Chapter 316 What a shameless person

Fan Qingyao didn’t know much about Sun Che’s parents.

But since she is a stepmother, and a bad stepmother at that, there is no need to be spoiled or anything.

Fan Qingyao thought for a moment and called Ningtian to his side, "The weather is getting colder and the beggars on Temple Street are not having a hard time. You can sneak in and take those people to the governor's mansion for a few days. There is no need to instigate trouble." , Just let the governor’s house provide food and drink.”

Ningtian learned to lurk and hide from the old general of the Hua family. Now he didn't find it difficult to follow the young lady's instructions. He nodded and hurried out of the yard.

 That afternoon, Ningtian went to Temple Street.

The people who live on Temple Street are either beggars or homeless people. During the day, things are better, and everyone can huddle together to keep each other warm. However, at night, the cold wind blows, and everyone is shivering even if they are together.

 Under the erosion of the cold, the poor people on Temple Street became more and more exhausted.

There was only one young girl who begged with them during the day, but disappeared at night. Compared with those of them who were living in a haze all day long under the force of the cold, the girl was very energetic.

The people on Temple Street were very curious and followed the girl at night. As a result, they saw the girl enter the courtyard of the governor's mansion.

The people in Temple Street had long known that Governor Sun was a kind-hearted person. Now that they saw the girl entering, they thought that Governor Sun was willing to take in poor people like them, and all of a sudden they knocked on the door of the Governor's Mansion.

Sun Che, who was awakened, didn't know why these people came to him, but when he saw their ragged appearance, he couldn't bear it, and immediately asked the yamen to open the door of the house, not only allowing these people to live in the courtyard. Inside, he even ordered people to prepare hot porridge.

 The people of Temple Street did not dare to disturb Governor Sun, so they left one after another early in the morning and stayed here for the night in the evening.

Unfortunately, Sun Che's own salary is small, and now because he wants to help these poor people, he has to deduct money from his own food, clothing, housing and transportation.

 The entire governor's mansion has changed from three meals a day to two meals a day, and everyone in the governor's mansion has also joined the common people in eating porridge to survive.

The servants in the Governor's Mansion all know that you are thrifty, and now that you are eating porridge, they have no complaints. However, facing such a tight life, Mrs. Sun's first choice is to quit.

She came here just to enjoy the blessings of becoming the governor's old lady, but now her life is not as comfortable as in her own small city. It doesn't matter that she doesn't have three meals a day, but now she has to face a Piles of spiteful beggars!

The yard stinks all day long, who can stand it?

When she thought about the fact that her cousin's future daughter-in-law had no dowry, Mrs. Sun was almost unwilling to stay in the main city for a moment, so she persuaded the Sun family master to leave the main city that night.

"Master, Che'er has really grown up now. Not only can he decide on his own wife, but even the big and small matters in the house no longer go through us. If you ask me, let's go back. Save the trouble. Adding trouble to Che'er here."

The master of the Sun family frowned, "Che'er's wedding will be in a few days. How can there be any reason for the elders to be absent?"

After hearing this, Madam Sun's wife burst into tears, "Of course I know it's not etiquette, but I also saw it in the Hua family that day. The Hua family doesn't look down on us at all. If that's the case, why should we give Che'er a shame?"

It's true that Mr. Sun is a gambler, but he doesn't want to affect his son's reputation because of himself. Sun Che has supported his family over the years. How could he not know that even if he is not grateful? Touching.

Now that I think carefully about Mrs. Sun's words, Mr. Sun feels that he is just a gambler, and he is really not worthy of being a gentleman. "It's hard for you to think so carefully. In that case, I'll just listen to you."

Mrs. Sun's wife suppressed the secret joy in her heart. She didn't even notify Sun Che that night, but the couple returned the house.

By the time Sun Che found out about this, both the Sun family and his wife had already left the main city.

Sun Che didn't care about these worldly things, but he thought that since he married Hua Yuelian, he couldn't wrong her, so he went to the door in person that day to inform the two elders of the Hua family about the matter.

