The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 327: The Han family was compared to the vixen

Chapter 327 The Han family was defeated by the vixen

Fan Qingyao certainly didn’t know Xiao Hongfei’s inner anger and unhappiness.

Today was supposed to be the day for my mother to come home, but Temple Street was still busy.

The second oldest son of the Hua family was not bound by those rigid rules, and felt sorry for his daughter who had to rush back and forth after a busy day, so she simply took Fan Qingyao directly to the governor's mansion.

Sun Che was grateful for the open-mindedness of the two elders of the Hua family. Even though he was exhausted, he didn't even have time to change his clothes and stayed with him the whole time in the main hall.

After three rounds of drinking, Sun Che and his father-in-law became more and more speculative as they chatted.

Tao Yuxian waved his hand to his daughter beside him, "It's all boring things going on in court. You guys are bored just sitting here. You might as well take Xiao Qingyao for a walk in the yard."

How could Hua Yuelian not understand that this was her mother creating an opportunity for herself and her daughter to be alone together? She nodded gratefully before pulling Fan Qingyao out of the main hall.

 The night is getting darker in the yard, and the cool breeze is blowing.

The maid who was originally guarding the yard saw that Hua Yuelian was wearing thin clothes, so she quickly found a cloak and put it on her shoulders. For fear of disturbing Hua Yuelian's conversation with Fan Qingyao, she quickly retreated to a distance again. .

Fan Qingyao finally felt relieved when he saw the maids in the governor's mansion taking care of and respecting his mother.

Mrs. Gaoming is just an identity to the outside world. In the eyes of the mansion, especially in the eyes of servants like Sun Che, she is not worth mentioning. Fortunately, my mother's behavior in Temple Street has completely Having established his own prestige, of course, Sun Che must also love and respect his mother, otherwise these people in the governor's mansion would never have accepted his mother so quickly.

Seeing Fan Qingyao's eyes following the maid just now, Huayue Lian knew that her daughter was worrying about her again, and her heart felt painful and warm. She walked over and held her daughter's little hand, "Mother, you are going to have a good time now." That's fine, it's you, but have you considered your own affairs?"

After two years of observing filial piety, Fan Qingyao reached the age of haircut.

 Let’s settle the marriage now, and we’ll get married in two years’ time.

Fan Qingyao did not avoid anything, "Mom, are you talking about Xiao Hongfei?"

Hua Yuelian nodded, "Princess Heshuo County told me that the child's character is excellent, and he is the nephew of Princess Heshuo County. If we look for it alone, we will never find such a good person again." People.”

Fan Qingyao said calmly and seriously, "My daughter naturally believes in her adoptive mother's vision, but the Hua family is not yet completely stable. My daughter doesn't want to think about life-long events so soon. I also ask my mother not to mention this matter again, so as not to It’s what delayed Xiao Hongfei’s future.”

Huayue Lian never thought that her daughter would answer so decisively, "You are not going to think about it again?"

Fan Qingyao smiled and shook his head, "My mother also said there are still two years left, so there is no rush."

  That is to say, but it is related to the daughter's future happiness. How can a mother not be in a hurry?


"In that case, I will personally write a letter to the Princess of Heshuo County tomorrow to refuse." Hua Yuelian was also helpless. Xiliang has always relied on the orders of her parents and the words of matchmakers, but Hua Yuelian knew that her Yue Yaer was a steady and determined person. Once she decided on something, others could not change it no matter what.

Fan Qingyao smiled and leaned on her mother's shoulder, "I know that my mother loves me the most."

Hua Yuelian stretched out her hand and tapped the tip of her nose as if she was out of breath, "If you can find a husband who is as good as Xiao Hongfei in the future, my mother will be satisfied."

  That handsome face suddenly appeared in Fan Qingyao's mind.

Baili Fengming’s family status…

 She should be someone who will not disappoint her mother.

Huayue Lian couldn't control her daughter, so she wrote a letter to Princess Heshuo in person that night.

The Princess of Heshuo County was worried about how to tell Hua Yuelian, but she received Hua Yuelian's letter. Thinking of her own prince's instructions, she simply brushed it off and never talked about it again.

