The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 361: People just have to be forced to move forward.

Chapter 361 People have to be forced to move forward

 In the imperial study room.

Emperor Yongchang frowned tightly as he looked at the golden hairpin in front of him.

Had it not been for Prince Heshuo entering the palace, he would not have known why Princess Heshuo gave birth prematurely.

 In other words, it is not important why the Princess of Heshuo County gave birth prematurely.

 The important thing is that Concubine Yu actually participated in it!

 Otherwise, why would the person who came to gossip in front of Princess Heshuo be wearing Concubine Yu’s gold hairpin?

Of course Emperor Yongchang was not mistaken. This golden hairpin was the one he had given to Concubine Yu.

Prince Heshuo looked at the emperor's uncertain expression and knew that the emperor understood. He simply pretended to be confused and said, "Wei Chen remembers seeing Concubine Yu wearing this gold hairpin at the New Year's Eve banquet. He never thought that today would be like this." The golden hairpin appeared on Weichen's sister-in-law's head again. Weichen was worried that his sister-in-law had stolen Concubine Yu's gold hairpin, so he thought of surrendering to the emperor and begged the emperor to give him a lighter sentence. "

 Emperor Yongchang, “…”

Whose sister-in-law is so capable that she sneaks into the palace?

“I already know about this matter, Prince Heshuo, don’t worry, I will investigate it strictly.”

Prince Heshuo stopped talking and kowtowed again before exiting the imperial study.

Emperor Yongchang's face turned completely cold after Prince Heshuo left.

When the guard found out that Fan Qingyao's clothes were blue from Fengyi Palace, he knew there must be something fishy in it.

 It's just that he thought it was Fan Qingyao who did something.

But he didn’t expect that the person who really touched him was Concubine Yu!

First he found someone to irritate the Princess of Heshuo County, and then caused a boat capsizing incident. It can be said that he killed two birds with one stone!

Of course, Emperor Yongchang would not think that Concubine Yu really wanted to kill Fan Qingyao, nor would he think that Concubine Yu got rid of Princess Heshuo's child in order to turn Prince Heshuo against the prince.

Emperor Yongchang would only think that Concubine Yu wanted to adjust the relationship between Fan Qingyao and the Heshuo County Prince. In this way, if Fan Qingyao was really framed because of today's incident, Concubine Yu could pretend to lend a helping hand.

 The royal people are best at controlling people.

 When a person is in the most critical moment, he will naturally be grateful to those who lend a helping hand.

 Hence, Fan Qingyao will finally get on Concubine Yu’s boat with all his heart.

Emperor Yongchang, who thought he had figured everything out, naturally didn't realize it. In fact, all his ideas had already been led astray by the Queen's subtle influence.

Just at this moment, Bai Tu opened the door and walked in, "Your Majesty, the guards in front of the palace gate just sent word that General Hua Lao's wife has entered the palace. She is currently in Fengyi Palace asking to see the Queen."

Emperor Yongchang's heart skipped a beat, "What's the purpose of finding out?"

Bai Tu said ambiguously, "It seems to be because of the Xiao family."

That Xiao family...

 Isn’t it the brother’s family of Princess Heshuo County?

 It is also the sister-in-law’s house that Prince Heshuo just mentioned!

Emperor Yongchang signaled Bai Tu to be silent, stood up and left the imperial study room through the back door.

Bai Tu followed the emperor fearfully, and ended up walking to Fengyi Palace.

 When the palace people in the courtyard saw the emperor arriving, they all knelt on the ground in panic.

Emperor Yongchang waved to them and then quietly entered the palace.

 In the palace, Queen Zhenxi was sitting on a soft couch, and the old lady of the Hua family was also sitting peacefully on a stool.

 The people inside were chatting happily and did not notice the emperor entering the door at all.

Empress Zhen Xi's voice was heard first, "I heard that Xiao Shidu wants to propose marriage to Princess Qingping?"

Tao Yuxian said truthfully, "This is indeed the intention. However, Xiao Shidu's mother did not like the Hua family's family status, and even tried to slander the innocence of the Hua family's youngest daughters to make Xiao Shidu give up her love for Xiao Qingyao. Perseverance, fortunately the matter has been found out, otherwise, hey..."

Queen Zhen Xi frowned, "How could Mrs. Xiao be so vicious?"

"Mrs. Xiao is the wife of the brother of the princess of Heshuo County. Originally, my Hua family would have nodded and agreed to this marriage... If the truth of the matter had not been revealed, I would never have thought that Mrs. Xiao could do such a thing."

Emperor Yongchang was not surprised that Queen Zhenxi asked the old lady of the Hua family to enter the palace.

Everyone in the palace knew that Queen Zhen Xi looked down on Fan Qingyao. Now that Fan Qingyao was almost framed in the palace, the Queen came forward to invite the Hua family into the palace at this time to show that she was not the one who murdered Fan Qingyao. It makes sense.

