Chapter 363 The Regent of Zhenyi Kingdom

 In Fengyi Palace, Lily informed the Queen about Concubine Yu and Concubine Pan De leaving together.

After hearing this, Queen Zhenxi sighed helplessly, "It's a pity for Pan Yulu's child."

 My temperament is a bit impatient, but the good thing is not bad.

Lily said softly, "The Queen is kind."

Empress Zhen Xi chuckled self-deprecatingly, "Kindness also depends on who you use it on. If Concubine Pan De is really a sensible person, I will give her face when Pan Yulu gets married in the future, but if she insists on standing On the opposite side of me, don’t blame me for being unkind.”

 Things like face are always given to those who deserve it.

“What’s going on over there at Fengming?” Queen Zhenxi asked.

Lily said truthfully, "Since the emperor granted the marriage, His Royal Highness has been in the East Palace and has not taken a step out."

 Empress Zhenxi nodded.

 Although marriage is given, you still have to do what you should do.

I just want to aggrieve Xiao Qingyao a little.

Lily said with some distress, "I just don't know if Princess Qingping can bear it next."

Queen Zhen Xi was relieved, "Xiao Qingyao can bear it."

 It’s just a pity…

 Not everyone has Xiao Qingyao’s abilities.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Fan Qingyao seems so precious.

Just three days after the news of the prince's marriage was released, the marriage decrees of other princes of suitable age also arrived one after another.

It's just that the marriage between the prince and Princess Qingping was so bombastic that it made the marriages of other princes seem ordinary.

The eldest prince, the second prince, the third prince, and the sixth prince were given marriages this time.

Unsurprisingly, the sixth prince’s concubine is still Han Jingchen.

What people didn’t expect was that Pan Yulu, who was supposed to be the crown princess, actually became the third prince’s concubine.

Fan Qingyao was in the Prince's Mansion of Heshuo County when he knew about this.

 Fan Qingyao was not surprised by this matter.

As the foster mother said, whether it was Pan Yulu's family status or the fact that Pan Yulu had the support of an aunt who was a concubine, Fan Xuening was incomparable.

Concubine Yu is the tallest among the nobles, so it is not Fan Xuening's turn to be the third prince's concubine.

 There was just one thing that puzzled Fan Qingyao.

How did Concubine Yu make Fan Xuening willingly watch Baili Rongze marry her?

Thinking about the stare I felt in Longyan Hall that day...

Fan Qingyao silently scanned everyone present in his mind.

 Suddenly, a strange figure flashed through my mind.

Fan Qingyao suddenly frowned.

 Could it be that it's not that Fan Xuening can't stop it, but that the current Fan Xuening can't stop it at all?

 If this is really the case, things will become more and more interesting. The Princess of Heshuo County had not yet given birth, and she was sitting bloated on the bed. "Concubine Yu is really very prudent, and she has taken over the Pan family so quickly."

Pan Yulu's father is the deputy envoy of the General Affairs Department, a fourth-rank official, and does not seem to be outstanding.

However, what the General Affairs Department does is deal with letters and visits from its own country and various alliance countries.

There are more than ten alliance countries that have close relations with Xiliang, and they include big countries with strong military and material resources.

The third prince seems to be just an ordinary prince now, but what if he gets the support of the Allied Powers in the future?

"When I heard about Gaozu, Gaozu was not an orthodox prince. It was precisely because Gaozu had the secret support of the Xiliang Alliance that he completely crushed the then prince, forcing the emperor to depose the prince and make Gaozu the new crown prince. "

 There is a lesson learned from the past. How can the Princess of Heshuo County not worry?

"My adoptive mother is still in her confinement, so don't worry too much. It's best to think more about the young prince." Fan Qingyao coaxed softly.

As expected, Concubine Yu smiled more when she thought of her son.


"No wonder when the county prince heard that I was going to be a matchmaker for you, he almost held a knife to stop me. Now that I think about it, I still blame myself for being so meddlesome. I almost ruined your marriage with His Highness the Crown Prince." Princess Heshuo County thought about herself. I feel so guilty about the stupid things I have done in the past.

Fan Qingyao held the hand of the princess of Heshuo County with soft eyes, "There is no need for the adoptive mother to feel guilty. I understand that the adoptive mother thinks about me. Moreover, the adoptive mother didn't know about it at all at the beginning. If you want to blame me, it's all because I didn't tell you in advance. The adoptive mother explained that the adoptive mother of the Xiao family must be careful in the future. "

Since Mrs. Xiao was working for Concubine Yu, Xiao Hongfei was probably standing behind Baili Rongze.

Princess Heshuo nodded, "Don't worry, my stepmother will understand."

 A little later, Prince Heshuo strode back to the mansion.

Seeing that Fan Qingyao happened to be there, he asked the kitchen to cook some delicious meals and left Fan Qingyao to have dinner with him.

During the dinner, King Heshuo was worried about the same thing as Princess Heshuo. They were both afraid that Concubine Yu would use the power of the Pan family to reach out to the alliance in Xiliang.

The most important thing is, "There seems to be news from the imperial side that people from the Zhenyi Kingdom will sail to Xiliang for the first time. Although the specific reason has not been found, it is known that the people coming to Xiliang this time will He is the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom."

Fan Qingyao has heard of the Zhenyi Kingdom.

This country has huge financial resources and amazing military power. The reason why it can reach an alliance with Xiliang is entirely because Xiliang is willing to provide Zhenyi with a large amount of medicinal materials every year.

To put it bluntly, although it is an alliance, in fact, Xiliang has been bowing its head to ensure peace in these years.

Prince Heshuo said again, "I heard that His Majesty the Zhenyi Kingdom passed away a year ago, and the only prince was too young and suffered from a serious illness and was unable to ascend the throne. Therefore, the government of the Zhenyi Kingdom is now in the hands of that regent. Take charge.”

The regent of the Zhenyi Kingdom is in power. If Baili Rongze really takes the opportunity to have a secret affair with the regent...

So whether the regent of Zhenyi State puts pressure on the emperor of Xiliang or secretly helps Baili Rongze, the threat is fatal to Baili Fengming.

Fan Qingyao still understands such a simple truth.

However, compared to his adoptive father's gloomy look, Fan Qingyao was thinking, "As the New Year approaches, the regent of Zhenyi Kingdom goes to Xiliang in person. He must have important matters. The third prince does have the general secretary." It's close to the water tower, but if the adoptive father finds out the purpose of Regent Zhenyi's coming here in advance, it may not be the third prince who gets the moon first. "

At that time, Zhenyi was able to form an alliance with Xiliang for medicinal materials, which is enough to show that Zhenyi was a country that maximized interests.

 The royal families of various countries teach their princes and princesses by words and deeds. Since His Majesty of the Zhenyi Kingdom was such a person in the past, then the regent who is now in charge of the government must also put interests first.

 Therefore, the way to win is to grasp the purpose of coming to Xiliang and strive to provide maximum help.

The Prince of Heshuo County was enlightened when he heard this, "It's my adoptive father who is confused. When I enter the palace tomorrow, my adoptive father will definitely find an opportunity to discuss this matter with the prince."

 (End of this chapter)

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