The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 376: His Royal Highness the Crown Prince personally greeted

Chapter 376 His Royal Highness the Crown Prince personally greeted

However, in the eyes of Yan Hanbai and Pan Yulu, Fan Qingyao's free and easy attitude is nothing more than the stubbornness of a dead duck.

 After all, everyone in the main city now knows that the prince is not satisfied with this marriage at all.

 So neither Yan Hanbai nor Pan Yulu thought they had lost.

No matter how straight up Fan Qingyao is, being despised by the prince is a definite fact.

It is this kind of firm thought that gives them the slightest comfort in their hearts, who have been stepped on by Fan Qingyao.

Even the second and eighth princesses who were walking at the back couldn't help but feel happy and comfort themselves in their hearts when they saw Fan Qingyao walking alone in front.

 Xiliang women are all considered to be weak and beautiful, and even today’s sages like beauties who are soft and boneless.

They have never seen any showy woman favored by men.

 To put it bluntly, the reason why the Crown Princess is so powerful is because the Prince dislikes her?

 At the foot of the steps of the Han family's mansion, a carriage was parked quietly.

 Under the setting sun, the reflection of a carriage with elegant lines passed leisurely on the ground.

 The carriage is made of expensive and restrained huanghuali wood on all sides, and the stone dragon statue on the roof is lifelike.

 The dragon carriage is the privilege and symbol of the princes.

 For a time, several princes and concubines were stunned on the spot.

Even though no one took the initiative to come forward, who didn’t hope that the carriage was coming to greet them?

Yan Hanbai subconsciously looked at Pan Yulu beside him.

She had heard that the third prince had always been kind to Pan Yulu.

Pan Yulu naturally hoped that the person sitting in the carriage was the third prince. Now that Yan Hanbai saw him like this, her expectations and determination were inevitably stronger.

 The third prince is a gentle and approachable person, so it would be reasonable for him to come to pick him up in person.

The maid who was following Pan Yulu hurried to the carriage and looked at the driver, "Why are you so ignorant, my slave? Why don't you come down quickly to greet our lady?"

The coachman glanced at the maid coldly, and then jumped out of the carriage.

Once he landed on the ground, he was taller than the maid by a head.

The coachman glanced at the maid expressionlessly, "Give me."

The maid did not expect that the coachman was so tall, and was stunned.

He seemed to be frightened by the driver's aura, and he just took a few steps back obediently.

 The princes and concubines on the steps were also surprised when they saw this scene.

No wonder the third prince is the only prince who can be on an equal footing with the prince, even the servants around him are so imposing.

Pan Yulu frowned slightly.

 Just because she didn’t remember such a person beside the third prince.

While everyone was silent, the coachman finally stood in front of Fan Qingyao.

Since Fan Qingyao knew the person in front of him, he took the initiative and said, "Why did Master Shaoxuan come here in person?"

Shaoxuan Shaofu…

Isn’t that the person next to His Royal Highness the Prince of the East Palace?

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding princes and concubines were stunned.

They looked at Shaoxuan in front of them in disbelief, and then looked at the carriage not far away in shock.

If the person standing here is Master Donggong, then the person sitting in the carriage at this moment must be...

Your Highness the Crown Prince? !

The relationship between Shaoxuan and Fan Qingyao did not happen overnight.

 To put it more recently, due to the friendship between Shaoxuan and Fan Qingyao, such a formal title is no longer needed.

 But now, Fan Qingyao is called by his official title.

His actions are obviously to correct and elevate Shaoxuan's identity.

How could Shaoxuan not know Miss Qingyao’s intentions?

It is precisely because of this that he feels even more unworthy of Miss Qingyao.

Looking at those young ladies who relied on their posture and hard work to become princes and concubines, how can they be compared with Miss Qingyao?

Especially when he thought of the sarcastic faces of these princes and concubines just now, Shaoxuan was extremely disgusted.

Now he deliberately raised his voice and said, "I have been ordered by the Crown Prince to come to greet the Crown Princess."

