The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 364: A lot of words make gold, but accumulation of words makes a lot of money.

Chapter 364: Many people speak for themselves, but all they accumulate is destroyed.

 Speaking of the prince, Prince Heshuo felt uncomfortable.

Although he knew in his heart that the prince might have some last resort difficulties, after all, the emperor had already granted the marriage, and the prince had to go to the western suburbs mansion in person.

As a result, everyone in the main city now knows that his goddaughter is the crown prince, but there is no news from the crown prince.

Today, on the way back to the palace from the royal court, Prince Heshuo heard someone ridiculing his goddaughter for her unworthy virtue. I am afraid that such rumors will become more and more intense in the future.

 “Bang!” The dining table in front of me was suddenly slapped hard.

The dishes on the table were shaken so high that they flew up.

 Princess Heshuo County and Fan Qingyao were both shocked.

Prince Heshuo, however, glared with a pair of tiger eyes and said, "Don't worry, Xiao Qingyao, if the prince really treats you badly, even if he is the prince, your adoptive father will definitely seek justice for you!"

The Prince of Heshuo County believed in the prince's character. He was just afraid that Xiao Qingyao would not be able to withstand the public opinion in the city.

How could Fan Qingyao not see the comfort pills his adoptive father gave him? He smiled knowingly and even his limbs felt warm.

 Later, Fan Qingyao was personally seen off by Prince Heshuo, and got into a carriage to bid farewell to his adoptive father.

 Unexpectedly, as soon as she returned to her yard, she saw Texue holding Chiwu under her and ravaging him.

Chiwu and Taxue have both grown up a lot during this period, but no matter how long they grow, Taxue's temper of being brazen when he sees Chiwu has not changed much.

Chiwu, who was being pressed to the ground by Texue, searched for the smell and found Fan Qingyao. He struggled to crawl out from under Texue's fat belly, walked up to Fan Qingyao obediently, and took the food in his mouth. He spat out the letter he was holding.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the mistress to read the letter before going back to accompany Taxue, but in the end, Taxue bit its tail and dragged it back forcefully.

It turns out that Ninghan came to deliver late-night snacks to Ta Xue.

Ta Xue’s food has always been the best in the entire western suburbs mansion, and Ninghan gives her whatever is delicious and expensive.

 No, the only late-night snack at the moment is a large bowl of fat and thin prime steak.

Taxue generously took out two large pieces and placed them in front of Chiwu. Watching Chiwu open his mouth, he also followed suit and started eating.

Ninghan was already familiar with Chiwu who came to deliver the letter, but looking at Chiwu's thin body, she felt heartbroken. Before the two little guys finished eating, she was busy preparing other food.

Fan Qingyao bent down to pick up the letter on the ground and opened it under the moonlight.

Under the moonlight, the fragrance of ink is fragrant, and the black writing on the white paper is the familiar calligraphy with majestic brushstrokes, iron painting and silver hook.

Just one thought is a collection of thousands of words.

Fan Qingyao smiled, knowing that someone had come to apologize in advance.

 The emperor's fear of the Hua family is deep-rooted. Even if he is granted a marriage now, he still has doubts.

 At this time, let alone Baili Fengming, she had to be extremely cautious.

Although the adoptive father is a member of Baili Fengming, he does not understand Baili Fengming's methods.

I'm afraid that the rumors in the main city that the prince disagrees with the marriage are all coming from Baili Fengming.

 After all, it is not an easy task to convince the suspicious person in the palace.

Fan Qingyao walked back to the house, threw the letter into the candlestick, wrote a reply, and then left the house again.

 In the yard, Chi Wu was already lying on his back with Ta Xue, and the belly of Hei Bai was bulging into a ball.

Seeing the mistress come out, Chi Wu slowly and lazily climbed up, put the letter in his mouth, and then reluctantly jumped up to the wall of the western suburbs mansion.

 A quarter of an hour later, Chiwu returned to the East Palace.

 Baili Fengming, who was reading, raised his eyes slightly, looked at Chiwu's round belly, and smiled, "I just asked you to deliver a letter, but you even made it to midnight."

Chiwu spit out the letter into his master's hand and burped again with satisfaction. He was too lazy to walk to the yard anymore, so he simply curled up into a ball of hair at his master's feet and closed his eyes.