The second elder of the Hua family never thought that his in-laws could even do such inhuman things. But since he has left, what can he do even if he is forced to stay? I am afraid that both families will be unhappy in the end.

After Hua Yuelian heard this, she smiled and said, "I am marrying you, not your parents. If the old man wants to leave, just leave."

People no longer dislike her as an abandoned woman, so why does she have to force her parents to accept her?

Sun Che's eyes were red, and he knelt down in front of the two elders of the Hua family, "Please rest assured, father-in-law and mother-in-law, I, Sun Che, will live up to Hua Yue's pity in this life. If I violate my oath, I will be struck with five thunderbolts from heaven!"

Tao Yuxian and Hua Yaoting looked at each other and could only nod.

As long as my daughter can think openly, that is better than anything else.

 “Old Master, Old Madam, it’s not good!” Nanny Xu walked in panting.

  Originally, she went to pick up a wedding dress for her young lady today, but she heard that all the people in the city were talking about the departure of the two elders of the Sun family, so that now the people in the main city knew about it.

How unpleasant the rumors in the city are nowadays, she has no shame to imitate them. Tao Yuxian frowned and looked at his daughter again worriedly, "Yue Lian, you..."

Huayue Lian never thought that her parents would be so worried about her marriage. She felt guilty and said frankly, "My father and mother are so worried about my daughter. My daughter has gone through so much and has long since looked away. It's just a rumor, so what?" Afraid?"

Hua Yaoting nodded happily, "Okay! As expected of my Hua family."

 The two elders of the Hua family have always been open-minded and have never taken the so-called rumors to heart.

 The more they behaved like this, the more guilty Sun Che felt.

Sun Che stayed at Hua's house the whole day, hoping to dispel those rumors with his actions.

Tomorrow is the big day. Where is the groom’s official at his parents’ house to accompany the bride? Everyone in the Hua family was very heart-warmed by Sun Che's actions, but the rumors outside did not subside because of this.

Fan Qingyao was sitting in his small yard, holding Pang Chengqiu's Ta Xue in his arms, looking at Ning Han in front of him who looked extremely angry, his dark eyes as dark as water.

"Miss, there are rumors out there that our Hua family is bullying others, and that the Sun family didn't agree to this marriage at all. They were afraid of the power of our Hua family, so they had no choice but to agree, and even kept Mr. Sun in our house. It's all said that our Hua family forced Mr. Sun to stay." Ning Han was so angry that her wife had such a miserable life.

Fan Qingyao narrowed his eyes slightly and gently stroked Ta Xue's soft and slippery fur.

 No matter how the Sun family's wife is nothing, she is still Sun Che's stepmother, so she originally thought that as long as she drives him away, other things will fall into place.

 In the end, I didn’t expect Mrs. Sun’s family to be so ignorant.

 “Go and call Fan Zhao.”

Ninghan nodded, turned around and ran away.

 Not long after, Fan Zhao entered the door.


"Tomorrow, you and your mother will accompany your mother to the governor's mansion. There is no need to go in. Just stay on guard outside and don't let Mrs. Sun's wife sneak in."

Ninghan was stunned, "What do you mean, Miss... Mrs. Sun's wife didn't leave at all?"

“If he really left, why would there be so many rumors in the main city?”

Fan Qingyao's whole body gradually became colder, and even his hands began to feel cold.

Since Mrs. Sun’s face is brave, she will not be polite when slapped in the face.

As soon as Fan Zhao left, Ningtian came back.

Fan Qingyao looked at the dirty Ningtian and whispered, "You don't need to go to the governor's house tonight."

Ningtian nodded and then said, "But do you need me to drive away all the beggars in the governor's mansion?"

Fan Qingyao shook his head.

Recruiting those beggars to the governor's mansion was not just about driving away Mrs. Sun's wife.

Ta Xue seemed to think that her master was cold, so she took the initiative to make a ball of hair, and rolled the hands that were touching her body together under her body to keep warm.

"Miss, we have guests here." Nanny Xu smiled and hurried in.

Fan Qingyao raised his head in confusion, only to see two figures that he had not seen for a long time enter the door.

 (End of this chapter)

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