In the palace, Queen Zhen Xi’s voice sounded again, “So, the Hua family has already intended to betroth Princess Qingping to another family?”

Tao Yuxian nodded, "A woman must always be perfect."

Empress Zhen Xi asked casually, "With Princess Qingping's current title, the Hua family has never thought of letting her marry the royal family?" Tao Yuxian, however, shook his head without hesitation, "Girls from the Hua family are not blessed. , there is no destiny to marry the royal family as a daughter-in-law, and Xiao Qingyao himself does not like the restraint of the royal family, especially after returning to the main city from his trip to Xianbei, he has firmed up his thoughts. "

 Empress Zhenxi did not speak any more.

 The dormitory gradually fell into silence.

Emperor Yongchang stood there for a long time, and when he saw that the queen really had no intention of speaking again, he quietly turned around and left with Bai Tu.

Waiting until Emperor Yongchang left Fengyi Palace, Lily, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, hurriedly entered the door and said, "To the Queen, the Emperor has left."

 Empress Zhen Xi waved her hand, everything was expected, there was nothing surprising.

Even though she no longer has feelings for the emperor, she still has the necessary understanding.

Looking at the old lady of the Hua family opposite again, Queen Zhen Xi said with a smile, "With the emperor's temperament, I am afraid that he will issue a decree to marry him soon. Although Xiao Qingyao is still observing filial piety, he is not old enough, but I want to wait for the royal family." It’s almost time to finish the process here.”

Tao Yuxian nodded slightly, "Let the Queen worry about it."

Queen Zhen Xi smiled faintly again, "I just hope that the prince and little Qingyao will be well."

Whether it is something that the emperor is afraid of or something that the emperor is unwilling to let go of, it is Fan Qingyao's ability.

At this time, Fan Qingyao's good intentions were no longer too obvious, but the emperor was still hesitant.

 If this is the case, Queen Zhenxi will give the emperor a strong dose of medicine.

She must let the emperor know that while the emperor was struggling, someone was already eyeing Fan Qingyao. If he continued to struggle, Fan Qingyao might marry someone else.

 The most important thing is!

 Neither Fan Qingyao nor the Hua family are interested in the royal family.

People, if there is no persecution, they will not know how to move forward.

In fact, Tao Yuxian had already noticed the Queen's intention when he heard the news of entering the palace.

 So before entering the palace, she had discussed it with her master.

Although the Hua family does not want to have anything to do with the royal family, since this path was chosen by Xiao Qingyao, they should support it. There is no reason for Xiao Qingyao to keep silently contributing to the Hua family, while the Hua family sits back and enjoys the benefits.

That is their granddaughter. If she wants to take this path, they will support her unconditionally.

Furthermore, Tao Yuxian could see that the queen really liked Xiao Qingyao. She had just heard that the queen told the prince about the prince's feelings for Xiao Qingyao, so she was relieved.

After chatting with the Queen for a while, Tao Yuxian got up and left Fengyi Palace.

As a result, as soon as I walked to the palace gate, I saw the Minister of Rites entering the palace in a hurry.

Zhou Chun had already heard that something happened in the palace, but what he couldn't figure out was that something happened in the palace. Why did the emperor call him, the Minister of Rites, to come?

 Before Zhou Chun, who was standing in the imperial study room, could figure it out, he was stunned by the emperor's imperial edict to confer marriage.


Who will His Royal Highness marry?

It’s just that regardless of whether Zhou Chun can figure it out or not, the emperor’s imperial edict has already been issued.

 In addition to immediately arranging the Ministry of Rites to start preparations, what else can Zhou Chun do?

As Zhou Chun walked out of the imperial study room with a confused look on his face, the news of the emperor's marriage quickly spread in the palace.

 Inside the side hall of Longyan Hall.

Concubine Yu just opened her eyes faintly, and she heard the news that the prince had been given a marriage.

Concubine Yu widened her eyes in shock, "Your Majesty, who did you marry the prince to?"

It was Baili Rongze who was accompanying Concubine Yu and almost gritted his teeth and said, "Princess Qingping, Fan Qingyao!"

 Concubine Yu, “…”

 It started to get dark again before my eyes.

 Baili Rongze looked at the weak and shocked look of his mother-in-law, and was too lazy to even say any more words of comfort.

Now that he was also struck by lightning, he was in pain and angry, and he couldn't take care of himself. How could he still be in the mood to say those tasteless words of comfort?

 He thought that not being able to marry Fan Qingyao would be the worst thing, but it turned out that not only was it impossible for him and Fan Qingyao, Fan Qingyao also became the crown princess in one fell swoop!

 It's just adding insult to injury.

  When he thought that after the wedding, he would often see Fan Qingyao and the prince as a couple at palace banquets, Baili Rongze felt a twinge of jealousy in his chest.

 (End of this chapter)

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