Chapter 348: Caught off guard, overwhelmed

 Pulling big gulps of breath into his mouth, Fan Qingyao finally gradually regained consciousness.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and what he saw was the handsome face in his memory.

 Baili Fengming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Fan Qingyao waking up. He slightly raised the corners of his lips, hugged her tightly with one arm, and freed up his other hand to push back the dark hair that was scattered in front of her.

By the time the person in front of him became clearer, Fan Qingyao's eyes were already sour and hot.

 I have long noticed that something is wrong with the small building in the center of the lake.

 Sure enough…

Today’s banquet was full of temptations for that person.

I'm afraid that there are not only Baili Fengming in that small building, but also other princes of the right age.

That person gathered these princes here not to let them choose a suitable prince and concubine, but to let them monitor each other and find out what each other was thinking.

 No wonder Baili Fengming said that day that he might not have time to take care of her today.

 It turned out that he had already figured out that that person had hidden such thoughts.

 But if so, he still appeared in front of her.

How could he not know what the consequences would be if that person found out that he cared about him, as the city was as deep as the sea?

 But he still found her regardless.

 Baili Fengming looked at the burning in Fan Qingyao's eyes and gently curled his lips.

 He wants that chair.

But she didn't know that the reason why he wanted to sit on it was precisely to hold her in his arms as tightly as he did now.

 A large number of guards have arrived at the palace and jumped into the lake to save people.

 Baili Fengming knew that he could not delay any longer, so he reluctantly kissed her lips again, and then he lifted her to the water with force.


As soon as Fan Qingyao came out of the water, the violent influx of air made her stop coughing violently.

It was Han Jingchen, who was being dragged to the shore by the guards, who saw this scene and burst into tears of excitement, "Qingyao! Fan Qingyao! Hurry up and save people! I didn't see Princess Qingping still there. What!”

The guards who were still looking for their masters soon discovered Fan Qingyao's presence and hurriedly helped Fan Qingyao swim towards the shore.

By the time Fan Qingyao climbed ashore, everyone had been rescued.

The weather in late autumn was already chilly, and now that everyone fell into the water, everyone was shivering from the cold.

It's just that at this moment, the palace people couldn't care about all the official ladies. Even the official ladies just hugged their shoulders and didn't dare to speak. After all, the emperor who also fell into the water was still sitting not far away.

 At this time, Emperor Xiaochang was surrounded by people.

 There were the princes who jumped into the lake, Queen Zhenxi and the concubines of various palaces, and there were countless palaces and guards...

At this moment, Emperor Yongchang ignored the people around him and just held the hand of a palace maid tightly.

The palace maid looked young, and her hair was scattered around her face, making her appearance unclear.

Fan Qingyao looked at this scene with confusion, trying to remember what he had missed.

Han Jingchen came over and hugged Fan Qingyao to keep warm together. Looking at the scene not far away, she said softly, "That palace maid is really lucky. I heard that she was serving in a small building. She happened to see the emperor fall into the water, so she She jumped into the lake regardless of her own safety, and she really saved the emperor. "

Fan Qingyao followed the sound and looked sideways, silently without speaking.

Han Jingchen thought that Fan Qingyao was too young to understand this, so she tried with her mouth, "In front of the Queen and all the concubines, the Emperor actually grabbed the hand of a palace maid... What else could it mean? "

 Yeah, the implication shouldn’t be too obvious.

Empress Zhen Xi was accompanying the emperor. She looked at the hands of the emperor and the maid clasped together with a gloomy expression. She looked up and saw that Fan Qingyao had been rescued ashore, and she was relieved.

Everyone was rescued, but there was no joy in escaping from death, because right in front of them stood a group of young and energetic princes.

Women care about image. Especially when facing their future husband, they expect themselves to be dazzling. But looking at their drowned appearance now, they don’t even dare to raise their heads to see anyone. "Has any of you seen the emperor brother?" The fifth prince Baili Lingyu looked for him in the crowd regardless of his wet clothes.

 The other princes shook their heads in confusion.

 They were only focused on rescuing people, so where did they have time to pay attention to other things?

The **** who was looking after Xiaozhu thought about it carefully and said, "I just saw that His Highness the Prince also jumped into the lake."

Fifth Prince Baili Lingyu's expression suddenly changed, "Why didn't you stop me?"

 The prince does not know the nature of water, but everyone in the palace knows that.

The **** was so frightened that he knelt on the ground on the spot, "My servant stopped me, but His Highness the Crown Prince said that the Emperor fell into the water, so..."

Before the **** could finish speaking, the fifth prince Baili Lingyu had already plunged into the lake again.

Emperor Yongchang's complexion has not yet recovered, but his ears are very good. Hearing that the prince even ignored his own understanding of water properties in order to save him, he immediately ordered, "Come here! Go down and search for the prince!"

In order to show their brotherly love in front of their father, the other princes ignored the biting lake water and hurriedly went down to look for someone.

Fan Qingyao leaned into Han Jingchen's arms and shook violently.

She knew that Baili Fengming knew the nature of water, otherwise how could he push her ashore.

But since everyone didn’t know that the prince knew how to swim, if Baili Fengming wanted to explain why he didn’t appear at the emperor’s side just now, he could only pretend to be drowning...


As soon as the thoughts in his mind came to an end, he saw the fifth prince carrying Baili Fengming out of the lake.

 In the cold wind, Baili Fengming's handsome face had already turned white without any trace of blood.

Against the background of the turquoise lake water, the whole face seems to be white and transparent.

The emperor is suspicious by nature. If Baili Fengming wants to fake it, he must really drown.

Fan Qingyao's heart tightened, and unspeakable pain spread throughout his body.

If he had just pretended to save the emperor, even if he drowned, he would have been rescued by the palace staff in time.

 But he dived under the water and lifted her up, but he would rather continue to soak in the cold and biting lake water...

What if the fifth prince hadn’t discovered it, or if he had discovered it later?

Fan Qingyao was both distressed and angry.

Why does this man do this!

Although Empress Zhen Xi knew that Baili Fengming knew water, she was anxious now when she saw the bloodless face, "Send the prince to Fengyi Palace quickly! Where is the imperial doctor! Send the imperial doctor to him quickly!"

Emperor Yongchang told Bai Tu beside him, "Go and call Ji Hongliao over."

Bai Tu nodded and hurried away with the fifth prince who was carrying the prince on his back.

Concubine Yu looked at Baili Fengming who had gained the emperor's attention. She was filled with hatred, but she said with the overall situation in mind, "There are too many people who fell into the water. The sisters in each palace can go back and change their clothes, but it's hard." These ladies outside the palace, please..."

"Sister Yu is right. Please allow the emperor to let these girls go to Fengyi Palace first. At least change their clothes and drink a cup of hot tea. Otherwise, they may get sick from the cold."

Before Concubine Yu could finish her words, the queen took over the words.

Emperor Yongchang no longer cared about anything else. He nodded and said, "Just do as the Queen said."

Concubine Yu was so angry that her heart beat fast and her whole body became even colder.

 Empress Zhen Xi seemed not to notice the anger gushing from Concubine Yu's eyes, and quickly asked the palace attendants to get up and lead the way.

Don't think that she doesn't know about the calculations in Concubine Yu's heart. If you want to do something in front of her, you have to see if she gives you the chance.

Fan Qingyao secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he was going to Fengyi Palace.

 (End of this chapter)

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