Fan Qingyao didn't know that Shaoxuan was trying to support her, so he smiled lightly and said, "Let's go." Shaoxuan walked to Fan Qingyao's side and protected her all the way down the steps.

His powerful aura is as if the princes and concubines standing behind him are all ferocious beasts.

Fan Qingyao was a little surprised by Shaoxuan's arrival, but he was not surprised.

It is true that Shaoxuan is the young master of the East Palace, but he can also obey the orders of the Queen.

Perhaps the Empress just asked Shaoxuan to pick her up today.

Even if she and Baili Fengming don't get along, it wouldn't be surprising for the Queen to pretend to be a peacemaker.

 After all, she is now the Crown Princess betrothed by the Emperor.

Just when Fan Qingyao stood beside the carriage, the carriage door was pushed open from the inside out.

 A hand with distinct joints slowly stretched out from inside. The wide snow-white sleeves half-covered the back of the hand, complementing the white skin. The slender fingers slowly bloomed like an epiphyllum.

 Looking at this hand, Fan Qingyao was really surprised.

 Unexpectedly, Baili Fengming came here on his own?

Before Fan Qingyao could think about it, his hand took the initiative to hold hers.

 The hot palms warmed her slightly cold fingers.

 Everyone on the steps had their eyes widened, looking at the two people holding hands in disbelief.

Pan Yulu's face was already as ugly as possible.

His maid was still standing there, but the people who came to greet her completely ignored her.

 The expressions of the other princes and concubines were actually not that good either.

Just now they were ridiculing Fan Qingyao for not being favored, but now the prince has blocked the door.

 Fortunately, there were no people passing by nearby, otherwise they would really not know where to put their faces.

Seeing Fan Qingyao drive away in a carriage, everyone on the steps also got into the carriage.

Even the false flattery when parting was omitted, and they all went home in despair.

  In the Han Mansion, Qing Shui was kneeling on the ground and was trembling all over.

Han Jingchen weighed a bag of broken silver in her hand, her eyes filled with coldness, "Just for this small amount of silver, do you want to sell me out?"

How could Qing Shui have the courage to go against her wishes if he wasn't being instigated by others?

 In the end, she just cheated a little bit, and Qingshui revealed everything.

"It's not that this slave has to help the eldest princess, but what the eldest princess said is right. If the second young lady of the Pan family can marry the young lady to the sixth prince's house, she can help the young lady. Otherwise, even if there is no second young lady of the Pan family today, Miss, someone else will marry the Sixth Prince as his concubine in the future!"

Qing Shui knelt on the ground and cried until her eyes were blurred with tears.

Which prince doesn't have three wives and four concubines? The second lady of the Pan family is at least one of his own.

 To put it bluntly, Princess Qingping is delaying things.

Han Jingchen really felt that calling Qing Shui in front of him for questioning was the stupidest thing he did.

Looking at Qing Shui who didn't know she was wrong, she was too lazy to speak again.

If Fan Qingyao didn't come today, she might have resigned to her parents' arrangement.

But what Fan Qingyao taught her was not to fight against fate, but to go on firmly.

She could tolerate the sixth prince taking concubines and marrying concubines in the future, but she could never allow others to crush her under the guise of doing anything good for her.

Pan Yujing dared to plot against her like this before she even entered the sixth prince's door. What if she actually entered the door in the future?


 She was really lucky to have Fan Qingyao by her side.

 It's just that Han Jingchen knew that Qing Shui didn't understand it at all.

 She signaled to the nanny beside her, "Tug him out and send him to the garbage yard."

Mammy quickly called two boys in and dragged Qingshui out.

Qingshui cried and said, "Miss, you must listen to me. I am doing this for your own good. You don't know that Princess Qingping is a snake-hearted person. The reason why Miss Yan can marry the eldest prince is because of Princess Qingping." It was secretly prompted that this slave saw with her own eyes the note written by someone to the eldest princess..."

Han Jingchen’s heart skipped a beat when she heard this.

 (End of this chapter)

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