 Baili Fengming let Chi Wu lean on his feet, opened the letter and read it, and found that there were only two words on the letter.

 Be well.

Baili Fengming laughed dumbly.

I'm afraid she has already guessed about him spreading news in the city.

 That’s why I wrote these two words, so that he doesn’t need to worry, just let go and do it for the better.

 Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from her. "Shaoxuan." Throwing the letter into the candlestick, Baili Fengming called out lightly.

It was Shaoxuan who was standing at the door. The next moment he opened the door and walked in.

 “Your Highness.”

“Let Ji Yuze continue to spread the news in the city, spread the original news to the maximum, and tell him again, and the second news can be spread accordingly.”

Shaoxuan stood there with some hesitation, "But Miss Qingyao..."

Although these rumors are all false, they are all deceptions used by His Highness to make the Emperor believe them.

 A lot of people's opinions make gold, but accumulation destroys bones.

How old is Miss Qingyao? No matter how calm she is, she is just a girl!

Shaoxuan was frightened when he thought about the **** storm that was about to spread all over the city.

Baili Fengming is not without pain, but the road ahead of him and Ayao has never been smooth.

"Go." Baili Fengming lowered his head slightly, caressing Chiwu's head leaning against his legs, and rubbed the uncontrollable pain in his bottomless black eyes.

Everything that is being done to Ayao now, he will eventually wipe out with all his strength.

 Just give him some more time.

 Rumors without origin, like the rising sun on the second day, completely enveloped the main city.

Nowadays, the common people in the main city have heard that the prince does not like the marriage with Princess Qingping. Five days after the imperial edict was issued, not only has the gate of the Hua family not been visited once, but His Highness the prince has not even been able to leave. The itinerary was also carried out with great care by the Minister of Rites.

There are even rumors that the emperor specifically married Princess Qingping to the prince because he felt sorry for and took care of the Hua family who had no heirs. This could be regarded as a kind of comfort to the loyal ministers and elders.

Thinking about the Hua family’s subordinates who once intended to murder the third prince, and seeing the emperor’s current disregard for past grudges, the people in the main city all wanted to raise their hands and shout, “The emperor is merciful.”

It's just a pity that Princess Qingping was treated so indifferently by the prince just after being proposed for marriage. You can only imagine the days when she will enter the house in the future.

As the rumors in the main city became more and more intense, those official ladies who were envious and jealous of Fan Qingyao becoming the crown prince finally felt a lot more balanced.

So what if Fan Qingyao got lucky, but he ended up being thrown into the cold palace before marrying?

In this way, the official ladies who have been given marriages are getting ready to get married in their mansions.

In Xiliang, the prince's wedding is carried out according to six rites. The process is cumbersome and complicated and takes at least more than a year.

 Comparatively, the weddings of other princes were much simpler.

 You only need to complete the six rituals.

Seeing that the weddings of the princes are about to take place, the residences of the official ladies who have been canonized as princes and concubines are gradually becoming lively, and there is an endless stream of people coming to express their happiness and add boxes.

Han Jingchen, who was already the sixth prince's concubine, was worried about the rumors in the city and did not dare to post to Fan Qingyao. She just quietly invited Sun Congtong to sit and chat in her boudoir.

Unexpectedly, Sun Congtong's buttocks were not yet hot when he heard the maid report, "Miss, Princess Qingping has arrived."

Han Jingchen was startled and hurriedly followed Sun Contong to the door.

As a result, I saw Fan Qingyao standing elegantly in plain clothes at the door.

Han Jingchen quickly took Fan Qingyao's hand and walked into the house, "Why do you have to go out at this time?"

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "I'm here to add a box to you."

Han Jingchen's head hurt like crazy, but when she saw that Fan Qingyao didn't have any abnormality, she couldn't speak.

Sun Congtong has always been the most sensitive to news, and he has heard the rumors in the city. Now looking at Fan Qingyao's beautiful appearance, he scolded the eighteenth generation of the prince's ancestors in his heart.

 But now facing Fan Qingyao, both of them were cautious.

 I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will say something careless.

Fan Qingyao looked at the two people who were quite uncomfortable and smiled slightly, "I heard the rumors in the city."

 Han Jingchen, “…”

Sun Contong, “…”

Then how did you laugh?

 (End of this chapter)

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