Chapter 328: Framing and frame-up

Tianyu didn’t know that he was being followed.

Coming to the last private room on the second floor, he opened the door and saw Ji Yuze leaning on a mahogany armchair.

Hearing the sound, Ji Yuze followed the sound. When he saw Tianyu, he tilted his head and smiled, looking like a slutty young man.

 Tianyu's heart skipped a beat for no reason, "Why are you looking for me?"

Ji Yuze had recently heard about the feat of the governor's wife personally leading people on Temple Street. Now seeing Tianyu's wrinkled clothes and messy hair, he knew that she must have helped.

He looked at the sky outside again and saw that it was already past noon. Ji Yuze simply ignored Tianyu and let the waiter come in to order some dishes. After the waiter stepped back, he pointed to the chair opposite him. "Sit down, it's not too late to talk while we eat."

Tianyu frowned, "..."

How big of a deal is it for you to talk about it while eating?

Just as the waiter kept bringing exquisite meals into the room, Tianyu's stomach began to growl unsatisfactorily.

 She is really hungry.

But looking at Ji Yuze, her heart was beating wildly.

Seeing that Tianyu was still frozen in place, Ji Yuze had no choice but to say, "I wonder if the fourth lady of the Hua family would be willing to have a meal with me and talk about things?"

Tianyu originally wanted to refuse, but looking at Ji Yuze's pleading eyes, the words that came to his lips were not uttered.

Ji Yuze looked at Tianyu who was finally willing to sit across from him and picked up the chopsticks, and unconsciously showed a smile that even he had not noticed.

When he first met the Hua family girl, he was surprised by Fan Qingyao's calmness and ability.

It's just that he has always only admired such a woman. If she was at ease, she would be more comfortable with the Tianyu in front of her.

Just like now, watching Tianyu gulp down his meal, even he himself was aroused to have an appetite.

 Half a while later, when Tianyu swallowed the last mouthful of rice, Ji Yuze handed something in front of Tianyu's eyes.

Tianyu stared at the thing for a long time, and then said in surprise, "Why is my jade pendant here with you?"

This is the jade pendant that her father gave her to keep her safe. God knows how long she has been secretly looking for this jade pendant.

Ji Yuze smiled and said, "Then you left it in a hurry and left it in the inn."

 “What day?”

“That’s the day when you’re afraid that I’ll let myself down and lose my mind.”

 Tianlu, “…”

 Actually, you don’t need to explain it so clearly.

Ji Yuze saw that Tianyu didn't move, so he sent the jade pendant in his hand forward again, "No?"

Tianyu hurriedly reached out to pick it up. Unexpectedly, when he took the jade pendant, his fingertips touched Ji Yuze's hand. When he felt his warmth transfer to his body along his fingertips, Tianyu jumped in shock. got up.

 “Then, what, I, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first.”

He said nothing and almost ran away without looking back.

Ji Yuze looked at someone's back like a jumping rabbit, and smiled with his lips curled up.

 I stood up and wanted to go out to see him off, but sat back down when he just stood up.

In order to prevent others from finding out about his relationship with the prince, he hangs out with the dandies all day long and does not care about such things as reputation. But Tianyu is different. After all, she is still an unmarried girl.

Tianyu held the jade pendant and went downstairs with a blushing heart. Just when he was passing by the hall, he suddenly saw a strange man walking towards him. Tianyu had no time to dodge, so he had to bump into the man. ‘Click! ’ The jade pendant in his hand fell to the ground.

Tianyu hurriedly bent down to pick up the jade pendant, but the man picked it up first.

The man took the jade pendant in his hand and looked at it carefully. Suddenly he pointed at Tianyu and shouted, "Little thief!"

Tianyu was stunned, and after a long while, he reached out and grabbed the jade pendant again, "Nonsense! Give me back my jade pendant!"

But the man raised the jade pendant in the air, and then said in surprise, "You are a young girl, why are you talking nonsense? I just saw the young master of the Ji family entering this restaurant with my own eyes. He was wearing a formal jade pendant around his waist." It’s this jade pendant!”

Tianyu's face turned pale instantly.

Seeing Tianyu's guilty look, the man said firmly, "Sure enough, you stole the jade pendant of the young master of the Ji family! Let's go! Follow me to see the official now!"

The noisy sound in the hall has attracted the attention of many diners. In addition, the man spoke loudly, and even the people on the street looked inside curiously.

Ji Yuze is quite famous in the main city. Not only is he the only son of the judge of the Taiyuan Hospital, he is also the head of the main city's dandy. In addition, because of his extraordinary appearance, he is favored by many young ladies from wealthy families.

If it weren't for the fact that Ji Yuze's age was comparable to that of the princes in the palace who were of the right age to be crowned, the ladies in the city were all working hard to deliver the notices to the palace, and those who came to the Ji family to propose marriage would have already crossed the threshold.

As soon as Tianyu heard that he was going to see an official, he was completely panicked and quickly explained, "No, this is my jade pendant. The young master of the Ji family picked it up and gave it back to me."

After hearing this, the man could not help but look at Tianyu curiously. After a long while, he sneered and said, "Who in the main city doesn't know that the Ji family is not short of money. If I really see this jade pendant of yours on the ground, don't I said I picked it up, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t even look at it twice.”

As the man spoke, he looked at Tianyu again, and then seemed to have realized something, and sarcastically said, "In my opinion, it's just that you deliberately stole the jade pendant of the young master of the Ji family, and then tried to talk to the young master of the Ji family. Unclear relationship! Whose family are you from? How can you be so shameless?"

Tianyu looked towards the second floor behind her. She knew that Ji Yuze was there. As long as she pulled Ji Yuze out now, all misunderstandings would be resolved.

Facing the disgusted and frivolous looks of the people around him, Tianyu stopped moving his feet.

Grandpa often said that the Hua family members stand upright and do things for everyone.

Now she accidentally dropped the jade pendant. If Ji Yuze is also criticized by the people for this, wouldn't she be adding to her crime?

In the crowd outside the restaurant, Mrs. Xiao's wife saw Tianyu stop again, feeling extremely disappointed.

Originally, she was thinking about how to let the people see clearly the true face of this shameless couple after Ji Yuze was found out, but she never thought that the fourth lady of the Hua family was a tough talker.

 In this case…

Mrs. Xiao pretended to be surprised and commented with the people around her, "Why is this woman so similar to the fourth lady of the Hua family?"

Almost at the same time, the people at the door suddenly came to their senses.

I looked at Tianyu carefully again, but no, this is the fourth young lady of the Hua family!

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really didn’t expect that the Hua family would have such a shameful little daughter?”

"Don't talk nonsense. The youngest daughter of the Hua family is now the head of the county. How can we make irresponsible remarks?"

"It is precisely because of the county master that we have to set an example even more. Being so frivolous at such a young age has simply brought the Hua family to shame!"

 Those who said these words were all the people surrounding Mrs. Xiao’s family at this moment.

The other people at the door, listening to the incessant insults, felt that these words seemed to be too harsh, but now that everyone had stolen the goods, they felt that it was too much, but they didn't know what to do. Rescue the fourth lady of the Hua family.

Mrs. Xiao proudly looked at Tianyu's little face, which was as thin as gold paper amidst the endless scoldings, and finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Xiliang is not a country with open folk customs. If a daughter is tainted, the other unmarried daughters in the mansion will not have to think about remarrying. In other words, no one dares to have a daughter with a bad reputation even if it is a bribe.

In this way, even if her son doesn't give up on Fan Qingyao, he will give up.

 (End of this chapter)

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