Chapter 375 Are all Princess Qingping so rich?

 All the princes and concubines were well prepared for this small gathering.

Within a moment, the most valuable boxes of each prince and concubine were carried into the front hall by the servants.

In Xiliang, the so-called "adding boxes" naturally means that the more boxes, the bigger and the better.

 So when the princes and concubines present opened the boxes they had brought, the front hall of the Han family was filled with pearls and gold and silver.

Of course, I didn’t really count the numbers carefully, and the responses seemed to be almost the same.

Fan Qingyao is a princess who will get married in a year's time, so it is reasonable even if she does not add a box now.

Yan Hanbai, however, was not interested in drinking. "I heard that the Crown Princess and the Sixth Prince have always had a close relationship. Since we can't see the Crown Princess's gift box, it would be good to see the Crown Princess give the Sixth Prince's gift box."

Han Jingchen had long thought that Yan Hanbai would say this, and turned to look at Qing Shuidao, "Just go and move the box inlaid with beads in my room."

That box was certainly not sent by Fan Qingyao, but fortunately she had seen the contents, so it could be used in emergencies.

Anyway, no one present knew what Fan Qingyao had given him.

Pan Yulu took the lead and said with a smile, "Since it is the Crown Princess who takes action, she is the one who is going to shock our eyes."

Yan Hanbai sneered and nodded, "I heard that the princess is supporting the army's salary. Now it's just a small addition. How can we get the princess?"

 The Hua family has already been in the limelight for a long time.

 Even this year’s military pay is probably all made up by renting a shop.

How could the other two princes and concubines not hear such a blatant praise?

Facing Fan Qingyao, who stepped on top of them and became the princess, how could they say they were not jealous?

 Since the eldest prince's concubine and the third prince's concubine are taking the initiative to make things difficult, they must wait to see the joke.

Han Jingchen gave Fan Qingyao a look that didn't panic.

Even if these people want to see a joke, it depends on whether she will give it to her...

Before Han Jingchen could finish thinking about what was in his mind, he saw Qing Shui enter the door.

Just looking at the small box held by Qing Shui at this moment, Han Jingchen was so shocked that she even lost her expression.

The princes and concubines, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, could not help but laugh lowly when they looked at the box that was about the size of a palm.

 Just such a box, how much can it hold?

Pan Yulu covered her lips with a handkerchief, half-smiling but not smiling, "The princess's new box is indeed exquisite enough."

Yan Hanbai looked at Qing Shui and said, "Now that you have brought it all, let us open our eyes."

Qingshui didn't look at his lady's expression and placed the box in the center of the table.

Han Jingchen, who came to her senses later, looked at Fan Qingyao apologetically.

  It was all her fault. She didn't expect that there was a rat around her...

However, before Fan Qingyao could react, there were sudden gasping sounds in the main hall.

Han Jingchen was really angry. She stood up suddenly and wanted to see the guest off directly.

 Just when her eyes inadvertently brushed against something on the table, she was stunned in surprise.

The small box with an unattractive appearance has long been opened, and a red coral bracelet is quietly placed inside.

 Looking from a distance, its luster is gorgeous, warm and pleasant.

 Looking closely, the textures of each bead are slightly different, but they complement each other.

 Thousand-year-old coral is red for thousands of years. It grows one inch every twenty years and one kilogram every three hundred years.

 It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best in the collection.

 Everyone present was really stunned, not to mention stunned.

Even though it is just a small bracelet, it is still priceless.

Han Jingchen had never opened it before, but now that she saw it was so valuable, she didn’t know what to say.

 The second and eighth princesses were frightened.

How rich is this Crown Princess? She even gives away such top-notch products as a gift?

Yan Hanbai's face turned blue and he didn't know what to say. Just at this time, Yan Hanbai's maid came back with an exquisite mahogany box in her hand.

"This is what the nun next to the Crown Princess asked the servant to give to the Crown Princess." The maid said and handed over the earrings.

Fan Qingyao took it without even looking at it, but handed it over to Han Jingchen.

Although Han Jingchen just wanted to excuse her, she could still afford a pair of earrings as a gift.

Just when Han Jingchen opened the box, everyone present was stunned again.

Jade hairpins and silver beads are dazzling.

Whether it is the exquisite carving of the jade hairpin or the color of the round pearl, it is enough to prove its high value.

 No one around Fan Qingyao is a freeloader.

As soon as Gu Yan Hanbai's maid showed up, they all knew what to do.

It was this tacit understanding that caused the people in the room to fall into silence again.

 Naturally, everyone looked even more uncomfortable.

 The Crown Princess is the real thing as soon as she throws it out casually...

 Looking at their boxes of gold and silver, apart from the vulgarity, there is only vulgarity left.

Fortunately, Pan Yulu reacted quickly, suppressing the bitterness in her heart and said, "I didn't expect the Crown Princess to be so powerful, but it helped us sisters present understand why the Emperor wanted to marry the Crown Princess alone. "

 Obviously it was just a bag of money that the emperor gave to the court.

 But no matter how rich you are, the result is that you will be scorned by the prince.

 The other two princes and concubines felt a lot more comfortable after hearing this.

Fan Qingyao’s life experience is not a secret in the main city.

Thinking about the great quarrel between the Fan family and the Hua family back then, it can be said that everyone knows it.

Even long after the incident, people in the main city still joked about it after dinner.

Later on, what if Fan Qingyao returned to the Hua family justifiably?

 The Hua family fell down before they even said it was about to fall.

To put it bluntly, Fan Qingyao, the Qingping Princess, seems to have infinite scenery, but he is just an empty shell of a fatherless bastard.

The emperor placed Fan Qingyao in the position of Crown Princess, for what else besides the annual military salary?

 But the women present were different.

 A lady from a well-known family cannot be compared to someone like Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao smiled lightly, "No matter why, I am the one who was given the opportunity to marry and become the crown princess."

 This means...

 It’s so heartbreaking!

Pan Yulu was so angry that her face turned blue.

 The reason why he didn't die on the spot was because he was young and in good health.

Yan Hanbai gritted his teeth and said, "What the third prince and concubine said is only the truth. Why should the crown prince be so aggressive?"

Fan Qingyao smiled softly, and did not even look at Yan Hanbai, let alone answer.

Han Jingchen naturally fought for Fan Qingyao.

But before she could speak, Fan Qingyao shook his head and said, "It's getting late, so I'll go back first."

 Since you are defeated, there is really no need to continue wasting time.

 It doesn’t matter what they think.

In Fan Qingyao's eyes, these people are not worth mentioning, let alone their thoughts.

Facing Fan Qingyao's free and easy attitude, Han Jingchen really admired her deeply again.

 (End of this chapter)

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