Chapter 362 Lord Qingping is getting married!

In the side hall, Concubine Yu and Baili Rongze were feeling anxious.

 A palace servant quietly handed Concubine Yu a note.

Concubine Yu opened it and saw that this time not only her eyes turned black, but her chest began to feel blocked again.

It turns out that Prince Heshuo just entered the palace and gave the golden hairpin she gave to Madam Xiao to the emperor!

Concubine Yu's face turned green with anger, "No wonder the emperor was so happy to grant the marriage. It turned out that the old woman from the Xiao family failed."

 She gave Mrs. Xiao the gold hairpin because she wanted Mrs. Xiao to work for her wholeheartedly.

 As a result, the golden hairpin actually appeared in the hands of Prince Heshuo!

Even if others didn’t recognize the golden hairpin, how could the emperor who personally rewarded it to her not know about it?

I'm afraid that the emperor has begun to doubt her now, and even thinks that she wants to use this to show favor to Fan Qingyao...

The more Concubine Yu thought about it, the more depressed and angry she became, "I didn't expect that he was such a stupid person. In the future, you should never have any contact with that Xiao Shidu."

 Baili Rongze looked at his mother-in-law with a look of impatience on his face, "I won't bother my mother-in-law to worry about my affairs from now on. I know how to deal with it myself."

If he hadn’t obeyed, how could he have watched Fan Qingyao fly into the bowl in the East Palace with his own eyes.

Concubine Yu's face became more and more ugly when her son contradicted her, and her voice became uncontrollably sharp, "Who are you trying to show off to? I have worked so hard to plan for you, but am I still trying to trick you?"

 Baili Rongze sneered, "Is the mother-in-law planning for me or herself?"

Concubine Yu was very angry when she heard this, "What do you mean by this?"

Baili Rongze had a dull expression on his face, "If we are really planning for her son, the queen is the one who really puts her son's future first. The mother-in-law also saw Fan Qingyao's ability, and she knew Fan Qingyao better." Perhaps she is a destined saint, but because she hates Fan Qingyao, others take advantage of her! "

Concubine Yu naturally did not expect that things would come to this point.

She didn't even expect that her son would really fall into the trap of that vixen Fan Qingyao.

Seeing that the son she had raised since childhood was going crazy because of Fan Qingyao, she also thought that in a short time Fan Qingyao would become a princess who could not even be pointed out by her...

I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my chest, and I fainted again.

 Baili Rongze was frightened this time and shouted heartbreakingly, "Mother Concubine! Where is the imperial doctor? Hurry up and call the imperial doctor!"

At the same time that the Longyan side hall was in chaos, the main city was completely blown up by the imperial edict granting a marriage.

 His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Princess Qingping?

How can this be!

These two people may not even be able to fight together.

 The main reason is that Princess Qingping’s family status is really incredible. Although both the Fan Mansion and the Hua Family are related, both the Fan Mansion and the Hua Family are now worse than before.

Furthermore, last time the Hua family had a scandal involving the assassination of the third prince by one of his subordinates, it stands to reason that the daughter of such a family would never be able to enter the residence of an imperial relative in her life, but Princess Qingping is just one step away. Entering the royal family that everyone dreams of.

 The prince's concubine.

Then she will be the queen from now on!

While the women were envious of Fan Qingyao flying up the branch, what the men saw was a different scene.

Especially the courtiers who were hesitating about the team now, they just felt that their eyes were suddenly enlightened.

 The prince used to have no sense of existence at all, but it is different now.

This Princess Qingping looks like her family is in decline, but in fact she has a pair of God-given hands.

The left hand turns stones into gold, and the right hand has superb medical skills.

  Even the military salaries in the army are now paid by Princess Qingping.

The emperor betrothed such a woman to the prince...

 As expected, the emperor cares more about the prince.

Now that the princes of the right age are occupying the throne, the struggle for power will become fierce after the wedding. The ministers who have been standing on the wall and watching for a long time sent surrender letters to the East Palace one after another under the banner of congratulating the prince on the marriage.

At the same time, Hua Yaoting and Tao Yuxian led everyone to receive the imperial edict with calm expressions.

Zhou Chun, the Minister of Rites, who came to deliver the order in person, walked up to Fan Qingyao and gave him a great gift, "I would like to congratulate Princess Qingping. From now on, whenever Princess Qingping speaks, I will do my best." Fan Qingyao said from Seeing Zhou Chun's intention to surrender, he told Ning Han to get some banknotes, "I'm sorry to bother Mr. Zhou to make this trip. If Mr. Zhou doesn't dislike it, I will definitely speak to Mr. Zhou more often."