As for Mrs. Xiao's side, the Princess of Heshuo County knew her face-saving character very well, and was afraid that Hua Yuelian's self-esteem would be hurt when she heard about this incident, so she just wanted to wait for a suitable reason to shirk it.

As a result, Mrs. Xiao, who was still kept in the dark, turned gray with worry in order to free her son from Fan Qingyao's entanglement. Even when she got together with other official wives a few days later, she had a sad look on her face.

 In the private room of Hongfu Building. The ladies of the official family who had not seen each other for a long time were chatting enthusiastically, but Mrs. Xiao's face was extremely dark.

Although Mrs. Xiao's status is the lowest compared to the ladies present, she is very popular with the officials' wives because of her ability to get things done and her ability to maintain relationships.

 Now looking at Mrs. Xiao's face, which has always been eloquent, everyone is very curious.

"What happened to Mrs. Xiao today? But what trouble did she encounter?" The first person to speak was Mrs. Han, the wife of Sichuan Governor Han Yao.

Mrs. Xiao didn’t want to talk about her family’s affairs at first, but then she thought that the Han family happened to have a daughter about the same age as her son, didn’t she?

"Mrs. Han doesn't know that my son will soon reach the age of proposing marriage. Originally, I planned to shamelessly go to the Han Mansion to propose marriage. Even if Mrs. Han rejects it, it will be an honor for my Xiao family, but my son is not living up to expectations. But he refused directly, don’t you think it’s annoying?”

After hearing this, Mrs. Han's face darkened, "I didn't expect Mr. Xiao's vision to be so high."

Mrs. Xiao didn't seem to notice Mrs. Han's displeasure, but said sincerely, "You said no, Miss Han is both talented and beautiful. Everyone in the main city knows who doesn't know, and that son of mine is really... Later I I inquired carefully and found out that I was fascinated by a vixen."

Hearing this, several ladies around him showed curiosity.

Mrs. Xiao would not throw out the word Fan Qingyao by name. She just looked at Mrs. Han and said with pity, "I don't know when my stupid son will be able to think clearly about the Han family." The young lady is even qualified to be the prince's concubine. If he can marry the young lady of the Han family, it will be a blessing to the ancestral graves of our Xiao family! As a result, he will be obsessed with that vixen all day long, alas..."

If we just talk about being well-matched, the Xiao family really cannot be compared with the Han family.

 It’s just that the Han family is not as good as other mansions, and they have never thought of selling their daughter for glory. Mrs. Han even thinks that her daughter’s happiness is more important than anything else.

Now listening to Mrs. Xiao's words, Mrs. Han is also worried.

Although the Han family has never submitted their daughter's post to the palace so far, if her daughter does not get married, she will be a candidate for the prince's concubine. However, their daughter's free and easy temperament...

Even if you enter the royal gate, you will still be restrained.

Looking at Mrs. Xiao next to her, Mrs. Han simply said, "If the Xiao family is really serious about it, I will go back and talk to my daughter about this matter. As long as she is willing to nod, this kiss for our Han family will be a sign of friendship with the Xiao family." Done."

  After much thought, Mrs. Han always felt that her daughter would be free from restraint and bullying if she married someone with a low threshold.

 Furthermore, how could the daughter of her Han family be compared to a vixen?

Hearing this, Mrs. Xiao's heart almost burst with joy, "The Han family can rest assured, as long as your daughter marries into our Xiao family, my son and I will hold it in our hands for the rest of our lives."

 The current Hua family cannot compare with the Han family.

 So as long as the Han family confirms the marriage, let's see how Fan Qingyao continues to confuse her son.

 The ladies sat for a while, then got up and dispersed.

Mrs. Xiao personally escorted Mrs. Han to the carriage, and waited until the Han family's carriage had gone far before she put away the smile on her face.

 Suddenly, a somewhat familiar figure passed by Mrs. Xiao's side.

Mrs. Xiao frowned and thought for a long time before her eyes lit up.

Isn’t this the fourth lady of the Hua family?


 What is an unmarried girl doing in a restaurant in broad daylight?

Mrs. Xiao watched Tianyu go up to the second floor, and quickly and quietly followed her.

 (End of this chapter)

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