Chapter 349 What comes next is the most exciting part

With the help of Han Jingchen, Fan Qingyao stood up, and the two of them left the palace leaning on each other.

At Fengyi Palace, Lily had already received the news in advance. When the official ladies walked into Fengyi Palace one after another, there were already maids waiting in the courtyard.

Even though they are just changing their clothes, the ladies from various official families are very ambitious and do not want to be in the same room with people who are not as powerful as their own family.

 Fortunately, the palace ladies had been informed in advance that the rooms would be allocated according to the family status of the official ladies. Han Jingchen was the first to be assigned to the room at the front.

Lily walked to Fan Qingyao and said, "Princess Qingping, please come with me."

Fan Qingyao made a gesture on his face and said, "I'm sorry to trouble my aunt."

Lily also pretended to be indifferent, nodded and turned around to lead the way.

Fan Qingyao followed Lily and bypassed the side hall and went directly into the Queen's chamber.

Ji Hongliao has arrived and is diagnosing the pulse of Baili Fengming on the bed.

Fan Qingyao had confidence in his master's medical skills, and the way his clothes were sticking to his body was unsightly. He nodded silently to his master and then followed Lily in to change his clothes.

Seeing that there was no one around anymore, Lily said, "I heard that everyone fell into the water, which frightened the slaves. Fortunately, Princess Qingping, His Highness, and the empress are all safe."

Fan Qingyao nodded and said, "I'm sorry to bother my aunt."

There was another noise outside, and Lily knew that it must be the Queen's Empress who had also returned. Knowing that now was not the time to chat, she hurried out while Fan Qingyao was changing his clothes and evacuated everyone in the palace.

When Fan Qingyao changed his clothes and came out, Queen Zhen Xi also changed her clothes.

Baili Fengming had also woken up and was talking to Queen Zhenxi.

 Neither of them looks very good-looking.

Fan Qingyao certainly knew that there were too many doubts about this fall into the water.

Queen Zhen Xi stared at her son's slightly pale face and asked, "What do you think about this?"

 Baili Fengming's dark eyes became even more profound, "I'm afraid my father's side will be lively again."

Fan Qingyao walked over and happened to hear the conversation between Queen Zhenxi and Baili Fengming.

Empress Zhen Xi took Fan Qingyao's hand and sat on the chair together, and continued talking to Baili Fengming. There was nothing to avoid suspicion in her own family.

It was at this time that Fan Qingyao learned that the maid holding the emperor's hand was the one who saved the emperor in times of crisis.

 When people are in times of crisis, they are always full of emotions towards those who lend a helping hand.

Especially since the other party is a beautiful woman.

Seeing Fan Qingyao's serious face, Queen Zhen Xi comforted her softly, "There are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, little Qingyao, just say it."

One is his future husband, and the other is his future mother-in-law who has always loved him. Fan Qingyao will not care about it, "Everyone falling into the water is already a mess. Not only did the palace maid happen to see everyone falling into the water, but she was also able to learn from all the people falling into the water." It’s quite a coincidence that people swam to the emperor’s side all of a sudden.”

Empress Zhen Xi’s eyes showed a hint of coldness, “What a coincidence, especially since she is from this palace.”

Fan Qingyao was stunned when he heard this.

 Those who can enter Fengyi Palace as palace maids must undergo strict screening and training.

 Those who can remember the Queen's face must be those who often serve the Queen.

 Such a person should be killed even if he is not a confidant.

"I have discovered that something is not right with Yunying these days, but I didn't expect that he was hiding such a thought. After all, I am too kind and soft-hearted, and I actually let such a rip-off thing appear around me. "Fan Qingyao took the initiative to hold the queen's cold hand, "The human heart is the most uncontrollable thing. Now that it has left, the queen should not worry anymore. "

Queen Zhen Xi nodded slightly, "Yes, it's time for me to think carefully about how to fight back."

 She is just a palace maid. No matter how much she wants to climb a high branch, she cannot reach the emperor's side.

 Moreover, everyone fell into the water today.

If the real culprit is found out, even the nine clans who killed the palace maid will not be able to deal with it.

I'm afraid this matter has something to do with Yue Yu Palace.

 Only the mother and son could do such a ruthless and life-threatening act.

Fan Qingyao looked at the cold look on the Queen's eyebrows and considered, "If it is really as the Queen thinks, it will be a loss that outweighs the gain."

 There are many ways to send people to the emperor, but this method is the stupidest nowadays.

Besides, once the emperor really has some shortcomings, what benefits can Concubine Yu get?

 Baili Fengming understood Fan Qingyao's thoughts, "I'm afraid the drunkard doesn't care about drinking."

After being reminded like this, Empress Zhen Xi couldn't help but sigh, "I'm afraid there are more exciting shows waiting for us later. Feng Ming, I have already told the Jiyuan Judgment to declare that he is comatose and needs to be sent to the hospital. I went to the East Palace to recuperate, but Xiao Qingyao..."

Empress Zhen Xi held the little hand that had been warming hers and said, "You must be extremely careful. Concubine Yu is acting very unusually today. If the falling into the water is really just a trigger, then the next step must be extremely dangerous."

Fan Qingyao warmly felt the Queen's concern, "Don't worry, Queen, I will do it."

The Queen's indifference today may seem indifferent to others, but only she knows that the Queen cares about her and even wants to bring her and Baili Fengming together.

 In the last life, she took her heart and gave it to Yue Yu Palace, but she couldn't get Concubine Yu to show any sympathy.

 Sure enough, people cannot be compared with each other.

 Some people are born selfish and vicious.

"Ji Yuan has ordered people to make **** soup. You and your mother will have a bowl of it later to warm you up before going out." Baili Fengming's heart ached violently just thinking about the thrilling experience when he just fell into the water.

Fan Qingyao smiled and nodded, "Okay, but you have to be careful with your body. Although the injury last time has healed, it is still not cold. When I go back, I will personally prepare the medicine for Texue to take to the palace. "

 Baili Fengming softly raised her lips, "Okay."

Empress Zhen Xi didn’t expect that the trip to Xianbei would enhance her relationship so much. Seeing the tacit understanding and naturalness between her son and Xiao Qingyao, she was really happy from the bottom of her heart.

“I am relieved to see how well you guys are doing. Today is not a peaceful day. Let’s grit our teeth and get through it. Good times are still waiting for us. I just hope that the Princess of Heshuo County will be safe as well.”

Facing Queen Zhen Xi’s sudden words, Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming were both stunned.

Empress Zhen Xi sighed in realization, "I was so busy that I forgot about it. Just when we were swimming in the lake, someone from outside the palace came to tell us that the princess of Heshuo County had given birth prematurely. The emperor had already ordered Dr. Li to leave the palace. "

Physician Li had taken care of Queen Zhen Xi's health for a period of time, and Queen Zhen Xi was still trustworthy.

But the same words fell like thunder in Fan Qingyao's ears.

To be sure, she made a special trip to Heshuo County Prince's Mansion yesterday to check her adoptive mother's pulse in person.

 The pulse is too stable, the fetus is normal, and it is basically a full-term pulse.

 But now it’s just one night…

  Why is it that you were born prematurely!

 (End of this chapter)

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