 Having more friends is always better than having one person to worry about.

 Besides, Zhou Chun himself had no inextricable issues with her.

Zhou Chunduo was shrewd and immediately understood the meaning of these words, "If Princess Qingping has something to do, just ask."

I walked out of the Hua family's door with a smile on my face. I couldn't help but admire in my heart. Look at Princess Qingping's style. No wonder she can do great things and be worthy of being a princess...

He used to be in the company of villains because he really had a headache.

With Zhou Chun's departure, the mansion was full of congratulatory voices to Fan Qingyao.

Hua Yaoting and Tao Yuxian looked at each other, but they were very calm.

 What should come will always come.

But that’s fine, the Hua family is already a prince, and it is always better for our little Qingyao to be the prince’s concubine than others.

The bustle in front of the mansion in the western suburbs attracted many people passing by.

When everyone saw with their own eyes how polite and respectful the Minister of Rites was, almost delivering the imperial edict to Princess Qingping, the news that Princess Qingping was about to become the Crown Princess once again set off a climax in the city.

 The Crown Princess is the Crown Princess, and even the Minister of the dynasty must be held in her arms.

As the news about Princess Qingping's betrothal was bombarded one after another, those official ladies who were still waiting for the news of the betrothal in their boudoir were so shocked that their faces turned pale.

The person who has always been valued by the Queen is obviously Pan Yulu, why did she become Fan Qingyao?

As the person involved, Pan Yulu returned to the mansion and had already made plans in her mind to become the crown princess.

 The future has come, and the result is that she heard this?

Pan Yulu, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, couldn't bear it and fell ill on the bed.

 Concubine Pan De in the palace heard that her niece fell ill. She got up from the bed with a depressed heart, and came to Fengyi Palace with a dark face to ask for an audience with the Queen.

Queen Zhen Xi looked at Concubine Pan De, who looked like she was owed several million taels, with a calm expression on her face, "Is Concubine Pan De coming to me to ask questions?"

Concubine Pan De didn't dare to be so arrogant when facing the Queen, no matter how uncomfortable she felt, "The Queen is serious, I just can't understand why the Queen wants to harm Yulu like this. She wholeheartedly wants to serve His Highness the Crown Prince and fulfill her filial piety to the Queen." of…"

Empress Zhen Xi waved her hand and interrupted, "Concubine Pan De, I thought that you had clearly seen that your niece has a simple and reckless personality, and is not considerate in both words and actions. If someone with such a temperament marries into the royal family, what will happen to her? Whether you suffer a loss or enjoy a blessing, you should know it in your heart.”

Royal women are only superficially beautiful. How could Concubine Pan De, who is also a concubine, not understand this truth.

But Concubine Pan De did not give up, "Empress, I know that Yulu is not good enough, but I would like to ask the Empress to give Yulu another chance. I will definitely teach him well."

"If you are really good for your niece, you should choose a well-matched marriage for her. Concubine Pan, you must not only be self-aware but also have a conscience. The power of the Pan family may not be great, but there is no need to sacrifice a person to consolidate the family. The fate of an innocent woman’s life.”

 “But the Queen…”

"The prince's marriage is decided by the emperor. Instead of wasting time in this palace, Concubine Pan De would be better off asking the emperor directly."

 Empress Zhenxi directly issued an order to expel the guests.

 She deliberately used Pan Yulu as a cover that day, and she really carefully considered Pan Yulu's character.

 Because of this, she wanted to help Pan Yulu.

Not everyone can be a royal woman.

There are countless beautiful young women in the palace, but the one who stands last has nothing to do with their looks.

 It's just this truth that Pan Defei doesn't understand, let alone wants to understand.

However, Concubine Pan De did not have the guts to really go to the emperor to plead for mercy. Unexpectedly, just as Concubine Pan De walked out of Fengyi Palace, she saw Concubine Yu coming towards her.

Concubine Yu took the initiative and smiled, "I was just planning to chat with Concubine Pan De, but I didn't expect to meet her here."

Concubine Pan De, who had just received a lot of anger from the Queen, also wanted to find someone to complain to, so she simply said, "This is disturbing Concubine Yu."

 (End of this chapter)

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