sun Che’s salary. Now Sun Che finally got married, but he ended up marrying an old woman who was not in the family. Mrs. Sun’s wife His face didn't look much better.

It was originally a second-hand product, and my mother-in-law was not willing to give her more money.

Hearing that something was wrong, Mr. Sun's master quickly pulled the Mrs. Sun's wife beside him.

Mrs. Sun's wife pretended to be confused and continued, "Che'er said in the letter that she was going to marry the only young lady in the general's mansion. Although we were married to a man, and we even have a daughter, I don't think so. Since she is the only daughter of the general's family, she is not far behind, but the result is unexpected... Well, I feel sorry for my Che'er who fell in love with her. "

Her children are also at an age where they are about to get married, and the betrothal gift and dowry will naturally come from the dowry of Sun Che's daughter-in-law.

 As the saying goes, the eldest sister-in-law is the mother.

How could the two elders of the Hua family not hear it if he just reached out and asked for money?

Hua Yaoting raised his eyes and said, "Bold bitch! How dare you act so recklessly in my palace!" Those eyes were soaked in human blood, cold and stern, and they made Mrs. Sun tremble. .

Mr. Sun's legs were also weak, and he quickly pulled his wife to kneel on the ground, "General Hua, please calm down, it's my stupid woman who can't speak."

Since you know she is a stupid woman, you should shut your mouth and pretend to be dumb.

 Come to my mansion to run wild?

 I'm used to your faults!

 Hua Yaoting was a rough man who led soldiers in wars. What he hated most was these roundabout things. If his hand hadn't been tightly held by his wife, he would have driven people away with a wave of his hand.

Sun Che is an upright and upright person, how could he have such a crooked and scumbag mother?

Tao Yuxian couldn't let the master drive someone out. Before his daughter got married, he kicked her in-laws out of the house. It was true that the woman was Sun Che's stepmother, but the one next to her was also Sun Che's biological father. If Sun Che really didn't have it in his heart, how could he have helped him all these years.

“My dear, please get up quickly. My husband is used to killing people on the battlefield, and he always likes to solve problems with his own hands.” Tao Yuxian asked the servants in the main hall to help the two elders of the Sun family up.

 As a result, when the two elders of the Sun family heard this, they trembled even more.

Tao Yuxian wants these two people to be afraid. Their Hua family marries their daughter to let her find a home, not to let her jump into the pit of fire again and suffer. There are certain things that need to be explained clearly in advance.

"My master has been rushing to the battlefield all his life. When the Hua family men were still alive, all their salaries were used as military pay. It is for this reason that the emperor gave me the Hua family. Even if all the Hua family men died in the battle, it would still be a loss. After making him a posthumous candidate, our Hua family took a fancy to Sun Che and felt that Sun Che was a member of the same profession. Since he was an upright official in the court, he had to have an upright appearance. If his official career was affected by some small money, then that would be the case. It’s not worth the loss.”

What Tao Yuxian said clearly is that all the money of my Hua family is in the army, and the army naturally belongs to the emperor. If your Sun family has the ability, go and ask for the money from the Emperor. Of course, even if you get the money, your Sun family will also It may not necessarily mean he is good at spending money. Sun Che is an upright official. Have you ever seen an upright official who spends a lot of money? When the time comes, Sun Che will lose his official position because of your greed. Don't come to my Hua family to cry. Our Hua family doesn't have any extra space for you to cry.

 No matter how stupid the two elders of the Sun family are, they would not dare to go to the emperor and ask for money.

Tao Yuxian didn't really want to tear her face apart. After all, her daughter was still getting married. She kept the two elders of the Sun family for a while before ordering someone to send them out.

Mrs. Sun's wife herself has a temperament that does not take advantage of others, and she is used to being aggressive in remote small towns. Now she is suppressed by Tao Yuxian, and she cannot swallow this breath.

Walking all the way to the door of Hua's house, Mrs. Sun's wife never stopped talking, "The mansion of a famous general is just a fool. Relying on his high official position, he will go to heaven. If you ask me, The emperor is too merciful, and he deserves to have all the people in such a mansion beheaded."

Master Sun has always been a coward. He doesn't dare to say anything at all. He just hopes to leave the main city of Huajia as soon as possible. He has been very lucky recently. It is only serious to go back and gamble a few times.

Mrs. Sun's wife walked and cursed, and before leaving the house, she turned around and spat at the door of Hua's house.

 When Fan Qingyao heard about this incident, it was already an hour later.

The imperial court renovated Huaishang, but moved the original Huaishang city by more than half to the west. It was said that it did not want the people of Huaishang to be upset, but in fact it was simply to deceive others and facilitate the court. People have been mining near Huaishang all year round.

Fan Qingyao knew in his heart that it was not the court that valued the mines, but the emperor.

Early in the morning, she went to Qingnangzhai, specially selected the goods of two large carriages, and asked Mu Yan to order them to be sent to the Su family. Under the banner of sharing the worries of the court, she specially donated those items to Huaishang. The common people, in fact, one of the reasons is to investigate the preferences of the people in Huaishang. The second is that if you have your own people in Huaishang, you can always take care of each other with smiles.

Nowadays, Huaishang is not afraid of too many people, but only afraid of few people.

The more people there are and the more chaotic things become, the less likely it is that the imperial court's eyes will be on the uncles.

Fan Qingyao had been busy all morning, but as soon as he walked in, he heard about the two elders of the Sun family.

"Young miss, you didn't see that Mrs. Sun's arrogance. She scolded her all the way from the main courtyard to the door. Fortunately, the old lady has asked someone to come forward to explain. Today's matters are not allowed to be discussed in private, let alone It must reach the young lady’s ears.”

 (End of this chapter)

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